1. Keeping physically active is integral to keeping the heart, mind and bones healthy.( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. With the increase of urban population and cars, the problem of urban traffic is becoming more and more serious.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Being punctual strengthens and reveals your integrity. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Traffic jams are especially noticeable during the rush hour,( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. It is the responsibility of our generation to inherit Chinese food culture. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Food is the order of the day. Can we eat what we want? ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. There is no need for us to inherit the previous excellent cultural achievement.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Victory is more important than sportsmanship.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Although there are differences between Chinese and Western family concepts, the ultimate goal is the same. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Chinese family don’t believes it’s a place to seek stability and shelter. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Moon-cakes are made to(  ).

  22. 答案:remind people of the moon
  23. What does the moon on the Mid-autumn Festival symbolize to the Chinese people?
  24. The Mid-autumn Festival is celebrated around(  ).
  25. Which of the following statements is true of traditional moon-cakes?
  26. Moon-cakes are important to the Chinese people because(  ).
  27. The author’s personal experienced in planning her career shows that you must be (  )  in choosing your field of study.
  28. In the author’s opinion, a college student should take(  ).
  29. At the moment, the author is working toward(  ).
  30. It was at college that the author started to think seriously about(  ).
  31. The point that the teacher dramatized in the first class is that (  ).
  32. 句子“Can I come in? ”中的情态动词can表示“请求允许”。( )
  33. “20:02”用英文表达是“six twenty”。( )
  34. 1900年可读作 nineteen hundred。( )
  35. some可以用在表示肯定的陈述句和祈使句以及反义疑问句中,肯定的陈述部分中。( )
  36. some做代词,表示“一些,若干,其中一部分,(数量不确切时用)有些人”等。( )
  37. October 31(October 31st)读作October thirty-one。( )
  38. some和any只可以修饰名词,可数名词,不可以修饰不可数名词。( )
  39. some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定句和疑问句中。( )
  40. 以o结尾,表示有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-es;表示没有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-s。( )
  41. 1998年读作 one nine nine eight。( )
  42. 表示身体不舒服的句子有( )
  43. Same的汉语意思为( )
  44. 当我们为别人提供帮助的时候可以说( )
  45. 以下用语可以用于就餐中的有( )
  46. Exciting的汉语意思为( )
  47. 询问目的地距离时我们可以用( )
  48. 表示劝告的句子有( )
  49. 翻译“你怎么了?”:( )
  50. Traffic的汉语意思为( )
  51. 表示给别人留言的句子有( )
  52. Occasionally的汉语意思为( )
  53. 处理交际中的障碍我们可以用( )
  54. 表示不是很肯定的句子( )
  55. 表示同意别人的意见的是( )
  56. 向别人道歉时我们可以说( )
  57. Identical的汉语意思为 ( )
  58. 购物时可以用到的句子( )
  59. Easy-going的汉语意思为( )
  60. 翻译“没关系”:( )
  61. 翻译“太遗憾了”:( )
  62. When you finish reading the book, you will have ______ better understanding of ______life. ( )
  63. —Mom, can I play tennis? —( ) right now. I’d like you to help me with the housework.( )
  64. Most people think ( ) are the winner.( )
  65. ( ) he ( ) a good rest? No, he didn’t.( )
  66. There ( ) in the next room.
  67. ( ) pen is red. ( ) pencil is green.( )
  68. ( ) pencil-box is beautiful. But ( ) is more beautiful than ( ).( )
  69. Most of ( ) like Chinese food.( )
  70. As some famous singers will appear at the pop concert, (    ) likely to be a large audience. ( C  )
  71. A friend of ( ) came here yesterday.( )
  72. They bought ( ) English-Chinese dictionaries.( )
  73. As ( ) boy, he should learn how to behave like ( ) real man sooner or later. ( )
  74. ( ) isn’t easy to learn a foreign language well. But don’t give it up.( )
  75. ( ) apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head. ( )
  76. There ( ) a stream in front of our house.
  77. -Tom! I forgot to bring my notebook this morning. -Don't worry! I ( ) it for you.( )
  78. It's 8 o'clock. Jim's family ( ) TV. ( )
  79. -What do you think of the Great Wall of China? -Splendid! When I was in Beijing, I ( ) it twice.( )
  80. -( ) you help me with my English? -My pleasure.( )
