1. Comparison and contrast can serve a number of writing purposes. One of these is to inform---to point out similarities or differences that merit serious consideration. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Is this a dependent-word fragment?Those who can see opportunity and are prepared to take advantage of it. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. “The structure of the plot consists of introduction, rising action, conflict, Climax, falling action and conclusion.”is an effective sentence.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Letters can only be used to exchange viewpoints, request information,apply for an advertised post and register a complaint.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Rather than depending primarily on abstract ideas and elaborate reasoning, poems depend mainly upon the creation of pictures in our minds.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The body of a letter is usually divided into 3 parts: introduction, purpose and conclusion.( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Two types of format in a business letter are full-block format and semi-block format.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. There are 2 heading styles, the indented style and the block style.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Drawing a conclusion means arriving at the one decision justified by the stated evidence.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. A topic sentence expresses a concept whose full meaning and significance are developed and made clear by the supporting details.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Definition clues, example clues,semantic relationships are context clues which help us know the meaning of new words. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. In making an inference, the reader is required to reach a decision based on evidence he thinks to be true.( )
  24. A paragraph represents a basic unit of meaning. A basic unit of meaning consists of one main idea expressed and developed by minor or small ideas or supporting details.( )
  25. Words like unlike, however, while, nevertheless, despite, although, even though, and on the other hand are often used in sentences containing class relationship. ( )
  26. A good topic sentence should be a complete sentence and contain both a topic and a controlling idea.( )
  27. The deductive reasoning moves from the specific to the general with the topic idea put forward at the end of the writing.( )
  28. Becoming a critical reader must entail becoming a discerning selector of those texts that promise most centrally to suit your study purposes.( )
  29. In general, decisions must be made when the facts are understood and when time is taken to think carefully about reading.( )
  30. Is this a sentence fragment?Yelled and screamed when she saw it.( )
  31. “Quite far away from Haikou. There was a university city.”is an effective sentence.( )
  32. A subordinating conjunction can start a sentence. True or false?( )
  33. Is this a run-on sentence?She loves reading books she reads every day. ( )
  34. A critical approach when reading a journal article or book is essential if we are to assess the value of the work it reports.( )
  35. Literature today generally encompasses oral and even visual forms (film and video being closely related to drama, of course), and it takes in, as it did long ago, writings of diverse design and purpose, including nonfiction.( )
  36. Is this sentence a stringy sentence?My best friend’s name is Vutha, and he lives next door, so we spend a lot of time together.( )
  37. A good thesis statement should narrow the subject and contain a controlling idea about it.( )
  38. Making inferences forces the mind to bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested, between the stated and unstated.( )
  39. When we read a cause-and-effect essay, we should focus on the cause-and-effect relation the writer presents and the way in which he or she supports the causal analysis. ( )
  40. Is this a sentence fragment?My friend Sheila, who is scared of all reptiles.( )
  41. It is helpful to jot down an outline of the chains of events related to a person, event, or object, etc. in the pattern of cause and effect reading. ( )
  42. Choose the preliminary suggestions for understanding poetry. ( )
  43. Choose the correct answers about what plot is. ( )
  44. Which of the following punctuation marks can be used to join two independent clauses and avoid a run-on sentence? ( )
  45. Choose the basic critical synopsis questions we need in our critical reading. ( )
  46. What are the two types of third-person point of view? ( )
  47. Which sentences indicate the causes in the paragraph?( )One might wonder why, after the Norman Conquest, French did not become the national language, replacing English entirely.
  48. Choose the following questions which may help us read a cause-and-effect essay critically: ( )
  49. Which ones are stringy sentences?( )
  50. Choose the right answers about the types of statements. ( )
  51. Which sentences are the supporting details in this paragraph?( )
  52. Figurative language is often employed in poetry. What are the reasons? ( )
  53. Which sentences are the supporting details in this paragraph?( )Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.
