1.In SWOT Analysis, an opportunity could be_____________. ( )
A:A new competitor in your home market B:A new international market C:A developing market such as the Internet. D:Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances
答案:A developing market such as the Internet###Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances###A new international market
2.A satisfactory quotation can be written in the following way: ______ ( )
A:encouraging the customer to make an order B:answering all the inquiries from the potential customers C:ending the quotation with an optimistic tone D:appreciation
答案:answering all the inquiries from the potential customers###appreciation###ending the quotation with an optimistic tone###encouraging the customer to make an order
3.How to run effective meetings?( )
A:Making sure everyone has a fair chance of being heard B:Keeping the discussion on track C:Setting the meeting tone D:Summarize relevant points and tie things together
答案:Setting the meeting tone###Keeping the discussion on track###Making sure everyone has a fair chance of being heard###Summarize relevant points and tie things together
4.Pick out some organizational structures mentioned in class.( )
A:Divisional structure B:Typical structure C:Matrix structure D:Functional structure
答案:Divisional structure###Functional structure###Matrix structure
5.What are the two standard criticisms in Functional organization? ( )
A:people are usually more concerned with the success of their department than that of the company B:waste too much money C:too complicated D:separating functions is unlikely to encourage innovation
答案:people are usually more concerned with the success of their department than that of the company###separating functions is unlikely to encourage innovation
6.How to build work ethics?( )
A:initiative B:honesty C:team work D:start early
答案:start early###team work###honesty###initiative
7.What influence market the most?( )
A:Price B:Product C:Place D:Promotion
8.Is there any seat available now?现在没有座位吗?( )
A:对 B:错
9.We have not decided on the destination for the meeting yet (我们还没有决定这次会议的目的地) 。( )
A:对 B:错
10.Chief executive officer means首席运营官。 ( )
A:错 B:对
11.Being a product manager, you have to know everything.( )
A:对 B:错

12.An inherent problem of hierarchies is that people at 1ower levels are unable to make important decisions, but have to pass on responsibility to their boss.( )
A:错 B:对 13.I recommend you to try this dish(建议你们尝一下这个菜)。( )
A:对 B:错 14.我们的经理去机场送客人了,可能会回来得很晚。( see…off )Our manager has been to the airport to see the guests off and perhaps will come back very late. ( )
A:错 B:对 15.People handling is generally viewed as the most important part of a receptionist’s job? ( )
A:对 B:错 16.Shanghai will hold an international exposition(举办国际博览会) 。( )
A:错 B:对 17.We have reserved a table(预定了一个位子)for tonight. ( )
A:错 B:对 18.我想订一个明天的海景房。 I’d like to book a room with a view of the ocean for tomorrow.( )
A:错 B:对 19.在社交场合见到客人要握手欢迎。( greet )One should greet the guests by shaking hands with them on social occasions.( )
A:对 B:错 20.Try to answer general questions about yourself or previous jobs in a positive manner. ( )
A:对 B:错 21.Branch manager means生产经理。( )
A:错 B:对 22.I’d like to book a round-trip ticket for tomorrow.我想订一张明天的往返票。( )
A:对 B:错 23.我很开心地宣布约翰先生晋升为我公司人力资源总监。I’m happy to announce that Mr. John has been promoted to be our company’s human resources manager.( )
A:对 B:错 24.An agenda is crucial to meeting success in three ways except fit into the total program.( )
A:错 B:对 25.There is a saying that(有句话说得好)“southerners have a sweet tooth, and northerners crave salt”。( )
A:对 B:错 26.Give a copy of your schedule to a friend or family.留一份行程表给朋友或家人。( )
A:错 B:对 27.人力资源部 in English is Human Resources Department。( )
A:错误 B:正确 28.What type of business finds it much easier to raise money?( )
A:A partnership. B:A sole proprietorship. C:All options are wrong D:A corporation. 29.Which of the following suggestions is an experienced entrepreneur most likely to give someone who is thinking about getting into business?( )
A:Even small businesses must keep accurate records. B:Starting a new business is always better than buying an existing firm. C:In order to keep costs low when the company is just getting started, wait at least a year before hiring an accountant or lawyer. D:Prior business experience is not really important in managing a new firm. 30.Gains from trade only occur_______________________. ( ).
