1.“Rome was not built in a day, nor in a year.” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:repetition B:palindrome C:antithesis D:parody
2.Rhetorical functions of simile include all the following except ( ).
A:The illuminative function B:The introductory function C:The illustrative function D:The descriptive function
答案:The introductory function
3.“These are all noisy colors.”(  ) is used in this sentence. 
A:simile   B:personification C:synesthesia D:metaphor
4.“All citizens of this country owe allegiance to the crown.” ( ) is use in this sentence. 
A:simile   B:metonymy C:metaphor D:personification
5.“Rise to vote, sir.” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:palindrome B:antithesis C:parallelism D:repetition
6.“The long flames sang their drumming chorus in voices of the heaviest bass.” ( ) is used in this sentence. 
A:metonymy B:metaphor C:personification D:simile
7. “A friend in need is a friend to be avoided. “ Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:repetition B:rhetoric question C:parallelism D:parody
8.He looked ( ) he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.
A:whether B:if C:as if D:that
答案:as if
9.English structural figures of speeches do not include( ).
A:antithesis B:rhetoric question C:pun D:repetition
10.“Pug observed that not one of them was shooting this crippled walk.” ( ) is used in this sentence. 
A:metaphor   B:transferred epithet C:synecdoche D:metonymy  
答案:transferred epithet
11.Identify the figure of speech. “To get a decent apartment these days in New York, you have to pay an arm and leg.” ( )
A:euphemism B:hyperbole C:irony D:allusion

12.“Shall we allow those untruths to go unanswered?” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:parody B:repetition C:rhetoric question D:palindrome 13.“Droves of bluejackets were doing an animated scrub-down.” ( ) is used in this sentence. 
A:metonymy and transferred epithet   B:synecdoche C:metaphor                     D:personification 14.In “I never believe until then that any meal could defeat me, but on that day I met my Waterloo.”, Waterloo is originated from_____. ( )
A:historical figure B:literary work C:religious stories D:historical event 15.In "If we don't hang together we'll hang separately." (Benjamin Franklin), ______ is used. ( )
A:pun B:alliteration C:consonance D:assonance 16.“Was it a cat I saw?” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:antithesis B:parody C:palindrome D:repetition 17.Identify the figure of speech. “If I am late again, the boss will raise Cain.” ( )
A:Hyperbole B:Euphemism C:Allusion D:Irony 18.“Many hands make light work.”   ( ) is used in this sentence.
A:synecdoche   B:metonymy C:personification D:metaphor 19.What is rhetoric? Choose the expression that is not correct. ( )
A:Rhetoric was used to refer to the art of effective public speaking. B:Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion. C:Rhetoric is only about writing. D:Rhetoric and be regarded as a study, a tool and an art. 20.Which of the following is not an example of synecdoche? ( )
A:Referring to cows as "heads" of cattle. B:Referring to a gossip as a "wagging tongue”. C:Referring to the alphabet as the "ABCs." D:Referring to the king or queen as crown. 21.In “Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps break through.( )
A:irony B:paradox C:oxymoron D:allusion 22.“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:antithesis B:repetition C:palindrome D:parody 23. “No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:antithesis B:repetition C:rhetoric question D:parallelism 24.Euphemism is the substitution of an/a____ expression for a more unpleasant one, or for a term which more directly evokes a distasteful or TABOO subject. ( )
A:offensive B:unpleasant C:inoffensive D:Sad 25.“How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worth of note?” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:palindrome B:rhetoric question C:antithesis D:repetition 26.He was like a ( ) who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
A:dog B:hen C:cock D:bird 27.“Like America, like Japan. ” Which figures of speech does this sentence use? ( )
A:rhetoric question B:parody C:repetition D:antithesis 28.Which of the following sentences is not an euphemism? ( )
A:More attention must be paid to the underachievers in the class. B:At the moment, people in the rural area are needy. C:It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. D:Where is the restroom? 29.“You buy yourself something after months of saving and then someone gets it for you for Christmas!” is an example of ____. ( )
A:irony B:paradox C:allusion D:oxymoron 30.Writers employ synesthesia to . ( )
A:To make their ideas more vivid B:By blending different senses, writers make their works more interesting and appealing. C:To adds more layers of meaning to a text for the readers’ pleasure. D:To be creative in communicating their ideas to the readers 31.What are the major types of euphemisms? ( )
A:lexical euphemisms B:stylistic euphemisms C:grammatical euphemisms D:traditional euphemisms 32.What are the "Five Canons" for rhetoric? ( )
A:speaking B:memory C:style D:invention E:delivery F:arrangement 33.Which sentence is more vivid and more lifelike by employing onomatopoeia? ( )
A:Heavy rain drops began pitter-pattering on the tent. B:They walk through the mire to the village. C:Heavy rain drops fell on the tent. D:They splashed through the mire to the village. 34.The common substitutions involved in synecdoche are  _____        ( ).
