1.Where should you look while presenting? ( )
A:In the eyes of random people in your audience B:At the chins of individuals in your audience C:At the board--- that’s where the audience is looking D:At your notes so you get the info correct
答案:AI参考:正确选项是C:At the board--- that’s where the audience is looking。\n\n在演讲时,应该看向观众,也就是白板,因为那是观众正在注视的地方。其他选项中,A选项错误,因为不应该看随机观众的眼睛;B选项错误,因为不应该看观众的头顶;D选项正确,但是不全面,应该还要观察观众的反应,调整自己的演讲内容和方式。因此,只有C选项是正确的做法。'
2.Being deeply interested in the quality of your products, we are desirous doing business with you.
A:of B:for C:in D:to
答案:AI参考:正确选项是 B:for。\n\n句子中使用了固定短语“be desirous of doing sth”,表示渴望做某事,因此需要使用介词“for”来表达渴望与对方做生意的意思。其他选项不符合语境。'
3.Summary, and discussion segment should account for ( ) of a memo.
A:1/2 B:1/8 C:1/3 D:1/4
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【D:1/4】。\n\n原文中提到“Summary, and discussion segment should account for ( ) of a memo”,意思是总结和讨论部分应该占备忘录的四分之一。因此,选项D“1/4”是正确答案。'
4.Facial expression should be _____.( )
A:aggressive B:bored C:shy D:naturally
答案:AI参考:根据上下文中的提示信息,选项中四个单词的意思分别为:\n\n* Aggressive(攻击性的):表现出进攻或好斗的面部表情。\n* Bored(无聊的):表现出厌倦或无聊的面部表情。\n* Shy(害羞的):表现出害羞或内向的面部表情。\n* Naturally(自然地):表现出自然而然的面部表情。\n\n根据上下文中的描述,面部表情应该是自然的,没有表现出攻击性、无聊或害羞的特点。因此,正确答案是D:naturally。'
5.We are much obliged you for your letter May 5th.
A:for B:to C:in D:of
答案:AI参考:正确选项是B:to。\n\n句子中使用了固定短语“be much obliged to sb for sth”表示对某事非常感激,其中介词“to”表示对某人的感激之情。因此,选项B“to”是正确答案。选项A“for”用于表示目的或原因,不符合语境;选项C“in”和选项D“of”都不符合句子结构和语境。'
6.What’s the purpose of the advertisement “A razor your grandpa would have been proud of”? ( )
A:Emotional appeal B:Uniqueness C:Appeal to ego D:Discount
答案:AI参考:正确答案是A: Emotional appeal。\n广告语“A razor your grandpa would have been proud of”中的“your grandpa”这一词语激发了人们对亲人的怀念之情,故而可判断出这是通过情感诉求的方式来推销剃须刀,即选项A。选项B、C、D均与该广告语的语境不符。因此,答案为A。'
7.Which of the following advertisement can realize emotional appeal? ( )
A:Have a break…Have a Kit Kat. B:It’s the real thing. C:Look, Ma, no cavities! D:Nothing runs like a Deere.
答案:AI参考:选项A:Have a break…Have a Kit Kat。这个广告可以实现情感上的吸引。\n\n解析:广告语“Have a break…Have a Kit Kat”能够引发人们情感上的共鸣,因为它表达了人们在忙碌的生活中需要休息和放松的情感需求,同时又提供了一种美味可口的零食选择,这种情感上的共鸣可以吸引消费者的注意力并激发他们的购买欲望。\n\n选项B:It’s the real thing. 这个广告语强调了产品的真实性和可靠性,但是它并没有表达出情感上的吸引。\n\n选项C:Look, Ma, no cavities! 这个广告语宣传的是产品的健康效益,它确实可以引起人们对牙齿健康的关注,但并没有直接表达情感上的吸引。\n\n选项D:Nothing runs like a Deere. 这个广告语宣传的是产品的功能性和效率,它并没有直接表达情感上的吸引。\n\n综上所述,只有选项A能够实现情感上的吸引,因此答案是A。'
8.A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience that is: ( )
A:specific B:mixed C:small D:large
答案:AI参考:单选题答案:D:large。\n\nA presentation是一种口头交流的形式,其中一个人与观众分享事实信息,所以这个观众的数量应该是众多的,选项D“large”最符合这一描述。其他选项中,specific具体的,mixed混合的,small小的,都与presentation的特点不符。'
9.It is generally NOT a good practice to deliver a presentation by: ( )
A:Elaborating each bullet point on the presentation materials B:Reading the entire presentation line by line C:Mentioning the highlights of what is on the screen D:Paraphrasing what is on the presentation materials
答案:AI参考:答案:B:Reading the entire presentation line by line\n\n解析:\nA项通过说明材料中的每个要点来演示通常是一个好的做法;C项提及屏幕上的重点内容通常是一个好的做法;D项重述材料中的内容通常是一个好的做法。而B项逐行阅读整个演示文稿通常不是一个好的做法,因为它会花费大量时间,同时观众可能会感到无聊或分心。因此,B项是正确答案。'
10.Training materials are ( )writing.
A:instructional B:informational C:persuasive D:transactional
答案:AI参考:正确选项是 【A:instructional】。\n\n解释:\nTraining materials 通常是指与培训相关的材料,这些材料通常是为了指导或教育目的而编写的。因此,选项A instructional(教学性的)最符合这个语境。选项B informational(信息性的)虽然也可以用于描述培训材料,但通常更强调信息的传递,而不是教学或指导。选项C persuasive(有说服力的)通常用于描述说服性的材料,而选项D transactional(交易性的)通常与商业交易有关,与培训材料的性质不符。因此,根据上下文,选项A instructional 是最合适的答案。'

