  1. All foreign bodies ingestion will cause symptoms.( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. MRCP of bile duct stones is manifested as a cup-like filling defect of bile duct stones at the lower end of obstruction. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
    答案:B: 对
  5. The most common route of gallbladder cancer metastasis is hematogenous metastasis. ( )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Uric acid calculus is positive on X-ray. ( )

  8. A:错 B:对
    答案:A: 错
  9. Liver cirrhosis must occur in hepatitis, and liver cancer must occur in cirrhosis. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. The following description of gallstones is correct ( )

  12. A:CT may appear as a low-density shadow in the gallbladder B:Gallstones and cholecystitis are mutually causal C:Pain radiates to the lower abdomen D:The common symptom of gallstones is recurrent and sudden right upper abdominal colic
    答案:Gallstones and cholecystitis are mutually causal###CT may appear as a low-density shadow in the gallbladder###The common symptom of gallstones is recurrent and sudden right upper abdominal colic
  13. Which are the preferred imaging methods for urinary calculi?( )

  14. A:Ultrasound B:X ray C:CT D:MR
    答案:A: Ultrasound, B: X ray, C: CT
  15. Appendicitis that requires early surgery ( )

  16. A:Acute appendicitis in children B:Acute appendicitis at 35 weeks of gestation C:Acute appendicitis in the elderly D:Appendicitis with a palpable mass in the right lower abdomen
    答案:Acute appendicitis at 35 weeks of gestation###Acute appendicitis in the elderly###Acute appendicitis in children
  17. The following imaging findings of gallbladder cancer are correct ( )

  18. A:Nodular type is characterized by a mass in the gallbladder cavity and thickening of the basal gallbladder wall B:Thick-wall type is characterized by irregular thickening, localized or diffuse thickening of the gallbladder wall greater than 10mm C:Mass type is characterized by filling or replacement of the gallbladder by a soft tissue D:After enhancement, it is more obvious in the early stage, and the duration is short
    答案:Mass type is characterized by filling or replacement of the gallbladder by a soft tissue###Nodular type is characterized by a mass in the gallbladder cavity and thickening of the basal gallbladder wall###Thick-wall type is characterized by irregular thickening, localized or diffuse thickening of the gallbladder wall greater than 10mm
  19. Which of the following statements about acute necrotizing pancreatitis are correct?( )

  20. A:It is often secondary to biliary tract diseases B:Shock often occurs during the course of the disease C:The abdominal signs were mild, with no significant tenderness D:Persistent abdominal pain with paroxysmal worsening
  21. Early clinical manifestations of gallbladder cancer: ( )

  22. A:Right upper abdominal mass B:Jaundice C:Fever D:Persistent dull pain in the upper abdomen
  23. Gastric ulcer is more likely to occur in: ( )

  24. A:bottom of stomach B:greater curvature of stomach C:Antrum of stomach D:corner notch
  25. A 24-year-old man with sudden epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever after overeating. Physical examination showed soft abdomen, epigastric tenderness. Laboratory examination showed elevated serum amylase. Which is the most likely diagnosis. ( )

  26. A:Cholecystitis B:Acute pancreatitis C:Acute perforation of peptic ulcer D:Acute gastroenteritis
  27. Which of the following descriptions is wrong with regard to the image of the abscess cavity of the liver abscess ( )

  28. A:gas can be seen in the abscess cavity B:may have "liquid-liquid level" C:no abscess cavity can be seen in the acute stage D:the abscess cavity may be enhanced
  29. A 40-year-old woman has abdominal pain and blood in her urine after trauma. Which of the following diseases is more likely: C

  30. A:Renal contusion B:Pancreatic injury C:Spleen laceration D:Liver laceration
  31. The signal characteristics of biliary stones on T2WI sequence are ( )

  32. A:isointensity B:hypointensity C:hyperintensity D:mixed intensity
  33. The patient was a 58-year-old female. Three months after radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer, CT examination revealed bilateral ovarian masses and ascites in the pelvic cavity. The most likely diagnosis is ( )

  34. A:Ovarian cyst B:Ovarian cancer C:Cirrhosis, ascites D:Krukenberg tumor
  35. What is wrong about acute appendicitis in children is that( )

  36. A:Higher complications and mortality B:Early operation is advisable C:The disease progresses rapidly and severely D:Obvious signs in the right lower abdomen E:The perforation rate is up to 30%
  37. Barium imaging in the prone position is used to observe ( )

  38. A:filling phase of the bottom of the stomach, mucosal phase of the gastric body and sinus B:mucosal phase of the bottom of the stomach, filling phase of the gastric body and antrum C:filling phase of the bottom of the stomach, gastric body and antrum D:mucosal membrane of the stomach body and sinus
  39. Which is the best examination method for acute pancreatitis?( )

  40. A:X ray B:Ultrasound C:CT D:MR
  41. Male, 45 years old. He suffered from hepatitis B 10 years ago and was relieved after liver protective treatment. Recent physical examination revealed splenomegaly to the costal margin, and gastroscopy showed moderate varices in the middle and lower segments of the esophagus. Liver function tests were generally normal, with blood Hb124g/L, WBC2.9×109/L, and Plt 40×109/L. The proper treatment for this patient is: ( ).

