1. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the atheism completely denied the existence of gods and spirits. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Restraining oneself in privacy is the rule that one should observe when he is in privacy.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Confucianism realized that the Heaven's order was not necessarily given to the ruler. Therefore, a ruler must bear the sense of crisis. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The idea Propriety presented Xun Zi's partial recognition of Legalism and deep understanding of social management. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The idea “Transformation” constituted a prominent feature of Chinese traditional philosophy. It was Sun Zi who endowed the idea Transformation with the philosophical meaning. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Confucian held that history recorded the experience or tradition and embodied the conservative stance of worshipping the past and denying the present. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Wang Fuzhi believed that knowledge and action embodied and supplemented each other. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. The Heaven-human relationship in the idea Destiny dealt with the relationship between humans and the external environment.   ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The ideas of “serenity of mind” (心斋)  and “state of forgetting while sitting (坐忘)” were proposed by Lao Zi. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. To Confucians, morality can be imposed on humans with law or force.( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Mencius said, “Good quality is what humans possess without learning; good knowledge is what humans obtain without thinking.” It accorded with Confucius’s view on knowledge, that is acquiring knowledge through learning, and embodied the materialist stance. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Honesty and tolerance are the embodiment of the spirit of benevolence.( )
  24. In the Spring and Autumn Period, concerning diversity, both Shi Bo and Yan Ying held the idea of embracing uniformity and  opposing diversity. ( )
  25. Mencius presented us an image of a true man as “neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle; neither threats nor forces can subdue him”. ( )
  26. Zhu Xi viewed that knowledge appeared first, which tended to split knowledge with action. On the contrary, Wang Yangming proposed knowledge and action co-existed with and influenced each other. ( )
  27. The idea Filial Piety was based on the ruler-subject relationship. ( )
  28. The idea “Shen (神)”  was the first belief in Chinese ancient civilization.( )
  29. Between gradual study and epiphany, Chinese Zen Buddhism valued gradual study which covered the deep understanding of truth in an instant and was characterized with enlightenment. ( )
  30. Hui Yuan, a Buddhist philosopher in Eastern Jin Dynasty, stated that “That the fire is transferred to fagot resembles that the spirit is transferred to form. That the fire is transferred to different fagots resembles that the spirit is transferred to different forms.” He used the fagot-fire metaphor to demonstrate the transience of spirit. ( )
  31. The Daoist concept of “nature” represented the Atheistic attitude.( )
  32. In Pre-Qin Time, most scholars took the materialist stance and stressed that knowledge came from human's contact with nature.   ( )
  33. As for the dialectical outlook, mutual reliance among things was fully represented in Zhuang Zi. ( )
  34. Legalism appeared earlier than Confucianism. ( )
  35. The Daoism took positive attitude and progressive stance towards civilization. ( )
  36. In the “Qi Wu theory”(齐物论), Zhuang Zi expounded the similarity between things, and equated Qi Wu with “One” and “the Same,” and considered  “the opposite as the core of Dao.”( )
  37. To Confucius, the “Three Dynasties” had the ideal social form. The “Three Dynasties” include ( ) .
  38. Lao Zi was dissatisfied with such ideas as wisdom, ( ), which, in his view, were the result of the abolition or loss of Dao.
  39. Concerning the name-substance issue, some philosophers viewed that the name decided the substance, including( ).
  40. Concerning investigating things and gaining knowledge, Zhu Xi’s views included( ).
  41. The ideal Confucian character presents a spirit of ( ).
  42. The holistic outlook represented itself in the forms of ( ).
  43. The rule of honesty and tolerance has multiple meanings:( ).
  44. Concerning the Heaven-human relationship in God’s will, people in Zhou Dynasty developed the ideas of( ).
  45. According to Confucius, one’s cultivation ( ).
  46. Confucians not only elucidated the features of the ideal character but expressed their views on its cultivation, which mainly included ( ).
  47. The idea Golden Mean was firstly recorded in “Canon of Yao” of Book of Documents as “A man is supposed to be righteous and gentle, generous and earnest, strong and humane, and austere and honest." It was also called“Nine Virtues" in Gao Tao’s Scheme (《皋陶谟》). Obviously, the idea Golden Mean originally related to ( ).
  48. Mencius stated that “Life is what I desire; righteousness is also what I desire. When I cannot obtain both, I sacrifice life for ( ).”
