1.Mr. Holland’s Opus was an American drama film released in 1995. Who was in the title role of Glenn Holland, a high-school music teacher?
A:Jay Thomas. B:Stephen Herek. C:Patrick Sheane Duncan. D:Richard Dreyfuss. 
2. Who is the protagonist of the film?
A: Principal Helen Jacobs. B: Glenn Holland’s son — Cole. C: Gertrude Lang. D: Glenn Holland. 3. How was Mr. Holland’s teaching the first day in school?
A: He was very satisfied with the performance of the students. B: It was very successful. C: Students liked him very much. D: He felt frustrated by the bad performance of the students. 4.Glenn Holland was a talented musician and composer who was also a professional musical performer. Why did he accept a teaching position at John F. Kennedy High School?
A:Because he was tired of composing music. B:Because he wanted to enjoy more free time with his young wife, Iris, and compose a piece of orchestral music. C:Because his son Cole was born deaf, Glenn Holland wanted to teach his son by himself. D:Because his wife Iris thought he would be a good teacher instead of a good composer. 5.Mr. Holland’s first days in John F. Kennedy High School was proved to be not successful, for the students’ performance did not meet his expectance. Who help him realize the duty and importance of being a teacher?
A:The school principal Mrs. Jacobs. B:The football coach Bill Meister. C:His wife Iris Holland. D:One of his students Rowena Morgan. 6.The news that his wife Iris Holland was pregnant brought happiness to the couple. But unfortunately, his son Cole was born deaf. What is Mr. Holland’ s first reaction to this? 
A:Mr. Holland reacted with hostility to the news that he can never teach the joys of music to his own child. B:Mr. Holland was so upset that he even stop his music dream. C:Mr. Holland gave up his teaching career and taught his son at home by himself. D:Mr. Holland didn’t accept this truth and wanted to deny the fact. 7.Which of the following statements is not true according to your own understanding of the film?
A:When Mr. Holland retired from school, he wrote his own profound opus—The American Symphony. B:Mr. Holland’s symphony is not his only legacy, and it is the people he has inspired and taught, all of the people he has helped to make a better person, that is his true symphony. C:In 1995, Wolters, now promoted to principal, faced budget cuts from the board of education. He responded by eliminating music, as well as art and drama, from the school curriculum, leading to Holland’s early retirement.  D:On his final day as a teacher, Holland enters the school auditorium, where his professional life is surprisingly redeemed. Hearing that their beloved teacher is retiring, hundreds of his former students have secretly returned to the school to celebrate his life. 8._______ is not the most striking cultural marks of American Hippies in the 1960s?
A:Rock and roll B:Drugs & sexual liberation C:The unusual dressing style D:Most of them lived in California. 9.Which of the following is not true about the Hippies of the 1960s in America?
A:They were mostly 15 – 25 years old. B:They were rebellious. C:They all wanted to become rock stars.  D:They were mostly white people, from middle-class families. 10.Which one is not true about Hippies’ dressing style?
A:Both men and women kept long hair; men kept beards, while women wore no bra. B:They preferred bright color, loose fitting clothing. C:They favored Indian or Bohemian style head bands, necklaces and jewelries. D:They often went barefoot because they couldn’t afford shoes. 11.Which one is not true about Hippies’ life style?
A:They believed: “ If you feel good, do it.” B:They believed: “If you want to free yourself, free your body first”, which means you can do whatever you’d like to do. C:They believed love was no longer limited to one person. D:They believed drug use and sexual liberation were unhealthy lifestyle. 12.The peak years of psychedelic rock were 1967’s Summer of Love and 1969’s Woodstock Festival. About these two events, which one is not true?
A:In Woodstock Festival, many Hippies took drugs, which caused a lot of fighting and violence. B:Summer of Love in 1967 was a time when young people in America got together to question the society in which they grew up. C:That famous summer attracted over 100, 000 young people flocking to San Francisco to enjoy a summer of drugs, sex and rock & roll. D:Woodstock Festival in 1969 attracted over 400, 000 people to attend. 13.Which is not about the jobs of a teacher according to Mrs. Jacobs?
A:To fill young minds with knowledge.  B:To act as a compass to guide them into the right direction in life. C:To act as a role model for students. D:To give his students financial support. 14.Why does Mrs. Jacobs criticize Mr. Holland in clip 1?