  42. A:Hepatoprotective treatment and observation B:Splenectomy and splenorenal shunt were performed C:Splenectomy D:Liver transplantation E:Splenectomy and pericardial devascularization
  43. Which of the following is most helpful to indicate gastric submucosal lesions ( )

  44. A:Intratuminal growth B:ulcer formation C:Heterogeneous density with progressive enhancement D:Mucosal line intact
  45. CT examination of great significance for the diagnosis of appendicitis is the occurrence of appendicitis ( )

  46. A:Fat density shadow B:Soft tissue shadow C:Gas density shadow D:high density film E:Liquid density shadow
  47. Which of the following manifestations tend to be high-risk gastric stromal tumor ( )

  48. A:uniform density B:Large mass with ulceration, bleeding C:round or circular D:acute angular mass with the gastric wall
  49. Which of the following imaging method is the best for diagnosis of liver metastases ( )

  50. A:CT B:Ultrasonic examination C:X-ray examination D:MRI
  51. Which of the following is most important in the diagnosis of chronic appendicitis ( )

  52. A:Exclude the possibility of diseases other than the appendix B:Had a typical history of acute appendicitis C:History of chronic right lower abdominal pain D:X-ray barium meal examination of the appendix did not develop E:Mild tenderness in the right lower abdomen
  53. Radiolucent objects include without?( )

  54. A:Fish bones. B:Food. C:Aluminum. D:Drugs. E:Glass.
  55. Barium meal after standing observation, the shape of the stomach is divided into ( ) types?

  56. A:1 B:2 C:4 D:3
  57. The direct CT signs of advanced rectal cancer are ( )

  58. A:The serosal surface of the intestinal wall is coarse and fuzzy, and the density of the surrounding fat layer is increased B:The diameter of perirectal lymph nodes > 10 mm was considered as malignant enlargement C:The intestinal wall is localized or annular thickening, and the intestinal cavity is centered narrow D:The most common site of hematogenous distant metastasis is the liver
  59. Male, 48 years old, was admitted to the hospital because of liver nodules detected by physical examination B-ultrasound for more than 3 days. He had had hepatitis C in the past. Physical examination showed no obvious abnormality. Serum alpha-fetoprotein was 310ng/ml. The most likely findings in hepatobiliary phase (after 20min of enhancement) were as follows: ( )

  60. A:high signal Low signal in the middle and high signal in the periphery B:High signal in the ring C:High signal D:High signal in the middle and low signal in the periphery E:low signal
  61. Which of the following is not a characteristic of gastric stromal tumor ( )

  62. A:Mucosal line destructio B:extraluminal type C:Intraluminal type D:Intraluminal growth
  63. Which of the following is not the characteristic of liver abscess?( )

  64. A:Double target sign B:Honeycomb sign C:Bubble sign D:Bulb sign
  65. Which is the best imaging method for urinary calculi?( )

  66. A:X ray B:MR C:Ultrasound D:CT
  67. Which of the following helps pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer ( )

  68. A:elevated amylase elevation B:CA199 slightly elevated C:Peri-pancreatic exudation D:slender splenic arteriovenous lining around the mass.
  69. Which of the following should not be present in bacterial liver abscess ( )

  70. A:history of systemic suppurative infection B:hepatomegaly with tenderness C:history of amoeba infection D:history of suppurative infection of biliary tract
  71. In order to determine the puncture site or surgical drainage route of liver abscess, the preferred imaging examination method is ( )

  72. A:plain abdominal X-ray B:ultrasonography C:MRI D:CT
  73. Male, 56 years old. The patient had been suffering from emaciation and fatigue for 2 years, fever and lethargy for 5 days and disturbance of consciousness for 1 day. He had been suffering from hepatitis B for many years and had a smoking history of 20 years. Physical examination showed a T37.5℃, P86 beats/min, R20 beats/min, BP120/80 MMHG, unconsciousness, mild jaundice of the scleral, soft neck, no abnormality in cardiopulmonary examination, a soft abdomen, the liver was not subcostal, the spleen was 4cm subcostal, and the moving dullness was positive. Urine routine was normal. Laboratory tests showed blood Hb110g/L, WBC3.4×109/L, Plt92×109/L.This patient's most likely diagnosis is: ( )

