

  1. Where should you look while presenting? ( )

  2. A:In the eyes of random people in your audience B:At the chins of individuals in your audience C:At the board--- that’s where the audience is looking D:At your notes so you get the info correct
    AI参考:正确选项是C:At the board--- that’s where the audience is looking。在演讲时,应该看向观众,也就是白板,因为那是观众正在注视的地方。其他选项中,A选项错误,因为不应该看随机观众的眼睛;B选项错误,因为不应该看观众的头顶;D选项正确,但是不全面,应该还要观察观众的反应,调整自己的演讲内容和方式。因此,只有C选项是正确的做法。'
  3. Being deeply interested in the quality of your products, we are desirous doing business with you.

  4. A:of B:for C:in D:to
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:for。句子中使用了固定短语“be desirous of doing sth”,表示渴望做某事,因此需要使用介词“for”来表达渴望与对方做生意的意思。其他选项不符合语境。'
  5. The outline of a presentation is a: ( )

  6. A:List of technologies that will be used to deliver the presentation B:List of requirements and purpose of the presentation C:List of external sources used in the presentation D:List of major headings or topics to be covered in the presentation
    答案:The outline offers an option of delivering form to the presenter.
  7. Summary, and discussion segment should account for ( ) of a memo.

  8. A:1/2 B:1/8 C:1/3 D:1/4
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:1/4】。原文中提到“Summary, and discussion segment should account for ( ) of a memo”,意思是总结和讨论部分应该占备忘录的四分之一。因此,选项D“1/4”是正确答案。'
  9. Facial expression should be _____.( )

  10. A:aggressive B:bored C:shy D:naturally
    答案:面部表情AI参考:根据上下文中的提示信息,选项中四个单词的意思分别为:* Aggressive(攻击性的):表现出进攻或好斗的面部表情。* Bored(无聊的):表现出厌倦或无聊的面部表情。* Shy(害羞的):表现出害羞或内向的面部表情。* Naturally(自然地):表现出自然而然的面部表情。根据上下文中的描述,面部表情应该是自然的,没有表现出攻击性、无聊或害羞的特点。因此,正确答案是D:naturally。'
  11. We are much obliged you for your letter May 5th.

  12. A:for B:to C:in D:of
    AI参考:正确选项是B:to。句子中使用了固定短语“be much obliged to sb for sth”表示对某事非常感激,其中介词“to”表示对某人的感激之情。因此,选项B“to”是正确答案。选项A“for”用于表示目的或原因,不符合语境;选项C“in”和选项D“of”都不符合句子结构和语境。'
  13. What’s the purpose of the advertisement “A razor your grandpa would have been proud of”? ( )

  14. A:Emotional appeal B:Uniqueness C:Appeal to ego D:Discount
    答案:It emphasizes the significance of studying the humanities.AI参考:正确答案是A: Emotional appeal。广告语“A razor your grandpa would have been proud of”中的“your grandpa”这一词语激发了人们对亲人的怀念之情,故而可判断出这是通过情感诉求的方式来推销剃须刀,即选项A。选项B、C、D均与该广告语的语境不符。因此,答案为A。'
  15. For goods sold on CIF basis, insurance is to be effected by us()110% of the invoice value.

  16. A:against B:with C:for D:from
    答案:对AI参考:正确选项为:C. for。根据题目中的描述,对于以CIF条件出售的货物,保险是由我们提供的,因此正确选项为C,即“for”。A选项“against”表示“根据……保险单”,B选项“with”表示“和……一起”,D选项“from”表示“从……出发”,均不符合题意。'
  17. Which of the following advertisement can realize emotional appeal? ( )