A:if countries that have different comparative advantages trade with each other B:if a country has an absolute advantage in production C:if both countries have an absolute advantage in the industry in which they specialize D:if countries do not specialize in any industry 31.Mobile commerce refers to ( )。
A:business or purchases conducted over the Internet B:business or purchases conducted over mobile devices like cellphones C:business or purchases conducted over fixed devices like PC D:business or purchases conducted over TV 32.A _____merger is the joining of two firms involved in different stages of related businesses.( )
A:horizontal B:vertical C:conglomerate D:all options are wrong 33.Ed Brickey wants to be certain he has done all he can do to help his business survive, so he has written a business plan. One advantage of developing the plan is that it( ).
34.When should an entrepreneur spend all of his/her time in the business?( )
A:At the success stage. B:At the survival stage. C:At the infancy stage. D:At all stages. 35.Lucy Zhang manages a college bookstore. She feels that her greatest problem is related to employee motivation. This problem is related to her role as a .( )
A:negotiator B:monitor C:figurehead D:leader 36.A_____merger unites firms in completely unrelated industries.( )
A:all options are wrong B:vertical C:horizontal D:conglomerate 37.An organization has a finance center, a marketing center, and a human resources center. It is organized by .( )
A:process B:function C:product D:region 38.A good reason to consider starting a business with a partner is ( )
A:your partner will take half of the responsibility for all liabilities B:all options are wrong C:partners can take part in the management of the firm or act on behalf of the company. D:partners with complementary skills can enhance the success of a business 39.G2C E-Commerce refers to( )。
A:Government-to-Company B:Government-to-Citizen C:Government-to-Customer D:Government-to-Comsumer 40.All of the following statements about corporations are true except ( )
A:all options are wrong B:corporations must have at least one owner with unlimited liability C:The death of an owner of a corporation does not terminate the company D:corporations are generally more expensive to form than sole proprietorships 41.Which of the following job titles is NOT an example of a middle manager? ( )
A:Section chief. B:Finance director. C:Plant manger. D:Regional marketing manager. 42.An import tariff of $10 per unit of an imported good that is imposed by a country_____________.( ).
A:increases the amount of the good that is exported from the foreign country B:increases the price of this good in the importing country C:increases the price of this good in the exporting country by $10 D:lowers the price of this good in the importing country by $10 43.In what specific sequence do managers perform their functions to help achieve company goals? ( )
A:Organizing, directing, controlling and planning. B:Planning, organizing, directing and controlling. C:Controlling, planning, organizing and directing. D:Directing, controlling, planning and organizing. 44.Susan Smith periodically takes clients to lunch to reward them for being good customers. What role of management does her action exhibit?( )
A:Entrepreneur. B:Figurehead. C:Decisional. D:Leader. 45.Deciding where to open your new business is often one of the most difficult decisions a business owner faces. To work through the decision, you can do one of the following.( )
A:Choose whether to lease office space or work from home; B:Negotiate a lease for your office. C:Use the best decoration materials. D:Choose the best geographic location for your business ; 46.Balance of Payment account includes_________________ .( ).
A:capital account B:normal account C:current account D:official reserve account 47.What functions about corporate culture? ( )
A:The constraint function B:The guiding function C:The incentive function D:The cohesion function 48.What are the current trends in B2B eCommerce ( )
A:B2B eCommerce to be double the size of B2C B:Mobile Commerce C:Omni-Channel Engagement D:Smart Personalisation and Customisation 49.What ethical issues need people to face every day? ( )
A:Organizational Relationships B:Fairness and Honesty C:Communications D:Conflict of Interest 50.Keeping up with current events will help you identify that have business possibilities. ( )
A:and sometimes just new ideas B:market trends, C:new fashion, D:industry news, 51.What are the primary reasons why nations engage in international trade?( ).