A:Because he failed to give his students a good class. B:Because he was off work earlier very often. C:Because he was late for class very often. D:Because he failed to serve as a good compass for his students.  15.Mr. Holland teaches his students all but _______ in class?
A:how to appreciate classic music and pop music  B:great musicians and their masterpiece C:how to compose D:the basic theory of music 16.What does Staddler learn in the funeral?
A:A man should learn to respect and appreciate others.  B:A man should fight bravely and even sacrifice for his motherland. C:A man should learn to play some musical instrument in his spare time. D:A man should be good at sports, such as football or wrestling. 17.Which of the following statements is not true about Mr. Holland?
A:Mr. Holland does a good job in imparting knowledge to his students. B:Mr. Holland has a profound influence on his students. He changes them into better people. C:Mr. Holland is a good compass for his students to guide them to make right decision in their life. D:Mr. Holland is an excellent composer. His music brings him rich and fame.  18.Why is the method “play the sunset” so effective for Lang?
A:Because her hair often reminds her father of the beautiful sunset, which brings confidence to her.  B: Because her hair is much like the beautiful sunset. C:Because she loves the beautiful sunset very much. D: Because her father loves the beautiful sunset very much. 19.How many years has Lang been playing clarinet?
A:About three months. B:About six months. C:About two years. D:About three years. 20.In a quarrel with his father, Cole even calls Mr. Holland a (an) ______.
A:Idiot B:Asshole C:Son of bitch D:Shit 21.In clip 4, his wife quarrels with Mr. Holland because he fails to accompany his wife and son to the science fair, so which word can best describe Holland’s relationship with his families?
A:Strained  B:Hostile C: Harmonious D: Indifferent 22.Which of the following in not a good proof to show that Mr. Holland is a good teacher or a good father?
A:His students learn a lot from Mr. Holland. B: He sets a good role model for his son as a good father and a good teacher. C: A lot of students attend his retirement celebration. D:He dreams of composing a symphony that can make him rich and famous. 23. Gertrude Lang lost confidence and even wanted to give up the clarinet. How did Glenn Holland help her gain confidence?
A: Mr. Holland urged her to go on practicing. B: Mr. Holland encouraged her to play the clarinet, following her heart, like her feeling of sunset. C: Mr. Holland walked with her, enjoying the sunset. D: Mr. Holland made up many classes for her in his spare time. 24. In this film, several persons helped Mr. Holland grow up to be a good teacher except ________?
A: Mr. Holland’ son. B: Mr. Holland’s previous colleagues. C: Mr. Holland’s students. D: Principal Helen Jacobs. 25. What did Gertrude Lang do after her graduation?
A: She was one of the brand members. B: She worked as a teacher. C: She worked as an officer lady. D: She worked as a governor. 26. What did Morgan hope Mr. Holland do after she decided to go to New York?
A: She wanted Mr. Holland to stay in school, teaching more students. B: She wanted Mr. Holland to go with her. C: She wanted to become a music teacher like Mr. Holland in future. D: She wanted Mr. Holland to help her whenever she needed help. 27. How did Mr. Holland teach his students?
A: Mr. Holland just let the students enjoy some famous symphonies. B: Mr. Holland only taught the talented student. C: Mr. Holland taught the students only in class. D: Mr. Holland taught the students according to their natural interest and ability. 28. How was the relationship between Mr. Holland and his son — Cole?
A: They still didn’t understand each other. B: Cole gradually realized the deep love from his father, and their relationship became reconciled. C: Mr. Holland always got along well with his son. D: Cloe didn’t want to communicate with his father, and wanted to leave home, living independently. 29. What was Mr. Holland’s wife’s reaction to his slight changes to the beautiful school girl — Rowena Morgan?
A: She talked with Megan in private. B: She decided to divorce with Mr. Holland. C: She quarreled with her husband. D: She didn’t say anything about her husband’s changes. 30. On his final day as a teacher, what did the orchestra play to celebrate his retirement?
A: The symphony composed by Mr. Holland’s students. B: The symphony composed by Mr. Holland. C: San Francisco Symphony. D: The American Symphony. 31. During the Hippie counter-culture Movement in the 1960s, thousands of Hippies, wearing flowers in their hair, flooded into _________ in America?
A:  Los Angeles B: Florida C: San Francisco D: Seattle 32. Which of the following characters is a typical Hippie?