  54. Which of these sentences use coordinating conjunctions correctly? ( )
  55. When practicing reading poems aloud, we should________.( )
  56. Which of these paragraphs have choppy sentences? Choose all that apply. ( )
  57. Choose the sentences that are written correctly. ( )
  58. The point of view in a narrative include: ( )A the second person
  59. Which of the following sentences are comma splices? ( )
  60. Correspondence falls into two basic categories:( )
  61. What are the three steps you must proceed through before you arrive at a judgement in paragraph reading? ( )
  62. E.M. Forster in his book Aspects of the Novel (1927) distinguished between ____and ____characters. ( )
  63. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced adjective? ( )
  64. Noise can have negative effects. It can cause partial or total deafness if people are exposed to high-intensity sound for a long period of time. Due to constant noise in their environment, children’s ability to hear may suffer. High-intensity noise at work often leads to aggressive or irritable behavior among workers. In addition, because of noise like that of jet planes that persistently interrupt sleep, people may develop nervous disorders. These are some of the negative aspects of noise.What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )
  65. Which of the following sentences contains a run-on sentence? ( )
  66. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling participial phrase? ( )
  67. Which of the following sentences is a comma splice?( )
  68. Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice? ( )
  69. In the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard stood three magnolia trees, all in full bloom. A little girl was hopping among them, now gazing at a bud, now collecting fallen petals. Under one of the trees stood her parents, who, while keeping an eye on her, were examining the milkwhite blossoms with great interest and admiration. In front of another tree a young couple, fresh and bright as the flowers, were posing for a picture. At one end of the courtyard a group of youngsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing limb, which looked so charming and real that a boy stooped to sniff a half-open flower. At the opposite end a few elderly men and women stood admiring the leafless flowering trees and the people looking at them.What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )
  70. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced clause? ()
  71. Which is the topic sentence of the paragraph?( )
  72. Choose the sentence with a correct conclusion. ( )
  73. Which of the following words is not a coordinating conjunction?( )
  74. What is the most common point of view in modern short stories? ( )
  75. Which pattern is used to explain why and how something happened? ( )
  76. What is multiple point of view? ( )
  77. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling prepositional modifier? ( )
  78. How many coordinating conjunctions are there in English?( )
  79. Scanning means _________________. ( )
  80. What is another name for a comma splice?( )
  81. ____________pattern, sometimes called Enumeration, is one of the simplest. Supporting details are organized into a list of points, first one point, then another, then another. ( )
  82. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced phrase? ( )
  83. Exposition is normally developed by:( )
  84. My experiences have shown that American students do not care to be informed about the world situation. Their talk is always about themselves and their city. For example, if I ask an American student what he thinks about the political regime of Educator, he will only change the conversation to what he was doing over the weekend. Many of these students do not know even where foreign countries are. For instance, a friend of mine met an American girl, and she asked my friend where he was from. He said, “Colombia,” and she responded, “Oh, and how is life in Africa?”What technique is used in the paragraph developing? ( )
  85. Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced adverb? ( )
  86. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling elliptical modifier? ( )
  87. I had studied a lot, ________ I did really well on the test.( )
  88. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling gerund phrase? ( )
  89. The main idea of a paragraph is usually stated in ____________. ( )
  90. What is another name for a run-on sentence?( )
  91. She is neither polite _______ funny.( )
  92. The following sentence uses emphasis correctly: She is a good friend, a very good friend.( )
  93. The following sentence is concise: He was very happy and excited when he received his birthday gift.( )
  94. Which of these sentences contains a dangling modifier?( )
  95. Which of these is a sentence fragment?( )
  96. Which of the following sentences does not use parallelism correctly?( )
  97. Which of the following sentence is choppy?( )
  98. Which of these are run-on sentences?( )
  99. A comma splice can be found in the following sentence: She loves reading books, she reads every day.( )
  100. Which of these sentences contain misplaced modifiers?( )
  101. Which of the following sentences uses a subordinating conjunction?( )
  102. Which of the following sentences are stringy?( )
  103. “A good topic sentence should be a complete sentence and contain both a topic and a controlling idea.”is an ineffective sentence.( )
  104. Which sentence shows the effect in the paragraph? ( )
  105. Argumentation is usually developed by induction or deduction.( )
  106. The tone of description is emotional. ( )
  107. Types of narration include fiction and nonfiction.( )
  108. “A good thesis statement should narrow the subject and contain a controlling idea about it.”is an ineffective sentence.( )
  109. The main proposition (thesis statement) in argumentation should possess the following distinct features except....( )
  110. The aim of exposition is to explain or answer questions of how and why.( )
  111. To tell or to show are two writing techniques in narration.( )
  112. Which is the topic sentence? ( )
  113. Look at the sentence: “Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recommend anything.Is the following sentence restatement or inference? ( )Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
  114. “The main idea of a paragraph is usually stated in what is called a topic sentence.” Is this true? ( )
  115. Choose the three reading strategies mentioned in this lecture. ( )
  116. It’s possible for us to have a concrete and accurate definition towards “literature.” ( )
  117. “Linguistics, the scientific study of language, is very important for language students” is definition clue. ( )
  118. Reading poems aloud is one of the preliminary suggestions for us to understand poetry. ( )
  119. One of the most common organizational patterns is “space relationship.” ( )
  120. Generally, convincing means conclusion and adequate warranting. ( )
  121. According to E.M. Forster, which sentence is a plot? ( )
  122. It is not really until the 18th century that the short story was developed and established. ( )
  123. In the following examples of connected speech, which are correct? ( )
  124. If you are listening to the procedures of salt making and need to take notes, which format will be better to use? ( )
  125. Which are correct about Australian English accent? ( )
  126. Getting familiar with different English accents could help listening and communication. ( ).
  127. What skills could help listening comprehension? ( )
  128. Which is incorrect about abbreviations and symbols in note-taking? ( )
  129. What could be the main idea of a text including verbs such as “gets the girl”, “go full-out to court”, “may catch a lady’s eyes”, “may also warn other males”, “Back off! She is mine” and “will mate”? ( )
  130. Signal words are typically structural key words that signal the connection between ideas, such as “and”, “so”, “because”. ( )
  131. Chinese people love to add sentence modifiers when speaking English. ( )
  132. Which sentence in the following is properly divided in accordance with sense groups? ( )
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