

  1. Orpheus is killed by a group of women. Who are they? ( )

  2. A:The bridesmaids of Eurydice B:The Nereids C:The Fates D:Women in Thrace
    答案:Women in Thrace
  3. What is the condition imposed by Hades on Orpheus? ( )

  4. A:Not to play his lyre on his journey back B:Not to talk to Eurydice until they come out of Hades C:Never look back at Eurydice until they reach the upperworld D:To forget about Eurydice
    答案:ut Eurydice
  5. Which of the following pictures is NOT related to Arachne’s story? ( )

  6. A: B: C: D:
    AI参考:正确答案是D: 。根据题目描述,需要选择与阿瑞克妮的故事无关的图片。选项A、B和C都与阿瑞克妮的故事有关,选项D与故事无关。因此,正确答案是D。'
  7. What is the origin of the word gorgonian related to? ( )

  8. A:Medusa B:Andromeda C:Perseus D:Pegasus
  9. Which of the following mythological story is closely related to the Trojan War? ( )

  10. A:Zeus and Leda B:Zeus and Io C:Zeus and Prometheus D:Zeus and Europa
  11. Who does the Cap of invisibility belong to? ( )

  12. A:Hermes B:Athena C:Zeus D:Hades
    AI参考:正确答案是A: Hermes。赫尔墨斯(Hermes)是宙斯的信使,常作为神话故事中“不费吹灰之力盗取他人物品”的代名词,他的任务是守护城门并看管通行证。根据题目中描述,“谁拥有隐形帽”,我们推断出答案应该是赫尔墨斯。因此,正确答案是A。'
  13. Who gives Odysseus suggestions about how to deal with the Sirens? ( )

  14. A:Anticlea B:Calypso C:Circe D:Scylla
  15. Who sends a sea monster to plague Andromeda’s country Ethiopia? ( )

  16. A:Poseidon B:Zeus C:Hermes D:The goddesses
  17. What inspires Orpheus to sing so beautifully? ( )

  18. A:His sense of loneliness B:His reminiscences of his childhood C:His passion for Eurydice D:His desire to be recognized
    AI参考:正确答案是C:His passion for Eurydice。题目问的是是什么激发俄耳甫斯唱得如此美丽,而歌词《当音乐升起的时候》提到他的情感都是给伊俄尔克妮,故选C。选项A“他的孤独感”并不能激发他唱歌;选项B“对童年的回忆”并不符合歌词描述;选项D“想被认可的欲望”也与歌词不符。因此,正确答案是C。'
  19. Why does Odysseus venture to go to Hades? ( )

  20. A:He wants to challenge himself. B:He misses his mother and friends. C:He wants to meet Tiresias. D:He wants to see Hades.
    答案:allenge himself.
  21. Who are the Maenads in Pentheus’ tragedy? ( )

  22. A:The female followers of Dionysus. B:The male followers of Pentheus. C:The male followers of Dionysus. D:The female followers of Pentheus.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:The female followers of Dionysus.。在Pentheus的悲剧中,Maenads指的是女性酒神的女信徒,即女性狂热者。因此,选项A是正确答案。B、C、D选项都与事实不符。'
  23. Who create/creates the lightning bolt for Zeus? ( )

  24. A:Hephaestus B:The Cyclopes C:The Hecatonchires D:Hera
    AI参考:正确答案是B:The Cyclopes。在希腊神话中,赫菲斯托斯是火神,而The Cyclopes是独眼巨人,他们被描述为创造了闪电的巨人。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项Hephaestus(赫菲斯托斯)、The Hecatonchires(海德拉诺奇)和Hera(赫拉)都不是创造闪电的人。'
  25. Who is the origin of Libyan Desert snakes related to? ( )