  18. A:Have a break…Have a Kit Kat. B:It’s the real thing. C:Look, Ma, no cavities! D:Nothing runs like a Deere.
    AI参考:选项A:Have a break…Have a Kit Kat。这个广告可以实现情感上的吸引。解析:广告语“Have a break…Have a Kit Kat”能够引发人们情感上的共鸣,因为它表达了人们在忙碌的生活中需要休息和放松的情感需求,同时又提供了一种美味可口的零食选择,这种情感上的共鸣可以吸引消费者的注意力并激发他们的购买欲望。选项B:It’s the real thing. 这个广告语强调了产品的真实性和可靠性,但是它并没有表达出情感上的吸引。选项C:Look, Ma, no cavities! 这个广告语宣传的是产品的健康效益,它确实可以引起人们对牙齿健康的关注,但并没有直接表达情感上的吸引。选项D:Nothing runs like a Deere. 这个广告语宣传的是产品的功能性和效率,它并没有直接表达情感上的吸引。综上所述,只有选项A能够实现情感上的吸引,因此答案是A。'
  19. A presentation is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with an audience that is: ( )

  20. A:specific B:mixed C:small D:large
    答案:n.介绍;赠送;呈现AI参考:单选题答案:D:large。A presentation是一种口头交流的形式,其中一个人与观众分享事实信息,所以这个观众的数量应该是众多的,选项D“large”最符合这一描述。其他选项中,specific具体的,mixed混合的,small小的,都与presentation的特点不符。'
  21. It is generally NOT a good practice to deliver a presentation by: ( )

  22. A:Elaborating each bullet point on the presentation materials B:Reading the entire presentation line by line C:Mentioning the highlights of what is on the screen D:Paraphrasing what is on the presentation materials
    AI参考:答案:B:Reading the entire presentation line by line解析:A项通过说明材料中的每个要点来演示通常是一个好的做法;C项提及屏幕上的重点内容通常是一个好的做法;D项重述材料中的内容通常是一个好的做法。而B项逐行阅读整个演示文稿通常不是一个好的做法,因为它会花费大量时间,同时观众可能会感到无聊或分心。因此,B项是正确答案。'
  23. Training materials are ( )writing.

  24. A:instructional B:informational C:persuasive D:transactional
    AI参考:正确选项是 【A:instructional】。解释:Training materials 通常是指与培训相关的材料,这些材料通常是为了指导或教育目的而编写的。因此,选项A instructional(教学性的)最符合这个语境。选项B informational(信息性的)虽然也可以用于描述培训材料,但通常更强调信息的传递,而不是教学或指导。选项C persuasive(有说服力的)通常用于描述说服性的材料,而选项D transactional(交易性的)通常与商业交易有关,与培训材料的性质不符。因此,根据上下文,选项A instructional 是最合适的答案。'
  25. We are pleased to quote you for 1,500 dozen Men's shirts()the price of US$5.00 per pc CIF New York.

  26. A:on B:by C:at D:in

  27. What kind of letter may include the following sentence: "Please accept my sincere congratulations on your promotion to regional manager."?

  28. A:an apology letter B:an invitation letter C:a congratulation letter D:a complaint letter
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:a congratulation letter】。根据题干中的描述,这是一封祝贺信,其中包含“请接受我对您晋升为区域经理的诚挚祝贺”这句话。因此,选项C中的“congratulation letter”符合题意。选项A、B、D都不符合题干中的描述。选项A中的“apology letter”不符合祝贺信的语境;选项B中的“invitation letter”则与题干中的内容无关;选项D中的“complaint letter”则表示投诉信,也不符合题意。'
  29. Initially, a presentation is a form of: ( )

  30. A:intrapersonal communication B:group communication C:two-way communication D:one-way communication
    AI参考:正确答案是D:one-way communication。在最初的阶段,演讲是一种单向沟通的形式,即演讲者向听众传达信息,而听众只能被动地接收信息,没有机会进行反馈或互动。因此,选项D“one-way communication”是正确答案。选项A、B、C都与演讲的最初形式不符。'
  31. Opening, context and task should account for ( ) of a memo.