A: Holland in Mr. Holland’s Opus B: Jack in Titanic C: Rose in Titanic D: Jenny in Forrest Gump 33. When it comes to love, Hippies believes that __________.
A: one should be faithful to his/her lover. B: love should be limited to one person. C: one is free to love anyone who pleased them and experiences love & sex without guilt and jealousy. D: free love and sexual liberation should be prohibited. 34. It was estimated that 100,000 people travelled to San Francisco in the summer of 1967 and where they enjoyed a summer of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Now people often refer to that summer as _______________.
A: the Summer of Love B: the Summer of Drugs C: the Summer of Sex D: the Summer of Rocks 35. Woodstock Festival is regarded as the climax of psychedelic rock and Hippie Movement. It attracted 400,000 people and lasted for three days. When did it happen?
A:In 1967.  B:In 1969.  C: In 1968. D: In 1966. 36. In the movie Mr. Holland’s Opus, rock n’ roll so much was regarded as “a message sent from the evil” by many American parents in the 1960s. Why did they fear rock n’ roll so much? Which one of the following is not the reason?
A: They believed rock n’ roll could mislead their children to drug use and sexual liberation. B: They believed rock n’ roll could lead to a breakdown of discipline. C: They believed rock n’ roll is closely related to Hippie culture. To love rock n’ roll meant to lead a Hippie lifestyle. D: Because it’s hard for parents to embrace new things, especially rock n’ roll, the new genre of radical pop music. 37. For rock n’ roll, which one is not true?
A: It mainly based on the black rhythm, blues and white country music. B: It has a strong beat and simple melodies. C: It’s a type of popular music developed in the early 1950s in America. D: It is merely played by black musicians, and no white musicians play it. 38. Why did Mr. Holland fail to give his students interesting classes in the first few months? Which one is not the reason?
A: Teaching was not what he really enjoyed doing. B: His lack of teaching experience. C: He chose teaching to support his family. D: He didn’t spend enough time preparing his class. 39. Why does the principal Mrs. Jacobs give Mr. Holland a compass as a gift when she retires from school?
A: To indicate Mr. Holland spend too much time staying indoors. B: A useful gadget (小玩意) to help Mr. Holland find directions when Mr. Holland does outdoor activities. C: To remind Mr. Holland to go outdoors often. D: To praise his job as a good compass for his students. 40. During his 30 years teaching career, Mr. Holland has cultivated many outstanding students, and he has a profound influence on their lives. In the following statements about Mr. Holland and his students, which one is not true?
A: Mr. Holland encourages the girl with red hair to trust herself. B: Mr. Holland tries every means to help the black boy named Louis Russ to play drum. C:  Mr. Holland encourages the talented girl Rowena to bravely pursue her dream to be a singer. D: Mr. Holland persuades the girl with red hair to give up playing Clarinet, because she has no talent for that. 41. The girl that used to learn how to play clarinet from Mr. Holland later becomes a (n) _______.
A: excellent teacher B: excellent clarinet player C: successful governor D: successful businesswoman 42. The black boy that used to learn how to play drum from Mr. Holland later became a (n) _______.
A:  famous footballer B: outstanding wrestler C: courageous soldier who sacrificed his life for the country D: successful drum player 43. What is Mr. Holland’s opus?
A: His piano composition. B: His symphony. C: His students. D: His band. 44. For Lang, the red-haired girl, and her family, which statement is not true?
A: Her brother is good at football. B: Her sister is good at ballet. C: Her mother is good at dancing. D: Her father is good at singing. 45. Lang has been playing clarinet for many years, but she still can’t play it smoothly and there’s some breaks in her playing. Why is that?
A: Because that piece of music is too difficult for Lang. B: Because she is lack of practice. C:  Because she is lack of confidence. D: Because she doesn’t like playing clarinet but is forced to do so by her parents. 46. In Lang’s speech, she mentions Mr. Holland isn’t rich and he isn’t famous, either. So he would consider a great part of his life ________.
A: enjoyable B: misspent C:  rewarding D: fruitful 47. Mr. Holland has a profound influence on his students. Many of them become better people with his help. Does Mr. Holland have a profound influence on his own son, too? 
A: No, because his son once called him an asshole. B: Yes, because his son becomes a teacher too. So Mr. Holland sets a good example for his son. C: No, because Mr. Holland spends too much time on his work, neglecting his son. D: No, because Mr. Holland seldom communicates with his son, which leads to some misunderstanding between them.

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