

  1. It took her quite long to___motherhood. ( )

  2. A:adjust herself to B:adjust C:adjust for D:adjusted to
    AI参考:正确答案是D:adjusted to。这句话的意思是:她花了很长时间来适应做母亲的角色。adjust to适应,符合语境。adjust oneself to使自己适应于,adjust for考虑到,均不符合语境。故选D。'
  3. I’ll be happy to pay___of the postage. ( )

  4. A:the cost B:costs C:cost D:the costs
    答案:HAVEAI参考:正确选项是D:the costs。解释:题目中提到了“支付邮费”,而“支付邮费”是一种行为,不能用“cost”来描述,因此排除选项C。同时,题目中使用了“of the postage”来修饰“pay”,表示支付的是邮费,所以需要用“the costs”来表达“邮费”这个概念,即“我愿意支付邮费的所有费用”。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  5. Please choose a good English version for “相互合作” ( )

  6. A:mutual cooperation B:reciprocal cooperation C:cooperation D:joint cooperation
    AI参考:正确选项是A:mutual cooperation。这个问题的答案很简单,只需要选择一个与“相互合作”意思最接近的英文单词即可。选项A中的mutual cooperation恰好表达了“相互合作”的含义,而且这个词组在英语中是非常常用的。选项B、C、D虽然也是表示合作的英文单词,但是它们都不能准确地表达“相互合作”的含义。因此,选项A是最佳答案。'
  7. Yunnan province will also ______the highways leading from Kunming to such areas as Sichuan Province, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. ( )

  8. A:upgrade to build B:build to upgrade C:build and upgrade D:build or upgrade
    答案:hundred;whenAI参考:正确选项是【C:build and upgrade】。句子中使用了“will also”表示将要做的事情,所以需要使用并列结构,即“build and upgrade”,表示云南也将修建和升级从昆明通往四川、广西壮族自治区、缅甸、老挝和越南等地区的高速公路。因此,选项C“build and upgrade”是正确答案。选项A和D中“upgrade to build”不符合语法规则,选项B“build to upgrade”语序错误。'
  9. She stood up, walked ___John, and asked him what he was doing. ( )

  10. A:near to B:to C:over to C for
    AI参考:正确答案是C:over to句意:她站起来,走向约翰,问他正在做什么。to sb 是走向某人,over to sb 是把东西从一个人那里传递到另一个人那里,而 for sb 是为了某人。根据句意,她向约翰走去,故选C。'
  11. We must stop destroying ___before it is too late. ( )

  12. A:nature B:a nature D the natures C:the nature
  13. Working well as a team is the key___ success. ( )

  14. A:over B:for C:to D:of
    AI参考:正确选项是C:to。在这个句子中,“key to”是一个固定短语,表示“……的关键”,所以正确答案是C选项“to”。句子意思是“良好的团队合作是成功的关键”。'
  15. Becoming morbidly ___significantly increases one’s chances of life threating conditions and diseases. ( )

  16. A:fat B:obese C:big D:heavy
    AI参考:正确答案是B: obese。这道题考察的是词义辨析。根据句意,“变得肥胖显著地增加了某人生命受到威胁的条件和疾病的机会”。fat“肥胖的”,与题意不符;obese“肥胖的”,与题意相符;big“大的”,一般不用于形容人体;heavy“重的”,也与题意不符。所以答案是B。'
  17. ___to be checked and refuelled. ( )

  18. A:All the aircrafts has B:All aircraft must C:All the aircraft has D:All the aircrafts have
    答案:Outer cell is fullAI参考:正确选项【C:All the aircrafts has】分析句子结构可知,此句为主谓宾结构,需要填入一个主语补足语,选项A、B使用了单数形式的has,而句子主语为复数形式“all the aircrafts”,因此使用单数形式的has不符合语法规则,选项D则存在拼写错误。因此,选项C为正确答案。这句话的意思是所有的飞机都需要进行检查和加油。'
  19. Wash your hands before eating or ______ food. ( )

