[单选题]产前诊断不能发现所有先天性疾病,因此不用做这样的检查。( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]无创DNA可以发现所有类型的先天性疾病。( )

选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]优生的措施有( )。

, 适龄生育
, 胎教
, 禁止近亲结婚
[多选题]需要进行遗传咨询的有( )。

, 在化工厂工作的夫妇
, 曾经不明原因流产的夫妇
, 生育过患病孩子的夫妇
[单选题]羊膜穿刺术没有任何风险。( )

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]艾滋病属于下列哪种致病因素引发疾病( )

, 生物因素
, 心理因素
, 免疫因素
[单选题]流行性感冒的传染源、传播途径、易感人群分别是( )

, 流感患者,飞沫或空气,抵抗力弱的人
, 流感病毒,飞沫或空气, 抵抗力弱的人
, 飞沫或空气,流感患者,所有的人
[单选题]下列疾病中具有家族倾向的一组是( )

, 高血压、糖尿病、乳腺癌、心脏病、艾滋病
, 心脏病、艾滋病、消化性溃疡、动脉粥样硬化性心脏病
, 高血压、糖尿病、乳腺癌、动脉粥样硬化性心脏病
[多选题]下列人体器官属于中枢免疫器官的是( )。

, 骨髓
, 胸腺
, 淋巴结
[多选题]预防传染病流行的重要措施包括( )

, 切断传播途径
, 控制传染源
, 流行病筛查
[多选题]非传染性疾病可以通过减少下列哪些行为进行预防( )

, 不健康的饮食
, 吸烟
, 有害酒精使用
[单选题]常见的传染病包括呼吸道传染病、消化道传染病、血液传染病、体表传染病。( )

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]高血压的诊断是在未使用降压药物的情况下,在同日进行三次测量。收缩压≥140毫米汞柱,舒张压≥90毫米汞柱。( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]心电图运动负荷试验适合经常在运动过程中出现症状和体征,安静状态下心电图正常的患者。( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]病原体侵入机体后,存在于机体的一定部位,感染者未出现疾病的临床症状,一定是被清除了。( )

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]_______ is made when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time. ( )

选项:[An acceptance
, A non-firm offer
, An enquiry
, A firm offer
[多选题]_______are the commonly used international business negotiation principles. ( )

选项:[Mutual trust principle
, Equality principle
, Win-win principle
, Flexibility principle
[单选题]_________ may be in the form of licensing, contract manufacturing, assembly, etc. ( )

选项:[Exporting strategy
, Foreign production strategy
, Virtual market entry strategy.
, Ownership strategy.
[单选题]________ is to use electronic means, primarily web pages, emails, and related platforms and tools, to enter international market. ( )

选项:[Ownership strategy.
, Virtual market entry strategy.
, Foreign production strategy
, Exporting strategy
[单选题]Under________, one company assigns rights to a patent or trademark to another company for fee or royalty. ( )

, Contract manufacturing
, Assembly operation
, Full-scale production
[多选题]Multinationals may lead to complications and negative impacts, like ______. ( )

选项:[Economic vulnerability,
, Consolidation of wealth
, Cultural homogenization
, Environmental damage
[多选题]Multinationals can bring along a lot of benefits, including_______.( )

选项:[Spurring job growth
, Stimulating economic development
, Increasing tax revenues
, More choice of goods
[单选题]_______is a situation where a country spends more on imports from abroad than it makes from its exports. ( )

选项:[Trade balance
, Trade surplus
, Trade deficit
, Trade dispute
[单选题]_______maintains supply and demand factors operating on a global scale, will ensure production happens in an efficient way. ( )

, Free Trade
, International trade
[单选题]_______ is a policy which protects domestic industries from competition from foreign ones, and its primary tools include tariffs, subsidies, quotas, etc. ( )

选项:[Free trade
, Trade protectionism
, Trade embargo
, Globalization

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