  1. In many stories on TV and in science-fiction books, men travel to faraway stars. They have quick, easy journeys. But so far, men have been able to reach only the earth’s own moon.Suppose a man wanted to reach a distant star. Even if he traveled his whole life, he would have to move faster than the speed of the light. Nothing can move that fast except light itself.   Strange things happen to an object when it moves rapidly. The object weighs more. An objectmoving at 86 percent of the speed of light is twice as heavy as it is at rest. A stick appears shorter. A clock runs more slowly. A man would not age so fast as he would on the earth. Light travels more than 186,000 miles a second, or about 11 million miles a minute. In one year, light travels six trillion miles. That great distance is called a light-year. It is used to measure distance in space.The star closest to our sun is Alpha Centauri. It is more than four light-years away. If one traveled at the speed of light, he could make a round trip to Alpha Centauri in nine years. But, even at that speed, he could not reach Alcaid (北斗星)in the handle of the Big Dipper. A one-way journey to Alcaid would take almost 200 years.

  2. 答案:Alpha Centauri
  3. The great ship, Titanic, set off for America in April 1912 on its first trip. It carried more than 1 000 people. The Titanic was the largest and finest ship at that time and it had 16 compartments. Even if four of those compartments were broken, it would still be able to stay on the sea. Four days later, when the Titanic was crossing the sea, the man on watch suddenly saw a very large iceberg ahead. The great ship turned in time, but soon there was a great noise from below. The captain went down to see what the matter was. To his surprise, he found the ship was sinking fast because 5 compartments were broken! Hundreds of people jumped into the water. As there were not enough lifeboats, about 1 500 lives were lost.

  4. 答案:1. The Titanic set off for America in April 1912. 2. It carried more than 1,000 people. 3. The Titanic was the largest and finest ship at that time. 4. It had 16 compartments. 5. If four compartments were broken, it would still stay afloat. 6. Four days later, the ship encountered an iceberg. 7. Despite turning, the Titanic hit the iceberg, causing damage to 5 compartments. 8. The ship sank rapidly due to the extent of the damage. 9. Around 1,500 lives were lost because there weren't enough lifeboats.
  5. The theme of Old Friend is only love. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. We should have barbecued means we had already barbecued.( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. Genie means a spirit with magic powers, especially one that lives in a bottle or a lamp. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. The phrase “his student” can be read as /hiz/ student. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. The song See You Again is in memory of an actor. ( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. In The Big Bang Theory, three characters go to the Chinese restaurant. ( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. Gizmo means a device or small machine. ( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. A changing world has put pressures on the company.Here company means partners( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. My name is Juli Baker, so Juli is my surname.( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. The phrase”hit the road” is an idiom ( )

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Mostly,the American concept of friendship is very strong, stable, and even lifelong.  ( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Have no denial means you should never say no to me.( )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. The meaning of English slang "spill the beans" came from the way of vote. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. The word “hands-free” has only one meaning. ( )

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. In the movie The Devil Wears Prada, Andy is skinny. ( )

  34. A:错 B:对
  35. The phrase “carry on” should be read as “carry /j/ on”. ( )

  36. A:对 B:错
  37. In order to pronounce, it is necessary to add [w] in the middle of ‘so I’. ( )

  38. A:错 B:对
  39. The phrase”do it” should be read as “ do /w/ it”. ( )

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.( )

  42. A:错 B:对
  43. “hot day”中的/t/音应该吞音。( )

  44. A:对 B:错
  45. The sentence” I’m sorry.” means”______”.  (  )

  46. A:I am happy. B:I am unhappy. C:I beg your pardon? D:I apologize(抱歉) for what I did.
  47. Which words are close to the meaning of “intention”? ( )

  48. A:aim B:imagination C:purpose D:intent
  49. What are the processes of western wedding? ( )

  50. A:Admission  B:Make a vow C:Throw bouquet  D:Exchange the wedding rings
  51. In the TV series The Big Bang Theory ,the right descriptions of Howard are( ).

  52. A:He is an astronaut. B:He is an inventor. C:He is a scientist. D:He is a specialist.
  53. Which of the following words have the same meaning with “salary”? ( )

  54. A:Paycheck B:Income C:Earning D:Wage
  55. ____is bad for your health .(  )

  56. A:Smoke B:Smoking C:Cigarette D:Sucking smoke
  57. Which words are close to the meaning of "guy"? ( )

  58. A:gay B:fellow C:chap D:bloke
  59. What features does English slang have? ( )

  60. A:Imagic B:Actual C:Lively D:Specific
  61. Muhammad Li will go up with the telescope as a payload specialist.( )

  62. A:Li is the surname. B:Muhammad is the first name. C:Li is the first name.   D:Muhammad is the surname.
  63. Which Oscar Awards did Forrest Gump win? ( )

  64. A:The best visual. B:The best director. C:The best actor. D:The best picture.
  65. He is ____ nervous when he express his love to her. ( )

  66. A:a bit  B:kind of C:a little  D:sort of
  67. The attitude towards love for most Americans is______.( )

  68. A:romantic and unrestrained B:unbelievable C:trust Love  D:express themselves bravely
  69. What films won Oscar Awards? ( )

  70. A:Scent of Woman B:Forrest Gump C:The Big Bang Theory D:The Graduate
  71. In the TV series Desperate Housewives ,the characteristics of Bree are( ).

