1. Wales is to the (    ) part of England

  2. 答案:western
  3. The animal on the national flag of Wales is a (    )

  4. 答案:red dragon
  5. Wales has ( ) National Parks and five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

  6. 答案:three
  7. According to legend on the eve of the battle against the Saxons St David advised the Britons to wear ( ) in their caps so as to easily distinguish friends from foes.

  8. 答案:leek
  9. The patron saint of Wales is (    ).

  10. 答案:St. David
  11. To mark the St David, Welsh people around the world wear one or both of their national emblems - a ( )  or leek.

  12. 答案:daffodil
  13. In Wales legend, Arthur was ( ) for sure. He lived in Wales landscape and lived in Welsh heart.

  14. 答案:real
  15. There is a () dragon on the national flag of Wales.

  16. 答案:red
  17. In Wales legend,  (    ) was real for sure.

  18. 答案:king John
  19. To distinguish friends from foes easily, (    ) was wore on people's caps on the eve of the battle against the Saxons.

  20. 答案:leek
  21. Claddagh ring represents ().

  22. 答案:all of above
  23. The author of poem When You Are Old is (). He is regarded by many as Ireland’s greatest ever poet.
  24. Claddagh ring is a symbol of (    ).
  25. The famous Irish Proverb is “It's easy to halve the () where there's love”.
  26. The colour of (    ) is a symbol of St. Patrick's Day.
  27. (    )destroyed two-thirds of Ireland's staple crop and led to an estimated 1 million deaths and emigration of a further 1 million people.
  28. The author of poem When You Are Old is (    ).
  29. The Irish claim that they have been making wine () for anywhere between 1000 and 1600 years.
  30. Irish people love (    )very much
  31. Irish in a New World was the flood of Irish into the ().
  32. Thistle is the national flower of (    ).
  33. In the film Brave Heart (  ) led his people and fought against the English and won their independence.
  34. On the northern part of the island of Great Britain lived a group of people, they were called(    )
  35. (   ) is the traditional dish of Scotland made of liver, heart and lungs of a  sheep.
  36. In the movie Brave Heart, the Scottish national hero () gathered his people, and defeated England army.
  37. At the  battlefields bagpipes have led many brave soldiers to fight, the pipers’duty was to stand on the battlefield and play stirring tunes to rouse his () out of trenches and into battle.
  38. (   ) is the national musical instrument of Scotland.
  39. The national flower of Scotland is ().
  40. The haggis  is made of  the liver, heart and lungs of a ( ).
  41. Traditionally, Scotsmen don’t wear underwear with kilts?()
  42. The famous king who gave up his throne for a woman was:
  43. Who was the mother of Prince William and Prince Harry?
  44. Queen Elizabeth loves ( )very much?
  45. King Edward VIII abdicated because he fell in love with ().
  46. King George VI was the origin figure of movie ().
  47. How many birthday does Queen Elizabeth II have?
  48. Diana died on Sunday, August 31,1997, following a () crash in Paris.
  49. George V first made () broadcast across the Empire at Christmas in 1932.
  50. Who was the monarch folloing Queen Victoria?
  51. () has become the United Kingdom's longest-reigning monarch, that means she has ruled for longer than any other Monarch in British history.
  52. ( )was called the grandmother of Europe.
  53. Britain was considered the Empire on which ().
  54. In 1801, under the Act of Union, Great Britain and Ireland were united a single nation, the United Kingdom, George III became the first king of the ().
  55. George III was interested in agricultural improvement, so he was given the nickname ().
  56. Queen Ann was the last monarch of the (    ) .
  57. George III was interested in (    ).
  58. Queen Victoria ruled England for more than 60 years, the time was called the (    ) .
  59. The great Victorian Era has left us one legacy that we still enjoy today, that is the British ().
  60. It was during the reign of (    )that the Industrial Revolution broke out in Britain.
  61. Queen Victoria came to the throne shortly after her () birthday.
  62. James I firmly believed “the Divine Right of Kings”, which held that a king’s actions are approved of ().
  63. Oliver Cromwell  was the leader of ( ) .
  64. Gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward () in 1605.
  65. Who was the leader of New Model Army?()
  66. James VI of Scotland succeeded to the English throne, and he was () of England in the Union of the Crowns.
  67. (   ) was to kill James I in 1605.
  68. ( )was beheaded in 1649.
  69. The supporters of (  ) were called Roundheads .
  70. (   )firmly believed “the Divine Right of Kings”.
  71. The supporters of Parliament were called () while the adherents of the King were called Cavaliers.
  72. How many son did Henry VIII have?
  73. (    ) was the fourth crowned monarch of the Tudor dynasty, she was the first queen to rule England in her own right.
  74. Queen Elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a () married her nation.
  75. How many days did LADY JANE GREY be the Queen of Tudor?()