A:comparative advantage B:competitive advantage C:price advantage D:absolute advantage 52.To apply, please complete the application form and send the form with a cover letter to the director of _________. ( )
A:Accounting B:Human Resources C:Marketing D:Public Relations 53.Advertising can be categorized as a kind of ________ communication. ( )
A:interethnic B:internal C:interregional D:external 54._____leads to the loss of jobs to other countries, and is harmful to local industries and businesses. ( )
A:Tariffs B:Outsourcing C:Quotas D:Trade dispute 55.The company can’t pay its debts – I think it’s heading for _______________. ( )
A:bankruptcy B:prosperity C:investment D:refund 56.This price is _________ of your 5% commission. ( )
A:covering B:including C:includes D:inclusive 57.This job is so important, I think we need to _________ someone. ( )
A:offer B:cover C:fire D:headhunt 58.Minutes are used for…. ( )
A:meetings B:relay sensitive material C:group activities D:invitations 59.The first step in the new product development process is _____. ( )
A:idea screening B:idea generation C:market testing D:concept testing 60.When writing the date on a business letter you should take care to do what? ( )
A:spell out the month B:always use only numbers in the date field C:make sure you always put the month first before the date and year D:make sure you always put the year first before the month and day 61._______ is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. ( )
A:SWOT Analysis B:Case study C:Branding strategy D:4Ps 62.This offer is _________ your acceptance by E-mail on or before March 15. ( )
A:effectively for B:effective to C:effective of D:effective for 63.What should you do if you are worried that the reader of a request you are asking will not honor your request? ( )
A:be forceful and demand they honor your request B:write the letter in a direct style C:write the letter in an indirect style D:ask them to please grant your request 64.The most basic cause of a person's wants and behavior is _____. ( )
A:social status B:ethnic background C:economic well-being D:culture 65.If you are interested, we will send you a sample _________ charge. ( )
A:with B:for C:free of D:in 66.A letter of adjustment should be written in what style ? ( )
A:induction B:indirect C:direct D:orderly 67.What is the first thing to appear on a business letter ? ( )
A:the date B:the inside address C:the letterhead D:the attention line 68.What information should be contained in the first information section of a resume? ( )
A:the job objective B:the date C:family history and gender identification D:contect information 69._____are usually implemented with the aim of improving economic activity in the domestic economy, but can also be implemented for safety or quality concerns. ( )
A:Free trade policies B:Trade disputes C:Trade embargos D:Protectionism policies 70.If we catch an employee stealing, they are given a verbal ________. ( )
A:interview B:conversation C:warning D:discussion 71.Like many other entrepreneurs in the 2010, Simon Nixon never received any _______________ to help him establish his business.( )
A:statement B:recession C:venture capital D:campaign 72.The universities should re-evaluate, then increase and decrease the number of places to current and future demand by _______. ( )
A:employers B:government C:students D:customers 73.Once manages define future performance goals, they must translate this abstract vision into reality via the function of .( )
A:social responsibility. B:organizing. C:planning. D:controlling. 74.The bill of lading serves the purposes: ________________________. ( )
A:a receipt B:a document of title C:a loan D:a contract 75.On-the-job training is training that take place outside the workplace.( )
A:正确 B:错误 76. Culture is learned. It is innate, so it is possible for a person to learn a new culture.( )
A:正确 B:错误 77.E-commerce websites can make additional information easily available to customers. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 78.A booming economy can encourage expansion, which would result in high unemployment, making it easier and cheaper to attract qualified employees.( )
A:正确 B:错误 79.Job description is listing the objectoves, responsibilities, main tasks of the job,the conditions under which the job is to be done, and its relationshp to other jobs.( )
A:错误 B:正确 80.High competence means that employees are versatile in their skills and can take on new roles and jobs as needed.( )
A:错误 B:正确 81.If you’re introducing someone with a specific relationship to you, make the relationship clear by adding “my boss”, “my wife”.( )