  32. A:1/4 B:1/3 C:1/8 D:1/2
  33. In the following business documentational types, () is transactional business writing.

  34. A:banners B:business letter C:user manuals D:conferences papers
    AI参考:正确答案是B:business letter。商业文档中的信函是事务性商业写作。A选项是网站上的广告牌,C选项是用户手册,D选项是会议论文,这些都是特定环境下的文档,不具有事务性写作的特点。因此,只有B选项的商业信函符合事务性商业写作的定义。'
  35. The three major elements of presentation do not include: ( )

  36. A:specific content B:visual aids C:a presenter D:an audience
    AI参考:正确答案是C:a presenter。在演讲的三要素中,包括特定的内容(specific content)、视觉辅助工具(visual aids)和听众(audience),并不包括演讲者(presenter)。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  37. To select the content of your presentation, you should know: ( )

  38. A:the time limit B:your purpose C:the audience’s needs D:the available material
    AI参考:正确选项是C:the audience’s needs。在准备演讲内容时,了解听众的需求是非常重要的。根据题目中的提示“选择演讲内容”,可以推断出需要考虑到听众的需求,以便选择适当的内容和话题。选项A、B和D虽然也是重要的因素,但在题目中并未明确提到。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  39. When you write a complaint letter, it is of vital importance to (      ).

  40. A:all of the above B:state a time limit in the letter C:keep the letter concise  D:make the remedy specific
  41. Please sign and return one copy to us ()our file.

  42. A:for B:with C:of D:at

  43. We can allow a 2% discount()all orders of US$6,000 in value and over. 

  44. A:at B:on C:to D:in
  45. Which of the following sentences is likely to be found in an invitation letter?

  46. A:Further delays in delivery will result in our canceling the order. B:The ABC Trade Show begins next weekend on April 8. I want to personally invite you to visit our booth. C:Please accept my sincere congratulations on your promotion to regional manager.  D:I am writing to apologize for the poor service you received 

  47. Font size of the bullet points on presentation materials should be large enough: ( )

  48. A:For you to be able to read from the screen during the presentation B:For your team members to be able to view the presentation clearly C:For the audience in the first few rows of the presentation to view the presentation clearly D:For the audience in the last row of the presentation room to view the presentation clearly
    AI参考:正确选项:【D:For the audience in the last row of the presentation room to view the presentation clearly 】理由如下:演示材料上的点状字体大小应该足够大,以便最后一排观众能够清楚地观看演示。这是从观众的角度出发,确保所有的观众都能够清晰地看到演示内容,而不只是前排的观众。因此,选项D是正确的。选项A、B、C都只考虑了部分观众的需求,不够全面。'
  49. For better readability, it is preferable that bullet points are: ( )

  50. A:long sentences B:complete paragraphs C:short phrases or partial sentences D:page of text
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:short phrases or partial sentences】。原文中提到“为了更好的可读性,最好将bullet points(bullet points是指项目符号列表中的各个项目)写成简短的短语或部分句子”,因此选项C是正确答案。选项A和B都是不合适的,因为句子过长或过短都不利于可读性;选项D则明显错误,因为页面文本无法构成一个可读的bullet point。'
  51. The reply to a complaint letter should begin with (      ).

  52. A:apology  B:threats C:long-winded explanations D:sarcastic comments

  53. Which of the following is not in the introduction of a standard report? ( )

  54. A:scope B:purpose C:subject D:background
  55. What kind of words can help you show who you are as a company? ( )

  56. A:nouns B:adjectives C:verbs D:adverbs
    AI参考:正确答案是A: nouns。名词(nouns)可以用来描述公司的主要业务、产品或服务,从而展示公司的特点和定位。其他选项如形容词(adjectives)、动词(verbs)和副词(adverbs)虽然也可以用来描述公司的一些特点,但它们通常更侧重于描述公司的具体行为或状态,而不是展示公司的整体形象和定位。因此,名词是最适合用来展示公司身份的词语。'
  57. What rhetorical device is applied in the following advertisement “Super Soft Shave”? ( )

  58. A:metaphor B:parallelism C:alliteration D:pun
    AI参考:在广告“Super Soft Shave”中应用的修辞手法是:D. pun(双关)。这个广告中的“Super Soft Shave”同时具有两个层面的含义:一方面,它表示这款剃须刀非常柔软,使用起来非常舒适;另一方面,它也暗示了剃须刀的另一个特性,那就是它的刀片非常柔软,可以轻松地刮掉胡须,而不会造成不适或疼痛。这种一语双关的修辞手法在广告中很常见,因为它能够吸引消费者的注意力,增加广告的趣味性和记忆度。因此,正确答案是D:pun。'
  59. In presentation design, maximum time is given to the: ( )