  76. (    ) broke the English Church away from Roman Catholicism, and made himself Supreme Head of the Church of England
  77. The reign of the Tudor dynasty also became known as the time of the () in England.
  78. Mary I persecuted 300 Protestants earned her the nickname ().
  79. (    ) was the last of the Tudor monarchs.
  80. (    ) ruled over England during its “Golden Age”.
  81. Henry VIII had () wives.
  82. Queen Margaret of Anjou was the ().
  83. The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of (    ) rival branches of the royal House
  84. Elizabeth Woodville became a queen when married with Edward IV.That was her () mariage.
  85. Elizabeth Woodville was the ().
  86. Major causes of the  Wars of the Roses include: both houses were direct descendants of king (    ).
  87. Generations of fights between the houses of York and Lancaster, the transfer of the crown by warfare, finally ended with the deaths of (    ).
  88. On a June morning in 1487, Henry VII’s victory at the Battle of Stoke brought a close to the dynastic conflicts of (    ).
  89. King Henry VI had ()that he couldn’t run the country.
  90. Who was called "the most beautiful woman in the Island of Britain" with "heavy-lidded eyes like those of a dragon."
  91. The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars for ().
  92. The Hundred years’ war lasted for (    ).
  93. Henry’s quarrels with (), have cast a long shadow over his reign.
  94. John is best known as the bad guy from the (    ) Legend, because perhaps he had the worst reputation as English King.
  95. King John was forced to accept the historic Magna Carta,and in English it is called ().
  96. Becket was assassinated, and people blame (    )for that.
  97. The Angevin Empire, also called ().
  98. () owned more land in France than the French King .
  99. (    ) was called the one of the most effective kings ever to wear the English crown.
  100. King John wanted to be a warrior, but lost land on each war, so had the name (    ).
  101. Richard I was called ().
  102. (    )was used as the official language after Norman Conquest .
  103. William the Conqueror had () sons.
  104. In which country are people most gentleman like?
  105. The most important castle William built was (    ).
  106. William Conqueror won the Battle of (), then he became the first Norman King.
  107. (    ) William the Conqueror invaded England
  108. Norman Conquest of England marked the establishment of (    ) in England.
  109. () of England marked the establishment of feudalism in England.
  110. William the Conqueror built at least 90 castles for ().
  111. Norman Conquest happened on the year of ().
  112. The nike name of King Edward was ().
  113. The Vikings were very good at (    ).
  114. (    ) who was "not just the greatest Briton, but one of the greatest rulers of any time or place".
  115. (    ), in southwestern England, home of Alfred the Great.
  116. () actually managed to hold back the Vikings.
  117. The ancient England history was like a history of (    ).
  118. In western world, that round table was so (    ).
  119. () was the queen of Ethelred and later  the queen of Canute.
  120. Famous Vikings number one was King ().
  121. Which modern day words for days of the week originate from the Vikings?()
  122. “England” in Old English meant(   ).
  123. The Romans didn't bring (       ) to England.
  124. The Anglo-Saxon spoke a language which we now call ().
  125. Hadrain’s Wall was the (     ) edge of the Roman Empire.
  126. (       )lived a happy tribal life in kingdoms since the Iron Age.
  127. According to Charles Dickens, the Druids worshiped of (      ).
  128. Anglo-Saxon couldn’t conquer ().
  129. Celtic peoples inhabiting Britain called ().
  130. Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall right across the country, named ().
  131. The Anglo-Saxon invaders shaped England into () major kingdoms.
  132. 这是一门专业课程。
  133. 以下哪个民族不是课程的主要讲解部分
  134. 你将学习到英国的()个历史时期。
  135. 课程目标包含一下几个方面?
  136. 本门课程涉及()个主要民族的文化和历史。
  137. How many Queens in UK history till now?
  138. What are the advantages of being a queen?
  139. A man’s imperfections are considered part of his character.Whereas a woman’s flaws are evidence of her unsuitability.
  140. Why does Queen Elizabeth II have so few private photos?
  141. The first judgement an interviewer makes is going to be based on how you look and what you are wearing.
  142. Which kind of clothes are not suitable for an interview?
  143. In the English Middle lands, a black cat is a wedding gift to bring good luck to the bride.
  144. What were the characteristics of the spread of  this plague ?
  145. What are the real causes of the Black Death?
  146. House of  Anjou is also called House of Plantagenet.
  147. Till 1736, ________ was repealed, formally ending witch hunts and trials in Britain.
  148. In1351 , the government issued a __________ which led to the Peasants’ Revolt.
  149. What was the judge's wig made of ?
  150. The House of Anjou also called the House of York.
  151. Baldness has something to do with
  152. Who are the monarchs in the House of Anjou?
