1. mRNA is the most abundant type in living cells (by percent)?( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. RNA Pol II is the enzyme synthesizing RNA in mammals. It is not susceptible to amanitin. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. DNA sequences and DNA-binding proteins control transcription. The DNA sequences are named as cis-acting elements, such as the TATA box, enhancers and other elements.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Mismatch repair system can increase the DNA replication fidelity by 100-1000 times.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Both genomic DNA and cDNA can be used as target DNA in molecular cloning.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA polymerases are composed of one polypeptide chain.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Gene chip can also be called DNA microarray.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. In the eukaryotic trans-acting factors, activator proteins usually bind to the promoters directly.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Stop codons are never translated. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. The protein product coded by myc gene is transcription factor.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Plasmids can accommodate up to 45kb foreign DNA.( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Ribosomes become attached to transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules before the translation process can begin in Prokaryotes.( )
  24. Only the environmental agents can induce the occurrence of DNA damages.( )
  25. Trans-acting transcription factors are the DNA-binding proteins that bind with high specificity to DNA regulatory sequences and facilitate the binding and positioning of RNA Pol for the synthesis of pre-RNA.( )
  26. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcriptions are accompanied by translation. ( )
  27. The base in DNA _____
  28. tRNA in prokaryotic cell contains ( )
  29. tRNA in eukaryotic cell contains _____
  30. EF-Tu and EF-Ts are involved in protein biosynthesis:( )
  31. What are the lipoproteins obtained in agarose gel electrophoresis of blood lipoprotein experiment?( )
  32. Reverse transcriptase can( )
  33. The advantages of prokaryotic expression system include( )
  34. Which of the following steps could be regulated to influence the amount of the product of a gene in eukaryotes?( )
  35. Protein synthesis in prokaryotic cells is characterized by:( )
  36. Which of the following are true about the enhancers?( )
  37. The final products of gene expression include:( )
  38. In DNA, phosphodiester bonds form with hydroxyl groups of carbons number ________ and________ of each deoxyribose sugar.( )
  39. Which of the classes of RNA molecules is/are part of the process oftranslation?( )
  40. The base in DNA( )
  41. The Rho protein is involved in the _____ stage of transcription. ( )
  42. A “mini-gene” has the base sequence TACCCGTGCACG. If the T at the beginning of the sequence is deleted, what will be the consequence?( )
  43. .What are the steps of PCR?( )
  44. Which of the following occurs first in prokayotic transcription?( )
  45. Of all the possible amino acids, all living organisms make use of only the same 20 amino acids. This supports the idea that:( )
  46. Among the statements about 3’ poly(A) tail which are correct?( )
  47. DNA molecules Used as probes must:( )
  48. In insertional inactivation selection, Which of the following bacteria can grow in the presence of tetracycline( )
  49. The tool enzyme used for combination of foreign DNA and vector is( )
  50. What is the molecule size of the target band of PCR?( )
  51. Amount of T in RNA is 0.25mol,so amount of A is_____.
  52. The secondary structure of DNA is _____
  53. Which can recognize the N-terminus of the nascent peptide chain of the secreted protein?( )
  54. Which of the following is the most essential for a gene expression?( )
  55. What is the extension temperature of the PCR?( )
  56. tRNA is used as _____ in translation.( )
  57. The Shine-Dalgarno sequence is found on the( ).
  58. Which enzyme below can not form 3’,5’- phosphodiester bond?( )
  59. Which is wrong below as described for directly undoing DNA damages repair?( )
  60. In α-complementation selection, the foreign DNA will be inserted into( )
  61. Which base substitution below belongs to “Transition” point mutation?( )
  62. which bond an amino acid is linked to the tRNA?( )
  63. The technology of isotope-labeled probes to detect the RNA molecule on the NC membrane is called:( )
  64. mRNA is used as _____ in translation.