  81. I am sorry to have kept you ( ) .
  82. My father had me ( ) the house the whole afternoon yesterday.
  83. There are only two ( )assistants in that ( ) shop. ( )
  84. Careless driving ( )him his life.
  85. This is ( ) chance to be lost.
  86. The Whites are( ) holiday, but I don't know where they have gone ( )their holidays. ( )
  87. I demand that one of you ( )there at once.
  88. ( ) is it since you came to this school? ( )
  89. ( ) a man doesn't mean ( )the man. ( )
  90. Such people ( ) you described are rare now.
  91. How I wish it ( ) now!
  92. I don't think Mary and Sue( )before, ( )? ( )
  93. ( ) will his birthday be? --In a week. ( )
  94. If you don't go,( )I.
  95. -Jack is a hard working boy. -( ).
  96. Mary ( )ill for a week. She is still in hospital.
  97. His“ Selected Words”( ) in his thirties.
  98. As your spoken English gets better, ( )your written English.
  99. I still remember being taken for the first time ( )a rainy evening to the village where my mother was born.
  100. It's nice ( )me with my lessons.
  101. How do you find ( ) to work with him?
  102. “你穿多大号的”的正确英文表达是( )。
  103. 询问物品的价格时,可以说( )。
  104. I ( ) my uncle yesterday( )。
  105. “微信支付”的正确表达是( )。
  106. 当商店的服务员接待顾客时,可能会说( )。
  107. “七折”的正确表达是( )。
  108. 当你想向服务员表达你想买的东西时,你可以说( )。
  109. “advertisement”是“通知”。( )
  110. Paper money was easier to carry for long distances.( )
  111. extra large( )。
  112. “I am leaving”意思是“我正在离开”。( )
  113. be eager to do( )。
  114. 2008年北京奥运会的会徽是( )。
  115. “I am doing my homework right now”是现在进行时态。( )
  116. ”The Normal University team is not easy to beat“的正确翻译是( )。
  117. “An American professor is giving a lecture this afternoon”和“An American professor is giving a lecture”表达的意思完全相同。 ( )
  118. “to keep on doing”意思是“放弃做......”。( )
  119. baseball( )。
  120. the Olympic Games( )。
  121. 以下可以询问对方喜欢什么体育运动的句子有( )。
  122. foggy是多云的。( )
  123. In western countries, people often talk about weather to start a conversation or make friends.( )
  124. The weather in Britain often changes.( )
  125. 小寒( )。
  126. lightning是打雷。( )
  127. the Beginning of Spring( )。
  128. 以下询问天气情况的句子有( )。
  129. ”温度是多少“的正确英文表达是( )。
  130. the Twenty-four Solar Terms( )。
  131. 以下谈论未来的天气的句子有( )。
  132. Though most people know Santa is ( ),they still love him.
  133. Mid-autumn Day,it traditionally falls on the ( ) day of the eighth month in china.
  134. ( ) is a typical food enjoyed during the Dragon Boat Festival.( )
  135. Christmas day ,EVERY family has a green ( ) in their house.
  136. 英译汉:How are things there? ( )
  137. 英译汉:How’s the weather? ( )
  138. 英译汉:On festive occasions more than ever thinks of one's dear far away.( )
  139. 英译汉:two thousand and twenty( )
  140. 英译汉:Julie is on vacation in Hawaii. ( )
  141. Chinese ( )is the grandest and most important festival in China.
  142. 英译汉: Could I have some water, please? ( )
  143. In the U.S., many restaurant workers are poorly paid, so they depend on ( ).
  144. 英译汉: Kung Pao Chicken( )
  145. 英译汉:Man sees food as the first priority.( )
  146. To get a waiter or waitress's attention, they may raise their ( ) to catch his or her eye, or say “Waiter “or “Waitress”.
