1. When you look for evidence to support arguments,you need to find the most relevant and authoritative sources for the subject. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Which of the following can work as good hook? ( )

  4. 答案:statement of a problem###quotation###a popular misconception###analogy
  5. Which words or phrases can help reinforce with similar reasons? ( )

  6. 答案:correspondingly###likewise
  7. One of the problems lies in the title “Social Status of Women” is ( ).

  8. 答案:it is too general
  9. What does the word “pose” mean in this sentence?“She posed with one hand on her hip and the other waving a cigarette. ”. ( )

  10. 答案:To put or set in place
  11. What does the word “confirm” mean in this sentence?“The data confirm the hypothesis that animal-lovers enjoy better health.” ( )

  12. 答案:to show that something is definitely true or correct
  13. Which of the following sources is the most reliable? ( )

  14. 答案:Web of Science
  15. Reasoning is the use of reason,especially the drawing of ( )or conclusion through the use of reason.

  16. 答案:inferences
  17. ( ) reports are typical of experimental disciplines like Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.

  18. 答案:Topic-based
  19. What does the word “identify” mean in this sentence?“In his theory of history, progress is closely identified with technology.” ( )

  20. 答案:to be closely associated or involved in some way
  21. What does the word “resolution” mean in this sentence? “She made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays”. ( )