  60. A:conclusion B:question-answer session C:main body D:introduction
    AI参考:在演示设计中,给予了最多的时间给:C:主要内容(main body)。演示设计中的主要内容通常是演示的核心部分,需要花费更多的时间来详细介绍和解释。而结论(conclusion)、问答环节(question-answer session)和介绍(introduction)通常会占据较少的演示时间。因此,正确答案是C:主要内容。'
  61. What are the features of commercial advertisement? ( )

  62. A:special offer B:attractive slogans C:catchy phrases D:complex sentences
  63. The chief virtues demonstrated in top-quality reports are: ( )

  64. A:content value B:clarity C:profit D:skim value
  65. The minute-taker should be ( )

  66. A:decisive B:selective C:personal D:objective
    AI参考:正确答案是D: objective。客观的,意味着时间记录员应该不受个人情感或偏见的影响,只关注事实和数据,以确保记录的准确性。因此,选择D选项“客观的”最为合适。其他选项的含义与客观不符。A选项“果断的”强调决策时的坚定和迅速,与时间记录员的职责不符;B选项“选择性的”意味着关注特定细节或特征,也与时间记录员的职责不符;C选项“个人的”则与客观性相悖,因为时间记录员应该避免个人情感和偏见的影响。因此,正确答案是D。'
  67. Standard memo format consists of ( )

  68. A:a follow-up section B:a text/body section C:a cover section D:a heading section
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:a text/body section】。标准备忘录格式包括文本/正文部分(text/body section),这是备忘录的主要部分,用于陈述事实、提出建议、描述事件等。选项A、C、D虽然也属于备忘录的组成部分,但在标准格式中不是必需的。'
  69. What should be include in a press release? ( )

  70. A:Headline B:Contact information C:Lead D:Body
    AI参考:正确选项是【ABCD】一个新闻稿应该包括以下内容:标题(Headline)、联系信息(Contact information)、导语(Lead)和正文(Body)。标题是新闻稿的名称,通常简明扼要地概括了新闻的主要内容。联系信息包括发布新闻稿的媒体或机构的联系方式,如电话、电子邮件、网站等。导语通常是一段简短的介绍性文字,介绍新闻的主要事件和背景信息。正文则是详细描述新闻事件的段落,可以包括事件的细节、原因、影响等方面的内容。因此,ABCD都是一个新闻稿中应该包含的内容。'
  71. Being courteous means that you should ( ).

  72. A:choose nondiscriminatory expressions B:be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative C:answer your mail promptly D:use expressions that show respect
    AI参考:正确选项是B:be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative题目中明确说明了"Being courteous means that you should",即“礼貌意味着你应该做...”,而选项B中的“be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative”正好符合这一要求,即要有真诚、巧妙、深思熟虑和感激的表达方式。其他选项中,A选项"choose nondiscriminatory expressions"和C选项"answer your mail promptly"虽然与礼貌有关,但并不全面,而D选项"use expressions that show respect"过于宽泛,没有具体指出应该如何表达尊重。因此,选项B是最佳答案。'
  73. We have the products of the finest materials and the highest craftsmanship and shall be ready to you a 20% discount for a quantity of over 100 dozen.

  74. A:grant B:give C:allow D:offer
  75. Which of the following is open-ended questions? ( )

  76. A:Would you consider doing business with us in the future? B:How would you describe the customer experience with our brand? C:What makes our service delivery stand out for you? D:Are you happy with your overall customer experience?