A:错误 B:正确 82.Corporate culture means “the way we do things around here.” It represents a common conception held by the organization’s members.( )
A:错误 B:正确 83.The company founders often possess dynamic personalities, strong values, and a clear vision of how the organization should operate.( )
A:错误 B:正确 84.In European countries, people do not bow frequently.( )
A:错误 B:正确 85.Great business ideas and good opportunities are enough to ensure the success of a business. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 86.The four C's model for evaluating the effectiveness of HRM are competence, commitment, congruence, and cost effectiveness.( )
A:正确 B:错误 87.B2C means that is less competition within the same field for the same product when compared to a B2B business. ( )
A:错 B:对 88.Corporate social responsibility is the awareness that business activities have an impact on society, and the consideration of that impact by firms in decision making.( )
A:正确 B:错误 89.A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a type of business ownership combining several features of corporation and partnership structures. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 90.Ethical standards in business are based on commonly accepted principles of behavior established by the expectations of industry, the firm, the society and an individual’s personal values.( )
A:正确 B:错误 91.Usually the colors of business name cards are varied but will have a company logo and possibly the slogan too.( )
A:正确 B:错误 92.The most important function of tariffs is to raise revenue for the government. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 93.EDI is often described as "paperless trading." ( )
A:正确 B:错误 94.If a business plan is to be effective it must be specific in analyzing the competition, the money needed to start, and other details of operation.( )
A:错误 B:正确 95.Bowing is not used in Japan, Korea, and South Korea. It is often used for showing respect and greeting to others. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 96. Corporate culture is described as the personality of an organization and it guides how employees think, act, and feel.( )
A:正确 B:错误 97.Contact with others which refers to the shaping of the corporate culture based on how it develops out of the contact between groups and individuals within a company.( )
A:正确 B:错误 98.It's more expensive to launch a functional E-Commerce site than to open a new sales office or retail store. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 99.The Internet can expand markets and territories, develop global marketing partnerships, and provide worldwide customer service. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 100.In strategic planning, the company should diagnose threats and opportunities after implementing the company missions and goals.( )
A:错误 B:正确 101.A flexible exchange rate means the government does not enter into foreign exchange markets and leaves the determination of exchange rates totally up to currency traders. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 102.Off-the-job training istraining acquired or learned while working at the job .( )
A:正确 B:错误 103.Performance evaluation by managers can help a company determine what talent is available.( )
A:错误 B:正确 104.Business exist for the sole purpose of making profits and creating wealth for the owners.( )
A:正确 B:错误 105.Hiring specification is listing the specific skills, education, experience and qualifications that are needed to perform the job.( )
A:错误 B:正确 106.You run a small business. So it means that you have to be an expert on everything. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 107.Vivian Chen decided to work for a floral design shop before opening her own shop. This was a poor decision since she used her labor to make someone else successful.( )
A:错 B:对 108.The slang or jargon used in a company helps its employees define their identities as members of an organization.( )
A:错误 B:正确 109.Corporate culture and corporate climate are two different concepts. The former refers to the values, beliefs, and customs or norms of an organization, while the latter refers to the general atmosphere of an organization.( )
A:正确 B:错误 110.E-Commerce includes two types: Business-to-Business (B2B) E-Commerce and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 111.Interpersonal relations are a type of human skill.( )
A:错误 B:正确 112.Supervisory management is less focused and more long-term than higher management roles.( )
