1. We are sending you the samples ________ requested.( )

  2. 答案:as
  3. We will instruct our bank to issue an L/C _____ favor of your company.( )

  4. 答案:in
  5. We have to claim for your delay in _______ of our order.( )

  6. 答案:shipping
  7. You have delayed in dispatching us the shipping _______ after shipment.( )

  8. 答案:advice
  9. As it ______ only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.( )

  10. 答案:involves
  11. The shipment time is June or July at our ____ and the goods will be shipped in one _____.( )

  12. 答案:option, lot
  13. 结汇单证中最重要的单据,能让有关当事人了解一笔交易的全貌。其他单据都是以其为依据的单据是( )。

  14. 答案:发票
  15. 如果合同中规定装运条款为"2019年7/8月份装运";那么出口公司必须将货物在7月和8月两个月内,每月各装一批。( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. 货物装船后,托运人持凭装货单(S/O)向承运人或其代理人换取提单(B/L)。( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. 形式发票与商业发票不同的是在发票上有“形式”字样。这种发票可以用作邀请买方发出确定的订单。关于形式发票,下列说法正确的是( )。

  20. 答案:假如信用证附有形式发票,则形式发票构成信用证的组成部分,制单时要按形式发票内容全部打上###形式发票与商业发票的关系密切,信用证在货物描述后面常有“按照某月某日之形式发票”等条款###形式发票不是一种正式发票
  21. 关于“Down payment by T/T + balance by T/T before shipment”这种支付方式陈述正确的是( )。