  20. A:being prepared for B:being prepared C:preparing for D:preparing
    AI参考:正确答案是C:preparing for。这句话的意思是:吃饭前要洗手或者准备食物。这里需要用动名词作主语,表示一种习惯或行为,所以用preparing for food。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项不符合语法和语境。'
  21. On April 5, I wrote a report to the central party committee about Jinan’s efforts in suppressing ______. ( )

  22. A:counter-revolution B:counter-revolutionary movement C:counter-revolutionaries D:counter-revolutionary people
    答案:uldn't be better,could it?AI参考:正确答案是:A:counter-revolution本题中的动词“suppress”意为“镇压”,所以需要用名词形式“counter-revolution”来修饰,表示“反革命”。因此,选项A“counter-revolution”是正确答案。其他选项B、C、D在词义和用法上都不符合题目要求。'
  23. Many cancer victims can be ___if the disease is detected early enough. ( )

  24. A:cured B:healed C:saved D:treated

  25. Which expression is a good example of no redundancy? ( )

  26. A:new innovations B:positive guidance C:mutual cooperation D:ideological treasure

  27. As a result of successive defeats, it lost large numbers of men, and morale continued to sink: the mood among the officers and men was defeatist and war-weary.___The/the people in the KMT areas rose up in struggle, making the KMT army’s rear area insecure. ( )

  28. A:Moreover B:* C:However D:While
    AI参考:答案为 D:While句子中有前后两个部分,第一个部分讲国民党军队由于连续失败失去了大量兵力,士气继续下降,情绪是消极的,后半部分是主句,是针对前面提到的状况进行对比的结果,在国民党统治区的民众起来斗争,使得国民党军队的后方不安全,所以前后两个部分之间是对比关系,应该用连词while,因此选择D。A. Moreover 此外B. * 无意义C. However 然而D. While 虽然所以答案是D。'
  29. He examined___of the relationship between the two communities.( )

  30. A:a nature D the natures B:the nature C:nature
    AI参考:单选题:B:the nature。句子中使用了定冠词“the”表示特指“两个社区之间的关系”,而“nature”是抽象名词,表示“本质、特性”,因此“the nature”是正确的选项。而“nature”本身没有特指任何事物,不符合句意。因此,正确答案是B:the nature。'
  31. Effective guidance by the government is especially important for a healthy and rational development of this industry in a socialist market economy. Which statement about this underlined sentence is right? ( )

  32. A:The meaning of “healthy” is so vague and general that it cannot be differentiated from that of “rational”. B:It is a good example of good English C:The meaning of “healthy” has already been included and implied in the word “rational”, so we should just keep one of them. D:“healthy” and “rational” mean virtually the same.

  33. Our town has experienced frequent ___in bus service for several years. ( )

  34. A:interventions. B:interruptions. C:intermissions D:intersections

  35. Which sentence is good English?( )

  36. A:It took the doctor several weeks to treat the wound. B:The wound took several weeks to heal. C:The wound took several weeks to cure. D:It took the doctor several weeks to cure the wound.

  37. In which sentence the phrasal verb “find out” is used correctly? ( )

  38. A:I can’t find out my purse. B:Drivers were struggling to find out the entry to the parking lot in the dense fog. C:we should strengthen communication, and find out common ground while resolving differences. D:I found out who stole the money

  39. I saw my sister this morning, and she___that she was going shopping this afternoon. ( )

  40. A:mentioned B:talked C:declared D:emphasized

  41. According to statistics___by the Ministry of Industry, there have been 31 accidents involving new energy vehicles since 2009. ( )

  42. A:issued B:released C:concealed D:revealed
  43. what are the solutions ___ the problem? ( )

  44. A:for B:to C:of D:over
  45. These terms were favourable to this company. ( )

  46. A:of B:to C:over D:for

  47. The ambulance man ___ the flow of oxygen into the mask. ( )

  48. A:adjusted to B:adjusted C:adapted to D:adopted

  49. This cream is good for ___ minor cuts and bruises. ( )

  50. A:curing B:removing C:treating D:healing

  51. Being even moderately___increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. ( )

  52. A:plump B:flabby C:overweight D:chubby
  53. The insurance company has offered a/an ___ to anyone who can provide information about the theft. ( )

