  1. Francis Bacon is one of the best essayists in English literature who is well-known for his work Essays of ELia.

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. The Preface to Lyrical Ballads contains Wordsworth's ideas on poetry.

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. The mission of the English Enlightenment was to eradicate the capitalist system.

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Morte d'Arthur is written by Thomas Malory in the 15th-century England.

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. The key-note of Hamlet's character is adventurousness.

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. According to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a collaborator of Lyrical Ballads, poetry should begin as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings."

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. During his lifetime, Shakespeare wrote altogether 154 sonnets.

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Piers the Plowman describes a series of wonderful dreams through which we can see a picture of the life in primitive England.

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. Jonathan Swift madde himself known with his merciless satire on the British society of his age such as that in his work The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling.

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. The Christian literature in Old English period is represented by Caedmon and Adam Bede.

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. The 18th century is also called "the Age of _____".

  22. A:Humanism B:Rationalism C:Passion D:Reason
  23. In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", "the inward eye" refers to ( ), which is a metaphor to appeal to the reader's imagination of the author's inner feelings.

  24. A:"mind" B:"emotians" C:"heart" D:"reason"
  25. In his "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning", John Donne makes a most impressive comparison between love and ( ) as the dominant conceit of the poem.

  26. A:a piece of gold B:a pair of compasses C:an earthquake D:a farewell to a dying person
  27. The following writers are the members of the Active Romanticists except _______.

  28. A:John Keats B:William Wordsworth C:George Gordon Byron D:Percy Bysshe Shelley
  29. The Metaphysical Poets are adroit at the use of _______.

  30. A:symbol B:satire C:conceit D:allegory
  31. The novel written by D. H. Lawrence with the theme of Oedipus Complex is _______.

  32. A:Sons and Lovers B:Women in Lover C:Lady Chatterley's Lover D:The Rainbow
  33. The first period of Charles Dickens’s literary career is characterized mainly by (     ) and the novels are filled with moral teachings.

  34. A:








  35. The following are all Alexander Pope's works except ______.

  36. A:The Vicar of Wakefield B:The Dunciad C:The Rape of the Lock D:Essay on Criticism
  37. Alexaner Pope was a master of poetry in heroic couplet. He strongly advocated ( ), emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules.

  38. A:realism B:aestheticism C:naturalism D:classicism
  39. Epistolary novel is one that takes the form of _______.

  40. A:diary B:travel notes C:letter-writing D:biography
  41. In the aesthetic movement of the 19th century, "Art for Art's Sake" can simply mean the focus on ( ) rather than on deep meaning of literary works.

  42. A:technique B:beauty C:impression D:form
  43. Milton’s Paradise Lost employs the themes taken from ( ) of the Christian Bible.

  44. A:Genesis B:Luke C:Exodus D:Matthew
  45. Sentimentalism turns from urban life to rurual life and from representation of reason to ______.

  46. A:emotions B:imagination C:reality D:mind
  47. A great number of dialogues and soliloquies in Shakespeare's plays are written in the metrical form of _______.

  48. A:blank verse B:sonnet C:alliterative verse D:ballad
  49. Piers the Plowman written by William Langland in the form of ( ) represents the achievements of popular literature of Medieval England.

  50. A:allegory B:epic C:symbolism D:a dream
  51. Francis Bacon won for himself the first English ( ) for his achievements in English literature of the Renaissance.

  52. A:poet B:dramatist C:essayist D:prose writer
  53. John Ruskin was the leading English art critic of the Victorian era. In his Modern Painters, he argued that the principal role of the artist is ( ).

  54. A:innovation B:"truth to nature" C:"art for art's sake" D:creativity
  55. The key-note of the Renaissance is ( ).

  56. A:romanticism B:humanism C:realism D:asceticism
  57. _______ is the most representative poem of the Anglo-Saxon literature which is regarded the national epic of the English people.