What kind of letter may include the following sentence: "Please accept my sincere congratulations on your promotion to regional manager."?

A:an apology letter B:an invitation letter C:a congratulation letter D:a complaint letter 12.Initially, a presentation is a form of: ( )
A:intrapersonal communication B:group communication C:two-way communication D:one-way communication 13.Opening, context and task should account for ( ) of a memo.
A:1/4 B:1/3 C:1/8 D:1/2 14.

In the following business documentational types, () is transactional business writing.

A:banners B:business letter C:user manuals D:conferences papers 15.The three major elements of presentation do not include: ( )
A:specific content B:visual aids C:a presenter D:an audience 16.To select the content of your presentation, you should know: ( )
A:the time limit B:your purpose C:the audience’s needs D:the available material 17.

When you write a complaint letter, it is of vital importance to (      ).

A:all of the above B:state a time limit in the letter C:keep the letter concise  D:make the remedy specific 18.

We can allow a 2% discount()all orders of US$6,000 in value and over. 

A:at B:on C:to D:in 19.Font size of the bullet points on presentation materials should be large enough: ( )
A:For you to be able to read from the screen during the presentation B:For your team members to be able to view the presentation clearly C:For the audience in the first few rows of the presentation to view the presentation clearly D:For the audience in the last row of the presentation room to view the presentation clearly 20.For better readability, it is preferable that bullet points are: ( )
A:long sentences B:complete paragraphs C:short phrases or partial sentences D:page of text 21.Which of the following is not in the introduction of a standard report? ( )
A:scope B:purpose C:subject D:background 22.What rhetorical device is applied in the following advertisement “Super Soft Shave”? ( )
A:metaphor B:parallelism C:alliteration D:pun 23.In presentation design, maximum time is given to the: ( )
A:conclusion B:question-answer session C:main body D:introduction 24.What are the features of commercial advertisement? ( )
A:special offer B:attractive slogans C:catchy phrases D:complex sentences 25.The chief virtues demonstrated in top-quality reports are: ( )
A:content value B:clarity C:profit D:skim value 26.The minute-taker should be ( )
A:decisive B:selective C:personal D:objective 27.Standard memo format consists of ( )
A:a follow-up section B:a text/body section C:a cover section D:a heading section 28.What should be include in a press release? ( )
A:Headline B:Contact information C:Lead D:Body 29.

Being courteous means that you should ( ).