  54. A:sanction B:reward C:award D:punishment
    AI参考:正确答案是B:reward。句意:保险公司为提供失窃信息的人提供奖励。A. sanction制裁;B. reward奖励;C. award奖品;D. punishment惩罚。根据句意,故选B。'
  55. We must have a fundamental evaluation of a person’s work and establish whether his achievements amount to 30 percent and his mistakes to 70 percent, ___. ( )

  56. A:or ditto B:or another way around C:or the opposite D:or vice versa

  57. The items were carefully wrapped to protect them from___during shipping. ( )

  58. A:the damage B:damage C:the damages D:damages

  59. As all of us lack experience in diplomacy, we should carry forward democracy.Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhu Geliang,
    the mastermind.
    ___Soliciting/soliciting everybody’s opinion, we should stress centralism. Efforts mustbe made to make democracy prevail in our embassies. Stress only on centralismwithout democracy will lead to bureaucracy.Advocating democracy can help us get rid of bureaucracy. ( )

  60. A:While B:For C:* D:As
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:As。原文中提到“As all of us lack experience in diplomacy,we should carry forward democracy”,意思是“由于我们所有人在外交方面缺乏经验,我们应该发扬民主”。因此,空格处需要一个连词来连接前半句和后半句,而D选项“As”正好符合这个要求。同时,原文中还提到了“Stress only on centralism without democracy will lead to bureaucracy. Advocating democracy can help us get rid of bureaucracy”,这句话也强调了民主的重要性,因此D选项是符合语境的。'
  61. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink. Which statement is NOT true about the underlined sentence? ( )

  62. A:It should be revised as “Man that does not smoke or drink to take care of cow.” B:This sentence is ambiguous in meaning C:This sentence is logically correct. D:It should be revised as “Man who does not smoke or drink to take care of cow.”

  63. The police arrested John Thomas and ___ him of the murder. ( )

  64. A:accused B:criticized C:punished D:blamed

  65. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the development of the province, and it___ its support and assistance. ( )

  66. A:keeps increasing B:keeps on increasing C:continues increasing D:continues to increase

  67. Please choose a good English version for “加快现代化的步伐”. ( )

  68. A:accelerate the pace of modernization. B:speed up the pace of modernization C:increase the speed of modernization D:accelerate modernization
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:speed up the pace of modernization。该句的意思是“加快现代化的步伐”,其中“加快”可以用“speed up”表示,而“现代化的步伐”可以用“pace of modernization”来表示。因此,选项B“speed up the pace of modernization”是正确的英语表达方式。选项A中的“accelerate the pace of modernization”也是正确的,但与选项B相比,它没有明确指出是“现代化步伐”的加快,因此可能不够准确。选项C中的“increase the speed of modernization”虽然可以表达加快速度的意思,但与“现代化步伐”搭配不当。选项D中的“accelerate modernization”是不正确的表达方式,因为“现代化”是一个过程,不能用“accelerate”来加速它。'
  69. The Technical Roadmap for Fuel-Efficient and New Energy Vehicles was___on October 26th. ( )

  70. A:issued B:released C:concealed D:revealed
  71. One of the Chinese students walked slowly___me and, with a huge smile, handed me a rose. ( )

  72. A:to B:near to C:up to C for
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:near to。句子中的“walked slowly near to”表示“慢慢靠近我”,其中near to为固定搭配,表示“靠近”,符合句意。因此答案为B。其他选项不符合句意。A选项to表示“到”,C选项up to表示“多达”,而for表示“为了”。因此,正确答案是B。'
  73. You have done a poor job and I am not satisfied, and if you feel offended,___.( )