A:The name of the material for the thing made. B:A part is put for the whole. C:the whole stands for the part. D:species stand for genus and the genus stand for the species. 35.The characteristics of simile include ( )
A:Two things involved should be completely different. B:The two things should be similar in at least one characteristic. C:Involving two things: primary term or tenor and secondary term or vehicle D:Introduced by comparative words, such as, “like”, “as”, “as if”, “as though” etc. 36.English structural figures of speeches include( ).
A:antithesis B:parallelism C:repetition D:parody 37.What are the major types of irony? ( )
A:verbal irony B:paragraph irony C:situational irony D:sentence irony 38.The use of paradox can be easily found in many places like:( )
A:novels and Prose B:Proverbs C:tongue twisters D:advertisements 39.Which of the following parts are taking chronological transitional functions?( )
A:Having eaten little for lunch, we were soon wearied. B:After the car broke, we had to walk several miles. C:It was for that reason that he left me. D:While we wanted to continue toward town, we had to rest. 40.Applying some allusions unfamiliar to the audience can help express in an implicit way.( )
A:对 B:错 41.A metaphor makes a comparison between two like elements. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 42.The day we passed together for a while seemed a bright fire on a winter’s night. This sentence contains a simile. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 43.Since Chinese people are mostly not familiar with English culture, many English effective sentences with indirect or passing reference to some English event, person, place or artistic work cannot be transplanted to Chinese. ( )
A:错 B:对 44.Compared to my house, his is a palace. This sentence contains a simile. ( )
A:对 B:错 45.There are wide resources of allusion:nursery rhymes, fairy tales, myths, legends, fables, The Bible and other literary works. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 46.Euphemism has been accused of prettifying peace and tranquility or cheating, esp. in politics.( )
A:错误 B:正确 47.A loose sentence puts the main idea before all supplementary information. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 48.A simple sentence has only one subject and one predicate-verb. ( )
A:错 B:对 49.For synecdoche, the relationship between the two things is not part-to-whole or whole-to-part, but is simply one of being closely conceptually related. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 50.In a periodic sentence, the main idea is expressed at or near the end of it. ( )
A:错 B:对 51.The students in that school all work very hard, they know time is money. In this sentence, time is compared to money which is very precious. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 52.“They prolonged the clasp for the photographer, exchanging smiling words.” Transferred epithet is used in this sentence. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 53.Long sentences are capable of expressing complex ideas with precision, because it may contain many modifiers. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 54.The sentence “I am going to write a blog post today.” is better than “A blog post will be written by me today.” because in the former sentence, because in English writing, subject is usually at the start of the sentence with a clear verb acting on the object.( )
A:错误 B:正确 55.“Mary's husband now seems to be an intimate stranger to her.” is an example of paradox. ( )
A:错 B:对 56.When a sentence contains two parallel clauses similar in structure, it is a balanced sentence. ( )
A:错 B:对 57.A is unified when every develops the point made in the . It must have a single focus and contain no irrelevant facts.( )
A:错 B:对 58.An interrogative sentence asks a question. ( )
A:对 B:错 59.Then the surgeon cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched me up again. In this sentence, the writer used the whole to stand for the part. ( )
A:错 B:对 60.“Jack and Jill like walking and fishing but hate running and hunting”is a simple sentence. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 61.More often than not, literature, especially poetry, uses words largely for their connotative meanings, while technical and scientific writing primarily relies on the denotative use of words. ( )
A:错 B:对 62.“ ‘Help, let me in, please let me in!’ But the houses were cold, closed, unfriendly....” Metaphor is used in this sentence. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 63.Metonymy is a comparison built on the relatedness of two different things. ( )
A:错 B:对 64.A homonym refers to a word that is identical to another word in pronunciation and spelling but not in meaning. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 65.Oxymoron demonstrates the fact that two things can be both opposite and complementary to each other.( )
A:错 B:对 66.A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. ( )
A:对 B:错 67.With synecdoche, the relationship between the two things involved is part-and-whole: that is, one thing is part of another. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 68.Paradox may sound somewhat self-contradictory but in fact true.( )
A:正确 B:错误 69.Metaphor draws a comparison between the qualities of two unrelated things. ( )
A:错 B:对 70.The news reporter said that the winner of the race has run like the wind. In this sentence metaphor is used. ( )
A:错 B:对 71.Long sentences are suitable for the presentation of important facts and ideas. ( )
A:错 B:对 72.Rhetoric has acquired both positive connotations and negative connotations. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 73.In hyperbole, people tend to use less exact but milder or less blunt words or phrases in place of words required by truth or accuracy. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 74.“More haste, less speed." is an example of oxymoron. ( )
A:对 B:错 75.Rhetoric was used to refer to the art of effective public speaking. ( )
A:对 B:错 76.The comparison involved in simile is not imaginative. ( )
A:错 B:对 77.“If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”is a complex sentence. ( )
A:对 B:错 78.Oxymoron is the art of using an apparently self-contradictory statement which, on closer inspection, is found to contain a truth reconciling the conflicting opposites.( )
A:错 B:对 79.He manages to earn his bread. In this sentence, “bread” means “food” and synecdoche is used. ( )
A:错 B:对

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