1.句子: 2003年中国和欧盟建立起全面战略伙伴关系。当时欧洲各国就知道是在和一个与自己制度不同的国家打交道,但还是作出了独立自主的正确选择。这充分证明,只要做到相互尊重,谋求互利合作,完全可以超越国家间的制度差异。能否口译为:had the knowledge that they were engaging a country with a much different system, and it did not stop Europe from making the right and independent decision. What it fully demonstrates is that as long as countries respect each other and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation, they could rise above their different systems.( )
A:错 B:对
2.句子:对于中国而言,我们一向既有制度上的自信,也有文明上的包容。中国将坚持自己选择的制度和发展道路,同时也充分尊重其他国家的自主选择,决不会搞什么制度输出和制度竞争。能否口译为:For China, we have always been confident in our own system and inclusive toward other cultures. China will stick to the system and development path it has chosen and, at the same time, fully respect the independent choices of other countries. China will never export its system or engage in systemic competition.( )
A:错 B:对 3.句子:中国共产党自诞生起就追求中国人民的民主和自由,维护和保障人权已写入中华人民共和国的宪法。而各国国情千差万别,民主、人权的具体实践也丰富多彩。衡量的标准就是要看本国人民是否满意,是否高兴。能否口译为:Since the CPC was founded, it has been committed to pursuing democracy and freedom for the Chinese people. Upholding and protecting human rights has been written into the constitution of the People's Republic of China. As countries differ in national realities, the practices of democracy and human rights also vary from country to country. The key judgment is whether the people are satisfied and happy.( )
A:对 B:错 4.句子:加入世贸组织20年来,中国总体关税水平已降至7.5%以下,低于绝大多数国家,市场准入负面清单已经缩短至33项,成为世界上开放程度最高的国家之一。能否口译为:Since its accession to the World Trade Organization 20 years ago, China has cut its overall tariff rate to below 7.5 percent, lower than most countries in the world, and has shortened its negative list on market access to 33 items. This has placed China among the most open countries in the world.( )
A:对 B:错 5.句子:我们将一如既往坚定支持欧洲一体化进程,支持欧盟团结自强,加强战略自主,在国际上发挥更大作用。能否口译为:We support the EU in gaining greater unity, strength and strategic independence and in playing a bigger role in the world.( )
A:错 B:对

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