1.The meaning of tongue twister in Chinese is ( ).
A:舌头骗子 B:绕口令 C:舌头扭曲 D:舌头旋风
2.The correct name for the TV entertainment “The Rap of China” is ( ).
A:中国新说唱 B:中国好声音 C:中国有嘻哈 D:中国脱口秀 3.The word Stan in America may means ( ).
A:名人 B:脑残粉 C:有个性的人 D:死对头 4.The forms of hip-pop is generally includes ( )
A:Beat-boxing B:B-boying C:DJing D:Rapping 5.The components of rap generally includes .( )
A:content B:delivery C:freestyle D:flow 6.Graffiti writing is also regarded as one form of hip-top. ( )
A:错 B:对 7.It is bad for young people to learn English rapping because it often sounds rude. ( )
A:错 B:对 8.The quick rhythm of rapping means it is not possible to appear in religious songs. ( )
A:错 B:对 9.Imitating how good readers read poems can help to promote the learners’ pronunciation performance. ( )
A:错 B:对 10.The ability to make a good public speech is possible through frequent practicing. ( )
A:对 B:错

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