

  1. While communicating, you should pronounce your words ( ).

  2. A:slowly B:correctly C:wrong D:quickly
  3. "Department store" means ( ) in Chinese.

  4. A:部门商店 B:百货商店 C:洗衣店 D:服装店
    AI参考:正确答案是B:百货商店。根据题干中给出的选项,可以确定"Department store"的意思是“百货商店”,在中文中可以翻译为“百货商店”。其他选项与题干中的意思不符。因此,答案为B。'
  5. Which is the suitable complimentary for an application letter? ( )

  6. A:yours faithfully B:faithfully your C:your faithfully D:your faithful
    AI参考:正确答案是A:yours faithfully。应用信的适宜称呼应该是在名字和称呼之间使用逗号,在名字后面加上“faithfully”来表示对收信人的尊敬和真诚。因此,选项A“yours faithfully”是正确的选择。选项B、C、D中的表达方式都存在问题,不符合应用信的格式和规范。'
  7. In Philippine, the everyday greeting for friends is a ( ) for both men and women.

  8. A:smile B:hug C:handshake D:kiss on cheek
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:kiss on cheek】。在菲律宾,日常问候朋友的方式是脸颊吻,这是男女都适用的问候方式。微笑、拥抱和握手不是菲律宾常见的问候方式。'
  9. When you hear the salesclerk say "What size would you like?", you can say ( ).

  10. A:size L B:size XL C:all above D:size M
    AI参考:正确选项为【D:size M】。原文中提到“当你听到售货员说‘你想要什么尺码?’时”,可以回答“size M”(尺码M)。根据常识和常见尺码表,M码是最常见的尺码之一,也是大多数人的选择。因此,D选项是正确答案。A、B、C选项都不符合常识和常见尺码表,因此不是正确答案。'
  11. In Cambodia, the higher your hands held in praying position, the more is the ( ) shown by you.

  12. A:wealthy B:love C:polite D:respect
  13. They are talking about ( ) or disadvantages of joining the club.

  14. A:strengths B:benefit C:advantages D:points
  15. I am majoring ( ) applied computer technology.

  16. A:at B:in C:on D:for
    AI参考:正确选项是B:in。句子中的“majoring in”是一个固定搭配,表示“主修…专业”,因此选项B“in”是正确答案。句子意思是“我主修应用计算机技术”。选项A“at”表示在某个地点,选项C“on”表示在某个表面或部位上,选项D“for”表示为了某个目的或目标。这些选项都不符合句子的语境和语法规则。'
  17. ( ) is staple food.

  18. A:steak B:steamed bread C:wine D:fish
    答案:dumplingsricesteamed bunsAI参考:正确答案是B:steamed bread。这句话的意思是“蒸面包是主食”,根据常识可知蒸面包是主食,所以答案为B。A项steak是牛排,C项wine是葡萄酒,D项fish是鱼肉,都不符合常识。'
  19. Potatoes, chocolate, butter, cream, oils and nuts, these food can mainly ( ).

  20. A:provding various nutritions B:provide energy C:fight diseases D:help us grow bones and muscle
    答案:provide energyAI参考:正确答案是B:提供能量。Potatoes、chocolate、butter、cream、oils and nuts都是常见的食物,他们主要是提供能量的。所以正确答案为B。其他选项都与题目中给出的食物类型不符。'
  21. What’s the meaning of ASEAN?( )

  22. A:东盟 B:欧洲 C:北美 D:欧盟
    答案:东盟AI参考:正确答案是【A:东盟】。东盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations,简称A.S.E.A.N)是东南亚国家联盟的简称,成员国有新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾、文莱、越南、老挝等国家。所以答案为A。'
  23. ( ) is convenient for having a meeting.

  24. A:Lunch B:Breakfast C:Afternoon tea D:Dinner
    答案:Improve interpreting quality ;Reduce misunderstanding;Reduce mistakes ;Contribute to an effective cross-cultural communication AI参考:正确答案是 D:Dinner。晚餐适合开会的。A.午餐、B.早餐通常不太适合开会议,C.下午茶也是一般适合休闲的时候享用的。所以答案是D,晚餐更适合开会的场景。'
  25. An open stance with arms relaxed at your sides tells anyone around you that your are ( ) to hearing what they have to say.

  26. A:unwillingness B:interested C:not interested D:approachable
    AI参考:正确答案是D:approachable。句意“放松的站姿并微微张开双臂表示你对听取他们的话非常愿意。由此可判断答案是D. approachable。unwillingness 不愿意,be interested 感兴趣,not interested 不感兴趣,这三项均与句意不符。”'
  27. Which word is the similar to "consistency"? ( )

  28. A:consistent B:uniformity C:structure D:interview
  29. At the beginning of the interview, you can make ( ) with the interviewer.