  153. Which of the following statements are true about Henry II ?
  154. Henry II introduced the jury system.
  155. Which of the following statement is not true about the Queen’s reign?
  156. Elizabeth’s coronation was_____.
  157. Elizabeth succeeded to the throne suddenly when_____.
  158. Which of the following statement is true about Queen Elizabeth II ’s marriage?
  159. What did Queen Elizabeth II do when she was young?
  160. Where did Queen Elizabeth II receive education?
  161. In Salem Village case, those women were actually______.
  162. A witch as evil and typically female because _________.
  163. Hammer of The Witches could not teach witch hunters and judges how to_______.
  164. The ancient people couldn’t understand so thought they used ______.
  165. The book Hammer of The Witches was written for _______.
  166. At first, the English term “witch” can exchange with “white”, “good”, or “blesser”, “wizard”, “sorcerer”, not because_______.
  167. On St. Patrick’s Day people could wear green hats.
  168. Richard I was called “the tigerheart” and he was the real medieval warrior king.
  169. The national flower of Scotland is rose.
  170. On Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey, under the title of William I .
  171. Norman Conquest happened on the year of 1066.
  172. During the Black Death, dogs were considered to be evil.
  173. Before the 11th century, a man could become a cavalier as long as he could afford a war-horse and an armor.
  174. Wearing green hats is considered as a symbol of good luck on St.Patrick's Day.
  175. Julius Caesar really conquered England.
  176. The famous Irish Proverb is “It's easy to halve the apple where there's love”.
  177. British afternoon tea originates from Victorian time.
  178. Queen Elizabeth II has only one birthday.
  179. King Edward VIII made some visits and official tours overseas.
  180. Henry II owned more land in France than the French King.
  181. Hadrian’s Wall stands there till now.
  182. Queen Elizabeth II is famous for a large collection of hats.
  183. Henry VIII had eight wives.
  184. Cromwell’s break with Rome was the start of the English Reformation.
  185. The queen has the right to decide who would be the nect king.
  186. Rivers was dyed pink on St.Patrick's Day.
  187. The role of Queen Elizabeth is largely symbolic.
  188. William conqueror was the first database king, thanks to the Doomsday Book.
  189. The word “gentleman” originates from Middle Ages and associates with “savage cavalry”.
  190. Hadrain’s Wall was the northern edge of the Roman Empire.
  191. Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall right across the country, named Great Wall.
  192. Henry VIII wanted to get a son, but failed.
  193. Haggis is the national dish of Scotland.
  194. King Edward VIII abdicated because he fell in love with Wallis Simpson.
  195. The ancient England history was like a history of invasions.
  196. Oliver Cromwell was the leader of New Model Army.
  197. Which of the following are symboms of Scottish culture:
  198. What do people usually do on St. Patrick’s Day?
  199. Which of the following statements about William are right?
  200. Queen Elizabeth II :
  201. Which of the following statements are true about St. Patrick’s Day:
  202. Which of the following statements are true about Queen Elizabeth II :
  203. Which of the following statements are true in Elizabethan Age:
  204. Which of the following statements are right about the feudual systym?
  205. Symboms of Scottish culture include()
  206. Which of the following statements are right about Henry VIII?
  207. The ancient England history was like a history of ().
  208. In western world, that round table was so ().
  209. Mary I was called ( ) in English history.
  210. The Vikings from where is now Norway, Sweden and Denmark, were very good at ().
  211. () broke the English Church away from Roman Catholicism, and made himself Supreme Head of the Church of England
  212. The specific plague that took place in Europe in the mid-14th century was called:
  213. The judge's wig is made of ().
  214. Who is William Shakespeare?
  215. Who was named the Lionheart ?
  216. What did the Wars of the Roses fight for?
  217. The king who had six wives is().
  218. ()was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey in 1066.
  219. ()is a traditional holiday of the Irish.
  220. The Anglo-Saxons spoke a language was called ().
  221. Richard I was called the() Lionheart.
  222. Elizabeth's reign was a time of great achievement in England, also called:
  223. Catholic monks mainly wrote or copied text in:
  224. "grandmother of Europe" was ().
  225. Which of the following American TV series tells us that the wood of the oak tree could kill the original vampire :
  226. (), in southwestern England, home of Alfred the Great.
  227. The material of making a kilt is called Tartan.
  228. What does blue mean in the phrase “Blue Monday”?
  229. People could wear green hat on St. Patrick’ s Day .
  230. Which of the following statements are true about Saint Patrick's Day
  231. What is a standard kilt?
