  1. Drawing a conclusion means arriving at the one decision justified by the stated evidence.( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. Two types of format in a business letter are full-block format and semi-block format.( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Space relationship means details are presented in the order in which they take palce in time. ( )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. The subscription of a personal letter should depend on how well the sender knows the addressee. You may use “Yours faithfully”.( )

  8. A:错 B:对
    答案:A: 错
  9. If the addressee is unknown,we should use “ Dear Sir(s) / Madam(s)” or “ To whom this may concern”( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. Does this sentence use emphasis correctly?He is not only smart but also hardworking. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. The structure of the plot consists of introduction, rising action, conflict, Climax, falling action and conclusion.( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. It is helpful to jot down an outline of the chains of events related to a person, event, or object, etc. in the pattern of cause and effect reading. ( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. “When trying to lose weight, you should avoid all kinds of snacks.”is an effective sentence.( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. Rather than depending primarily on abstract ideas and elaborate reasoning, poems depend mainly upon the creation of pictures in our minds.( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. “When Jack put the sculpture on the table, it broke.”is an ineffective sentence.( )

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. The core functions of Argumentation are persuading and explaining while Exposition focuses on informing and convincing.( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. A subordinating conjunction can join two independent clauses. True or false?( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Is this a dependent-word fragment?Those who can see opportunity and are prepared to take advantage of it. ( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. There are 2 heading styles, the indented style and the block style.( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. In general, decisions must be made when the facts are understood and when time is taken to think carefully about reading.( )

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. When we read a cause-and-effect essay, we should focus on the cause-and-effect relation the writer presents and the way in which he or she supports the causal analysis. ( )

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. Does this sentence contain a dangling gerund phrase?After having read your letter, my cat will stay indoors until the ducklings fly off. ( )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. Is this a concise sentence?At this point in time we can't ascertain the reason as to why the screen door was left open.( )

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. “He is not only a good pianist, but also a good singer as well.”is an ineffective sentence.( )

  40. A:错 B:对
  41. Letters can only be used to exchange viewpoints, request information,apply for an advertised post and register a complaint.( )

  42. A:对 B:错
  43. In a business letter, you may sign with your full name, or just the first name. ( )

  44. A:错 B:对
  45. Is this a sentence fragment?Yelled and screamed when she saw it.( )

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. ”Knowing how to study and knowing how to budget time are important for college students.”is an effective sentence.( )

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. “ As a rule, students are usually not allowed to take books out of this reading room ”is an effective sentence.( )

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. “Quite far away from Haikou. There was a university city.”is an effective sentence.( )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. Is this a sentence fragment?My friend Sheila, who is scared of all reptiles.( )

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. Restatements and reference are two effective ways for us to know what a sentence really means. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. Is this an emphatic sentence?It is the teacher that helps me a lot to improve my oral English. ( )

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. “Yours faithfully” is used to in response to “ Dear Sir / Madam.( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. Which sentences are ineffective sentences? ( )

  62. A:As a rule, students are usually not allowed to borrow current periodicals. B:Listening attentively, a faulty sound was heard. C:When trying to lose weight, you should avoid all kinds of snacks. D:Lily is not only a good singer, but also a good dancer as well.
  63. Choose the sentences that are written correctly. ( )

  64. A:Joe searched without success for someone to teach him how to play the guitar. B:Without success, Joe searched for someone to teach him how to play the guitar. C:Joe searched for someone to teach him how to play the guitar without success.
  65. Which of these sentences use subordinating conjunctions correctly? Choose all that apply.( )

  66. A:He went to bed early although he was not tired. B:She studied hard so she could pass the exam. C:Because it was raining, we decided to stay home. D:Unless you finish your homework, you can’t watch TV.
  67. In reading an academic article, what are the sceptical provisos we might keep in mind? ( )

  68. A:The authors mean to tell me something new, but may not have taken into account other information that I possess. B:The authors mean to be impartial, but may have incorporated into the account some assumptions that I don’t share. C:The authors mean to be honest, but may have been misled by the evidence into saying something that I consider untrue. D:The authors mean to be logical, but may have developed a kind of reasoning that is flawed.
  69. To make the whole piece more coherent in meaning, repetition and parallelism are frequently used together ( ).