  147. China is the hometown of ( ).
  148. 英译汉:Peking Roast Duck( )
  149. Most customers tip waiters and waitresses ( ) percent of the bill.
  150. When one is young, usually he will eat ( ) before his birthday.
  151. When that happens, many customers ask for a ( ) bag to take the leftover food home.
  152. 英译汉:Here we are, this is Disneyland.( )
  153. Leaf plural form is leafs.( )
  154. Piano plural forms is pianoes.( )
  155. Mouse plural form is mouses.( )
  156. Urban( )
  157. Book plural forms is books.( )
  158. Jam( )
  159. Automobile ( )
  160. Efficiency( )
  161. Pollution( )
  162. Capacity( )
  163. In telephone parlance, “this” and “that” can refer to a person.( )
  164. This is the most tough task I have ever met. This is object. ( )
  165. Who's that in the garden? That is subject. ( )
  166. Period( )
  167. Hieroglyphic( )
  168. Splendid( )
  169. Passion( )
  170. Addition( )
  171. Memorize( )
  172. “This” is far from you “that” is near you.( )
  173. Feature( )
  174. You is first person personal pronoun. ( )
  175. Ability( )
  176. The object pronouns are I they we me, us, you. ( )
  177. Similarities( )
  178. The singular and plural of First person are I, me, mine, we, us, ours. ( )
  179. Li Xiaoshuang brothers are very similar in appearance and speech.( )
  180. Persistence( )
  181. Stability( )
  182. Social( )
  183. Jenny is ( ) university student.
  184. It’s all my fault. 英译汉:都是我的错。( )
  185. Lucy is ( ) honest girl.
  186. I’m very grateful to you. 英译汉:我不喜欢你。( )
  187. Is this ( ) apple tree?
  188. His plane is due at 10 in Paris. Look, ( ) plane is in now at the airport.
  189. I do appreciate your friendship. 英译汉:我是你的好朋友。( )
  190. Please pardon me. 英译汉:请不要打扰我。( )
  191. I feel so proud of you. 英译汉:我为你感到骄傲。( )
  192. This is such wonderful news! 英译汉:这是多么好的消息啊!( )
  193. Please call me Richard. 英译汉:请叫我理查德。( )
  194. My name is Richard. 英译汉:我叫理查德。( )
  195. Nice to see you again. 英译汉:很高兴再次见到你。( )
  196. Let’s add WeChat. 英译汉:让我们谈谈吧。( )
  197. Long time no see. 英译汉:不能看很长时间。( )
  198. What a surprise to see you here! 英译汉:在这里见到你真奇怪!( )
  199. Nice to meet you. 英译汉:很高兴见到你。( )
  200. Here is my card. 英译汉: 这是我的银行卡。( )
  201. Welcome to our college. 英译汉:欢迎来到我们学院。( )
  202. Excuse me. 英译汉:打扰一下。( )
  203. 弹吉他可以表达为play guitar (     )
  204. application form意思是申请表 (    )
  205. 他画画很好。He can draws well.(    )
  206. I beg your pardon.意思是请您再说一遍 (     )
  207. 他不会踢足球。He can not play football.(    )
  208. 弹钢琴可以表达为play the piano(   )
  209. The heat is killing me. I feel like swimming. (      )
  210. Hot day, isn’t it? (      )
  211. What does the weatherman say? (     )
  212. What do you think of the weather here?(     )
  213. What’s the weather like there?. (      )
  214. There are a bread on the table.(     )
  215. Which statement is wrong?  (      )
  216. No parking——不准停车(     )
  217. Under what circumstances should you not smoke?  (     )
  218. 行人过马路时,如遇车流缓慢,可快速通过。(    )
  219. Which statement is correct ?  (      )
  220. Which kind of traditional food we can eat in Dragon Boat Festival?  (      )
  221. Contemporary college students should carry forward traditional culture and inherit traditional Chinese festivals(    )
  222. Many traditional festivals in the West are related to religion(      )
  223. Which is the most important festival in China ?  (       )
  224. Chinese and Western traditional festivals are basically the same in naming and celebrating ways(     )
  225. Which one is not the traditional festival in the west?  (     )
  226. We should save every grain and respect every labor. ( )
  227. Money was the most important thing in the world.( )
  228. We must follow the natural rules no matter what we do.( )
  229. Inscriptions on tortoise shells and animal bones were mainly used for divination in the late Shang Dynasty.( )
  230. “There is going to be a football match this afternoon.”,此句是there be句型的一般将来时。( )
  231. Would you like any coffee? 你想来点咖啡吗?( )
  232. 所有以y结尾的单数名词变复数,将y改成i后再加-es。( )
  233. 1865年读作 eighteen sixty-five。( )
  234. “1:58”用英文的正确表达为fifty-eight past one。
  235. “I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow”是现在进行时表示将来含义。( )
  236. 询问日期我们可以使用( )
  237. Expensive的汉语意思为( )
  238. Culture的汉语意思为( )
  239. 表示禁止和警告的句子有( )
  240. Hard-working的汉语意思为( )
  241. 以下表示问路的句子有( )
  242. Consumption的汉语意思为( )
  243. Nephew的汉语意思为( )
  244. Member的汉语意思为( )
  245. 如果因为一些事情不能应约,我们可以说( )
  246. Adopt的汉语意思为( )
  247. Favorite的汉语意思为( )
  248. Perfect的汉语意思为( )
  249. According to the public notice from the police station, ( ) $5,000 reward will be offered for ( ) return of the stolen cultural relics. ( )