  22. 答案:The practice: 30% down payment by T/T after contract and 70% of the remaining value by T/T before shipment###Very safe way of collecting payment###The higher the percentage of down payment, the better###Suitable for both air transport and sea transport
  23. 在采用净重计重时,国际上通常计算包装重量的做法有( )
  24. 商业发票上完整的货物单价包括( )。
  25. The aspects to be considered when design export packaging include ( ).
  26. 若在信用证申请书中无明确规定,根据UCP600的规定,应视为允许的有( )。
  27. 按照国际惯例,托收结算方式有光票托收和跟单托收两种,其中跟单托收使用最多。托收结算方式的主要当事人有( )。
  28. 某载货船只载着甲货主的3000箱棉纺织品、乙货主的50公吨大米、丙货主的200公吨石材驶往美国洛杉矶。货轮起航的第二天不幸遭遇触礁事故,导致船底出现裂缝,海水入侵严重,使甲货主的250箱棉纺织品和乙货主的5公吨大米被海水浸湿。因裂口太大,船长为解除船、货共同危险,使船舶浮起并及时修理,下令将丙货主的50公吨石材抛入海中,船舶修复后继续航行。货轮继续航行的第三天又遭遇恶劣气候,使甲货主的另外50箱货物被海水浸湿,下列说法( )是正确的。
  29. Please kindly arrange the _____ to be transferred to our account so that we can ship the goods in time?( )
  30. We will pay a total amount of USD 10,000 as a compensation, but the amount has to be transferred to you 120 days later because presently we are in a tight financial situation. 上述句子的撰写者表达的意图是什么?( )
  31. We are giving you the following order: 1000 pieces of Yellow River Desk Fan 16", USD 15 per piece CIF Los Angeles, packed in wooden cases, each containing 6 pieces, ___ shipment from Shanghai to Los Angeles, _____ two weeks _____receipt of relevant L/C. ( )
  32. ______ an order for more than£ 5, 000, we would allow a special discount of 3%.( )
  33. We have instructed our bank, Bank Pekao, to open the L/C ____SC No.123 ___ the whole contract amount _____ your favor. ( )
  34. We have been ______ the garment line for 10 years.( )
  35. The mistake is entirely our own and we ______ for the inconvenience it is causing you.( )
  36. After shipment we shall draw ___ you ___ the expenses we have paid as per your instruction. ( )
  37. Will you please _____ to take out All-Risks for us on the following consignment?( )
  38. The terms of payment is by T/T; specifically, 30% of invoice value is as ____, and the remaining 70% should be paid against ______.( )
  39. We are in receipt of your enquiry of Sept. 5, _______ which we replied by fax this morning.( )
  40. It is our _____ to accept L/C payment for new customers.( )
  41. 某L/C显示:39A: PERCENTAGE CREDIT AMOUNT TOLERANCE:10/10,它的含义是( )。
  42. We are unable to satisfy your requirements, for the goods are _______ great demand.( )
  43. 下列单证不属于包装单据的是( )。
  44. We advised our bank to _____ L/C No.55618 to read “partial shipments are permitted”.( )
  45. 按照有关规定,对不同包装种类的货物混装在一个集装箱内,这时货物的总件数显示数字之和,包装种类用统称( )来标识。
  46. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue.( )
  47. We have a lot of _______ in this line.( )
  48. Your letter of 10th August complaining about the Bicycles supplied _____ your order No. 56893 has caused us a good deal of concern.( )
  49. It is _____ mistake that we made out a wrong invoice for this consignment.( )
  50. 关于托收业务的国际惯例《托收统一规则》即( )。
  51. We, being shipper of the captioned shipment, hereby request you to release the shipment at destination to the party named hereunder against their guarantee.这句话出自什么语境?( )
  52. We are sure that both of our companies will _____ from the joint venture.( )
  53. We regret that your counter-offer is ____ below any offer we make for other customers.( )
  54. We have to file a claim against you ______ US$ 20,000.( )
  55. We can give a commission of 10% ______ gross proceeds.( )
  56. 根据《URC522》的分类,( )属于进口国官方要求说明货物及相关情况的单据。
  57. 提单的被通知人,若信用证无明确规定,则应填写开证申请人。( )
  58. 空白抬头提单是指提单收货人处空白,空白背书是指提单背面没有人背书。( )
  59. 对发票起补充作用的单据是( )。
  60. 在修改信用证时,受益人可接受同一修改通知中的部分内容,而将另外的内容退回通知行。( )
  61. 托收项下的汇票,付款人应该是( )。
  62. 以下有关信用证修改程序描述,正确的是( )。
  63. 根据《中华人民共和国票据法》,汇票上必须记载的事项有( )。
  64. FOB术语的运费支付方式是( )。
  65. 单证工作的要求包括( )。
  66. 根据制单的“完整”原则,下列表述正确的是( )。
  67. 在国际贸易中,对当事人的行为无强制性约束的规范是( )。
  68. 国际贸易单证工作的基本环节包括( )。
  69. 国际贸易单证工作可能涉及的部门包括( )。
  70. All our products are UL approved, and are strictly ______conformity with US standard. 横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  71. After checking _____ it, we found out that the delay of delivery was caused by the postponement ____ production due to the labor shortage and peak season before Chinese Spring Festival holiday. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  72. We have to inform you that your claim _____ compensation ______Order No.123 is disallowed. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  73. We have to apologize _____the delay and would promise to solve the problem asap. 横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  74. 收到客户的投诉和索赔信,外贸业务员应该第一时间道歉。( )
