

  1. The thesis statement also tells you ________ of the coverage.

  2. A:excuse B:space C:extent D:scale
    答案:正确AI参考:答案为 C:extent这句话的意思是:论文的主题也告诉你报道的范围,A.借口,B.空间,C.范围,D.规模,根据这句话的意思是,所以答案为C。'
  3. An interesting introduction may include_________ etc.

  4. A:comments and detials B:a dramatic incident and a famous quote C:a story and some background information D:examples and statistics
    答案:a dramatic incident and a famous quote
  5. Peace talks between Kenya's president and the opposition over the disputed election are dragging on without any (        ).

  6. A:dispute B:compromise C:resolve D:resolution
  7. To use chronological order is to arrange the details _________.

  8. A:in the concrete order B:in the order of occurences C:in the abstract order D:in the logic order
  9. The problems requiring immediate solution will be given (        ) at the meeting.

  10. A:urgency B:emergency C:superiority D:priority
  11. Which of the following has not been mentioned as the financial troubles that college students may encounter?

  12. A:Asking for a loan on some illegal campus loan platform. B:Failing to pay back the credit card on time. C:Making a purchase on impulse. D:Making a budget and trying to make the ends meet.
  13. you can choose ________ when you wrtie about an advantage/disadvantage essay.

  14. A:an insight B:a positon C:a conclusion D:a comment
    AI参考:正确选项是C:a conclusion。在写一篇关于优势/劣势的论文时,你可以选择一个结论作为你的选择。因此,选项C“a conclusion”是正确的答案。其他选项如“an insight”(一个洞察力)、“a positon”(一个立场)和“a comment”(一条评论)都不符合语境。'
  15. Which of the following disciplines do not belong to the humanities?

  16. A:literature B:chemistry C:law D:philosophy
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:chemistry。选项 B是化学,不属于人文学科范畴,而其他选项如文学、法律和哲学都属于人文学科。因此,答案是 B:chemistry。'
  17. In Unit 6, why does Dr.Ariely say people are willing to pay a big price to avoid the emotion of loss?

  18. AI参考:正确选项是“为了防止损失的情绪,人们愿意付出巨大的代价。”在Unit 6中,Dr.Ariely提到人们愿意付出巨大的代价来避免损失的情绪,这是因为人们通常会感到害怕失去某种东西,这种恐惧感会驱使他们采取行动来防止损失。因此,选项中的“为了防止损失的情绪,人们愿意付出巨大的代价”是正确的回答。'
  19. To be in a serious relationship means _________.

  20. A:All of the above. B:You are in an exclusive romantic relationship. C:You are ready to make a long-term commitment. D:Having a steady boyfriend/girlfriend.
  21. They can (        ) the movie whenever they want and they can talk with their friends freely.

  22. A:suspend B:supervise C:hold D:terminate
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:hold。句子中提到“他们可以随时看这部电影,并且可以自由地和朋友交谈”,因此需要一个能够表示“持有”或“掌握”电影票的含义的选项。而hold正具有此意,因此是正确答案。suspend(暂停)、supervise(监督)和terminate(终止)与句意不符。'
  23. Use transitional words at the _______ of the conclusion to signal that you're wrapping up the essay.

  24. A:end B:middle C:body D:beginning
  25. In a narrative essay, details can make the writing _______.

  26. A:compact and brief B:coherent and clear C:thought provoking D:vivid and real
    答案:vivid and real
  27. In the following statements, which one can be a thesis statement in an argumentative essay?

  28. A:There are several reasons why people use plastic bags. B:Plastic bags should be banned because they are harmful to the environment and may cause serious illness in animals and humans. C:There are both advantages and disadvantages of advocating the use of plastic bags. D:Plastic bags are harmful to the environment.
    答案:Because of the flood, there was a rainstorm yesterday in the southern part of China.
  29. Which statement is NOT correct in the writing of a comparison and contrast essay?