  250. There ( ) a telephone call for my brother Steven yesterday.( )
  251. There is some ( ) on the plate.
  252. Is ( ) a panda over there?( )
  253. -Where is your new home now? -In the new developed zone. But I ( ) downtown for five years.( )
  254. ( ) any flowers on both sides of the street?( )
  255. The teacher ( ) John a good student.
  256. half past five:( )
  257. All these changes will lead to ( ) better Yangzhou High School,( ) that can surprise and inspire all the alumni. ( )
  258. My mother asked me to repeat ( ) phone number ( ) second time so that she could write it down. ( )
  259. ( ) is Mr. White and ( ) is my father.( )
  260. a quarter to four:( )
  261. There pears in my basket are smaller than ( ) in Jim’s.( )
  262. When you’re invited to a Chinese family’s home, make sure you arrive on time. ( )
  263. Being punctual shows your respect for others. ( )
  264. Chinese characters do not have their unique cultural charm.( )
  265. Chinese characters have inherited our five-thousand-year civilization. ( )
  266. Being punctual builds your self-confidence. ( )
  267. Build a wall around it in paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to (   ).
  268. You should let other people know that you are not available during your quality time because (   ).
  269. When you focus on your major task, you’d better ask your secretary to(  ).
  270. ou work(  )during your quality time.
  271. According to the passage, when don’t you want to be interrupted?
  272. “他昨天没有做早操”的正确表达是“He doesn’t do morning exercises yesterday”。( )
  273. 以s、x、sh、ch结尾的单数名词变复数,在词尾加-s构成。( )
  274. some做形容词,表示“一些,某个”等;修饰可数或不可数名词。( )
  275. 2008年读作 two zero zero eight。( )
  276. 句子“You are always talking”和“Students are making progress constantly”都表示的是满意的情绪。( )
  277. chief的汉语意思为(  )。
  278. Grandfather的汉语意思为( )
  279. Wise的汉语意思为( )
  280. Friendship的汉语意思为( )
  281. 表示赞同别人看法的是( )
  282. Each的汉语意思为( )
  283. 谈论天气的句子有( )
  284. 下列哪项可以翻译成 “你想做······吗?”:( )
  285. 寻求帮助时我们可以使用( )
  286. Value的汉语意思为( )
  287. 以下可以用于告别的有( )
  288. 以下可以用于询问别人名字的句子有( )
  289. Look! The twins ( ) their mother do the housework.( )
  290. twenty-two past nine:( )
  291. -You're left he light on. -Oh, so I have. ( ) and turn it off.( )
  292. -Can you play the guitar? -No, I ( ), but I ( ) play the violin.( )
  293. What did you see ( )?( )
  294. -Can you play volleyball? -Sorry, I ( ).( )
  295. AC Milan has confirmed that the England star David Beckham ( ) the team soon.( )
  296. ten past two:( )
  297. Mom, someone ( ). Please pick up the phone. ( )
  298. Charlie ( ) here next month.( )
  299. He found his money ( ).
  300. —( ) English every morning? —Yes, but now I ( ) Chinese?( )
  301. -What about your self-drive trip yesterday? -Tiring! The road was being widened, and we ( ) a rough ride.( )