  74. A:Hepatic encephalopathy B:Cerebrovascular accident C:Pulmonary encephalopathy D:Uremic coma E:Hypoglycemic coma
  75. What is the most common pathogen of bacterial liver abscess ( )

  76. A:Staphylococcus aureus B:E. coli C:Anaerobic bacteria D:streptococcus
  77. Male, 32 years old. He was admitted to the hospital with eyelid and lower limb edema for 5 days. Viral hepatitis B 6 years ago. Physical examination showed BP140/82 MMHG, bilateral eyelid edema, no jaundice of scleral, no abnormality of heart and lung examination, soft abdomen, unsatisfied palpation of liver and spleen, positive shifting turbidity of abdomen, and pitting edema of both lower limbs (++). Urine routine test: protein (++++), sediment microscopy RBC2-5 /HP. Serum albumin was 20g/L. The most significant tests for diagnosis and treatment are: ( ).

  78. A:Whole abdominal enhanced CT examination B:Quantification of 24-hour urinary protein C:Renal puncture pathological examination D:Liver function and HBsAg tests E:Blood cholesterol determination
  79. MRI in the reverse phase is mainly used to determine which of the following components ( )

  80. A:fiber composition B:protein C:fat or lipid composition D:calcification
  81. The following description of gastric cancer metastasis is correct: ( )

  82. A:Hematogenous metastasis is predominant B:Bone and lung metastases can also occur C:The most common metastasis is to the liver and peritoneum D:Lymph node metastases are common
  83. A 58-year-old female was admitted to the hospital due to upper abdominal discomfort for more than one month, HBsAg was positive in the past, and physical examination showed yellow skin and sclera. To further confirm the diagnosis, the imaging studies of choice for this patient are: ( ).

  84. A:Hepatobiliary and pancreatic B-ultrasound B:Enhanced MRI scan of the liver C:Gastrointestinal radiography D:Enhanced CT scan of the whole abdomen E:PET-CT
  85. The following wrong description of the metastasis of gastric stromal tumors is ( )

  86. A:Bone and lung metastases B:Most frequently metastasis to the liver and peritoneal C:Common lymph node metastases D:hematogenous metastasis mainly
  87. Male, 60 years old, was admitted to hospital with yellow eyes for more than a week. She had been drinking alcohol for more than 30 years and had 2 pairs of liquor a day. Serum alpha-fetoprotein was 79ng/ml. The following findings are not typically seen on contrast-enhanced liver MRI: ( )

  88. A:T1WI low signal B:"wash-in, wash-out" enhancement C:T2WI high signal D:Occurrence of pseudocapsule in the delayed period E:DWI low signal
  89. Examination methods that can determine the pathological nature of esophageal lesions are: ( )

  90. A:Gastroscopic biopsy B:CT C:MRI D:Plain chest radiograph
  91. The following statement about gallbladder cancer is correct ( )

  92. A:Gallbladder enlargement, Murphy's sign is positive B:The gall bladder is small and hard C:Gallbladder enlargement, jaundice, and duodenal reflux D:Enlarged gallbladder without tenderness
  93. Female, 13 years old. Weakness, poor appetite, and edema of both lower limbs for more than 1 year were admitted to the hospital. Laboratory tests showed ceruloplasmin 20mg/L, Hb97g/L, WBC2.9×109/L, WBC 43×109/L. Total bilirubin 61.9μmol/L, direct bilirubin 19.8μmol/L, indirect bilirubin 42.1μmol/L, blood ammonia 43.0μmol/L. Which of the following features is unlikely to be present on enhanced liver MRI in this patient: ( )

  94. A:Splenomegaly and B:Lower esophagogastric varices C:Portal vein thrombosis D:Hepatomegaly E:Multiple liver nodules with high T1WI signal intensity and low T2WI signal intensity
  95. Which of the following descriptions is wrong with regard to the CT image of the liver metastases ( )

  96. A:The tumor may exhibit liquefaction necrosis B:Cystic changes do not occur when the tumor is very small C:Small and multiple low-density masses in hepatic parenchyma D:Bull's eye sign
  97. When contrast enhanced MR examination reveals multiple liver lesions with "bull's eye sign" manifestations, which of the following diseases should be considered first. ( )

  98. A:liver metastases B:liver abscess C:hepatic cyst D:hepatic hemangioma
  99. Which of the following is not the characteristic of pancreatic cancer ( )

  100. A:swelling of the pancreas B:dilated pancreatic duct C:Signal change D:ring enhancement

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