  77. In business communication, which of the following choices are possible reasons for writing a complaint letter?

  78. A:violation of terms and conditions B:faulty products  C:goods not delivered properly D:billing mistakes

  79. Which of the followings are double barreled questions? ( )

  80. A:Is this tool interesting and useful? B:How satisfied are you with the organization’s core management team and prescribed work ethics? C:How often and how much time do you spend on each visit to a hospital? D:How often do you visit a dentist?
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Is this tool interesting and useful? B:How satisfied are you with the organization’s core management team and prescribed work ethics?这两个问题属于双问句,也就是在一个问题中同时包含多个信息或含义。A选项是两个问题的结合,一个是关于工具的有趣性和实用性,另一个是问这个工具是否对用户有帮助或适合他们的工作环境。B选项也包含了两个问题,一个是询问组织核心管理团队的满意度和工作伦理是否符合要求,另一个是询问患者对该组织服务或管理的整体评价。C选项和D选项则是单一问题,只包含一个具体的信息或问题,不符合双问句的特征。C选项是询问去医院就诊的频率和每次就诊花费的时间,D选项则是询问一个人多久去一次牙医诊所。'
  81. In business communication, thank-you letters can be sent to (      ).

  82. A:clients B: employees C:managers D:suppliers
    AI参考:在商业沟通中,感谢信可以发送给以下人员:A: 客户B: 员工C: 经理D: 供应商因此,答案是D:suppliers(供应商)。这些人在商业交易中提供了产品或服务,因此发送感谢信是一种表达感激和尊重的方式。'
  83. The main types of business writing are .

  84. A:persuasive B:informational C:transactional D:instructional
    AI参考:正确答案是 C: transactional 。这四个选项都是商务写作的主要类型,其中transactional是指事务性写作,如合同、报告、发票、信函等,与业务相关的事项都可以通过这类写作进行交流和处理。其他选项中,persuasive和instructional通常是用来劝说或提供指导的写作类型,而informational主要是提供信息的写作类型。因此,正确答案是C,transactional。'
  85. In order to write effective notices, we should pay attention to ( )

  86. A:audience B:paper C:heading D:goals
  87. Companies may need to write an apology letter for (      ).

  88. A:a damaged product B:a shipping delay or error C:a late payment D:poor or inadequate service
    AI参考:正确选项为D:poor or inadequate service。原文中提到“Companies may need to write an apology letter for”,后面列举了几种可能需要写道歉信的情况,其中包括产品损坏、运输延迟或错误、迟付款等。但最后提到的“poor or inadequate service”与前面提到的选项不同,它指的是公司提供的服务质量差或服务不充分,因此需要写道歉信向客户道歉。所以选项D是正确答案。'
  89. For better proofreading, we can use the following strategies:( ).

  90. A:Remove excess words B:Review each sentence for proper structure and punctuation C:Explain or remove jargon D:Verify numbers, times and dates

  91. Shipping mark usually consists of .

  92. A:serial numbers of the package B:reference number C:the port of destination D:the initials of the goods receiver

  93. Which of the following questions are biased questions? ( )

  94. A:What problems do you have with the design team? B:How likely are you to recommend working with the design team? C:How would you describe your experience with the customer service team? D:How great is our hard-working customer service team?

  95. When plan business messages, we should take the audience into account. There are different audience types :().

  96. A:negative B:positive C:persuasive D:neutral
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:positive】。原文中提到在策划商务信息时应该考虑受众,并列举了不同的受众类型,其中选项B positive表示积极的受众,符合原文意思。选项A negative表示负面的受众,选项C persuasive表示有说服力的受众,选项D neutral表示中立的受众,都不符合原文意思。因此,正确答案是B。'
  97. Which of the following are demographic questions? ( )

  98. A:Which model of car(s) have you owned in the past 6 years? B:Which activity do you do most often when you have free time? C:What is your marital status? D:What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?"
    AI参考:正确选项为C:What is your marital status? (你的婚姻状况是什么?)这是一道关于人口统计问题的选择题,主要考察对人口统计信息的理解。选项A、B和D都是关于个人兴趣、习惯或教育程度的问题,不属于人口统计范畴。而选项C询问的是个人的婚姻状况,属于人口统计中的重要信息之一。因此,正确答案是C。'
  99. What are true about invitation letters?   ‎