  65. Please arrange the following proteins by the order of participating in DNA replication( )① Primase② Helicase③ Single-strand binding proteins④ DNA polymerase I
  66. Which band runs fastest in the agarose gel electrophoresis of blood lipoprotein experiment?( )
  67. Which regulator could inhibits gene transcription?( )
  68. Which of the following is expressed at relatively constant rate in almost all the cells?( )
  69. Which is the most commonly used elements of eukaryotic promoter?( )
  70. Which transcription factor can recognize and bind to TATA box?( )
  71. Which one of the following is tumor suppressor gene?( )
  72. According to Chargaffʹs observations of nucleotide composition of DNA samples( )
  73. Which is FALSE description of DNA replication( )
  74. Which is not true of the different conformations of DNA?( )
  75. What would be the tRNA anticodon for the mRNA codon CAG?( )
  76. In the peptide chain synthesis, which site aminoacyl-tRNA bound with the prokaryotic ribosome?( )
  77. Which of the following occurs as a result of translocation?( )
  78. In the regulation of trp operon, when the tryptophan is scarce in medium, which statement is true?( )
  79. Which protein factor has translocase activity in prokaryotes?( )
  80. Which statement is true?( )
  81. In which process GG-NER and TC-NER show different ( )
  82. Starting with 15N15N (heavy)DNA, and after 3 generations in the 14N medium, E. coli cells will produce the following band(s) in density-gradient centrifugation as below:( )
  83. In lac operon, what is the right order of the three regulatory sequences?( )
  84. The corresponding codon to anticodon UCC is( )
  85. Among the following factors, the one that does not participate in the translation process of prokaryotes is( )
  86. During protein synthesis, the activation site of amino acids is( )
  87. Which of the following sequences is palindrome sequence( )
  88. Amount of G in RNA is 0.25mol,so amount of C is( ).
  89. Which of the following is an advantage of phage vectors over plasmid vectors?( )
  90. Which enzyme elongates the leading strand in E. coli?( )
  91. All the RNAs below are transcribed by RNA pol I except ( )
  92. Mitochondrial DNA is replicated by( )
  93. Which RNA polymerase transcribes the gene of 28S rRNA?( )
  94. In most melanoma, oncogenic BRAF was activated by( )
  95. What the signal peptide acts?( )
  96. Which of the following eukaryotic ligases involves in filling the gap between the Okazaki fragments( )
  97. What is the order of lipoprotein from the cathode to anode?( )
  98. What are the solutions used in the experiment?( )
  99. What is the bacterial used in the experiment?( )
  100. What are the steps of PCR?( )
  101. What is the annealing temperature of the PCR?( )
  102. What is the staining reagent in the experiment?( )
  103. In blue/white screening, the bacteria containing wild vectors will yield white colonies.( )
  104. Restriction enzymes randomly cleave DNA( )
  105. Plasmids are usually introduced into bacterial cells by.( )
  106. Based on the naming rules, the first letter of a restriction endonuclease means( )
  107. Isocaudarner presents( )
  108. Which is not necessary as part of prokaryotic expression vector?( )
  109. In insertional inactivation screening, the bacteria that are sensitive to tetracycline and resistant to ampicillin should be transformed with( )
  110. T4 DNA ligase requires( )
  111. Which of the following DNA molecules are commonly used in molecular cloning( )
  112. Which of the following methods is used for isolation of foreign DNA( )
  113. The loading capacity of plasmids is usually ( )
  114. Which of the following statements is not true concerning Type II restriction endonucleases?( )
  115. Which technology can be used to identify DNA?( )
  116. In the PCR reaction, the purpose of annealing is to make the combination of primer and template. ( )
  117. The basic components of the PCR system does not include:( )
  118. Which are right about molecular hybridization?( )
  119. Protein chip technology has the characteristics of fast and high throughput, it can be used to analyze thousands of proteins in the whole genome level at the same time.( )
