1.Cultural globalization is the ________ of economic globalization.
A:core B:foundation C:byproduct D:base
2.Negative emotions are revealed by the loosening of the furrowed lines on the forehead, relaxation of the muscles around the mouth, and widening of the eye area.
A:对 B:错
3.In some countries, teachers avoid openly praising students because academic achievements is less important than successful interpersonal relationships. Which dimension is this behavior related to? 
A:uncertainty avoidance B:power distance     C:individualism and collectivism D:masculinity and femininity
答案:masculinity and femininity
4.The low-context culture doesn’t have which of the characteristics.
A:Tends to give simple, ambiguous, non-contexting messages. B:Values individualism. C:Tends to use "logic" to present ideas. D:Tends to develop transitory personal relationship.
答案:Tends to give simple, ambiguous, non-contexting messages
5.People usually try to use verbal communication to evaluate the authenticity of their messages when verbal messages conflict with nonverbal messages.
A:错 B:对
6.For Americans, two or three seconds of silence can be comfortable.
A:对 B:错
7.Find out the families of one of following countries which are individualistic families.
A:America B:Japan      C:China D:Korea
8.Three important variables related to participants may affect communication are: relationship, gender, and culture.
A:对 B:错
9.It is not real sadness when there is absence of the reliable forehead expression.
A:错 B:对
10.Stereotypes impede communication when they cause to assume that a widely held belief is true of any one individual.
A:对 B:错
11.People often behave differently in workplace relationships and in family relationships. Which element does this phenomenon relate to?
A:message B:feedback C:participants D:channels

12.In low-context communication, the listen is already “contexted” and does not need to be given much background information.
A:错 B:对 13.Which one is not one of the characteristics of culture?
A:local and non-local B:tangible and intangible C:static and dynamic D:popular or high 14.American friendliness is always an offer of true friendship. 
A:错 B:对 15.Discrimination can be thought of as prejudice “in action”.
A:错 B:对 16.When the owner of a large company chooses not to employ those of a certain ethnicity because he believes they are in some way inferior to another, he is discriminating based upon ________ prejudice.
A:gender B:sexual   C:racial D:national  17.   One symbol may have many meanings.
A:对 B:错 18.Low uncertainty avoidance cultures are usually more comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. 
A:对 B:错 19.What would not people normally do to avoid personal space breach at a crowded concert or on a train during rush hour? 
A:Avoiding eye contact B:Scratching face C:Crossing arms D:Moving   20.Religion refers to belief in and recernce for a supernatural power regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A:错 B:对 21.Ableism is stereotyping of and discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. 
A:错 B:对 22.If someone puts both elbows on the table and inhales, what kind of message does the nonverbal cue send? 
A:He is about to ask a question. B:He is about to speak C:He is about to close his conversation. D:He is tied.  23.The four phrases of the culture shock are Honeymoon Negotiation Adjustment Adaptation.
A:对 B:错 24.Nonverbal communication includes both vocal and non-vocal elements.
A:错 B:对 25.Formal harmony is important and neither a teacher nor any student should ever be made to lose face. Which dimension is this situation related to?
A:individualism and collectivism B:masculinity and femininity C:uncertainty avoidance D:power distance 26.Gender is a socially constructed concept that refers to how a particular culture differentiates masculine and feminine social roles.
A:对 B:错 27.If the gestures used have a specific agreed-on meaning, they are referred to as emblems.
A:对 B:错 28.Slimbach further developed the idea of intercultural communication competence by emphasizing the importance of mediation when miscommunication happens rather than focusing on establishing and maintain relationships as a whole.
A:错 B:对 29.Physical time means you are experiencing time based on your mood.
A:错 B:对 30.In Middle Eastern cultures, standing close to someone signals close or warm friendship.
A:错 B:对 31.During the first stage, the unexamined cultural identity stage, one's cultural characteristics are taken for granted, and consequently there is a lot of interest in exploring cultural issues.