  74. A:so have you B:so be it. C:so do it. D:so are you
    AI参考:正确答案是B:so be it. 。这句话的意思是“你已经做得非常糟糕,我很不满意,如果你感觉被冒犯的话,那就这样了”。根据句意和选项,我们可以确定正确答案为B,即“so be it.”。这个短语表示接受或认可对方的观点或行为,表示“就这样吧”或“就这样吧,别再追究了”。因此,选项B符合语境。其他选项不符合句意和语境。'
  75. There ___ plenty of outstanding___ in our organization. ( )

  76. A:are… talents B:are…talent C:is….talents D:is… talent
    AI参考:正确答案是A:are… talents。根据句意“在我们组织里有很多优秀的人才”可知,这里应用复数形式的名词“talents”,表示“人才”的意思,因此选项A“are… talents”符合语境。选项B和D中的“talent”是单数形式,不符合语境;选项C中的“is”是单数形式的谓语动词,与复数形式的名词“talents”不匹配,也不符合语境。因此,正确答案是A。'
  77. ___the production and import of automobiles began to increase rapidly in the early 1980s, Chen was promoted to the post of director of the newly formed Automotive Office in the Ministry. ( )

  78. A:When B:With C:For D:Because
    AI参考:答案为 A:When这句话的意思是:当汽车的生产和进口在八十年代初期开始迅速增长的时候,陈被提升到部里新成立的汽车办公室的主任职位。分析句子结构可知,此句中when引导一个时间状语从句,符合逻辑。B.with后面要接一个介词宾语和名词,排除。C.for在这里使用错误,不能在 for the production of 和for the import of后面用for 。D.because 在此不能做连词使用。所以选择A选项。'
  79. In the meantime, the U.S. government increased its aid to the KMT government. In March 1946 the United States successively organized army and navy advisory teams. On June 17,___signed the Sino-American Lend-Lease Agreement, which transferred 51.7 million U.S. dollars’ worth of military equipment to the KMT government. ( )

  80. A:they B:the government C:the two governments D:It
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:the government。句子中提到了“the U.S. government increased its aid to the KMT government”,表示美国政府增加了对国民政府(KMT government)的援助。而后面的“the United States successively organized army and navy advisory teams”和“signed the Sino-American Lend-Lease Agreement”也都是针对国民政府进行的,因此这里需要用代词指代前文提到的两个主体,即“the government”。因此,选项B“the government”是正确答案。选项A的“they”代指不明确,选项C的“the two governments”与句子意思不符,选项D的“It”指代不明确,也不符合句意。'
  81. she proposed a formula___the withdrawal of US troops form this area( )

  82. A:over B:of C:to D:for
    AI参考:答案为 C:toof 的使用常搭配of sb,例如“possessed of (连同…,带有)”,故可以排除 B 项。短语 propose to sb (建议),是动副结构的短语,不能直接使用介词来连接后面的动词不定式作定语,因此也不能选择 D 项。介词 to 后面接动词不定式作定语,表示目的或用途,符合语境。因此,正确答案是 C。'
  83. The present boom of foreign investment in China has prompted the country to consider and eventually work out ways to use such investment more efficiently. Which statement about this underlined sentence is right? ( )

  84. A:The meaning of “consider” has already been included and implied in the phrasal verb “work out”, so we should just keep one of them. B:“consider” and “work out” mean virtually the same. C:It is a good example of good English D:This sentence is grammatically wrong.

  85. I knew that I would have to do everything I could to keep___ being anxious or desperate.( )

  86. A:up B:from C:out of D:at
    AI参考:正确答案是B:from。这句话的意思是:我知道我将不得不尽我所能来摆脱焦虑或绝望的情绪。keep from doing sth意为“防止做某事”,符合句意。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项的意思分别是:up向上;out of离开;at在……处。都不符合句意。'
  87. Which sentence is NOT good English ? ( )