  232. St.Patrick was the Patron Saint of(    )
  233. Which of the following statements is right about “Domesday Book”?
  234. What was the function of castle at that time?
  235. Which of the following statement is true about the influence of Norman Conquest?
  236. What happened in 1066?
  237. What does “base born” mean in the first paragraph mean?
  238. William’ s mother was_______.
  239. George V first made internet broadcast across the Empire at Christmas in 1932.
  240. Alfred’s successors were as capable as Alfred had been.
  241. King Arthur was a real person.
  242. The Christian Religion was first brought into this island with Roman army.
  243. Queen Elizabeth II made the Coronation ceremony broadcast on television for the first time in 1953.
  244. King Charles I was beheaded in 1649.
  245. The national flower of Scotland is thistle.
  246. Haggis is the national dish of Welsh.
  247. Elizabeth's reign was also also called Golden Age.
  248. After Alfred’s death, trouble broke out again and Viking invasions renewed.
  249. People drink green -colored beer on St.Patrick's Day.
  250. The Anglo-Saxon spoke a language which we now call Old English.
  251. William Conqueror was the first Norman king.
  252. Queen Elizabeth never married all her life, regarded as a virgin queen.
  253. Rose is the national flower of Scotland is .
  254. Castles were at first used as a kind of protection.
  255. Which of the following statements about Stonehenge are true?
  256. What was the influence of the Norman Conquest:
  257. The Scottish national dish is made of :
  258. The Decline of the Druids because ().
  259. Queen Elizabeth II is ()
  260. Haggis is made of :
  261. Which of the following statements are true about Ireland:
  262. Which of the following statements about kilts are true?
  263. William Conqueror was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey in :
  264. ()was used as the official language after Norman Conquest .
  265. Generations of fights between the houses of York and Lancaster, the transfer of the crown by warfare, finally ended with the deaths of ().
  266. () is the same plant that we hang up in houses at Christmas Time now.
  267. Feudal System was a simple but effective system, all land belonged to:
  268. Gunpowder Plot was disigned to kill:
  269. Which of the following vegetable is most important for the Irish:
  270. The famous Bloody Mary in English history is:
  271. British afternoon tea originated from the rule of:
  272. The national hero during the Hundred Years' War was ().
  273. Stonehenge was built :
  274. With Roman itself under threat from invaders, in () AD, the Roman army leaved Britain.
  275. The Hundred years’ war lasted for ().
  276. Which of the following monarch led his/her army defeat the Spanish Armada ?
  277. What does the word “assemble” mean?
  278. How about Elizabeth’s marriage life?
  279. What was the situation like after Elizabeth ‘s succession?
  280. Why was Queen Elizabeth  welcomed by her people?
  281. What does the phrase “came to the throne”mean?
  282. William Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings, he became the first Norman king.
  283. Queen Victoria was called the nine-day Queen in English histroy.
  284. George III was interested in agricultural improvement, so he was given the nickname Farmer George.
  285. William Shakespeare was a great playwright during the Elizabethan Era.
  286. Queen Elizabeth I led her army defeat the Spanish Armada.
  287. Gunpowder Plot killed the King of England.
  288. Feudal System was a simple but effective system.
  289. King Edward VIII gave up his throne for a woman.
  290. A gentleman’s manners has become the brand image of the Englishmen.
  291. The judge's wig was made of horsehair.
  292. Irish in a New World was the flood of Irish into the United States.
  293. Stonehenge was now in Wales.
  294. Queen Elizabeth II became queen of Great Britain in 1952 after his father’s death.
  295. The haggis  is made of  is the liver, heart and lungs of a cow.
  296. The Druids cursed all people who believed in God and it worked.
  297. The judges' wigs were made of pighair.
  298. Which of the following statements about Henry VIII are true?
  299. The Romans introduced () to England.
  300. Which of the following statements about witches are true:
  301. Alfred the Great was ().
  302. The ()is the national dress of Scotland.
  303. John is best known as the bad guy from the () Legend, because perhaps he had the worst reputation as English King.
  304. () was called the one of the most effective kings ever to wear the English crown.
  305. Romans built a great bath in:
  306. "lionheart" was given to king ().
  307. Major causes of the Wars of the Roses include: both houses were direct descendants of king ().
  308. The () is the national flower of Scotland.
  309. () is the patron saint of Ireland.
  310. During the Hundred Years' War, there was a national hero in France named:
  311. The magic figure who could pull the sword from the stone is :
  312. The colour originally used on St. Patrick's Day was ().
  313. The most important castle William built was ().