  49. In Pre-Qin time, Daoism advocated ( ) concerning civilization, which was contrary to Confucianism.
  50. The prototype of Yin-Yang concept is the idea of( ).
  51. The relationship between language and meaning was discussed for the first time by( ).
  52. Guan Zi proposed that “Love is the start of hate; good is the source of evil.” It recognized the idea of ( ).
  53. The thoughts of ( ) led to the prosperity of Kingdom Qin.
  54. Obviously, Confucian value of music was deeply influenced by the rites in( )Dynasty.
  55. In ancient China, the education system consisted of ( ).
  56. Fan Chi asked what benevolence was. Confucius said, “To love others.”Fan Chi asked what wisdom was. Confucius said, “To( ) others.”
  57. As for the relationship between knowledge and action, ancient Chinese philosophers believed that( ).
  58. Xun Zi said, “name is made to denote substance.” It shows the view that the name determined the substance.( )
  59. Wang Yangming stated that “one knows the taste of food only after he has tasted it. How could he know that if he has not tasted it?” It meant that knowledge appeared earlier than action. ( )
  60. In the Spring and Autumn Period, some philosophers held that human's knowledge did not cover all in the universe, as shown in the statement “Human’s life is limited while knowledge is unlimited. One will exhaust himself if he pursues knowledge through his limited life.” This statement was made by( ).
  61. In Pre-Qin Time, the issue of removing obstructions was firstly discussed by( ).
  62. Lao Zi stressed that “one must remove distraction in the heart concealed by the secular world”so as to “achieve the  _____ and       _____ in mind.”( )
  63. The ideal Confucian characters consist of four principles, which are ( ).
  64. The rule of devoting life to Dao upgrades Confucian morality to the highest level, as life is the most valuable and to practice at the cost of life must be the ( )
  65. The Eight Terms (八条目) in Great Learning indicated how to practice the ruler’s policy, that is( ).
  66. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, every state, prefecture, and county seat had Confucian temples. ( )
  67. Mencius also stated, “In poverty, one should maintain his( ); in rise, one should make perfect the whole country.”
  68. Mencius’s and Xun Zi’s views were the most profound. The former held that human nature was bad while the latter maintained that human nature was good. ( )
  69. Lao Zi severely criticized the rulers who obtained wealth without toils and called them “leaders of theft”. ( )
  70. In Confucian view, the social norms could be summarized as ( ).
  71. Legalism held a unique view on history, that is ( ).
  72. In Chinese culture, the idea Rite has multiple meanings. It can be understood as ( ).
  73. The views  “benevolent rule”  and  “propriety and law”  were proposed by( )respectively.
  74. Mencius disagreed that if the ruler conducted tyrannical rule, citizens could subvert him. ( )
  75. Traditional Chinese medicine employs the four basic diagnostic methods: Wang (Observing), Wen (Smelling), Wen (Consulting), and Qie (Pulse-Taking). They are based on the philosophic idea of ( ).
  76. In the intellectual approach to Heaven-human relationship, the idea "Properness" developed from agricultural activities and consisted of two sides: ( ).
  77. Lao Zi stated that “the movement of Dao means the endless transformation of the opposites.” It recognized the universality of( ).
  78. In Bao Pu Zi, Ge Hong, a Daoist in Jin Dynasty, claimed that “My fate is decided by myself not the Heaven. When the elixir is made, I will be immortal.” It showed a pessimist outlook and challenged the traditional idea of Force.( )
  79. The Golden Mean held that all things or actions contained two corresponding or opposite sides, and that the things or actions looked rational and perfect if the two sides were in balance, and vice versa. ( )
  80. Han Feizi stated that“it is impossible that a shield can resist all spears and a spear can penetrate all shields.”It embodied the concept of( ).
  81. The concept of the Five Elements is a combination of the specific concepts of ( ).
  82. In Chinese traditional philosophy, Dao could be understood as ( ).
  83. In Book of Changes the two basic symbols “–“ and “--" represented the two possibilities of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness in divination, and became important symbols for opposition. ( )
  84. The concept of the Five Elements can be traced back to the concept of the Four Directions as stated in ( ).
  85. Confucius was the first philosopher to regard Dao as the highest philosophical category and make a systematic study. ( )
  86. In Dao De Jing, it says that “Great, it passes on (in constant flow). Passing on, it becomes remote. Having become remote, it returns.” This statement reveals the feature of Dao as( ).
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