  100. A:State the purpose of your invitation.  B:Give the invitee the date, time, and place of the event.  C:Mention the dress code if there is one.  D:Tell the invitee what the event is, who is hosting the event, and what its nature and purpose are. 
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:Tell the invitee what the event is, who is hosting the event, and what its nature and purpose are.  邀请函需要告知邀请者活动的时间、地点、参与人员以及活动主题等信息,以及活动性质和目的,而选项A、B、C都有提到相关内容,但不是主要特点,所以不是最佳答案。只有选项D能够全面覆盖到邀请函的真实性描述。'
  101. Perspective of others is important because it can make your text more interesting and diverse. ( )

  102. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。Perspective of others is important because it can make your text more interesting and diverse.这句话的意思是“了解他人的观点很重要,因为它可以使你的文字更加有趣和多样化。”因此,这个判断题是正确的。'
  103. Under FOB and CFR terms, the buyer effects insurace, but the seller maybe asked to arrange insurance on the buyer's behalf. ( )

  104. A:错 B:对
  105. Poetic adjectives can make the company profile smart and attractive. ( )

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. Contact information is the most important part of the company profile. ( )

  108. A:错 B:对
  109. You should send your follow-up letter promptly, usually within 24 hours and 48 hours at the most after an interview.( )

  110. A:错 B:对
  111. When you prepare a business envelope, place your name and address in the upper left corner of the envelope.

  112. A:错 B:对

  113. In some meeting minutes the first item of the body begins with approval of minutes of the last meeting.( )

  114. A:对 B:错
  115. An apology letter is a tool for justifying your actions or finding excuses for yourself.

  116. A:对 B:错
  117. An apology letter must be accompanied by proper restitution to repair your business relationship.

  118. A:错 B:对
  119. Planning starts with audience reaction and these audiences may receive positive, negative or persuasive messages. ( )

  120. A:错 B:对

  121. The steps for minute taking and writing can be divided into listening, note-taking, writing, reading and typing.( )

  122. A:对 B:错
  123. The first letter of each word of the complimentary close should be capitalized.

  124. A:错 B:对

  125. A letter of application usually should be longer than one page.( )

  126. A:对 B:错
  127. A proper complaint letter may include abusive language to resolve the problem.

  128. A:错 B:对
  129. When composing a résumé, you should list in reverse chronological order each degree you earned.( )

  130. A:对 B:错
  131. If you want to request something from the recipient in the future, it's proper to do it in a congratulation letter. 

  132. A:对 B:错
  133. The letter writer's initials are typed in lowercase letters, while the initials of the typist is typed in uppercase letters.

  134. A:对 B:错
  135. Contact details should be included in a press release. ( )

  136. A:对 B:错

  137. Long sentences with complex construction do not belong in memos.( )

  138. A:错 B:对
  139. In the U.S., the salutation in a business letter is usually followed by a colon.

  140. A:对 B:错
  141. Notices are always posted on a notice board.( )

  142. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B.对。解释:Notices are always posted on a notice board这句话的意思是“通知通常张贴在公告板上”,因此正确答案是B。选项A的“错”与这句话的意思不符。'
  143. Thank-you letters should be concise and start with simple and brief expressions of gratitude.

  144. A:对 B:错

  145. Don’t brag when announcing an awards press release. ( )

  146. A:错 B:对
  147. A press release announcing new partnerships should be sure to write a summary about each company. ( )

  148. A:对 B:错
  149. An effective presenter uses the skills of non-verbal communication to reinforce his or her words. ( )

  150. A:错 B:对
  151. The minute recorder should not hesitate to discard the irrelevant information.( )

  152. A:错 B:对
  153. An effective presenter must also be able to encourage and handle questions. ( )

  154. A:对 B:错
  155. To announce mergers or acquisitions, the press releases should include details about all organizations involved, information about the merger or acquisitions and quote from the leadership teams. ( )

  156. A:对 B:错
  157. In terms of function, a business invitation is used for inviting guests to an event. 

  158. A:对 B:错
  159. The introduction section is the most widely read part of the report. ( )

  160. A:错 B:对

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