  22. 答案:A firm decision to do or not to do something
  23. Which of the following answers fit into this sentence best?“We hold similar views on this ______, but out of different considerations.”? ( )
  24. Which of the following multi-word phrases serves as a discourse organizer? ( )
  25. Math is a hard discipline to which academic writing is not applied .( )
  26. Unity is one of the important rhetorical principles that writers follow only in academic writing.( )
  27. Discourse varies in four aspects: discipline, mode, genre and register. ( )
  28. When using testimony from the authorities and experts, don’t forget to write down their ( ) to make the source more convincing.
  29. Which of the following can be used as evidence? ( )
  30. What are the ways to achieve coherence in writing? ( )
  31. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of the technical terms? ( )
  32. Which of the following word fit best into this sentence?“The cost of attending a community college is low; __________, many students need financial aid.” ( )
  33. What does the word “discipline” mean in this sentence?“Neuroscience is a discipline which receives more and more public attention”. ( )
  34. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: In my opinion, I believe the best way of travel is to travel with good friends, which is my favorite. ( )
  35. Detailed outline will help your writing ( ).
  36. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: Ignoring the restraints of the natural environment, there are severe pollution which disturb people’s lives. ( )
  37. ( ) is the most frequently-used genre across all four disciplinary areas — Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences, both at undergraduate’s and master’s levels.
  38. Which of the following sentence will probably induce a good hook?( )
  39. Unity means “sticking ( )”.
  40. Undergraduate genres include ( ).
  41. In an argument, conclusion would be the ( )that the author wants readers to accept.
  42. Topic sentence is the main idea or point of the ( ) paragraph.
  43. What is the problem with the thesis “smoking is bad for heath”? ( )
  44. Which of the following sentence is correct? ( )
  45. Which of the following words can replace the underlined phrasal verbs without changing the meaning of this sentence?“We carried out a series of experiments to test out our hypothesis.” ( )
  46. Plagiarism is a serious ( ) regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, and could result in disciplinary action such as withdrawal from a course and/or expulsion.
  47. We can use ( ) to search for two different word forms at the same time.
  48. What does the word “confirm” mean in this sentence?“The letter needs a signature to confirm you have received it.” ( )
  49. What does the word “discipline” mean in this sentence?“Standards of discipline in schools have declined”. ( )
  50. The distinction between Academic English and non-academic English is very large. ( )
  51. Among theme-and-rheme patterns, constant theme is the most common one. ( )
  52. Sometimes following logic order could improve coherence of your writing better than transitional words. ( )
  53. Different genres have different contents, structures, language styles, and social functions. ( )
  54. Evidence is one of the key parts in argument, and it normally supports a conclusion and it is a fact . ( )
  55. When using statistics as evidence, you need to make sure that they are ( ).
  56. Besides the purpose of persuasion and signal words and phrases, what makes a good argument? ( )
  57. Which of the following ways can you use to develop ideas in the body paragraph? ( )
  58. Understand theme and rheme will help the writers ( ).
  59. When using pronouns, a writer needs to ( ).
  60. Which of the following help make a good argument? ( )
  61. What is the problem with the thesis “Qian xuesen is the Oppenheimer of China”? ( )
  62. Hook in an essay is to ( ).
  63. What are the words or phrases that can reinforce with similar reasons? ( )
  64. How is the topic sentence is similar to the thesis statement? ( )
  65. ( ) is the information that supports or proves your position.
  66. Which of the following is the best thesis statement? ( )
  67. When looking for evidence to support arguments, one of the questions you need to ask is: Which are the most relevant and ( )sources for this subject?
  68. Beside the theme, the ( )part of the clause is called rheme.
  69. In an persuasive outline, we usually list ideas from ( ).
  70. Usually writers prefer using materials published in the past ( ) years.
  71. Citations matter because it is very important to avoid ( )the work of others.
  72. In a cause-and-effect essay, if the causes and effects are too closely linked to be separated, which kind of organization usually works better? ( )
  73. “working title” means ( ).
  74. Who probably don’t need to study English for Academic Purposes? ( )
  75. Which of the following constitute plagiarism? ( )
  76. What does the word “identify” mean in this sentence?“ The murderer was identified from fingerprints discovered at the scene.” ( )
  77. A citation is defined as a _____ from or _____ to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.( )
  78. What does the word “focus” mean in this sentence?“Poverty alleviation should be the focus of the local government in the coming year.” ( )
  79. Unlike the _____, _____ in-text citations usually require an author name and page number, and the year and date of publication do not need to be included in your parenthetical references. ( )
  80. Which of the following sentence is correct in grammar? ( )
  81. For paraphrased work in the APA, if you do not include the authors’ names as part of the sentence, they must be included in the ( ) reference, also known as the in-text citation.
  82. ( ) is usually an overview of a subject or a particular topic.
  83. What does the word “underline” mean in this sentence?“He always underlines every new word when he is reading.” ( )
  84. Claim is a(n) ( ) that you make about your evidence ----- an idea that you believe the evidence supports.
  85. In the APA, if you directly quote more than 40 words, you must display it as a(n) ( ) quote.
  86. English used by electronic engineers at work is ( ).
  87. Which of the following word fit best into this sentence?“It is sunny __________cold.” ( )
  88. Which of the following word fit best into this sentence?“I love my brother __________ we disagree about almost everything.” ( )
  89. What does the word “generate” mean in this sentence?“This issue always generates a great deal of debate among academics.” ( )
  90. When writing an exposition, the writer needs to keep a ( )position.
  91. Long essays are ( ) reports.
  92. In a good argument, the premises should be _______; the evidence or reasons should be _______ to the claim; and the reasons should provide _______ grounds to lead readers to accept the claim.( )
  93. Hooks in research report are usually ( ).
  94. Which of the following words can replace the underlined phrasal verbs without changing the meaning of this sentence?“In his article on the American Civil War Kingston goes into the reasons why the situation developed in the way it did.” ( )
  95. A well-prepared abstract can be ( )
  96. Abstract should include ( )
  97. A well-prepared abstract can be the most important single paragraph in an article. ( )
  98. An abstract is a broad and comprehensive summary of the contents of the article. ( )
  99. The abstract needs to be loose with information. ( )
  100. Contractions should be avoided in any writing but acceptable in spoken English. ( )
  101. Hedging indicates that we should be cautious in speaking and writing especially when we propose something new or draws a conclusion. ( )
  102. Education is a soft-pure discipline. ( )
  103. Register is about the social context in which a discourse appears. ( )
  104. Nominalization is one of the characteristics of the academic writing, but it may cause ( )
  105. Which of the following sentence is more academic? ( )
  106. Choose the best answer to make the following sentence accurate and academic: Some people believe teamwork is efficient, but the professor ( )it is not always true.
  107. Which of the following sounds more like a technical term? ( )
  108. Which of the following words sounds more academic? ( )
  109. Which of the following multi-word phrases indicates the stance of the writer? ( )
  110. ( ) involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s), and are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material.
  111. Plagiarism could occur in which of the following types of sources and media? ( )
  112. In ( ), the author of the source referred to is only acknowledged through the reference not in the running text.
  113. Which of the following is NOT a stated reason for why we should paraphrase/summarize from sources? ( )
  114. ( ) involves putting a passage from source material into your own words, and takes a somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.
  115. Which of the following documentation styles is not usually used in the United States? ( )
  116. In the MLA, when must we use block quotations? ( )
  117. In the APA, all lines after the first line of each entry must be indented one-half inch from the left margin. This is called a(n) ( ) indentation.
  118. _____ is usually used cite sources in the humanities, including the fields of literature and foreign languages; _____ is usually used to cite sources in the social sciences. ( )
  119. For a direct quotation in the APA, they must always require a(n) ( )_.
  120. Theme is the( ) element of a clause and it establishes what you are talking about.
  121. Coherence means “sticking ( )”.
  122. A writer needs to repeat the key nouns to maintain coherence when ( ).
  123. To guarantee unity, a writer needs make sure the supporting details in a body paragraph should relate back to the main idea presented by the ( ).
  124. Overusing transitional words and phrases could make your writing ( ).
  125. Evidence can speak for itself. ( )
  126. What can be used as evidence to support the topic sentence? ( )
  127. What can a writer do in conclusion?( )
  128. Which of the following word do academic writers tend to avoid using ( ).
  129. How does a good thesis statement help?( )
  130. Feasibility report belongs to( ) essay.
  131. Which of the following is true of a good argument? ( )
  132. Academic writing tends to avoid words like “all”, “every”, “always”and never because ( ).
  133. In the process exposition, writers do not have to give a thesis statement. ( )
  134. In exposition, the writer often focuses on ( ).
  135. When you evaluate the sources, you need to take( ) into consideration.
  136. We can find In-depth information in ( ).
  137. One of the characteristics of a good title is ( ).
  138. In a decimal outline, ideas are organized by ( ).
  139. When drawing an outline,you need to make the main idea in each body paragraph ( ) the thesis statement.
  140. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: Computer is conveniently, save us time, bring about entertainment, we can play games and watch movies, and connect people in the distance. ( )
  141. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: It is apparently that ignorance of humans cause their own afflictions. ( )
  142. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: There are many problems wait for people to solve and theses problems are tough. ( )
  143. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: The Internet has instead of teachers in many classrooms. ( )
  144. Please choose the best way to make the given sentence written by student correct, more concise and formal: People tried to develop economy and ignore the restraints of the natural environment. ( )
  145. The English college students use to study their specialization is ( ).
  146. Which of the following is one of the features of academic English?( )
  147. Which type of report follows IMRD structure? ( )
  148. In IMRD structure, “D” stands for ( ).
  149. Most of the research articles published on academic periodicals are of ( ).
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