  120. The basic steps of PCR reaction are: ( )
  121. The mechanisms of tumor suppressor gene inactivation include( )
  122. In most chronic myelogenous leukemia, tumorigenesis is caused by oncogene amplification( )
  123. The following changes promote oncogene activation, except ( )
  124. Which statement is true about oncogenes?( )
  125. Which one of the following is oncogene?( )
  126. The active chromatin usually shows low level of methylation.( )
  127. Enhancers must locate on the upstream region of promoter.( )
  128. If a gene is expressed only in certain organs or tissues, this is called ( )
  129. In the regulation of lac operon, when the medium contains both glucose and lactose, which statement is true?( )
  130. If a gene is expressed at relatively constant rate in almost all the cells, it is called a(an) ( )
  131. Which one is NOT a cis-acting element?( )
  132. In lac operon, repressor protein could bind to( )sequence.( )
  133. The most efficient step of gene expression regulation is ( )
  134. Which is NOT a final product of gene expression?( )
  135. In the regulation of lac operon, when the medium contains only glucose, which statement is true?( )
  136. The prokaryotic operator sequence is usually ( ) .
  137. Which is NOT the basal cis-acting elements in eukaryotes?( )
  138. The genetic code has four letters, A, T, G, and C. ( )
  139. Polypeptides unfold in the cytoplasm of a cell to form a functional protein.( )
  140. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is made by a process called translation.( )
  141. The specific sequence on the N terminus of secretory protein is called ( )
  142. We usually call codons contains 5 characteristics, among which the degeneracy of the genetic code means?( )
  143. Which protein factor has the translocase enzyme activity in eukaryotes:( )
  144. Among the following factors, which one could deliver the aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site of ribosome?( )
  145. The Shine-Dalgarno sequence is found on the ________. ( )
  146. The energy required for the step of peptide chain elongation in prokaryotic is? ( )
  147. A gene has the base sequence ACCCGTGCACGT. If the A at the beginning of the sequence is deleted, what will be happen?( )
  148. Which bond is an amino acid linked to the tRNA?( )
  149. Eukaryotic transcriptions is accompanied by translation.( )
  150. RNA Pol II is the enzyme synthesizing hnRNA in eukaryotes. It is not susceptible to amanitin.( )
  151. Which RNA polymerase transcribes the gene of insulin? ( )
  152. The functions of 5’ Cap of eukaryotic mRNA include( )
  153. Cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors control transcription. The cis-acting elements include the TATA box, enhancers and other elements et al.( )
  154. In prokaryotes, RNA polymerase can bind upstream sequences of promoters directly. Eukaryotes need some proteins to facilitate the binding. What are the names of these proteins? ( )
  155. A mutation to this sequence in eukaryotic mRNA will affect the process by which the 3'-end poly-A tail is added to the mRNA.( )
  156. Which of the following steps occurs first in prokayotic transcription?( )
  157. Which transcription factor can recognize and bind to TATA box? ( )
  158. Which component of the prokaryote RNA polymerase holoenzyme is involved in recognizing promoters specific to certain types of genes? ( )
  159. Which type of DNA point mutations will not lead to the change in amino acid ( ).
  160. During mismatch repair in prokaryotes, the newly synthesized DNA is recognized by the lack of ( ) modification( )
  161. which base substitution below belongs to “Transition” point mutation.( )
  162. DNA damage is the main cause for the increased frequency of gene mutation. ( )
  163. In which process GG-NER and TC-NER show different( )
  164. Base excision repair is one of DNA repair pathways to corrects large base lesions .( )
  165. The deficiency of NER repair proteins is susceptible to_ disease.( )
  166. Which is wrong below as described for directly undoing DNA damages repair.( )
  167. Which of the following DNA damages belongs to exogenous DNA damage ( ).
  168. During double stranded DNA break repair, NHEJ shows more precise compared to HR. ( )
  169. The Okazaki fragment of eukaryotes is longer than that of prokaryotes.( )
  170. Reverse transcriptase exerts the functions of RNA dependent DNA polymerase and DNA dependent DNA polymerase.( )
  171. Which mechanism can explain two strands are synthesized in the opposite direction, in the replication fork?( )
  172. RNA primer in DNA replication ( )
  173. What are the differences of eukaryotic DNA replication from prokaryotes? ( )
  174. Which is  FALSE about the termination of prokaryotic DNA replication?( )
  175. Although mammalian genome is huge, cells can replicate the genome in just a few minutes.Which is the most possible reason?( )
  176. Mitochondrial DNA replicates in( )
  177. DNA replication needs( )
  178. Which is FALSE about DNA pol III in prokaryotes?( )
  179. Based on Meselson-Stahl experiment, each daughter DNA molecule is composed of( )
  180. Which is TURE about the initiation of prokaryotic DNA replication?( )
  181. Sequences that are removed from the primary RNA transcript in eukaryotes are called________.( )
  182. All housekeeping genes have weak promotors and are regulated to maintain their geneproducts at constant low level concentrations.( )
  183. The regulators of eukaryotic gene expression consist of________.( )
  184. Which is not a feature of enhancer?( )
  185. Which character is not true for eukaryotic genes?( )
  186. All genomes are composed of RNA.( )
  187. Single strand DNA 5’-CGGTA-3’ can anneal with the follow RNA _____( )
  188. The corresponding anticodon to codon ACG is___ ( )
  189. The common component composed of DNA and RNA is _____( )
  190. mRNA is used as _____ in translation.( )
  191. The Nucleic acid will get maximum UV absorbance at wavelength_____( )
  192. Amount of T in RNA is 0.25mol,so amount of A is_____. ( )
  193. Stem-loop is a type of secondary structure not usually found in tRNA.( )
  194. tRNA in eukaryotic cell contains _____( )
  195. The base in DNA _____( )
  196. The secondary structure of DNA is _____( )
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