  72. A:calm  B:elegant C:generous D:graceful
  73. The slang “ It rains cats and dogs” is used to describe______. ( )

  74. A:the rain drops like dogs and cats falling down from the sky. B:the rain cannot stop the dogs and cats to go out. C:the rains drives the dogs and cats away. D:It rains heavily.
  75. According to TV series Desperate Housewives ,the crises that the housewives face are( ).

  76. A:anxiety B:contradiction C:stress D:confusion
  77. Who are the characters in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness? ( )

  78. A:Jay B:Mike C:Chris D:Martin
  79. Which of the following pronunciation is correct. ( )

  80. A:tattoo inside [tattoo w-inside] B:We’ll meet you later. [we’ll meetchu later] C:I’ll get you one. [I’ll gechu one] D:Just do it. [just do-w-it]
  81. What does "GOLF" mean? ( )

  82. A:Light B:Oxygen C:Friendship D:Green
  83. Americans think___.( )

  84. A:the one who gets a PhD(博士学位) is better than the one who gets a master degree. B:everyone is equal C:dropping off school is no big deal D:the one who gets a PhD(博士学位) is successful
  85. Harmon has___tradition.( )

  86. A:100 years B:100 years’ C:100-year D:100 year’s
  87. In the movie Scent of a Woman, You have to clear your ( ) every day.

  88. A:heels B:underwear C:belt D:wallet
  89. I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again ( ).

  90. A:just now B:just in case C:more case D:off case
  91. In the UK,you should call the king___ when you talk about him with others.( )

  92. A:My Majesty B:Your Majesty C:Your Grace D:His/Her Majesty
  93. What are the main characters in Flipped? ( )

  94. A:Sally and Bryce B:Juli and Bryce C:Mary and Bryce D:Juli and Jack
  95. If you didn’t expect someone to visit, you could say ( )

  96. A:Don’t mention it. B:What brings you by? C:You are welcome. D:Congratulations!
  97. The word “last” in the sentence “Last Christmas I gave you my heart.” has the same meaning with that in(   )

  98. A:This is the last dress in the shop. B:I went to the museum last week. C:This is the last apple we have left. D:She rested her last hope on her husband.
  99. Where is the "Fifth Avenue"? ( )

  100. A:In New York. B:In Roma. C:In Paris. D:In London.
  101. Which one is not a kind of western food? ( )

  102. A:Wonton. B:Butter. C:Steak. D:Salad.
  103. In the movie Homeless to Harvard:The Liz Murray Story, the sentence “She earned a 95 average and finished at the top of the class of 150. ” means__.(   )

  104. A:95 people voted for her and she finished at the top of the class of 150. B:She won 95 dollars average and finished at the top of the class of 150. C:She got a score of 95 average and finished at the top of the class of 150. D:She earned 95 dollars average and finished at the top of the class of 150. 
  105. In the movie The Devil Wears Prada, Andy is ( ).

  106. A:smart B:glamorous C:stupid D:a bag of bones
  107. If you don't care others’ advice, you can say ( )

  108. A:Whatever you say. B:Don't mention it. C:Shut up. D:Give me some advice.
  109. Which one is the correct understanding of the sentence " Two peas in a podLike peanut butter and jelly"? ( )

  110. A:delicious food B:close friends C:husband and wife     D:peanut and butter
  111. Since you have no spirit, I have to ( ) beer.

  112. A:call for B:settle for C:work for D:pay for
  113. The late government did a lot of contributions to the city construction. What does “late” mean here? ( )

  114. A:following B:later C:next D:former
  115. Before you have a dinner date with friends,you make up mostly for( ).

  116. A:etiquette B:attitude C:habit D:emotion
  117. Who can carry your luggage and show you the room in the hotel? ( )

  118. A:cleaner B:manager C:driver D:porter
  119. According to the movie Suits, he was the ( ) of the elder statesman.

  120. A:prototype B:check C:knockoff  D:guy
  121. In the sentence “I have had a hard time”, “hard time” should be read as__.(   )

  122. A:/hɑ:/ time B:hard /aim/ C:/a:d/ time D:/ha:d/ time
  123. Can you share your travelling experiences ( )us?

  124. A:on  B:to  C:in D:with

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