

  1. What kind of parameter we introduced to cancel the integration?

  2. A:Z factor B:Gas viscosity C:Average pressure D:Real gas pseudopressure
    答案:customer-orientedAI参考:正确答案是D:Real gas pseudopressure。根据问题描述,需要引入一种参数来取消集成,而选项中只有D项“真实气体伪压力”符合要求,因为它可以用来描述真实气体在容器中的流动特性,从而可以取消集成。其他选项中,A项“Z因子”通常用于描述气体的压缩性,B项“气体粘度”通常用于描述气体流动时的阻力,C项“平均压力”通常用于描述气体在不同区域的压力分布情况。因此,正确答案是D。'
  3. Using the reference length, we define dimensionless radius as ( ).

  4. A:rD=rw/r B:rD=r/rw C:rD=r-rw D:rD=r˙rw
  5. The hydrocarbon gas is classified into dry gas and moisture according to the humidity coefficient of the hydrocarbon gas. Generally, natural gas with a methane content of less than ( ) is called moisture.

  6. A:90% B:95% C:80% D:85%
  7. The plot of adjusted shut in BHP, from a buildup test as a function of the log of the adjusted Horner time ratio function, we CANNOT calculate parameters of ( ).

  8. A:original reservoir pressure B:apparent skin factor C:actual skin factor D:permeability
    答案:Permeability;original reservoir pressure;apparent skin factor
  9. The plot of log gas flow rate, q(t), vs. t is a straight line for ( ) decline.

  10. A:harmonic B:exponential C:none of the above D:hyperbolic
    AI参考:正确答案是C:none of the above(上述都不对)。题目中描述的是气体的流量率q(t)与时间t的关系是一条直线,没有给出任何下降的趋势,因此选择C。A、B、D选项都是与下降趋势有关的描述,不符合题意。'
  11. The basis of well-test analysis for homogeneous-acting reservoir is ( ).

  12. A:the line-source solution to the state equation B:the line-source solution to the fluid continuity equation C:the line-source solution to the diffusivity equation D:the line-source solution to the fluid motion equation
  13. The assumption of constant is valid only for ( ).

  14. A:very high pressure and gas gravities at low temperatures B:very high pressure and gas gravities at high temperatures C:very low pressure and gas gravities at low temperatures D:very low pressure and gas gravities at high temperatures

  15. The wellbore ( ) state flow pressure of gas well can be expressed by pseudopressure and pseudotime, pressure and time, adjusted pressure and time, pressure square and time.

  16. A:none of the above B:pseudosteady C:unsteady D:steady

  17. In cases where the composition of a natural gas is not available, the pseudocritical pressure and pseudocritical temperature may be predicted solely from the ( ) of the gas.

  18. A:viscosity B:volume C:components D:specific gravity

  19. In Arps’ empirical rate/time decline equation,Di is ( ).

  20. A:decline exponent B:initial decline rate C:none of the above D:initial production rate
    AI参考:正确答案是D:initial production rate。In Arps的实验率/时间下降方程中,Di代表初始生产率。因此,答案为D。'
  21. For x<( ),Ei(x) can be approximated with a <0.6% error by Ei(x)=ln(1.781x).

  22. A:0.01 B:0.001 C:0.02 D:0.002
  23. Dynamic viscosity depends on pressure, temperature and ( ).

  24. A:volume B:gas composition C:mass D:boiling point
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:gas composition】。根据问题描述,动态粘度取决于压力、温度和气体成分。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D与问题描述不符。'
  25. To account for the unswept portions of the reservoir, we introduce a ( ) into the volumetric equation.

  26. A:recovery factors B:gas saturation C:volumetric sweep efficiency D:water saturation

  27. Under the condition that reservoir pressure is greater than the original bubblepoint pressure, the solution gas oil ratio is ( ) the solution gas oil ratio at bubblepoint.

  28. A:less or equal to B:greater than C:less than D:equal to

  29. Conditions for the development of gas reservoirs using exhaustive development do not include ( )

  30. A:Low condensate content B:Good geological conditions C:Small gas reservoir area D:High initial formation pressure

  31. Which of the following gas reservoirs has the greatest impact on the slippage effect? ( )

  32. A:Conventional gas reservoir B:Low permeability tight gas reservoir C:Condensate gas reservoir D:Ultra high-pressure gas reservoir

  33. The average pressure in the drainage area of a well represents the ( ) for fluid flow and is useful in material-balance calculations.