  70. A:to draw a conclusion B:to produce a melodious rhythmical effect C:to emphasize ideas D:to achieve smooth cohesion in and among sentences or sentence elements
  71. Choose the right answers about the types of statements. ( )

  72. A:Some of the statements are restatements of the original sentence. They give the same information in different ways. B:Some of the statements cannot be judged true or false based on the information given in the original sentence. C:Some of the statements are false based on the information given in the original sentence. D:Some of the statements are inferences or conclusions, which can be drawn from the information given in the original sentence.
  73. Which of these paragraphs have choppy sentences? Choose all that apply. ( )

  74. A:There are many types of dogs in the world. Some are big, some are small. Some have long hair, some have short hair. Some are good for hunting, some are good for guarding. B:Although I like dogs, I don’t have one. My apartment is too small for a pet. Besides, I travel a lot for work. It would be unfair to leave a dog alone for so long. C:I like dogs. They are loyal. They are friendly. They are cute. I have a dog. His name is Max. He is a golden retriever. He likes to play fetch. D:Dogs are amazing animals. Not only are they loyal and friendly, but they also have many benefits for human health. For example, they can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and increase physical activity.
  75. Choose the correct views about “theme” in novels. ( )

  76. A:“Theme” requires our attention because it is often a story’s reason for being. B:Not all stories with themes are serious works of art. C:“Theme” is harder to argue about than technical matters like plot, character, point of view, and setting. D:Not all stories have themes.
  77. Select the sentence that illustrates the use of proper parallel construction. ( )

  78. A:The teacher wants his students not only to keep quiet but also to do the task. B:There's nothing I like better than finding a good trout stream, setting up camp, and spending a couple of days fishing. C:There's nothing I like better than finding a good trout stream, setting up camp, and to spend a couple of days fishing. D:The teacher not only wants his students to keep quiet but also to do the task.
  79. Which of the following punctuation marks can be used to join two independent clauses and avoid a run-on sentence? ( )

  80. A:Period B:Semicolon C:Comma D:Colon
  81. Which of these sentences use coordinating conjunctions correctly? ( )

  82. A:You can either go to the park or stay at home. B:I like reading books yet I don’t have much time. C:He is not only smart for he is also kind. D:She likes coffee but he prefers tea.
  83. Choose the following questions which may help us read a cause-and-effect essay critically: ( )

  84. A:What is the tone of the essay? B:Are there any ultimate causes presented? How do we know? C:Does the writer present any immediate causes? How do we know? D:What is the topic on which the writer does the cause-and-effect analysis?
  85. Which sentences are the supporting details in this paragraph?( )Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.

  86. A:First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins and ornamental purposes. B:Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. C:Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear gold plated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty, but also for its utility.
  87. To select those that appear most central to your reading purpose, you might ( ).

  88. A:go to the library shelves and see what is physically stored under the same class mark as they key recommended texts etc. B:use only recommended reading list for your subject area, including those from past years. C:search the internet for reading lists at other universities, and identify texts that are repeatedly recommended. D:build up your list of possible reading.
  89. Which of these sentences are stringy sentences? Choose all that apply.( )

  90. A:I went to the library and borrowed some books and then I met my friend for lunch and we had a nice chat. B:They enjoyed hiking in the mountains, swimming in the lake, and camping under the stars. C:She was late for work because she missed the bus, so she had to take a taxi, but there was a traffic jam on the way. D:He studied hard for the exam, but he still failed it, so he felt very disappointed and frustrated.
  91. Context clues mentioned in this lecture include__________. ( )

  92. A:formulas B:semantic relationship C:definition clues D:example clues
  93. Which of the following statements are true? ( )

  94. A:Exposition often includes description and narration. B:Narration often involves description. C:Argumentation often involves explanation. D:Exposition is used to re-create things in words.
  95. Correspondence falls into two basic categories:( )

  96. A:thank-you letter B:application letter C:personal letters D:business letters.
  97. What are the three principal points of view used by storytellers? ( )