A:正确 B:错误 113.Small and medium enterprises who cannot afford to establish overseas offices cannot contact with the outside world even if there exists E-Commerce. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 114.So how many aspects ethical dilemmas in business? The first is human resources issue. The second is employee safety issue. The third one is conflicts of interest. The fourth one is customer confidence. And the last one is use of corporate resources.( )
A:正确 B:错误 115.Multinational corporations first appeared in 20th century. ( )
A:错 B:对 116.Environmental elements are categorized as external factors that affect pricing decisions. ( )
A:错 B:对 117.Using licensing, a company can gain market presence without a major investment. ( )
A:错 B:对 118.Brand stretching means the application of an existing brand name beyond its initial range of products, or outside of its category. ( )
A:对 B:错 119.An increasing number of retailers and wholesalers have created their own brands—such as Wal-Mart offers Sam’s Choice beverages and food products. This is called co-branding. ( )
A:错 B:对 120.A counter-offer is virtually a response of the original offer. It usually consists of the three conditions: entire acceptance, partial rejection based on conditional acceptance and offer declined. ( )
A:对 B:错 121.Horizontal conflict occurs among firms at the different level of the channel. ( )
A:错 B:对 122.Format is very important in business writing but format is not the only thing in writing an effective business document. ( )
A:对 B:错 123.Business negotiation is an essential part in developing international business connection. ( )
A:对 B:错 124.Internal communication refers to the communication taking place within a given organization through such written and oral channels as memos,reports, person-to-person and telephone conversations and so on.( )
A:错 B:对 125.Definitions of nonverbal communication differ from one expert to another, simply stated, communication without the use of words. ( )
A:错 B:对 126.In SWOT, strengths and weaknesses are external factors. ( )
A:对 B:错 127.Direct exporting is selling to an intermediary, who in turn sells your products either to customers or importing wholesalers. ( )
A:对 B:错 128.At this point, your company wants to move away from mass marketing and engage in target marketing. The three steps to take, in order, are market segmentation, marketing positioning, and target marketing. ( )
A:对 B:错 129.The culture of a company that values creativity and risk-taking is better than the one values loyalty and long-term service. ( )
A:对 B:错 130.Hybrid business is offering a combination of service to satisfy customers’ needs. ( )
A:错 B:对 131.Billboards, posters and electric displays are major forms of outdoor advertising. ( )
A:错 B:对 132.Salutation is generally written two lines below the last line of the inside address or the attention line (if used). ( )
A:错 B:对 133.Merchandising business always buys products at a retail price and sells later at a wholesale price. ( )
A:对 B:错 134.Major types of advertising media includes Internet, TV, newspaper, radio, direct mail, magazine, outdoor billboards and others. ( )
A:错 B:对 135.Franchise is a contractual association between a manufacturer, wholesaler, or service organization who buy the right to own and operate one or more units in the franchise system. ( )
A:错 B:对 136.Diversification is the strategy of company growth by starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company’s current products and markets. ( )
A:对 B:错 137.A product lifecycle usually consists of four stages. They are introduction, growth, maturity and decline. ( )
A:错 B:对 138.According to Nan Leaptrott, the mastery of protocol concerns not merely knowing the rules, but also understanding the rules of interaction. ( )
A:对 B:错 139.Nonverbal messages can be more emotional in their appeal and impact than verbal ones. ( )
A:对 B:错 140.Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to promote or sell something, usually a business’s product or service. ( )
A:错 B:对 141.The adoption classification suggests that an innovating firm should research the characteristics of early adopters and early majority first. ( )
A:错 B:对 142.The principle of conciseness for effective writing means to write in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy. ( )
A:错 B:对 143.In China, market force is not playing any role in allocating social resources. ( )
A:对 B:错 144.Market economy and command economy occupy two extremes in the organization of factors in production. ( )
A:对 B:错 145.Sole proprietorship is an oldest form of business and takes limited liability. ( )
A:错 B:对 146.In the Islamic world, when presenting or receiving a business card, one is expected to use the left hand. ( )
A:错 B:对 147.In job advertisements, financial package usually refers to money and benefits. ( )