A:choose nondiscriminatory expressions B:be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative C:answer your mail promptly D:use expressions that show respect 30.We have the products of the finest materials and the highest craftsmanship and shall be ready to you a 20% discount for a quantity of over 100 dozen.
A:grant B:give C:allow D:offer 31.Which of the followings are double barreled questions? ( )
A:Is this tool interesting and useful? B:How satisfied are you with the organization’s core management team and prescribed work ethics? C:How often and how much time do you spend on each visit to a hospital? D:How often do you visit a dentist? 32.

In business communication, thank-you letters can be sent to (      ).

A:clients B: employees C:managers D:suppliers 33.

The main types of business writing are .

A:persuasive B:informational C:transactional D:instructional 34.In order to write effective notices, we should pay attention to ( )
A:audience B:paper C:heading D:goals 35.

Companies may need to write an apology letter for (      ).

A:a damaged product B:a shipping delay or error C:a late payment D:poor or inadequate service 36.Which of the following are demographic questions? ( )
A:Which model of car(s) have you owned in the past 6 years? B:Which activity do you do most often when you have free time? C:What is your marital status? D:What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?" 37.

What are true about invitation letters?   ‎

A:State the purpose of your invitation.  B:Give the invitee the date, time, and place of the event.  C:Mention the dress code if there is one.  D:Tell the invitee what the event is, who is hosting the event, and what its nature and purpose are.  38.Poetic adjectives can make the company profile smart and attractive. ( )
A:错 B:对 39.In some meeting minutes the first item of the body begins with approval of minutes of the last meeting.( )
A:对 B:错 40.The steps for minute taking and writing can be divided into listening, note-taking, writing, reading and typing.( )
A:对 B:错 41.The letter writer's initials are typed in lowercase letters, while the initials of the typist is typed in uppercase letters.
A:对 B:错 42.Don’t brag when announcing an awards press release. ( )
A:错 B:对 43.To announce mergers or acquisitions, the press releases should include details about all organizations involved, information about the merger or acquisitions and quote from the leadership teams. ( )
A:对 B:错 44.What following statement is 发件人地址?( )
A:Signature B:addresser’s address C:carbon copy D:addressee’s address 45.Transactions are _______ on CIF basis. ( )
A:concluded B:hold C:have D:concluding 46.Should you be interested in any of our products, please let us know and we will ________ you with a quotation.( )
A:provide B:supply C:send D:offer 47.Your actual interview begins the moment you ( ).
A:Enter the door B:Stand up C:Start introduction D:Sit down 48.When writing subject, How many letters had you better write?( )
A:more than 40 letters B:less than 15 letters C:more than 35 letters D:no more than 35 letters 49. ‌Which of the following is not one of the points that the heading of a memo should cover? ( )
A:the person who wrote the memo B:repeat the discussion of the problem clearly C:the person(s) to who the memo has been sent D:the time when the memo was written 50.What can not be included in an invitation letter?( )
A:the budget B:the place C:the reason D:the time 51.We find transshipment and partial shipment of the goods are not acceptable ( )。
A:that B:there C:where D:what 52.We adopt the( )clause that is commonly used in international insurance。
A:warehouse-to-warehouse B:warehouse-to-warehousing C:warehousing-to-warehousing D:house-to-house 53.Resume is a document used by persons to present their ( )and skills.
A:Jobs B:Backgrounds C:Education D:Ability 54.Keep in mind, however, that career development plans are not set in stone, and may be altered at any point. They are only meant to be ( ).
A:Solutions B:Suggestions C:Guidelines D:Ideas 55.We are sorry to learn from your letter of June 2 that you have had complaints customers our silk( )。
A:from,for B:to,about C:from, about D:to,for 56.when you establish your overall goals, you need to start by writing down your ( ).
A:Qualifications B:Background C:Advantages and disadvantages D:Primary field of interest 57.In recent years a new type of carriage appeared, which is called( )?
A:Container transport B:Rail transport C:Sea transport D:Air transport 58.Which one is right for 副总经理?( )
A:general manager B:advanced manager C:Vice manager D:project manager 59.Which two principles are two principles of E-mail?( )
A:avoid too long subject B:write vague expression C:clarify your purpose at the beginning D:write from the top of the first line 60.What are the main forms of ocean transport( )?