  58. A:The Canterbury Tales B:Sir Gawin and the Green Knight C:Beowulf D:Morte d'Arthur
  59. The joint publication of  (     ) in 1798 by Wordsworth and Coleridge marked the beginning of the Romantic movement in England.

  60. A:

    'Lines Composed upon Tinten Abbey'


    'Preface to Lyrical Ballads'


    'Rime of Ancient Mariner'


    Lyrical Ballads

  61. The story _______ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances

  62. A:Beowulf B:Sir Gawin and the Green Knight C:The Canterbury Tales D:Piers the Plowman
  63. ( ), the greatest realist novelist of the 18th-century English literature, is also considered the father of the English novel.

  64. A:Daniel Defoe B:Oliver Goldsmith C:Jonathan Swift D:Henry Fielding
  65. In the 18th-century English literature, satire was much adopted by many writers. Among them, ______ is no doubt the greatest.

  66. A:Henry Fielding B:Jonathan Swift C:Alexander Pope D:Daniel Defoe
  67. Thomas Carlyle's non-fiction The French Revolution: A History was the inspiration for Charles Dickens' s novel (    ).

  68. A:

    A Tale of Two Cities


    Oliver Twist


    Hard Times


    Great Expectations

  69. The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories strung together and told by 30 pilgrims on their way to pilgrimage, is written in the form of ( ).

  70. A:blank verse B:heroic couoplet C:alliterative verse D:ballad
  71. Sentimentalism turned to the countryside for materials, which made it different from ______.

  72. A:classicism B:realism C:romanticism D:aestheticism
  73. Different from other romantic poets, _____ is the writer who is in pursuit of beauty in his poetic writings.

  74. A:John Keats B:Samuel Taylor Coleridge C:George Gordon Byron D:William Wordsworth
  75. When Cromwell is said to be "the man of action" in the British Civil Wars, _______ is regarded as "the man of thought".

  76. A:John Dryden B:John Bunyan C:John Donne D:John Milton
  77. The works of _______ are characterized, generally speaking, by mysticism in content and fantasticallity in form.

  78. A:John Milton B:the Metaphysical Poets C:the Cavalier Poets D:John Dryden
  79. ( ) is a type of poetry written in the form of a speech of an individual character whose spiritual world is conveyed to the reader through the author's subtle psychological analysis.

  80. A:Interior monologue B:Psycho-analysis C:Free association D:Dramatic monologue
  81. A(n) _______ is a far-fetched metaphor in which an unlikely connection between two drastically different things is made.

  82. A:conceit B:allegory C:metonymy D:allusion
  83. The langugage spoken by _______ is known as the Old English.

  84. A:the Romans B:the Anglo-Saxons C:the Celts D:the Normans
  85. _______ is considered the "father of English poetry" and the "founder of English realism".

  86. A:John Milton B:William Langland C:Edmund Spenser D:Geoffrey Chaucer
  87. In the English literature of the 17th century, the _______ period is traditionally called "Age of Dryden".

  88. A:Restoration B:Commonwealth C:First Parliament D:Revolution
  89. The latter half of the 18th century English literature was marked by a strong protest against the bondage of classicism and a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion which is later known as ( ).

  90. A:sentimentalism B:pre-romanticism C:realism D:neo-classicism
  91. Walter Scott is the only novelist of the romantic literature of the 19th-century England and his novels are mainly ( ) novels as far as genre is concerned.

  92. A:sentimentalist B:psychoanalytical C:historical D:realist
  93. The most representative cycle of the English ballads in Medieval English literature centers on the stories of _______ and his merry men.

  94. A:King Arthur B:Julius Caesar C:Robin Hood D:Beowulf
  95. Ulysses, written by James Joyce and considered the most representative of the Egnlish stream-of-consciousness novels, is set in ( ), Ireleand .

  96. A:Edinburgh B:Dublin C:Manchester D:London
  97. Beowulf is written in the form of ( ), a popular form of poetry in Anglo-Saxon literature.