  34. A:capillary pressure B:gravity force C:driving force D:centripetal force

  35. In the pressure drawndown test, the slope of the straight line of p vs logt can calculate the reservoir ( ).

  36. A:pressure B:thickness C:rate D:permeability

  37. For the case of constant-rate liquid production, we assume ( ).

  38. A:no flow across the reservoir outer boundary at radius re B:uniform pressure throughout the reservoir before production C:constant-rate production from a single well of radius centered rw in a cylindrical reservoir D:constant-rate pressure across the reservoir outer boundary at radius rw

  39. Several gas properties have the same values for similar gases at identical values of ( ).

  40. A:critical temperature B:reduced temperature C:critical pressure D:reduced pressure

  41. What are the parameters that can be solved by the pressure-drawdown test curve of a gas well? ( )

  42. A:Gas layer flow coefficient kh/μ B:Pressure transmission coefficient æ C:Well controlled reserves N D:Effective pore volume V

  43. The dry-gas reservoir means that there is no liquid hydrocarbon form in the ( ) during production.

  44. A:Reservior B:Wellbore C:Storage tank D:Surface equipment
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:Wellbore。根据上下文,题目中的“dry-gas reservoir”指的是干气储层,意味着在生产过程中没有液态烃的存在。因此,选项中与生产过程相关的只有“Wellbore”(井眼),所以B选项是正确答案。其他选项A(储层)、C(储存罐)和D(表面设备)都与生产过程中的实际情况不符。'
  45. To deal with boundry problems,what methods do we use?

  46. A:One well method B:Imaging method C:No-boundry method D:Multi-well method

  47. Because of reservoir ( ), the encroaching water does not sweep some portions of the reservoir effectively.

  48. A:faults B:water influx C:discontinuities D:heterogeneities
    AI参考:正确答案是B:water influx。根据句子意思,由于水库的水流入,侵入的洪水没有有效地扫过水库的一些部分,因此选项B“水流入”符合语境。选项A“faults”意为“断层”,与句子意思不符;选项C“discontinuities”意为“不连续性”,也不符合语境;选项D“heterogeneities”意为“异质性”,也与句子意思不符。因此,答案为B。'
  49. For the line-source well,what are the additional assumptions?

  50. )The concentration of dissolved solids in water can be measured with several different units, including( ).

  51. A:grams Nacl per liter B:grams of salt per liter C:weight percent D:parts per million
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:parts per million】。题目中提到“水中溶解物的浓度可以用几个不同的单位来测量”,而选项D“parts per million”(百万分之一)是表示水中溶解物浓度的常用单位之一。其他选项中,A、B、C都与题目描述不符。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  52. Which of the following forms does the decline-curve have?( )

  53. A:Linear B:harmonic C:Exponential D:hyperbolic
  54. Which solutions are particularly useful in well testing? ( ).

  55. A:The solution that includes wellbore storage for a well in an infinite reservoir B:The solution for a bounded cylindrical reservoir C:The solution for an infinite reservoir with a well treated as a line source with zero wellbore radius D:The pseudosteady-state solution
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The solution for a bounded cylindrical reservoir】。原文中提到“Which solutions are particularly useful in well testing?”,而在给出的选项中,只有选项B是与“well testing”相关的,即对于一个有限圆柱形储层,解决方案特别有用。其他选项涉及不同的场景和问题,与原文不符。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  56. The type curves of ( ) are particularly useful in gas-well decline-curve analysis.

  57. A:Van Everdingen and Hurst B:Carter-Tracy C:Carter D:Fetkovich

  58. Data used to estimate the gas-bearing reservoir pore volume include, but are not limited to ( ).

  59. A:fluid sample information B:bottomhole pressure C:well tests D:well logs E:core analyses
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:fluid sample information B:bottomhole pressure C:well tests根据问题描述,用于估算含气储层孔隙体积的数据包括但不限于以下几项:流体样本信息、井底压力、井测试和岩心分析。其中,井测试和井日志通常用于获取储层的地质特征和流体性质,而流体样本信息可以提供有关储层中流体性质和分布的直接证据。因此,这三个选项都是估算含气储层孔隙体积的重要数据来源。而选项D、E虽然也与地质勘探有关,但不是估算含气储层孔隙体积的直接数据来源。因此,正确选项为A、B、C。'
  60. The pseudo-critical parameters can be calculated when we know ( ) of a natural gas.

