第十一章 Succeeding in a Complex World 在复杂世界中获得成功:第十一单元的主题是在复杂世界中获得成功。讲课视频从尼克·胡哲的励志故事导入,通过分析课文内容,设计希望自评量表,阐述了希望的重要性。在访谈环节,通过采访施耐德博士,描述了怀有高希望的人的共同特点以及培养希望的方法和途径,以此来帮助大家养成保持满怀希望的习惯。在写作环节,通过用语言来做游戏,学习写有趣的长句子,学会使用有效的写作策略。中国文化部分介绍中国最流行的棋盘游戏之一的中国象棋,了解象棋的类型和中国象棋的起源、基本概念、规则和棋子的走法等。11.1Reading: Hope Emerges as the Key to Success in Life 阅读:希望是人生成功的关键:讲解文章:希望是人生成功的关键
11.2Expressions: Importance of Hope 表达:希望的重要性:配合文章,学习相关的表达
11.3Writing: How to Write Long Sentences 写作:如何写长句:学习长句的写作方式
11.4Culture:Chinese chess 文化:中国象棋:用英文介绍中国传统文化——中国象棋。
[单选题]Which of the following statements is not true about Nick Vujicic? 

选项:[He is a successful speaker., He was born with no arms or legs., He got a 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]You cannot check your opponent more than _____ times in a row with the same piece and same board positions.

选项:[four  , three , two , five]

[判断题]Decide True or False: Chinese chess is a based game, with black starting gameplay. 

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Decide True or False: Hope can be nurtured according to Dr. Synder in the text.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Hope has proved to be a powerful ______ of outcome in the study.

选项:[predictor, effect, motivation  ,  influence  ]
[判断题]Decide True or False: Both ability and attitude are important to help people to get out of a jam according to the text.

选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]Which is not mentioned as one of the features of people with high levels of hope?

选项:[They will not aim for another if one goal fades.  , Even in a tight spot, they tell themselves things will get better as time goes on., They turn to friends for advice on how to achieve their goals., They show an ability to break a formidable task in to specific achievable chunks.]
[判断题]Chinese chess is a strategy board game for two players.

选项:[对, 错]

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