  30. A:small talk B:a joke C:sure D:money
    AI参考:正确选项是 A:small talk 。在面试开始时,可以进行小谈,即寒暄、闲聊,为接下来的面试建立一种友好的氛围。而选项B的笑话通常是在面试中不应该出现的,选项C的“sure”过于笼统,选项D的“money”与面试主题无关。因此,正确答案是A:small talk。'
  31. Figure out which person of the two has a higher ( ) or ( ) in a social setting.

  32. A:authority B:rank C:age D:position
  33. Which of the following are correct expressions? ( )

  34. A:a sore throat 喉咙痛 B:sneezing 鼻塞 C:a blocked nose 流鼻涕 D:a cough 咳嗽

  35. We should especially pay attention to ( ) when making a dinner reservation.

  36. A:special requirements B:time C:retaurant location D:table position
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:special requirements】原文中提到“We should especially pay attention to”,表示需要特别注意。而选项A中的“special requirements”指的是特殊要求,符合上下文语境。其他选项B、C、D在原文中并没有提到。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  37. Hunan food consists of local cuisines of ( ).

  38. A:Xiangxi coteau B:Xiangjiang Region C:Dongting Lake D:Wuhan region

  39. Before joining a club, you'd better ask about ( ) and ( ) clearly.

  40. A:porpularity B:time C:date D:weather

  41. Why is shopping online becoming more and more popular in China? ( )

  42. A:The infrastrucure and logistics in China are becoming better and faster than ever before. B:Chinese are becoming poorer and poorer. C:many advantages of shopping online push Chinese consumers to buy things online. D:The government has taken some effective measures to promote the development of E-commerce in China.

  43. Which ones are occupations? ( )

  44. A:supermarket B:carpenters C:managers D:mechanics
    AI参考:正确选项为B: carpenters。原文中提到的是occupations(职业),而选项B中的carpenters是从事木工工作的人,属于一种职业。选项A中的supermarket是超市,选项C中的managers是经理,选项D中的mechanics是机械师,这些都不是职业,因此不符合题意。'
  45. Which ones belong to the top ten qualifications that the employers seek?

  46. A:honesty B:teamwork skills C:communication skills D:computer skills

  47. We can get some information about the weather on ( ).

  48. A:TV B:telescope C:the Internet D:the radio
    AI参考:正确选项为C:the Internet。我们可以通过互联网获取天气信息。电视、望远镜和收音机都不是获取天气信息的常见渠道。随着互联网的发展,人们可以通过各种网站、应用程序和社交媒体平台来获取天气信息,例如天气预报网站、天气应用程序等。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  49. College is a ( ) and ( ) experience for you.

  50. A:different B:new C:funny D:exciting
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:exciting。句子中提到“大学是一个令人兴奋的经历”,其中“令人兴奋的”与四个选项中的D选项“exciting”意思相符,因此D是正确答案。其他选项A、B、C的意思分别为不同的、新的、有趣的,与句意不符。'
  51. When you go to the Disneyland you can travel ( ).

  52. A:Adventureland B:Fantasyland C:Epcot D:Mickeys Toontown
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:Mickeys Toontown。在迪士尼乐园中,Mickeys Toontown是专为儿童设计的区域,是许多孩子的最爱。因此,当你前往迪士尼乐园时,你可以前往Mickeys Toontown进行探险。其他选项如Adventureland(探险乐园)、Fantasyland(梦幻乐园)和Epcot(未来世界)也都是迪士尼乐园中的一部分,但它们主要是为不同年龄段的人群设计的。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  53. Which of the following sentences are correct when using with the verbs: go, play and do? ( )

  54. A:They do badminton together every Sunday. B:I will go skating this winter. C:I like playing table tennes. D:she does yoga every weekend.

  55. The gesture is a kind of unspoken greeting, including ( ).

  56. A:Salute and Hug B:High-five C:Hand kiss D:Fist-bump

  57. If you're introducing people in a formal setting, then you should use the ( ) and ( ) names of the people

  58. A:nickname B:first C:full D:last

  59. Which sports are not traditional Chinese sports? ( )

  60. A:Stilt walking B:Parkour C:Surfing D:Taiji

  61. When it is raining, you should carry ( ) and ( ).

  62. A:umbrellas B:brooms C:ponchos D:sports shoes
    AI参考:正确选项为 A:umbrellas。句子中提到“当天下雨时”,表示需要带伞来遮雨。因此,正确的选项应该是与“伞”相关的词语,而选项A中的“umbrellas”就是表示伞的名词。选项B、C、D中的词语与句子意思不符。'
  63. Discount includes ( ).