  98. A:couplet B:alliterative verse C:ballad D:blank verse
  99. The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the depiction of the hell, in which ______ is characterized as the real hero.

  100. A:God B:Adam C:Satan D:Raphael
  101. The stories of ( ) are the most well-known ballads, songs of stories told orally in 4-line stanzas.

  102. A:King Arthur B:Robin Hood C:the Vikings D:the green knights
  103. D. H. Lawrence's works represent a reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and ______.

  104. A:colonization B:globalization C:industrialization D:civilization
  105. The following are the historical novels written by Walter Scott except ______.

  106. A:Waverly B:The Lady of the Lake C:Rob Roy D:Ivanhoe
  107. English literature began with the ( ) settlement in England.

  108. A:English B:Anglo-Saxon C:Celtic D:Roman
  109. The ________ Age is one of great development in economy, culture, politics and geographical exploration.

  110. A:James I's B:Bloody Mary's C:Henry VIII's D:Elazabethan
  111. The following writers belong to the moderate group of Enlighteners except _____.

  112. A:Joseph Addison B:Daniel Defoe C:Jonathan Swift D:Alexander Pope
  113. The central character of a romance is ( ), who follows the code of behavior called chivalry.

  114. A:a soldier B:the warrior C:the knight D:the Gladiator
  115. Romanticism preferred ( ) to reason and rationalism. To William Wordsworth, poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.

  116. A:devices B:emotion C:rhetoric D:art
  117. Sentimentalism of English literature got its name from Lawrence Stern's novel (     ) in which Sterne tries to catch the actual flow of human mind and sentiment.

  118. A:

    The Vicar of Wakefield




    Tristram Shandy


    A Sentimental Journey

  119. The term "Metaphysical Poets" was given by ______, who was an 18th-century English writer and biographer and who made the first English dictionary.

  120. A:Samuel Johnson B:John Dryden C:Richard Steele D:Ben Johnson
  121. Throughout his life, Milton showed strong rebellious spirit agaisnt many things he thought unjust and acted as the voice of ( ) of England under Oliver Cromwell.

  122. A:the Parliament B:the Monarch C:the Royalists D:the Commonwealth
  123. The romance is a type of literature composed chiefly by, of and for ______.

  124. A:the country folk B:the church men C:the noble D:urban citizens
  125. The Romantic Age of English literature began in 1798 with the publication of ______.

  126. A:Prometheus Unbound B:Childe Harold's Pilgimmage C:The Rime of Ancient Mariner D:Lyrical Ballads
  127. Gulliver' s Travels tells about the adventures of Gullliver through the fairy tale of fantasy which is a great satire on ( ).

  128. A:human spirit B:human heart C:human nature D:human mind
  129. ( ) is Shelley's bestknown lyric in which he calls forth the overthrowing of the old social system and bringing destruction to it.

  130. A:"The Cloud" B:"To a Skylark" C:"Song to the Man of England" D:"Ode to the West Wind"
  131. Jane Austen's novels mainly concern such issues as the ( ) of young women. Because of the use of satire and criticism of social prejudices, she is considered as a realist novelist rather than a romantic writer.

  132. A:feminism B:ethics C:manners D:morals
  133. The prevailing form of English literature in the medieval period was ______, which represents a courtly type of literature.

  134. A:alliterative verse B:heroic couplet C:ballad D:romance
  135. Joseph Conrad produced the following works except ______.

  136. A:Nostromo B:Heart of Darkness C:Lord Jim D:Passage to India
  137. The following novels are written by Virginia Woolf except ______.

  138. A:The Waves B:Rainbow C:To the Lighthouse D:Mrs. Dalloway
  139. Shakespeare is hailed by ( ), contemporary with Shakespeare, as "not of an age, but for all time".

  140. A:Robert Greene B:Ben Jonson C:Christopher Marlowe D:Thomas Nash

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