  26. A:Zeus B:Athena C:Medusa D:Hermes
  27. Antigone’s choice indicates that _______. ( )

  28. A:The divine law is sacred and cannot be violated. B:Personal feelings are more important than national interests. C:The sovereignty of a kingdom is more important than the hereditary rights of an individual. D:Man-made law overrides the divine law.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:The divine law is sacred and cannot be violated.安提戈涅的选择表明神圣的法律不可侵犯。安提戈涅选择自杀,是因为她触犯了神明制定的法律,而没有意识到国王的赦免并不能改变这一事实。因此,答案为A。B、C、D选项都与安提戈涅的选择不符。B选项个人情感高于国家利益,C选项王国主权高于个人继承权,D选项人为法律高于神明制定的法律,这些选项都与安提戈涅的选择相矛盾。'
  29. Where does Chimera live? It lives in------.( )

  30. A:Egypt B:Asia Minor C:Crete Island D:the underworld
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Crete Island。根据题干中的描述,Chimera居住的地方是“Where does Chimera live?”,根据常识可知Chimera是神话中的怪兽,它居住在克里特岛上,因此答案为C。A选项是埃及,B选项是小亚细亚,D选项是地狱,这些地方都不可能是Chimera居住的地方。'
  31. Who are sent to Elysium, full of eternal sunshine and joy? ( )

  32. A:Those criminals. B:Those people who behave badly. C:Kind-hearted and morally upright souls. D:Those ordinary spirits.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Kind-hearted and morally upright souls.伊利索斯是古希腊神话中众神灵魂的居所,意为极乐世界,因此选项C“善良且有道德的灵魂”最符合题意。选项A“罪犯”和选项D“普通精神”与题意不符,选项B“行为不端的人”与伊利索斯的寓意也不相符。'
  33. What crime does Icarus’ father commit? ( )

  34. A:Cheating the king of Athens. B:Killing Minotaur. C:Cheating the wife of the king of Crete. D:Killing his nephew Perdix out of jealousy.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Killing Minotaur。伊卡洛斯(Icarus)的父亲达达洛斯(Daedalus)为了逃离克里特岛上的迷宫和怪兽米诺陶洛斯(Minotaur),设计了一对翅膀给伊卡洛斯,让他能够飞离克里特岛。在逃离过程中,伊卡洛斯因为飞得太高,翅膀融化,最终坠海身亡。因此,达达洛斯犯下的罪行是杀死米诺陶洛斯,也就是选项B。其他选项与故事情节无关。'
  35. Eris, the deity of strife, throws a golden apple that says_______.( )

  36. A:“To infinity and beyond” B:“To the best goddess on Mt. Olympus” C:“To the fairest” D:“To the coolest”
    AI参考:正确答案是B:“To the best goddess on Mt. Olympus”。伊里斯是纷争之神,扔出一个金苹果,上面写着“给奥林匹斯山上最美丽的女神”。因此,答案为B。其他选项中的“到无限大”“最公平”“最酷的”都与伊里斯的苹果不相符。'
  37. What is the outcome of Orpheus’ looking back at Eurydice’s dead soul? ( )

  38. A:Hades kills Orpheus. B:Orpheus and Eurydice both become stones. C:She fails to return to the upperworld. D:Orpheus becomes a dead person too.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:She fails to return to the upperworld.在奥菲斯回头看尤丽迪茜的灵魂时,她未能返回天堂,因此答案是C。A选项是错误的,因为奥菲斯并没有被哈迪斯杀死;B选项也是错误的,因为根据原文,Orpheus并没有与Eurydice成为石头;D选项也与原文不符,因为Orpheus仍然活着。因此,答案是C。'
  39. Which of the following does not have anything to do with Apollo? ( )

  40. A:Hyacinthus B:Daphne C:Midas D:Semele
  41. Which of the following statements about Icarus is wrong? ( )

  42. A:When flying with his father, Icarus is overwhelmed with ecstasy. B:Icarus invents the fake wings. C:Icarus has designed the first labyrinth in the world. D:Icarus is a genius architect as his father is.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  43. On Odysseus’ ten-year journey, which gods or goddesses help him? ( )