A:Charter B:Rail transport C:Multi-modal transport D:Liner 61.The necessary contents of an insurance policy are( )。
A:the name of the transport vessel B:the insured amount C:the name of insured commodity D:the precise risk covered 62.When writing a career development plan and evaluating Your Progress and Setting Deadlines,you need to( ).
A:Order your career development on a timeline B:Keep the plan dynamic C:Figure out how to measure career progress. D:Make note of milestones 63.Which sentences are the typical ones in writing a non-firm offer letter? ( )
A:This offer is subject to change without notice. B:This offer is subject to the goods being unsold. C:This offer is subject to prior sale. D:This offer is subject to fluctuations of the market. 64.In an inquiry letter, which sentences are appropriate in introducing oneself of an enquiry letter?( )
A:We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks to you for your close cooperation. B:We are one of the leading companies of manufacturing and exporting electronic products. C:Thank you for writing us a letter of establishing business relations. D:We are regretting to tell you that we can’t make a firm offer for you. 65.As for classification of orders, there are orders( )。
A:repeat orders B:routine orders C:inside orders D:Initial orders 66.Being too general should be avoided in business letters. Which of the following sentences are concrete( )?
A:The meeting has been postponed to Monday 14 July at 10 o’clock. B:These Goodson power brakers can stop a 2-ton car within 24 feet. C:The brakers can stop a car within a short distance. D:The meeting has been postponed. 67.Which following parts can be contained in invitation letter?( )
A:signature B:inside address C:date D:body of letter 68.The characteristic of sea transportation are ( )
A:ancient B:economical C:ancillary D:expensive 69.Which following tips for congratulation letter are right?( )
A:Avoid putting a negative spin B:Avoid talking about “luck” C:Avoid indulging in excessive flattery D:Avoid making your congratulatory letters do double duty 70.Where the company profile can usually be posted?( )
A:Brochures B:Newspapers C:Websites D:Magazines 71.Specifically, a first inquiry should normally include ( )。
A:who you are B:why you write this letter C:what you would like your prospective supplier to send you D:where you obtained your potential supplier’s name 72.In an firm offer letter, which sentences are good in the last paragraph? ( )
A:We await your acceptance of the above offer. B:We are sure you will be totally satisfied with our offer. C:We are looking forward to your early reply. D:We look forward to your offer. 73.Optional parts of a resume include( )
A:Personal data B:Work experience C:Name and age D:References 74.A general inquiry usually includes the following contents_________.( )
A:Indicate the intention of writing the letter. B:Make a brief self-introduction about the company and the products. C:State the possibility of placing an order and expectation of an offer. D:Tell addressees the source of information. 75.According to the purpose of application letter, It can be categorized into two types:( )
A:Letters of application by the unemployed B:Letters of application for further study C:Letters of application upon graduation D:Letters of application for employment 76.In a letter sending or making mention of a contract, the following contents should be included_______. ( )
A:Confirming the business agreement. B:Requesting the return of one copy duly signed for your file. C:Expressing your expectation. D:Stating that you have enclosed a sales contract. 77.Strategies that can help you to know How to face interview and attain success include( )
A:Focus on the company B:Arrange your job kit C:Build a rapport D:Study job description 78.People may write a letter of application for a job or for a chance of further study.( )
A:对 B:错 79.The most important rule is to avoid rudeness or sarcasm。( )
A:错 B:对 80.Seeking a job is a complicated process that involves many efforts. ( )
A:对 B:错 81.For goods sold on CIF basis, insurance is to be effected by us()110% of the invoice value.
A:against B:with C:for D:from 82.What kind of words can help you show who you are as a company? ( )
A:nouns B:adjectives C:verbs D:adverbs 83.When plan business messages, we should take the audience into account. There are different audience types :().
A:negative B:positive C:persuasive D:neutral 84.Perspective of others is important because it can make your text more interesting and diverse. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 85.Under FOB and CFR terms, the buyer effects insurace, but the seller maybe asked to arrange insurance on the buyer's behalf. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 86.Contact information is the most important part of the company profile. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 87.You should send your follow-up letter promptly, usually within 24 hours and 48 hours at the most after an interview.( )
