1.Which of the following is an example of a cause-and-effect structure? ( )
A:Team X is quite bad; they lost last night by 40 points. B:Place yourself in situation X. C:In 1925, X happened. In 1926, Y happened. D:Problem X. To solve problem X, the commissioners did Y, Z, and A.
2.In what way is this text mainly structured?
Linux and Windows are both operating systems. Computers use them to run programs. Linux is totally free and open source, so users can improve or otherwise modify the source code. Windows is proprietary, so it costs money to use and users are prohibited from altering the source code. ( )
A:Problem and solution. B:Cause and effect. C:Claim and counter-claim. D:Comparison and contrast. 3.An economics textbook is best described as what type of writing? ( )
A:Descriptive. B:Argumentative. C:Expository. D:Narrative. 4.An article begins with some background information leading to an issue, then lists arguments for and against it, giving evidence for different points of view, and at last ends in a conclusion that sums up both sides or recommend one point of view. What’s the text type of the article? ( )
A:Narrative. B:Argumentative. C:Expository. D:Descriptive. 5.The following are examples of expository text: ______. ( )
A:People Magazine, Pride and Prejudice, The Onion B:Harry Potter, Wikipedia, Star Magazine C:USA Today, The Recipe of Cooking, British History Textbook D:None of these are examples

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