1. take the fifth的意思是“在法庭上拒绝回答”。 ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. have second thoughts的意思是________。 ( )

  4. 答案:改变主意
  5. We have a lot to discuss, but, ______, let’s have a cup of coffee! ( )

  6. 答案:first things first
  7. nine times out of ten的意思是“十拿九稳”。 ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Many families in this country are still behind the ______ ball and do not enjoy the same standard of living that other people enjoy. ( )

  10. 答案:eight
  11. Once in a blue moon的意思是_______。 ( )

  12. 答案:很少发生的事
  13. Red-eye flight的意思是_______。 ( )

  14. 答案:夜间航班
  15. Roll out the red carpet 的意思是“隆重欢迎”。( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. 以下表达正确的是 ______. ( )

  18. 答案:The corruption in government is making voters see red.
  19. “赤字,负债”可以用_______ 来表达。 ( )

  20. 答案:be in the red
  21. 以下哪个不是“bubbly”的意思?( )。

  22. 答案:冷漠的
  23. a poor fish的意思是“一条穷鱼”。( )
  24. fancy-dress party的意思是“鸡尾酒会”。( )
  25. She is a real_____, she takes every opportunity she gets to go to a party.( )
  26. 一群狼的数量大约在______只。( )
  27. As it was raining hard we had to have supper at the road-side restaurant, which was Hobson’s _____.( )
  28. babies/children in the wood是源自 _____ 的民谣。( )
  29. babies/children in the wood用来形容“天真无邪、 没有经验,或是容易上当的人”。( )
  30. Pyrrhic victory的含义是( )
  31. fiddle while Rome burns涉及到以下哪位人物?( )
  32. I’ve tried every possible source without success, and now I’m at my_______ end. ( )
  33. Sell one’s birthright for a mess of pottage的意思不是 ( )
  34. 以下句子不正确的是 ( )
  35. Still small voice的意思是 ( )
  36. The patience of Job 的意思是 ( )
  37. Damon和Pythias两个人之间有深仇大恨,是一对仇人。( )
  38. It is only through hardship and disasters that a friendship of Damon and _____ can manifest itself.( )
  39. 希腊神话中,将疾病、仇恨、愤怒、罪恶等装入一个盒子里,送给潘多拉的是( )。
  40. Sphinx’s riddle形容某件事情做起来易如反掌。( )
  41. Sphinx’s riddle的谜底是( )。
  42. “机警、干练”可以用______表示。 ( )
  43. put your cards on the table 和lay your cards on the table的意思是一样的。 ( )
  44. Its progress is likely to encourage other State-owned enterprises to follow ______. ( )
  45. play your cards right的意思是“正确地玩牌”。 ( )
  46. Nobody should be surprised: China warned in October that this change in policy was ______. ( )
  47. get the boot的意思是得到靴子。 ( )
  48. “依靠某人提携”的意思用英文可以翻译为_______。 ( )
  49. throw down the gauntlet 的意思是扔掉手套。 ( )
  50. 以下哪个成语意思是“省吃俭用”? ( )
  51. Blake may seem bossy, but it’s Lisa that really wears the ______ in that relationship. ( )
  52. Apple of discord涉及到以下人物,除了________。( )
  53. Adam’s apple 来源于_______。 ( )
  54. Nine times out of ten的意思和ten to one 不一样。( )
  55. behind the eight ball意思是“面临风险和不利因素”。( )
  56. People regard him ______here. He is not only knowledgeable, but also helpful and nice to everyone in the department. ( )
  57. She always keeps others at _____ length and is not easy to get along with. ( )
  58. The proof of the pudding is in the______. ( )
  59. Break a ____ 表达的含义是“祝你好运,祝你成功”。 ( )
  60. Judging from the way he spends money, he was born with a _____ spoon in his mouth. ( )
  61. Beauty is in the _____ of the beholder. ( )
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