A:错误 B:正确 88.An apology letter is a tool for justifying your actions or finding excuses for yourself.
A:正确 B:错误 89.An apology letter must be accompanied by proper restitution to repair your business relationship.
A:错误 B:正确 90.Planning starts with audience reaction and these audiences may receive positive, negative or persuasive messages. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 91.The first letter of each word of the complimentary close should be capitalized. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 92.A letter of application usually should be longer than one page.( )
A:正确 B:错误 93.A proper complaint letter may include abusive language to resolve the problem.
A:错误 B:正确 94.When composing a résumé, you should list in reverse chronological order each degree you earned.( )
A:正确 B:错误 95.If you want to request something from the recipient in the future, it's proper to do it in a congratulation letter. 
A:正确 B:错误 96.Contact details should be included in a press release. ( )
A:对 B:错 97.Long sentences with complex construction do not belong in memos.( )
A:错误 B:正确 98.In the U.S., the salutation in a business letter is usually followed by a colon.( )
A:正确 B:错误 99.Notices are always posted on a notice board.( )
A:错误 B:正确 100.Thank-you letters should be concise and start with simple and brief expressions of gratitude.
A:正确 B:错误 101.A press release announcing new partnerships should be sure to write a summary about each company. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 102.An effective presenter uses the skills of non-verbal communication to reinforce his or her words. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 103.The minute recorder should not hesitate to discard the irrelevant information.( )
A:错误 B:正确 104.An effective presenter must also be able to encourage and handle questions. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 105.In terms of function, a business invitation is used for inviting guests to an event. 
A:正确 B:错误 106.The introduction section is the most widely read part of the report. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 107. The recommendation part is very important in a business report, why? ( )
A:because it contains confidential information. B:because it provides solutions to the problem. C:because it has been modified by some experts. D:because it is the longest part. 108.To know How to face interview in the best way possible, you need to prepare thoroughly before the big day of the interview. Which of the following will help you to face the interview?( )
A:Buff up your skills B:Practice C:Information collection D:Make arrangements 109.Air transport is suitable to carry light and perishable goods with high value and smaller dimension with high speed and high risk. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 110.Road transport has low capacity but flexible operation and relatively higher speed.( )
A:正确 B:错误 111.A business report is a formal or even official document that investigates, select and interprets information for a certain purpose.( )
A:错误 B:正确 112.Packing don’t need to be sufficient and economical.( )
A:正确 B:错误 113.E-mail should only be written in Block Style?( )
A:错误 B:正确 114.The recruiter is well prepared and might have done a study of your background.( )
A:正确 B:错误 115.Body of business letter should be in a good order and in simple English.( )
A:错误 B:正确 116.The commencement and termination of basic insurance are usually stipulated by adopting the customary warehouse to warehouse clause.( )
A:对 B:错 117.Enquiry letters only could be sent by buyers to seek terms and conditions of the products.( )
A:错误 B:正确 118.There are six basic principles:Correctness ,Conciseness ,Completeness ,Consideration Courtesy and Clarity.( )
A:正确 B:错误 119.The terms of payment are of little importance in international trade.( )
A:正确 B:错误 120.The insurance clause and coverage can vary from one insurance company to another.( )
A:正确 B:错误 121.The insurance premium can only be payable by the seller.( )
A:正确 B:错误 122.A well-written corporate profile should not talk about important achievement and milestones that a corporate achieved. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 123.Resume can be used for only one reason, and it is used to secure new employment.( )
A:错误 B:正确 124.The job objective of a resume refers to the intention of the applicant seeking for a job.( )
A:正确 B:错误 125.A non-firm offer is an offer made with engagement.( )
A:错误 B:正确 126.Common ways of addressing the target enterprise are “Dear sir” or “Dear sirs”.( )
A:正确 B:错误 127.In sea transport, chartering ships or booking shipping space is involved.( )
A:正确 B:错误

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