  88. A:You’ll just have to cope with the situation. B:The police were struggling to cope with traffic congestion while they tried to deal with the accident. C:He says he can no longer deal with the demands of the job. D:Hospitals in the affected area can cope with up to 1000 patients per month. The government believes that this will be sufficient until they have dealt with the accident.
    AI参考:句子【】内不正确的选项是:A:You’ll just have to cope with the situation.解释:这句话的意思是你只能应对这个情况,这并不是一个好的英语表达方式,因为它没有明确表达出应对这个情况的策略或方法,只是简单地表示接受现状。其他三个句子都有明确的应对策略或方法。因此,A选项是不正确的。'
  89. Which sentence is not a way to overcome noun plagues?( )

  90. A:replacing the noun with an adjective or adverb B:replacing the noun with a gerund C:Replacing the abstract noun with a concrete noun D:replacing the noun with a verb
    AI参考:在解决名词困扰方面,选项A、B、C都是正确的方法,它们分别通过使用形容词、动名词或具体名词来替代抽象名词。然而,选项D中的“用动词替代名词”并不是一个正确的方法,因为这样做可能会改变句子的意思或导致语法错误。因此,正确答案是D:replacing the noun with a verb。'
  91. ___just sent once a day, and there is no delivery on Sundays or holidays. ( )

  92. A:Mail is B:The mails are C:Mails are D:The Mail is
    AI参考:正确选项是C: Mails are。句子中提到了“邮件”,并且主语是复数形式,所以应该使用复数形式的代词来指代,即“mails”。选项C中的“mails”是复数形式,符合语法规则。选项A和D中的“Mail”是单数形式,不符合语法规则。选项B中的“the mails”虽然也是复数形式,但是“the mail”通常用来指代一封信件或邮件,而不是整个邮件群体。因此,选项C是正确答案。句子意思是“我每天只发一次邮件,星期天和节假日都不发。”'
  93. Since the purchase of grain is mostly entrusted to state companies, and grain traders are allowed to carry no more than 50 jin with them,___ regulating role is restricted. ( )

  94. A:theirs B:their C:its D:the traders’
    AI参考:答案为D:the traders’。代词辨析。theirs 是他们的,形容词性物主代词,只能修饰名词,本句缺少主语,不能修饰名词,排除 A。 their 他们的,形容词性物主代词,代指前面的名词 grain,但是与后面的句子不搭配,排除 B。 its 是它的,不能修饰名词,排除 C。the traders’ 交易者们的,修饰名词 role,符合语境。故选D。'
  95. Why ___so difficult today? You were not like this before. ( )

  96. A:are you B:were you C:have you been D:are you being
    AI参考:正确答案是B:were you。根据上下文可知,这句话的意思是“为什么今天这么困难?你以前不是这样的。”,表示对过去情况的疑问,所以应该用过去时态,故选B。A项表示现在时态,C项表示现在完成时态,D项表示现在进行时态,都不符合语境。'
  97. Although the road before us is rough and bumpy, we believe that the favorable situation will continue. Which statement about this underlined sentence is right? ( )

  98. A:This sentence is logically incoherent. B:It is a good example of good English C:“rough” and “bumpy” mean virtually the same, so only one of them should be kept. D:This sentence is grammatically wrong.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:It is a good example of good English。这句话的意思是“虽然前面的路坎坷不平,但我们会继续相信形势会好转”,这是一个好的英语句子的例子,所以选B。句子中的“虽然”和“但”是转折关系,而且整个句子逻辑清晰,符合英语表达习惯。选项A和D都表达了相反的意思,而选项C中的“rough”和“bumpy”在语义上是有区别的,不能认为它们含义相同。因此,B是正确的答案。'
  99. It's___and I intend to have it repaired. ( )

  100. A:a useful piece of equipment B:a piece of useful equipment C:a useful equipment D:useful equipment
    AI参考:正确选项:【D:useful equipment】 分析句子结构可知,本句为“Its+adj+for sb to do sth”句型,其中it为形式主语,不定式to have it repaired为真正主语。空格处应填入一个形容词作定语,修饰后面的名词equipment。选项A和B中piece of为多余成分,应排除;选项C中equipment为单数形式,与句中的it不符,也应排除。因此,正确答案为D,即useful equipment。"

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