  44. A:Athena. B:Poseidon. C:Hermes. D:Gaia.
    AI参考:正确答案是【A:Athena. C:Hermes.】。根据题目中的描述,Odysseus的十年旅程中,得到了雅典娜和赫尔墨斯的帮助。因此,答案是A和C。Poseidon是海神,Gaia是大地女神,与题目无关。'
  45. Who are punished in Tartarus? ( )

  46. A:Thanatos B:Tantalus C:Sisyphus D:Hypnos
  47. What roles does Athena play? ( )

  48. A:Goddess of family B:Goddess of war and peace C:Goddess of handcraft D:Goddess of wisdom and justice
    答案:Goddess of wisdom and justice;Goddess of handcraft;Goddess of war and peace
  49. What does Outis mean? ( )

  50. A:Somebody B:Everybody C:Odysseus’fake name D:Nobody
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Nobody】。在原文中,“Outis”是一个人名,因此选项C“Odysseus’fake name”不符合语境。而选项A和B都表示“某人”或“每个人”,与语境不符。因此,正确答案是D选项“没有人”。'
  51. With whose help is Da Yu able to solve the flood problem successfully? ( )

  52. A:Ying Long B:Yao Ji C:Hou Yi D:Wu Zhiqi
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Hou Yi】。根据题目中的描述,大禹成功解决了洪水问题,而选项中只有后羿(Hou Yi)是传说中的治水英雄,因此C选项是正确答案。其他选项A、B、D与题目描述不符。'
  53. Which of the following deities are normally believed to be the Titans? ( )

  54. A:Prometheus B:Atlas C:Pandora D:Zeus
  55. What happens to Eurydice? ( )

  56. A:Her soul goes to Hades after she dies. B:She is bitten by a snake. C:She dies on her wedding day. D:She steps on a snake and becomes a stone.
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:She steps on a snake and becomes a stone。根据题目描述,Eurydice踩到了蛇,而没有提到蛇伤了她,所以可以排除选项B。同时题目中也提到她死了,但并没有提到她死在婚礼上,所以选项C也不正确。而选项A和D都提到了她死后的情况,其中选项D描述了她踩到蛇后变成了一块石头,这个描述更为符合题目的语境。因此,正确答案是D。'
  57. Which of the following statements about the story of Niobe is CORRECT? ( )

  58. A:Niobe’s arrogance originates from her skills at weaving. B:Niobe offends Leto by bragging about her being a great mother of 14 children. C:Regardless of Niobe’s begging, Artemis kills even the youngest child of hers. D:Both Niobeand her father incur disaster out of pride.
    AI参考:正确选项是B:Niobe offends Leto by bragging about her being a great mother of 14 children.。在故事中,尼俄伯因为夸耀自己生了14个孩子而冒犯了勒托,而正是由于这个原因,她的长子在弥尔弥陀多斯战役中被阿波罗射杀,而她本人也因此遭受了厄运。其他选项中,A选项尼俄伯的傲慢源于她的织布技巧,这个在故事中没有体现;C选项说无论尼俄伯如何乞求,阿耳忒弥斯都会杀死她的任何一个孩子,这个在故事中也有体现,但不是正确的描述;D选项中尼俄伯和她父亲因傲慢而招致灾难,这个在故事中没有体现。所以B选项是正确的。'
  59. Find out the elements related to Zeus __________. ( )

  60. A:The eagle B:Crete Island C:Aegis D:Omphalos
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Omphalos。根据题目中的句子“Find out the elements related to Zeus __________”,可以确定是寻找与宙斯相关的元素。在给出的选项中,A选项“The eagle”和B选项“Crete Island”都与宙斯没有直接关系,C选项“Aegis”虽然有一定的相关性,但是也不是题目的直接答案。只有D选项“Omphalos”与宙斯有关,因为Omphalos是古希腊神话中的一个重要概念,与宙斯的神话故事有关。因此,正确答案是D。'
  61. The Cadmean clan is cursed from the very beginning for different reasons. What are the reasons?( )