  64. A:special offer B:buy one get one free C:30% off D:promotion price

  65. The main categories of seats on high-speed train are ( ).

  66. A:business seat B:first class seat C:second class seat D:soft sleeper

  67. The season after summer is ( ) or ( ).

  68. A:fall B:spring C:autumn D:winter
  69. Which of the following foods can be called dessert? ( )

  70. A:butter cake B:ice cream C:red wine D:juice

  71. If you want to suggest someone take part in a sport, which of these choices would be good to use? ( )

  72. AI参考:正确选项为: [BCD] (B)Lets play soccer together! (C)Why dont you try swimming? (D)Why not try out for the basketball team? 如果你想建议某人参加运动,可以使用一些表达方式。其中,B选项“Lets play soccer together!”表示一起踢足球,是一种邀请对方参加运动的方式;C选项“Why dont you try swimming?”表示你为什么不尝试游泳,游泳是一种常见的运动方式,可以鼓励对方尝试;D选项“Why not try out for the basketball team?”表示为何不试着参加篮球队,这是鼓励对方参加某项运动的常用表达方式。而A选项“Shall we go jogging after work?”(去上班之后我们可以慢跑)是一个关于时间的建议,而非关于运动的建议。所以选项BCD是正确选择。"
  73. What are usually included in a sick note? ( )

  74. A:Your doctor’s diagnosis. B:How long you are going to stay at home. C:A brief introduction of your illness. D:Your doctor’s letter.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Your doctor’s letter.】病假条通常包括医生出具的书面证明,包括病情诊断、建议休息的时间以及注意事项等。选项A和C虽然也涉及到了病情和疾病相关信息,但并非病假条的核心内容;选项B涉及的是请假时长,这在很多场合中并非病假条的主要内容。因此,只有选项D“Your doctor’s letter.”符合病假条的基本构成要求。'
  75. It's common to use different greetings depending on whether you greet ( ).

  76. A:a business associate B:a classmate C:a family D:a friend

  77. Bargaining strategies include ( ).

  78. A:pretend to be poor B:use cash when bargaining C:don’t be afraid to walk away D:try to get the right discount

  79. Side dish includes ( ).

  80. A:juice B:fish C:steak D:seashell

  81. Boiled eggs with tea is not conducive to our digestion.

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. The Venetion Macau has more than 700 gambling halls.

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. Extreme sports are mostly related to height, speed and extreme physical exertion.

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. We should use less plastic bags when shopping.

  88. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:【判断题】We should use less plastic bags when shopping. 答案:B: 错。在购物时我们应该减少使用塑料袋,但是这个说法并不完全准确,因为“使用塑料袋”通常是因为我们购物时需要携带商品,而不是过度使用塑料袋。更好的建议是减少使用一次性塑料制品,包括塑料袋、塑料瓶等。所以这个问题的正确答案是“错”。'
  89. Department stores are suitable for bargaining according to the mini-lecture.

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. It's important to remember that the image the interviewer has of you when he or she first meets you is the one that is going to last. 

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. When not sure about ranks of people, you should shake hands from near to far, or in the clockwise order.

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. Maneki Neko is a souvenir of Denmark.

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. When ordering food, a waiter or a waitress may ask you, what do you recommend?

  98. A:错 B:对

  99. There are four seats in each row of second-class seats on high-speed railway.

  100. A:对 B:错
  101. In New Zealand, usually, both men and women shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.

  102. A:对 B:错
  103. When Dutch people meet; they kiss each other on one cheek and then the other.

  104. A:错 B:对
  105. Sichuan food, prolific of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili.

  106. A:对 B:错

  107. "Go" is usually used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against another person.

  108. A:对 B:错
  109. Travelers can book high-speed train tickets through 12306.cn.

  110. A:对 B:错

  111. The speed of express train is over 180 km/h in China.

  112. A:错 B:对

  113. Bargainig does not need strategies.

  114. A:对 B:错

  115. In Japan, a smile can have different meanings.

  116. A:错 B:对

  117. Interviewer also called candidate.

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. Informal greetings are used with people you do not know very well.

  120. A:对 B:错
  121.     The fridge is considered a necessity. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food first appeared with the label: “store in the refrigerator.”

        In my fridgeless fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthy. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher (肉商), the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus (剩余的) bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country.

        The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. A vast way of well-tried techniques already existed-natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling...

        What refrigeration did promote was marketing—marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.

        Consequently, most of the world’s fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house-while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge. 

        The fridge’s effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself, invest in a food cabinet and turn off your fridge next winter. You may miss the hamburgers (汉堡包), but at least you’ll get rid of that terrible hum.

  122.     There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.

        Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possible months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, out long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

        The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-range goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.

        Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. 

  123. AI参考:A. What are the goals of each? B. What is the main idea of this passage? C. What is the significance of achieving short-term goals? D. How should we approach long-term goals? E. How do long-term goals help us? 正确答案是:B. 文章主要介绍了短中长期目标的含义和重要性,以及如何设定和实现它们。因此,选项B“本文的主要思想是什么?”是最符合文章内容的答案。其他选项在文章中没有明确提及或与文章内容不符。"

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