  30. A:Usually, the primary purpose is not to show how one thing is similar to or different from another. Instead, the purpose is to make a point or reach a conclusion through comparison or contrast. B:Make sure the essay has a concise thesis statement. A good thesis statement should identify the subjects, indicate whether the essay will focus on similarities and/or differences, and express a viewpoint toward the subjects. C:It is not necessary to use transitions to guide the reader. D:You should choose meaningful points for comparison/contrast.
    答案:Zuni speakers have one color term for yellow and orange.
  31. What is the warning made by the author regarding the animal rights controversy in Unit 8?

  32. A:We can still figure out some solutions to the severe diseases although we cannot do researches and experients on animals. B:If the more radical members of this movement are successful in threatening further research, the efforts will bring about a tragedy that will cost the lives of many human beings. C:Human beings will be less and less. D:The animals will become more and more.
    答案:If the more radical members of this movement are successful in threatening further research,their efforts will bring about a tragedy that will cost the lives of many human beings.
  33. On the way to the meeting, I asked a (        ) campaigner how many people we needed to avoid embarrassment.

  34. A:vegetarian B:vogue C:veteran D:vague
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:vague根据句子结构和语境,这里需要一个形容词来描述询问的对象是一个模糊的人或事物,而vague恰好符合这个意思。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项中,vegetarian表示素食主义者,vogue表示时尚或流行趋势,veteran表示老练的人或经验丰富的人,都不符合句子的语境和意思。'
  35. 'The robbers left the house and went into the garage in (        ), ' the witness said.

  36. A:disguise B:between C:a big way D:dispute
  37. Which of the following is not true about Dan Ariely?

  38. A:Dan Ariely was born on April 29, 1977. B:Dan Ariely argues that our behavior is fully controlled by emotions. C:Dan Ariely is a professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University. D:Dan Ariely is the author of three New York Times best sellers.
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:Dan Ariely argues that our behavior is fully controlled by emotions.。根据问题中的描述,Dan Ariely是一个出生于1977年4月29日的学者,他担任杜克大学心理学和行为经济学教授,并且是三本纽约时报畅销书的作者。而选项B提到Dan Ariely认为我们的行为完全受情绪控制,这与事实不符。因此,选项B是错误的。其他选项都是正确的。'
  39. Her passion in life is to (        ), enable, and enrich people in the truth about trust, in business, personal relationships, and society.

  40. A:endeavor B:enlighten C:enroll D:endow
  41. There were no signs of moths or other pests that normally (        )sick colonies.

  42. A:invade B:indicate C:dispose D:denounce
    答案:images worshipped as godAI参考:答案为A:invade。这句话的意思是:没有任何害虫如蛾类或其他通常侵扰生病群落的害虫的迹象。根据句意可知,这里需要一个表示“入侵”的词,而选项A中的“invade”恰好符合语境。因此,答案为A。B选项“indicate”表示“表明”,C选项“dispose”表示“处理”,D选项“denounce”表示“谴责”,均不符合句意。'
  43. Which of the following is not one of the high-emotion situations mentioned by Dr. Ariely that can trigger irrational decesion?

  44. A:Anger. B:Frustration. C:Hunger. D:Peace.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Peace。根据题干中提到的“Dr. Ariely提到的可以触发非理性决策的高情感情境”,可以推断出这些情境包括愤怒、挫折、饥饿等,而平静不属于这些情境之一,因此选项D是正确答案。'
  45. The (         ) of finding gold in California attracted a lot of people to settle down there.

  46. A:provisions B:prospects C:speculations D:stakes
  47. What do you think is the author's attitude toward the odyssey years in the text of Unit 3?

  48. A:Critical B:Neutral C:Positive D:Negative
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Positive。根据题干中提到的文本“Unit 3”可以判断这是一篇有关某篇课文的文章,其中涉及作者的冒险经历。选项C表示积极的观点,与作者对待这段冒险经历的态度相符。而选项A、B、D则表示对作者的态度存在批评、中立和否定,与题目中要求给出的作者态度不符。因此,选项C是最合适的答案。'
  49. It seemed to (        ) our logic that cats that would fall farther would be hurt less.

  50. A:define B:depress C:derail D:defy
  51. Which of the following statements is not a characteristic of the odyssey years according to Text A in Unit 3?