  98. A:The first uses an “I” who is an observer or peripheral character. B:The third (and most common) uses the third person — “he” or “she” — and the storyteller conveys only that one person's thoughts and feelings. C:The second uses an “I” who is central to the story either as protagonist or participant. D:The first uses an “you” who is an observer or protagonist.
  99. Which of the following sentences uses correlative conjunctions correctly? ( )

  100. A:She likes neither coffee nor tea. B:You can have either cake or ice cream for dessert. C:Not only she sings well, but also she plays guitar. D:He is both smart but lazy.
  101. People already believed the precious metals to be divine so their use in money intensified its allure.( )

  102. A:This sentence is correct B:divine, so C:divine; so D:divine their
  103. The two central characters are ______________. ( )

  104. A:Miss Emily and the town’s mayor B:Homer Barron and Emily’s father C:Miss Emily and Homer Barron D:Miss Emily and her father
  105. Which one is NOT a choppy sentence? ( )

  106. A:She loves reading books, especially novels. B:They ate pizza. And ice cream. C:It was raining. He stayed home. D:He studied hard. Passed the exam.
  107. Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice? ( )

  108. A:all of the above B:none of the above C:Kimberly sat on the bleachers and cheered for the team, Tom watched her as he vigorously defended the goal. D:The cat jumped from step to step, it gracefully landed with each jump. E:The professor stated that he especially favors personally connected papers, these papers reflect the most emotion.
  109. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced adverb? ( )

  110. A:I nearly made fifty dollars today. B:Moving slowly, Bowie stalked the rabbits. C:We ate almost all of the cake. D:none of the above E:all of the above
  111. Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice? ( )

  112. A:all of the above B:Nicole chose what she thought were the best answers to the questions, her grade did not reflect these choices. C:None of the above D:I learned the song on the piano, but I chose to never play it. E:The man with long legs is my brother.
  113. The main idea of a paragraph is usually stated in ____________. ( )

  114. A:the middle of the paragraph B:a judgement C:a topic sentence. D:the end of the paragraph.
  115. Scanning means _________________. ( )

  116. A:looking through a text to find specific sections or keywords and phrases indicating where the information you are seeking is located. B:reading quickly through those parts of a text that can give you an overview of the content. C:carefully reading every word of a text from beginning to end. D:paying attention to recurring words while finding the themes,structure and main ideas of the article.
  117. We guess the meaning of the italicized word “visualize”by __________in this sentence “Some good readers find it helpful to use their sense to visualize---or picture---what they read.” ( )

  118. A:contrast relationship B:example clues C:class clues D:definition clues
  119. In Lu Xun’s Kong Yiji, the “I” is _________________. ( )

  120. A:Lu Xun B:Kong Yiji C:narrator D:one of the villagers
  121. What is another name for a comma splice?( )

  122. A:A fused sentence B:A fragment sentence C:None of the above D:A complex sentence
  123. Who is the protagonist in A Rose for Emily by Faulkner? ( )

  124. A:Mill Emily’s father B:town people C:Homer Barron D:Mill Emily
  125. One might wonder why, after the Norman Conquest, French did not become the national language, replacing English entirely. The reason is that the Conquest was not a national migration, as the earlier Anglo-Saxon invasion had been. Great numbers of Normans came to England, but they came as rulers and landlords. French became the language of the court, the language of the nobility, the language of polite society, the language of literature. But it did not replace English as the language of the people. There must always have been hundreds of towns and villages in which French was never heard except when visitors of high station passed through. What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )

  126. A:Process B:Comparison and Contrast C:Cause and effect D:Exemplification
  127. ____________pattern, sometimes called Enumeration, is one of the simplest. Supporting details are organized into a list of points, first one point, then another, then another. ( )

  128. A:Cause and Effect B:Addition C:Space relationship D:Time sequence
  129. Which of the following sentences does not have a misplaced modifier? ( )

  130. A:The book with glasses is interesting. B:We saw a dog wearing a red sweater. C:They gave us some apples in plastic bags. D:The cat sitting on the couch is cute.
  131. My experiences have shown that American students do not care to be informed about the world situation. Their talk is always about themselves and their city. For example, if I ask an American student what he thinks about the political regime of Educator, he will only change the conversation to what he was doing over the weekend. Many of these students do not know even where foreign countries are. For instance, a friend of mine met an American girl, and she asked my friend where he was from. He said, “Colombia,” and she responded, “Oh, and how is life in Africa?”What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )

  132. A:Exemplification B:Cause and Effect C:Classification D:Time
  133. Have you made a decision about _______ to go to the movies _______ not?( )

  134. A:What with / and B:If / then C:Either / or D:Whether / or
  135. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling gerund phrase? ( )

  136. A:When she talks to her parents, she is reminded that she is lucky that they are happy and healthy. B:all of the above C:none of the above D:On completing the grammar quiz, spiking your pencil is acceptable. E:Wearing a helmet is a sign of a healthy awareness of death.
  137. In the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard stood three magnolia trees, all in full bloom. A little girl was hopping among them, now gazing at a bud, now collecting fallen petals. Under one of the trees stood her parents, who, while keeping an eye on her, were examining the milkwhite blossoms with great interest and admiration. In front of another tree a young couple, fresh and bright as the flowers, were posing for a picture. At one end of the courtyard a group of youngsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing limb, which looked so charming and real that a boy stooped to sniff a half-open flower. At the opposite end a few elderly men and women stood admiring the leafless flowering trees and the people looking at them.What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )

  138. A:Process B:Exemplification C:Cause and effect D:Space
  139. Which description is correct about a review question? ( )

  140. A:A review question is a more specific question that you ask of the article. B:It is a question about something in the social world that will almost certainly need to be answered by asking more specific questions. C:It is expressed in general terms D:The title is often framed as a review question.
  141. Select the sentence that illustrates the use of proper parallel construction. ( )

  142. A:He wanted three things out of college: to learn a skill, to make good friends, and learning about life. B:He wanted three things out of college: to learn a skill, to make good friends, and to learn about life.
  143. Noise can have negative effects. It can cause partial or total deafness if people are exposed to high-intensity sound for a long period of time. Due to constant noise in their environment, children’s ability to hear may suffer. High-intensity noise at work often leads to aggressive or irritable behavior among workers. In addition, because of noise like that of jet planes that persistently interrupt sleep, people may develop nervous disorders. These are some of the negative aspects of noise.What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )

  144. A:Exemplification B:Classification C:Time D:Cause and Effect
  145. The _______ omniscient narrator is outside or “above” all things, but has special privileges to approach all characters or know all events happening in different places. ( )

  146. A:first-person B:third-person C:second-person D:impersonal
  147. Point of view in a narrative refers to: ( )

  148. A:the people or animals involved in the plot. B:the story’s actions and events. C:the particular advantage point from which the story is told. D:the time and place in which the events of a story happen. Setting can create mood or atmosphere.
  149. _______ that is the case, _______ I’m not surprised about what’s happening.( )

  150. A:Whether / or B:Scarcely / when C:If / then D:No sooner / than
  151. Which of the following sentences contains a run-on sentence? ( )

  152. A:He is a man who can always keep his promise B:none of the above C:We are what we eat. D:Marcellino always knew his way around the woods this is something he could always depend on. E:all of the above
  153. We should ask ourselves upon reading any poem is “what is the central purpose of the poem?” In Hardy’s “The Man He Killed “, the central purpose is__________. ( )

  154. A:It is to make us pay much attention to the soldier’s dream. B:It is to make us realize more keenly the irrationality of war. C:It is to make us focus on different cultures between countries D:It praises the friendship between the poet and the soldier.
  155. The same qualities that make people good house guests make them good hospital patients. Good house guests can expect a reasonable amount of service and effort on their behalf, and hospital patients can also. Guests have to adjust to what is for them a change, and certainly hospital patients must do the same. … Just as house guests must make adjustments to enjoy their visits, so patients must make adjustment to make their stays reasonably pleasant and satisfying under the circumstances.What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )

  156. A:Exemplification B:Comparison and Contrast C:Cause and effect D:Process
  157. How many coordinating conjunctions are there in English?( )

  158. A:Three B:Nine C:Five D:Seven
  159. What is the most common point of view in modern short stories? ( )

  160. A:The first person narrator with limited omniscience B:The third person narrator with limited omniscience C:The first person narrator with omniscience D:The third person narrator with omniscience

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