A:错 B:对 148.SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. ( )
A:对 B:错 149.Ads over the radio can be clipped and saved. They are low in cost. ( )
A:错 B:对 150.Brand proliferation means an introduction of product with new brand names in the same product category. ( )
A:对 B:错 151.A brand equity can be divided into two levels: junior equity and senior equity. Brand loyalty is junior equity. ( )
A:错 B:对 152.Polychronic-time cultures emphasize schedules,a precise reckoning of time,and promptness and Monochronic-time cultures emphasize the completion of transactions and the involvement of people rather than a rigid adherence to the clock. ( )
A:对 B:错 153.Within the same home culture, there are still vast differences in corporate culture. ( )
A:对 B:错 154.A brand only includes some visible things such as a name, an image, a slogan, a trademark. ( )
A:错 B:对 155.The fact ________ he was successful proves his ability.( )
A:which B:why C:that D:what 156.As you are aware that the growing demand for the above commodities has doubtlessly resulted _________ increased prices.( )
A:for B:in C:with D:From 157.I don’t like ________, only red and yellow peppers.( )
A:apples B:bread C:Vegetables D:fish 158.— Must I shake hands with everyone attending the meeting?( )
A:Yes, you need. B:No, you needn’t. C:No, you mustn’t. D:Yes, you can. 159.Please rush you L/C; otherwise shipment will _________.( )
A:be delaying B:delayed C:be delayed D:delay 160.Our clients prefers small _________.( )
A:packing B:packer C:package D:packaging 161.I want to buy two new ________ of trousers and three T-shirts for my holidays.( )
A:pairs B:parts C:pieces D:pair 162.This price will remain _____ for ten days from the date of the letter.( )
A:invaluable B:good C:valuable D:valid 163.These rules ________to all the members of the golf clubs in this city. ( )
A:reply B:Imply C:apply D:supply 164.I have no idea _______ he will be back or not.( )
A:that B:whether C:When D:where 165.If you renew your offer for a further five days, we believe we can put the business _____.( )
A:off B:in C:through D:on 166.We got there only _____ that the store was closed on Tuesday.( )
A:to find B:having found C:finding D:found 167.Had you contacted us earlier we ________ your request to the full.( )
A:would have complied with B:will comply with C:would comply with D:would compliance with 168.is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.( )
A:It B:As C:Which D:That 169.This offer is firm, subject to your reply _________ us before May 30.( )
A:arrive B:arrives C:reaching D:reaches 170.Our future offers will include your 2% commission _____.( )
A:unless informed B:unless otherwise state C:unless otherwise stated D:unless otherwise informed 171.We learn from ABC Co. that you are producing for export hand-made gloves _____ natural leathers.( )
A:in various kinds of B:in variety C:various of D:in a variety of 172.Our manager says he’d rather you _____ tomorrow instead of today.( )
A:had come B:have come C:comes D:came 173.He doesn’t ________to take a holiday this summer. ( )
A:pursue B:suggest C:plan D:acquire 174.出口部 in English means ? ( )
A:Business Office B:Export Department C:Personnel Department D:Import Department 175.It is essential that you _____ competitive prices.( )
A:make B:quoting C:making D:quote 176.A fitness centre can help people who are ________.( )
A:fit B:glamorous C:Rich D:unfit 177.Travelers are allowed to check up to two bags, but there is a _____ and size limit on those bags.( )
A:weight B:class C:color D:price 178.Jack write a story about his experience in Inner Mongolia when he gets back to Beijing.( )
A:plan to B:will C:shall D:is 179.It is our hope that, after proving our ability to dispose of large quantities, you will appoint us as an _________.( )
A:sale agency B:sell agent C:selling agency D:exclusive agent 180.We have lodged a claim ________ ABC & Co. ________ the quality of the goods shipped ________ M. V. “Peace”.( )
A:against, on, in B:to, for, per C:on, for, as per D:with, on, per 181.We would like to know on what terms you are willing to _________ an agency agreement.( )
A:arrange B:do C:come D:conclude 182.If our client _________ the sample, we can get from him a large order.( )
A:approves of B:aware of C:confirms of D:informs of 183.We believe that you will agree that the prices, which are all _________ of CFR London, are very competitive.( )
A:Come B:inclusive C:exclusive D:made 184.by the news of failure of the project, the new manager could hardly say a word.( )
A:Shocked B:Be shocked C:To be shocked D:Shocking

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