A:对 B:错 32.Which one is material culture?
A:computer B:language C:organization D:poetry 33.There is no difference between the cultures that are classifying into the same categories as either high or low-contact. 
A:错 B:对 34.Which of the following examples of thoughts does not belong to cultural identity search stage? 
A:“I think people should know what black people had to go through get to know where we are now.” B:“There are a lot of non-Japanese people around me, and it gets pretty confusing to try and decide who I am.” C:“I don’t have a culture. I’m just an American”. D:“I want to know what we do and how our culture is different from others.” 35.Since people send nonverbal signals through multiple channels simultaneously, it is impossible to increase our nonverbal communication competence by becoming more aware of how it operates in specific channels.
A:错 B:对 36.One is not really happy when lacking of wrinkles around the eye (eye muscles not being involved).
A:错 B:对 37.Stereotype can only be individual. 
A:错 B:对 38.Which one is not one of the ideas of global citizenship?
A:One’s identity goes beyond geography or political borders. B:The human community on the earth is interdependent and whole. C:Humankind is essentially one. D:One world, one dream. 39.Cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members.
A:对 B:错 40.People in long term oriented cultures usually concern more with personal adaptiveness and they are willing to subordinate oneself for one specific purpose.  
A:对 B:错 41.Ageism refers to the belief that those with physical or mental disabilities or handicaps are superior to able-bodied people.
A:对 B:错 42.Westerners like to beat about the bush when they speak.
A:错 B:对 43.Communication is like a ping-pong game in which I sometimes send the ball, wait for you to return it to me, and then hit it back again to you.
A:错 B:对 44.The Arabic-speaking nations, Latin America, Russia, and nearly all of Asia (especially India and China) are high power distance.
A:错 B:对 45.Which one is not mentioned as the advantage of economic globalization?
A:Economic growth accelerated and poverty declined globally B:It can lead to better chances of international peace. C:Firms operating at different levels—domestic, regional, international and global—are now competing against one another. D:It increases a country’s productivity with increased job opportunities. 46.France is a country with low-uncertainty avoidance.
A:对 B:错 47.In terms of “participants”, three important factors need to be taken into account in communication, they are________.
A:nationality, gender and culture B:relationship, gender, and culture C:status, relationship and nationality D:status , culture and gender 48.One’s actions are totally independent of his or her culture.
A:错 B:对 49.How would a man from Germany signify number two with his fingers?
A:Holding up his thumb and little finger  B:Holding up his ring finger and index finger C:Holding up his thumb and index finger D:Holding up middle finger and index finger 50.Which one is not the component of economic globalization?
A:capital markets B:labor markets C:international commodity markets D:agriculture market        51.Which of the following examples of thoughts does not belong to unexamined cultural identity stage? 
A:“There are a lot of non-Japanese people around me, and it gets pretty confusing to try and decide who I am.” B:“I don’t have a culture. I’m just an American”. C:“My parents tell me about where they lived, but what do I care? I've never lived there.” D:“Why do I have to learn who was the first black woman to do this or that? I’m just not too interested.”  52.Which of the following countries or region is of no feminine traits?
A:Finland B:Norway C:Denmark D:Austria 53.The two main elements of GCE are 'global consciousness' and 'global competencies'. 
A:对 B:错 54.Sexism is assuming that a person has certain qualities (good or bad) just because the person is a member of a specific group.
A:对 B:错 55.The two main elements of GCE are _______and_________.
A:global competencies and the knowledge of the world B:global consciousness and language ability C:language ability and the knowledge of the world D:global consciousness and global competencies. 56.What has accompanied the rise of economic globalization?
A:capital markets B:cultural imperialism  C:commodity markets   D:the spread of multinational corporations  57.Inclusion means the ability to be in charge of our own life and to influence others around us.
A:错 B:对 58.Communication is not symbolic, it is a process.
A:错 B:对 59.Which of the countries doesn’t belong to individualistic culture?
A:Italy B:New Zealand C:France D:Greece

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