1.What can be done to prevent periorbital vascular embolism?( )
A:Be familiar with and master the position of facial arteries B:Using blunt needle C:If feeling eye pain, the injection must be stopped immediately D:Slow injection
2. Complications after upper eyelid skin laxity include ( )
A:Eyelid ecchymoses B:Upper eyelid depression C:Dry eyes and tight eyelids D:Retrobulbar hemorrhage
3. How to distinguish between suborbital hypertrophic orbicularis and eye bag? ( )
A:Suborbital hypertrophic orbicularis-when smiling, the bloated body close to the lower eyelid edge will be aggravated B:Suborbital hypertrophic orbicularis is a kind of orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy C:Eye bag is often seen as yellow turpentine fat mass under the orbicularis oculi muscle, which clinically appears as a prominent bulging of the lateral lower lid margin D:Eye bag-no change in appearance when laughing or not
答案:AI参考:正确选项为:\nB:Suborbital hypertrophic orbicularis is a kind of orbicularis oculi muscle hypertrophy\n\n解释:\n\nsuborbital hypertrophic orbicularis是眼轮匝肌肥大的一种类型,属于肌肥大,是一种形态改变。而眼袋是由于眼眶隔膜的松弛和眶内脂肪的突出,是一种组织结构的松弛下垂。两者在表现上有明显的不同,可以通过肉眼观察或专业检查进行区分。\n\n所以选项B是正确的描述。其他选项描述了不同的概念或问题,没有涉及到suborbital hypertrophic orbicularis和眼袋的区别。'
4.What are the main mechanisms of skin fillers?( )
A:Relax skeletal muscles B:Directly increasing the volume or volume of tissue C:Stimulating the surrounding normal tissue D:Inhibition of gland secretion
5.What innervates the motor function of the orbicularis oculi muscle? ( )
A:Zygomatic branch of facial nerve B:Temporal branch of the facial nerve C:Facial nerve cervical branch D:Buccal branch of the facial nerve
答案:AI参考:选项 A 和 D 是正确的选项。面部的肌肉主要受三叉神经支配,其中包括面神经的颞支和颧支,以及支配眼轮匝肌的颧神经分支。其中,颧神经分支主要支配眼轮匝肌,而颞支则主要支配眼轮匝肌的周围部分,包括上睑板肌、上眼睑和上唇周围的皮肤和肌肉。而口轮匝肌的肌电活动主要受三叉神经面神经的下颌缘支支配。因此,答案是A:Zigomatic branch of facial nerve(面神经的颧支)和D:Buccal branch of the facial nerve(面神经的颊支)。\n\n以上是基本的解剖学知识,具体的临床应用可能会因个体差异而有所不同。在处理任何与神经系统相关的问题时,都应寻求专业医疗人员的建议和指导。'
6. Acquired ptosis includes which of the following categories? ( )
A:Neurogenic ptosis B:Oculomotor nerve hypoplasia C:Ptosis at older ages D:Traumatic ptosis
答案:AI参考:正确选项是:A:Neurogenic ptosis B:Oculomotor nerve hypoplasia D:Traumatic ptosis\n\nAcquired ptosis(获得性眼睑下垂)包括神经源性眼睑下垂、动眼神经发育不全、外伤性眼睑下垂等。因此,选项A、B、D都是符合题意的正确选项。选项C(老年期眼睑下垂)属于特发性眼睑下垂的一种,但题目中未明确说明是特发性眼睑下垂,因此不是正确选项。'
7. Laser treatments for dark circles under the eyes include: ( )
A:1064nm Q-switched ND:YAG laser B:755nm Q-switched emerald laser C:694nm Q-switched ruby laser D:2940nm Er laser
答案:AI参考:正确选项是:A:1064nm Q-switched ND:YAG激光器,B:755nm Q-switched翡翠激光器。\n\n激光治疗黑眼圈的方法包括使用不同波长的激光,如Q开关ND:YAG激光器(1064nm)和Q开关翡翠激光器(755nm)。C选项的694nm Q开关红宝石激光器和D选项的2940nmEr激光主要用于治疗血管性和色素性病变,而不是黑眼圈。因此,只有A和B选项适用于治疗黑眼圈。'
8. What conditions should be met for the surgical approach to an epicanthoplasty: ( )
A:Simple and adequate removal of epicanthal folds B:Overall morphology natural C:Scarring is best where it is not easily visible D:Surgery left little scar
9.Vaporized fractional lasers, also called exfoliative lasers, are commonly available as ______ ( )
A:Erbium laser B:Pulsed dye lasers C:CO2 laser D:Adjustable pulse width frequency doubling Nd:YAG lasers
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【B:Pulsed dye lasers】。\n\n蒸发式分数激光器,也被称为剥离激光器,通常可用脉冲染料激光器(B选项)来实现。其他选项中,Erlanga激光器(A选项)通常用于治疗血管性疾病,CO2激光器(C选项)通常用于切割和钻孔,而可调脉冲宽度频率加倍的Nd:YAG激光器(D选项)则可用于光动力疗法等领域。'
10.Superficial periorbital soft tissue aging changes include( )
A:lacrimal sulcus B:nasolabial groove C:Supraorbital depression D:Low tail of the eyebrow
答案:AI参考:正确选项是:B:nasolabial groove 和 C:Supraorbital depression。\n\n上眼睑的皮肤松弛和老化变化主要包括眼周沟(A错)、鼻唇沟(B对)和眉间纹(C对)。其中鼻唇沟在鼻翼两侧向下方走形,分别延伸到唇部下方。而眉间纹一般形成眉峰至中线间的上凸条纹,向下逐渐减弱,并在两侧眉头部位低垂下伸的条带区域与上眼睑接触部位区域较低而称之眉毛下垂低尾区域(D错)。而这三处结构B、C恰好反映了面中部在眼眶位置所出现的前型老化。综上所述,上眼睑周边老化主要由以上BCD这三点表现出来。'
11.The advantages of erbium laser treatment for sweat duct tumours are ________ ( )
A:milder degree of action B:ease of access and clarity of the operative field C:no charring or significant bleeding D:faster wound healing than CO2 laser treatment and less scarring after debridement

12. From the perspective of aesthetic surgery, upper eyelid skin laxity is most commonly seen in the middle-aged and elderly, and the following histological changes can occur as the eyelid skin ages: ( )