  302. Chinese etiquette does not include bowing when greeting Chinese people. ( )
  303. The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic.( )
  304. However the economy and technology have been developed, we will have nothing when we lost the important things. ( )
  305. We should not always feel grateful for life. ( )
  306. For thousands of years, the family has been the center of social organization in China. ( )
  307. The driver was surprised (   ).
  308. Jim took a taxi after the flight because (   ).
  309. Mary returned home by air after (   ).
  310. Which flight was delayed for two hours because of the fog(   ).
  311. Jim was going to attend a conference to be held in (  ).
  312. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
  313. What does the last sentence of the 1st paragraph imply?
  314. What is the author’s opinion of Steve?
  315. Which of the following is true about Jim?
  316. 表示几个人共同拥有的东西时,只在第一个名字上加所有格。( )
  317. 没有生命的东西的所有格,我们通常用“of+名词”的方式来表示。( )
  318. 一般来说,个体名词和集体名词多为可数名词,物质名词和抽象名词多为不可数名词。( )
  319. 以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在其末尾加“’”如:my parents' car我父母的车。( )
  320. “We are going to move to London next year.”表达正确吗?( )
  321. Neither的汉语意思为( )
  322. Practical的汉语意思为( )
  323. Sign的汉语意思为( )
  324. 翻译“请代我向······问好”:( )
  325. Official的汉语意思为( )
  326. Mr. Black was late because he ( ) his way.( )
  327. That’s not ( ); it is ( ). I made it ( ). ( )
  328. -What do you want to be? -Oh, I ( ) president.( )。
  329. Jack had planned to visit his grandparents last weekend, but an emergency ( ) and he had to reschedule.( )
  330. —Hi,Wang Ning! How's the weather in Heze now? —It is terrible. It ( ) all the morning.( )
  331. We are going to ( ) to London next year.( )
  332. Don’t you let ( ) help you ?( )
  333. ( ) two girls are Mary and Linda.( )
  334. The young couple ( ) as volunteer teachers for a whole year during their stay in Yunnan.( )
  335. Be thrifty be not the same as are a miser.( )
  336. One way to start feeling grateful is to recognize the small "good things" in your everyday life. ( )
  337. In China, the most important festival is the Spring Festival, which usually has seven days off for the whole family to get together. ( )
  338. 1809年可读作 eighteen O nine。( )
  339. 三月一日可以写成March 1,也可以写成March 1st。( )
  340. some和any的区别主要是考虑用在肯定句,疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否有关。( )
  341. a quarter past nine是9:15。( )
  342. 表示提出建议的句子有( )
  343. 表示不同意别人意见的是( )
  344. Either的汉语意思为( )
  345. 表示感谢我们可以说( )
  346. 以下可以用于见面问候的有( )
  347. Serious的汉语意思为( )
  348. 表示请求时,我们可以使用( )
  349. Beware的汉语意思为( )
  350. 表示同情的句子有( )
  351. Although的汉语意思为( )
  352. We must have the machine ( ).
  353. The machines made in China are cheaper than ( ) made in Japan.( )
  354. As soon as ( ) new film was released, it became ( ) great hit in all big cinemas across the country. ( )
  355. Barack Obama, ( ) African America, was elected as ( ) 56th President of the United states. ( )
  356. Large cities are relatively internationalized, and cultural life is not relatively rich and popular.( )
  357. Good manners in China and good manners in the West are the same. ( )
  358. Thriftiness is a traditional Chinese virtue.( )
  359. The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be(  ).
  360. When you are calling in a noisy area, you are advised to(  ).
  361. Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think(  ).
  362. What should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a performance?
  363. 名词所有格后面有指地点等的名词时,有的习惯上可以省去不用。( )
  364. 不可数名词没有单数、复数之分。( )
  365. Any student can answer this question. 没有同学能回答这个问题。( )
  366. 以下可以用于离别时的有( )
  367. Amazing的汉语意思为( )
  368. 以下用语可用于约会的句子有( )
  369. 询问时间我们可以使用( )
  370. Boring的汉语意思为( )
  371. Meaningful的汉语意思为( )
  372. —What ( ) he ( ) now? —He's reading. ( )
  373. The price of a cup of coffee is higher than ( ) of a glass of cola.( )
  374. -( ) can he do? -He can ( ) Chinese Kung fu.( )
  375. There is someone at the door, ( ) ?
  376. eleven to ten:( )
  377. We should develop the spirit of patriotism and community.( )
  378. The culture and civilization are so important that we can’t lose them. ( )
  379. “It will raining tomorrow.”表达正确吗?( )
  380. Chinese的汉语意思为( )
  381. Economic的汉语意思为 ( )
  382. Avenue的汉语意思为( )
  383. 表示电话没打通的句子是( )
  384. There ( ) no tea in the cup.
  385. He ( ) in this school in 1958.( )
  386. ( ) two boys are Mr. Green’s sons.( )
  387. “我在照看孩子”的正确英文表达是( ).