  314. Viking warriors preferred _______.
  315. Famous Vikings number one was__________.
  316. the Viking age in England is considered to have finished with the___________.
  317. The first Viking raid on England is________.
  318. The name Viking is from “one who raids” in________.
  319. The Vikings were equal to pirate at that time not because ______.
  320. In 55 BC, Julius Caesar conquered England.
  321. The King controlled the feudal system completely.
  322. Queen Elizabeth II has a lot of colorful hats.
  323. Britain was considered the Empire on the sun never set.
  324. Queen Elizabeth II doesn't have a passport or a driver's license.
  325. Scottish men do not wear underwear traditionly under their kilts.
  326. What were the achievements of Elizabethan Age?
  327. What we could find out from The Doomsday Book ?
  328. Which of the following monarch belongs to the House of Windsor?
  329. Henry II ()
  330. Which of the following statements about Black Death are true:
  331. England became factory of the world under:
  332. () was the fourth crowned monarch of the Tudor dynasty, she was the first queen to rule England in her own right.
  333. The king that was beheaded in 1649 was:
  334. () ruled over England during its “Golden Age”.
  335. On a June morning in 1487, Henry VII’s victory at the Battle of Stoke brought a close to the dynastic conflicts of ().
  336. William Butler Yeats is a :
  337. The United States has designated _________as the “Black Cat Appreciation Day”.
  338. Nowadays, people have understood the cause of the Black Death was _________.
  339. Black cats were nearly extinct in Europe because _______.
  340. In ancient Egypt, black cats were regarded as _________.
  341. People believed that cats were the spreaders of pestilence, and witches had black cats because ________.
  342. Whenever a black cat was seen it was avoided at all cost because ____________.
  343. William Conqueror spoke fluent English.
  344. In the movie Brave Heart, the Scottish national hero William Wallace gathered his people, and defeated England army
  345. The monarchs of the House of Windsor made the UK underwent many social changes over the past 90 years.
  346. The Irish claim that they have been making wine beer for anywhere between 1000 and 1600 years.
  347. Queen Elizabeth was called "grandmother of Europe".
  348. Alfred the Great actually managed to hold back the Vikings.
  349. There is a red dragon on the national flag of Wales.
  350. Which of the following statements about Alfred the Great are true:
  351. Haggis is ()
  352. King John wanted to be a warrior, but lost land on each war, so had the name ().
  353. () was considered to be evil During the Black Death
  354. () William the Conqueror invaded England
  355. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
  356. () led his/her army defeat the Spanish Armada .
  357. Becket was assassinated, and people blame ()for that.
  358. Wigs were brought to England by William Conqueror.
  359. Stonehenge was built 5000 years ago.
  360. Henry VIII married his older brother’s wife.
  361. William Conqueror was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey in 1066.
  362. Our Great Wall was not unique
  363. Queen Victoria was the last monarch of the House of Hanover.
  364. Queen Elizabeth II has two birthdays.
  365. In western world, t hat round table was everywhere.
  366. Druids draw their power from().
  367. Who was called "grandmother of Europe":
  368. The Anglo-Saxon spoke a language which we now call:
  369. Queen Margaret of Anjou was the:
  370. During the Black Death, which of the following animal was considered to be evil :
  371. On St. Patrick's Day people usually dressed in pink.
  372. ()was a simple but effective system, all land belonged to the king.
  373. The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of () rival branches of the royal House
  374. ()could pull the sword from the stone.
  375. Who was called the nine-day Queen in English histroy ?
  376. Skirt is the national dress of Scotland.
  377. To remember William II, now a “Rufus Stone” was put in the place where he dropped from his horse.
  378. What is the judge's wig made of?
  379. () was the last of the Tudor monarchs.
  380. () happened in Europe in the mid-14th century made thoustands of death.
  381. Norman Conquest of England marked the establishment of () in England.
  382. King Edward VIII gave up the throne for a woman.
  383. The author of poem When You Are Old is Yeats. He is regarded by many as Ireland’s greatest ever poet.
  384. Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of the House of Windsor.
  385. Knights controlled the feudal system completely.
  386. The national flower of Scotland is:
  387. Richard I was called:
  388. () who was "not just the greatest Briton, but one of the greatest rulers of any time or place".
  389. Robert Burns is a national poet of ().
  390. Hadrian’s Wall was built to protect from attackers.
  391. The Vikings were very good at ().
  392. 4. Mary I persecuted 300 Protestants earned her the nickname:
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