A:Hypertrophic keratosis of the stratum spinosum B:Skin cell dehydration C:Elastic fiber fragmentation D:Decreased interlacing of dermis 13.Pulsed dye laser is a liquid laser. The wavelength of 577nm yellow light is first used, which is just the third absorption peak of oxyhemoglobin. In order to increase its penetration depth and reduce the absorption of other chromophores, the wavelength was increased to 585nm, 590nm, 595nm, 600nm, currently the most commonly used is the wavelength of ______ ( )
A:585nm B:600nm C:595nm D:590nm 14.What are the effects of botulinum toxin on human tissues?( )
A:Treating Acne B:Treating Scars C:Relax skeletal muscles D:Inhibition of gland secretion 15.Common wrinkles around the eyes include ______ ( )
16. Brow abnormalities can be seen in ( )
A:myasthenia gravis B:paralysis of the frontal branch of the facial nerve C:docking sutures in the early stage of trauma are rough, and broken ends are detached or misplaced for healing D:senile cutis laxa 17. Ocular shaping broadly refers to the collective term of cosmetic surgery that glorifies the eye for the purpose of containing ( )
A:double eyelid plasty B:lower eyelid blepharoplasty C:eyelid depression lipofilling D:periocular injection cosmetic treatment 18.Which types of ocular scars can be classified? ( )
A:Keloid B:Conventional scar C:Atrophic scar D:Hypertrophic scar 19.The length of adult palpebral fissure is 27-30mm, the width is 8-10mm when looking at head up, and it can reach 12-14mm when trying to open eyes. ( )
A:错 B:对 20. For patients with single eyelid and flabby upper eyelid skin, 7-8mm high fold line can be designed to applied in operation, and all operation steps shall be performed according to double-eyelid procedure by buried suture method. ( )
A:错 B:对 21. When the lower eyelid skin, orbicularis oculi muscle, orbital septum, canthal ligament and other structures are weak, loose and hypotonic, the lower eyelid appears abnormal and deformed in appearance. ( )
A:对 B:错 22.Dark circles are caused by a variety of etiologies and are usually located bilaterally around the orbit in a circular pattern, with a relatively darker appearance than normal skin, most commonly on the upper lid. ( )
A:对 B:错 23. Epicanthus is commonly seen in Easterners. The purpose of medial canthoplasty is to lengthen the width of palpebral fissure. ( )
A:对 B:错 24. Patients with primary eye bags often has a family genetic history. And this kind of eye bag is mostly seen in young people. The main reason is that there is too much fat in the orbit, so the formation of eye bag is also related to obesity. ( )
A:错 B:对 25.For vascular embolism, prevention is much more important than treatment.( )
A:对 B:错 26.In what temperature range can the photothermal effect of laser make blood vessels dilated?( )
A:38~40℃ B:43~44℃ C:60~100℃ D:47~48℃ 27. The levation of the upper eyelid relies mainly on the cooperation of . The former is dominated by and the latter by .( )
28. Middle aged and elderly individuals are prone to depression due to skin aging at the lower eyelid near the orbital rim. This structure is called ( )
A:eye bag B:Midfacial concavity C:Lower eyelid laxity D:Lacrimal sulcus 29.Erbium laser wavelength is _______, which is exactly at the peak of the best absorption of water. ( )
A:2940nm B:2950nm C:3090nm D:3000nm 30. Which of the following clinical manifestations that is not part of lower eyelid laxity? ( )
A:The outer canthal fold is displaced superiorly B:In severe cases of laxity, the palpebral bulbs are detached and the lower eyelids are everted C:The lower eyelid skin is lax and stacked D:The lower lid margin arc is increased 31. Due to the change of concept and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the procedure that has been ranking first in aesthetic surgery in China is ( )
A:duplication blepharoplasty B:intraocular pocket resection C:upper eyelid laxity correction D:extraocular pouch resection 32.The treatment interval for nevus of Ota is ______ ( )
A:2-6 months B:1 year C:10 months D:1 month 33. is an important anatomic marker and incision path in blepharoplasty. ( )
A:Meibomian glands B:Lacrimal papillae C:Gray lines D:Stria albuginea 34.What are the mainstream preparations of filling agents?( )
A:Paroline B:Animal collagen C:Hyaluronic acid D:Autogenous collagen 35. The orbicularis oculi muscle is a skeletal muscle arranged parallel to the ring palpebral fissures and is innervated, and this muscle contracts to close the eyelids. So which nerve's injury or paralysis can make eyelids fail to close, causing exposure keratitis? ( )