  75. 外贸业务员有出口订单时,可以直接向船公司或航空公司办理出口订舱。( )
  76. Shipping advice 的内容一般不包括以下的哪一个方面?( )。
  77. 关于Multimodal Transport陈述正确的选项是( )。
  78. 外贸业务员向客户进行出口报价时,可以通过物流巴巴这样的专业物流网站查询出口运费,再进行价格核算。( )
  79. 国际货物运输中常见的集装箱规格包括:( )。
  80. 国际贸易中,使用T/T付款时,在转账环节一般会产生哪些费用?( )。
  81. As to the terms of payment, we would like to amend it ____ 30 % of the contract’s value in advance by T/T, then 60% by T/T ______ the copy of shipping documents. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  82. 信用证收款中可能存在的问题包括( )。
  83. 下列付款组合付款方式中,哪一种对出口商来说风险最大?( )。
  84. 按顺序把Advising bank, opening bank, confirming bank, negotiating bank,paying bank翻译完全正确的一组是( )。
  85. 为了避免纠纷,出口商应该就包装相关的哪些问题与进口商进行确认?( )
  86. 在设计和定制出口产品包装时,要考虑哪些因素? ( )
  87. “Handle with Care”和“Do not squeeze”是哪种出口包装标识?( )。
  88. Bananas are to be packed _____ cartons, 25 kg each, which is lined _____ plastic bags ______ air holes.横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  89. The outside of each carton should be marked with net weight, gross weight, and tare weight. 这句话中的net weight, gross weight, tare weight 分别是什么?( )。
  90. We are good at catering _____ different customers by designing and manufacturing according to their needs. 横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  91. Now I am writing to remind you ____our offer dated May 5th ____ Rizhao green tea according to your relative inquiry. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  92. 对展会上遇到的客户,业务员都要一视同仁,认真对待。( )
  93. It is nice to have met you _____ our stand ______ Canton Fair. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  94. 在选择事件营销时,只要能蹭上热度,业务员大胆地使用就可以了。( )
  95. We will instruct our bank_____ pen an L/C _____ the amount of this order after your confirmation of the order. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  96. We are giving you the following order: 1000kilograms of garlic of 4cm in diameter, USD 2 ___ kg FOB Qingdao, _____ shipment during May. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  97. We will pay for the 30% in advance as per your Proforma Invoice.订单确认环节中,对上述句子中卖家支付的30%的金额的英文表达,下面选项哪个理解不正确。( )
  98. 关于PO, PI, 和SC这三个常出现在外贸信函中的缩写语义分析完全正确的是( )。
  99. We are pleased to confirm _______ your order No.1234 for fresh garlic.横线上可以填入的词是( )。
  100. We supply the goods based ______ the following conditions. 横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  101. 在回复模糊询盘时,业务员要善于提出问题,在客户回答之后再做出比较精准的回复。( )
  102. 按照询问内容的详略,可把询盘分为模糊询盘和具体询盘。( )
  103. We will arrange _____ one or two free samples immediately for each model to _____to you. 横线上可以填入的词分别是( )。
  104. We can lower the price of finished products ____ 5% if you increase your order to the above mentioned quantity. 横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  105. Thank you ____ your inquiry ____ laptop bags and the attached YML print. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  106. 下面作为信函结尾句的选项中,哪一个没有利用消费者的FOMO (Fear of missing out) psychology. ( )。
  107. I am deeply impressed _____ your achievement in agricultural products sale,横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  108. I appreciate your commitment _____ the improvement of workmanship in ,横线上可以填入的介词是( )。
  109. We are superior ____ your current supplier _____ the taste of the product. 横线上可以填入的介词分别是( )。
  110. I guess we have a lot ______ common in temperament(性情),横线上可以填入的介词是( )
  111. 根据询盘的内容判断回复的内容违背了合作原则中的哪一条准则 ( )Inquiry:We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors, prices, and also samples of the different quantities of material used.Reply: We are pleased to receive your inquiry and would like to inform you that if your order quantities is not less than 500 dozen of our products, we shall allow you a discount of 5%.
  112. 按照外贸函电撰写的简约原则,下列句子中的哪个部分需要修改( )。We hope to receive your comments on the aforesaid models in early August in the event that you cannotreply prior to the end of this month.
  113. 根据称谓栏与礼貌结束语的对应,如果称谓收信人为Dear Mr. Smith, 那么下面哪一个结束语不常使用呢? ( )
  114. 按照外贸函电撰写的简约原则,下了句子中的哪个部分需要修改( )。We acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 17, and are pleased to advise you that all your requireditems are in stock.
  115. Except for ocean, air, and land transport, what other types of transport are usually used in international export transportation. ( )。
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