  62. A:The cursed necklace of Harmonia. B:The killing of the sacred dragon. C:The sowing of the dragon’s teeth. D:The trespass of the sacred mountains.
    答案:REGULATIONSAI参考:正确选项是:C:The sowing of the dragon’s teeth。在《卡德蒙家族》中,从一开始就因不同原因受到了诅咒。原因是在种植“龙牙”,选项C符合描述。其他选项如被诅咒的“和谐之颈”项链(A选项)、杀死神圣龙(B选项)、神圣山林的侵犯(D选项)等都与故事情节无关。'
  63. Which of the following Chinese stories involve female sacrifice? ( )

  64. A:《李寄斩蛇》 B:《董永》 C:《吴王小女》 D:《西门豹治邺》
  65. Who is Dionysus? He is _______. ( )

  66. A:god of wine. B:grandson of Cadmus. C:Pentheus’ cousin. D:son of Semele and Zeus.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:son of Semele and Zeus。根据题目中的描述,Dionysus是酒神,而酒神通常与宙斯之子(son of Semele and Zeus)有关。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项与题目描述不符。'
  67. The centaur Chiron (马人喀戎) is the wise teacher of many heroes. Who are they? ( )

  68. A:Aeneas B:Achilles C:Odysseus D:Theseus
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Odysseus。根据题干中的信息“Centaur Chiron (马人喀戎) is the wise teacher of many heroes. Who are they?”,可以得知马人喀戎是许多英雄的智慧导师。因此,需要选择一个英雄作为答案。根据选项中的信息,只有Odysseus符合条件,因此答案是C。Aeneas是特洛伊战争中的英雄,Achilles是希腊神话中的英雄,Theseus是传说中的雅典国王。因此,这些选项都不符合题干中的描述。'
  69. Which of the following Chinese mythological figures manifest the flying dream of human beings? ( )

  70. A:Sun Wukong B:Chang’e C:The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl D:Feitian in Dunhuang Frescos
  71. Phaethon is the son of the sun god Helios, and that is why he is gifted with super power.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Cadmus makes great contributions to cultural exchanges between the East and the West.( )

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. Polydectes asks Perseus to fetch the head of Medusa, because he wants Perseus to be killed by Medusa. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. Medusa is transformed into a snake-haired monster by Poseidon. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。 题目中提到“Medusa被变成蛇发女妖”,而蛇发女妖是希腊神话中的角色,与Poseidon无关,因此判断题中的描述是错误的。"
  79. Hades is the king of the underworld whom Orpheus begs in the hope of saving his wife. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. Thetis decides to make Achilles immortal by dipping him in the sacred waters of the river Styx, so any part of Achilles’ body is invincible.( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Icarus Sea is originated from the story of Icarus.( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A。Icarus Sea确实源于伊卡洛斯的故事。因此,这个判断题是正确的。"
  85. Pentheus’ crime lies in his trespass of the sacred woods of Diana.( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. Some divine rituals don’t involve the sacrifice of animals, because the blood shed from the animals is seen as unfit.( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. It is believed that Icarus’ tragedy has something to do with the crime committed by his father( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. Some sacred animals are believed to be like pets or helping hands to gods or goddesses.( )

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. The reunion of Persephone and her mother is celebrated in the Eleusinian Mysteries.( )

  94. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据题干中的描述,Persephone与她母亲的重聚是在Eleusinian Mysteries中庆祝的。因此,答案是B,即正确选项。"
  95. Somnus is the god of sleep. Insomnia means sleeplessness.( )

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. The Iliad and The Odyssey is written by the Greek Poet Homer.( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. Gift-giving to the newlyweds is a tradition originated from Hera and Zeus’ marriage.( )

  100. A:对 B:错
    答案:parentsAI参考:正确答案是B:错。 根据题目中的描述,送礼给新婚夫妇的传统起源于赫拉和宙斯的婚姻,但并没有提到这是赫拉和宙斯所创立的传统。因此,该说法是错误的。"

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