A:Cervical and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve B:Frontal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve C:Temporal and cervical branches of the facial nerve D:Frontal and cervical branches of the facial nerve 36. Ptosis can be clinically corrected with the help of this muscle strength, and compensatory contraction of this muscle in ptosis results in deepening of the frontal striae. Ask what is this muscle’s name? ( )
A:Depressor supercilii B:Frontalis muscle C:Orbicularis oculi muscle D:Levator palpebrae superioris 37.The golden ratio of eyebrows to eyes is ______ ( )
A:1:2 B:1:1.6 C:1:1.3 38. From modern East Asians facial aesthetics, three chambers and five eyes is one of the criteria of facial beauty. Current generic ocular aesthetics regards beautiful eye fissure widths as ; Ocular fissure height is ; The inner canthal distance is . ( )
A:30-36 mm, 10-12 mm, one eye B:30-36 mm, 10-12 mm, two fingers C:30-36 mm, 12-14 mm, one eye D:20-26 mm, 10-12 mm, one eye 39. Eye skin mass can be divided into benign and malignant, but most of them are malignant. Benign tumors may be congenital or occur in childhood or after puberty. ( )
A:错 B:对 40. Lid xanthomas are often symmetrical in distribution, with a more persistent, progressive, multiple rash that does not fuse with each other. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 41. The muscle strength of levator palpebrae superioris in normal people is 13-16 mm without the help of frontalis muscle. Muscle strength is divided into three levels: 0-3mm is poor, 4-7mm is medium, and more than 8mm is good. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 42.The earliest manifestation of facial aging appears in the bones.( )
A:错误 B:正确 43. The motor nerve of the eyelid is a branch of the trigeminal nerve, mainly including the ophthalmic nerve, the supraorbital nerve, the supratrochlear nerve, the infratrochlear nerve and the infraorbital nerve. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 44.Photochemical effect means biological tissue absorbs the laser energy and converting the light energy into the thermal energy of biological tissue, so that increasing the temperature of the tissue.( )
A:正确 B:错误 45. The eye is not only a visual organ and an expression organ, but also the center of appearance, the key point and the main symbol of beauty. ( )
A:对 B:错 46.Dynamic wrinkles are associated with the contraction of the eye muscles, which become visible when the face is expressive and, with the accumulation of time, partly become static wrinkles. ( )
A:对 B:错 47. Cicatricial ectropion is the most common clinical ectropion, which can be caused by burns, infection, eyelid tumor surgery, poor trauma suture, or improper estimation of the amount of skin removal during plastic surgery. The operation should be carried out when the inflammation is controlled and the scar is not completely contracture. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 48.Generally, crow's feet can be significantly improved about 3 days after botulinum toxin injection, and the effect can be maintained for more than 3 months in most patients.( )
A:正确 B:错误 49. The width of the double eyelid fold depends on the width of the tarsal plate. Generally, 5-6mm for women and 7-8mm for men. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 50.The periorbital tissue in the middle of the face is prone to ptosis or depression with aging. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 51. There is a wide external narrow cleft called the supraorbital cleft at the junction of the superior and lateral orbital walls, with an pass, which communicates with the middle cranial fossa. ( )
A:ophthalmic nerve, trochlear nerve, abducens nerve, trigeminal nerve B:oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, abducens nerve, trigeminal nerve C:sympathetic nerve, facial nerve, trochlear nerve, abducens nerve D:facial nerve, trochlear nerve, abducens nerve, trigeminal nerve 52. The meaning of eye beauty includes ( )
A:The beauty of morphologic structure of the eye B:The beauty of extended expressions convey an emotional message C:The beauty of enhancing the self-confidence of overall facial image D:The beauty of structural shape is not limited to a single one of diversification

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