  52. A:Young people react with rebellious behaviors toward their parents B:Young people should not easily give up in face of competitions. C:Young people still hold highly traditional aspirations for parenthood. D:Everything remains temporary.
    AI参考:【单选题】正确答案是B:Young people should not easily give up in face of competitions.。在Text A中,没有提到年轻人不应该轻易放弃竞争这个特点,而其他三个选项都是该文本中提到的关于青春期的特点。A选项提到年轻人对父母表现出叛逆行为,C选项提到年轻人对成为父母仍然抱有传统期望,D选项提到一切都是暂时的,这些都是青春期的特点。因此,B选项不是Text A中提到的青春期的特点。'
  53. Which of the following is not a reason that animal right activists protest against animal research?

  54. A:Animal research is cruel and inhumane. B:Animals have the right to be treated as beings of value in themselves. C:Animals have the right to be treated as the means to human ends. D:The results of animal research are unreliable due to the difference between people and animals.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Animals have the right to be treated as the means to human ends.。动物权利活动家反对动物研究的理由有:动物研究是残忍和不人道的(A选项正确),动物有权被当作有价值的存在(B选项正确),人类有权把动物作为手段来达到自己的目的,动物也是有尊严和价值的(D选项正确),因此没有直接提出“C:动物有权利被当作手段达到人类的某种目的”,不符合上述选项中的任何一条。因此,正确答案为C。'
  55. What is the tone of the text "An impressive English lesson" in Unit 1?

  56. A:Serious and persuasive B:Ironic and cynical C:Formal and serious D:Relaxed and humorous
  57. To achieve unity, a narrative needs __________ which displays the attitude about the topic.

  58. A:a very good ending B:a very clear thesis statement C:a very clear explaination D:a very good expample
  59. You can develop ideas by way of examples, cause and effect, comparison and contast, _________, narration or description, and agumentation.

  60. A:classification B:reasoning and reduction C:deduction and decision D:conduction and correction
  61. How do you understand the interjection "Whoa!"said by the father toward the end of the text of Unit 1?

  62. 答案:正确答案:Since the subjective mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure,the interjection “whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son;it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student,though in two different situations and with two different feelings.
  63. We often present the details in the order in which they happened in a narrative essay, so _______ appear very important.

  64. A:thesis statement B:emotional words C:transitional words D:time signals
    答案:time signals
  65. We inform you that the partnership existing between us in the business of textiles has this day been dissolved by mutual (         ).

  66. A:comparison B:complaint C:consent D:concept
  67. In Para.6, Unit 7,what is implied from the example of women's tears and men's feeling toward their tears?

  68. A:It shows different male-female ways of thinking. B:It shows male-female opposite attitudes toward the same situation. C:It shows the conflicting male-female working style. D:All of the above.
    答案:All of the above.
  69. From this perspective, people are born essentially like undeveloped photographs: The image is already (        ) but the way it eventually appears can vary based on the development process.

  70. A:thrusted B:exceeded C:proclaimed D:captured
  71. As to "Less is More", we ought to limit our desire and focus on the essence of life.

  72. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B。As to "Less is More",we ought to limit our desire and focus on the essence of life.这句话的意思是:对于“少即是多”这句话,我们应该限制我们的欲望,专注于生活的本质。因此,答案为B,表示正确。'
  73. A narrative is a story that illustrates a point.

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. Odysseus is a Roman hero.

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. The order of examples and proper use of transitions are not important in an example essay.

  78. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。根据句子结构和语义理解,题目中的答案为B:对。因为句子中明确提到"the order of examples and proper use of transitions are not important",也就是说例子和过渡语的顺序以及适当的使用并不重要。因此,正确的答案是B。'
  79. Casual dating is an interaction between two people who are looking to get to know one another better, without commitments or promises.

  80. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:【答案】B:对。根据问题中的描述,casual dating指的是两个人之间的一种互动,他们只是想更好地了解对方,而不涉及承诺或义务。因此,答案是B,即casual dating是一种正确的行为。'

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