  388. My aunt ( ) French as well as Chinese.( )
  389. Is there ( ) wrong with me,doctor? --I’m afraid so. Your heart is beating a bit too slow.
  390. Chinese festivals have a long cultural history, which we should inherit and carry forward. ( )
  391. I don't have some books. 我没有一些书。( )
  392. ten to six是6:10。( )
  393. Wisdom的汉语意思为( )
  394. Alike的汉语意思为( )
  395. Susan is good at English and she ( ) sing English songs.( )
  396. He ( ) in three days.( )
  397. We need to be grateful with all that we have. ( )
  398. “1985年10月10日”可表示为 October 10, 1985(美)或10(th) October, 1985(英)。( )
  399. 翻译“祝你玩的愉快“:( )
  400. 表示肯定的句子有( )
  401. Country的汉语意思为( )
  402. We must develop our traditional culture. ( )
  403. 表示祝福的话语有( )
  404. 以下可以用于打招呼的有( )
  405. Mother ( ) me a nice present on my next birthday.( )
  406. The woman ( ) be our English teacher. She has gone to Canada. ( )
  407. -Thank you for inviting us. Tell your wife that she gave us a perfect party. -I ( ). See you later.( )
  408. He wrote ( ) song, which turned out to be rather popular with ( ) young. ( )
  409. She is a student, and ( ) name is Julia.( )
  410. 一般用于肯定句,但表示征求意见,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句也是用any 。( )
  411. ---Look! What’s ( ) in the sky? ---It looks like a kite.( )
  412. Railway的汉语意思为( )
  413. Due to the cultural differences between China and the West, there are many differences in the meaning of the festival, so we should not blindly worship the foreign festival. ( )
  414. 打电话时可以说( )
  415. -Can you play the computer game? -Yes, I ( ).( )
  416. 表示人或物所属关系时,我们就需要使用名词所有格。( )
  417. “3:40”用英文的正确表达为three forty或twenty to four。
  418. She gave the erasers to Lucy and ( ) .( )
  419. She is ( ) honest girl, and she never tells lies. ( )
  420. 英译汉:.( )
  421. Which dish is the Chinese traditional food?
  422. Do you know how to order food or drinks at a restaurant in English?
  423. Only phrases are written on a menu.
  424. 西餐落座后,可以随意使用餐具。
  425. Which of the following is fast food?
  426. Menu is a list of the dishes that may be ordered in a restaurant.
  427. 临时有事,你想把计划推迟到下周,你会说:Could we put it off to next week?
  428. 你想征询对方是否可以到办公室讨论新计划,你会说:I’d wondering if you’d like to come and discuss the new plan in my office.
  429. 有人和你修改已定会晤的时间,你可以说:It’s my pleasure.
  430. 别人向你预约下周周一的见面,你可以说:I'm  fully  occupied on Tuesday.
  431. 你想和约翰逊博士见面,你会对他的秘书说:Would you please arrange a meeting fro me with Dr. Johnson?
  432. 别人向你询问什么时间有空,他会说:What time would be convenient for you?
  433. 观看表演可以表达为watch a performance
  434. 不要错过。He can draws well.
  435. 发电子邮件可以表达为play the piano
  436. This way.意思是这边
  437. 睡袋可以表达为play guitar( )
  438. application form意思是申请表
  439. Work is more important than leisure.
  440. Play at the right time is a reward for labor and a prelude to work.
  441. We should salute to the ordinary worker.
  442. “斜杠青年”来源于英文Slash,指的是不再满足专一职业生活方式,选择拥有多重职业和身份的人群。
  443. Verbal communication is not important as for work.
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