  61. A:components B:specific gravity C:composition D:density

  62. The Arps’ decline equation is based on important and widely violated assumptions including ( ).

  63. A:unchanging drainage area B:boundary dominated flow C:constant BHP D:constant k and s

  64. A fundamental differential equation obtained by combining the ( ).

  65. A:equation of motion B:continuity equation C:equation of state D:flow law
    AI参考:正确选项为C:equation of state。该题目中需要选择一个通过结合(某种过程)而获得的微分方程,而equation of state(状态方程)通常用于描述物质的物理状态,如气体、液体或固体的压力、体积和温度之间的关系,因此它是通过结合不同的物理过程而获得的微分方程之一。而选项A、B、D虽然也涉及到不同的物理过程,但它们并不一定能够得到一个微分方程。'
  66. Application of the Fetkovich type curves, we can estimate ( ).

  67. A:permeability B:productive life C:skin factor D:gas reserves E:reservoir pore volume

  68. The volumetric methods can be used to calculate the GIIP for ( ).

  69. A:volumetric dry reservoirs B:dry-gas reservoirs with water influx C:volumetric wet-gas reservoirs D:volumetric gas-condensate reservoirs

  70. The derive-equation for volumetric gas reserviors can be modified by ( ).

  71. A:rock PV B:Hydrocarbon phase change C:Water influx D:Compressibility of connate water

  72. Using volumetric method, the original gas in place can be calculated by ( ).

  73. A:thickness B:cumulative gas production C:water saturation D:FVF of gas in initial E:porosity F:areas

  74. Carter offered improved accuracy by plotting functions that include the changes of parameters ( )in gas properties with pressure.

  75. A:Compressibility B:Viscosity C:FVF D:density

  76. A three-stage separation system consists of a ( ) separator, a ( ) separator and a ( ).

  77. A:stock tank B:low-pressure C:ultra-low pressure D:high-pressure
    AI参考:正确选项为:B:low-pressure C:ultra-low pressure D:high-pressure原文中提到一个三阶段的分离系统,包括一个低压分离器、一个超低压力分离器和另一个高压分离器。因此,选项B、C和D分别对应于低压、超低压力和高压分离器,而选项A的stock tank不是一种常见的分离器类型。因此,选项B、C和D是正确答案。'
  78. Depend on the value of the decline exponent has different forms, these forms of decline are ( ).

  79. A:Aprs B:hyperbolic C:exponential D:harmonic

  80. Wellbore-storage effects take place in wellbore unloading and afterflow.

  81. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。根据题目中的描述,wellbore-storage effects发生在wellbore unloading和afterflow中,这说明这些效应是在钻井卸载和流过后发生的。因此,正确答案是A。'
  82. For an exponential decline, the plot of q(t) vs. Gp(t) will yield a straight line.

  83. A:对 B:错

  84. The pressure disturbance (or pressure transient) caused by production moves further into the reservoir as flow time increases.

  85. A:对 B:错

  86. The formation volume factor of natural gases often lower than 1.

  87. A:错 B:对

  88. Three methods commonly used in gas well productivity test:Conventional back pressure test、isochronous well test and correct isochronous test.

  89. A:对 B:错

  90. The final form dimensionless of the diffusivity equation applies to all fluids.

  91. A:错 B:对

  92. The Fetkovich decline type curves are based on analytical solutions to the flow equations for production at constant BHP from a well centered in a circular reservoir or drainage area with no flow boundaries.

  93. A:错 B:对

  94. Following shut-in at the surface, fluid continues to flow from the reservoir into the wellbore, compressing the gas and liquid already in the wellbore and storing more fluid. This continued production, which also is a special type of wellbore storage, is called wellbore unloading.

  95. A:错 B:对

  96. We can not estimate the individual well flowing characteristics, such as formation permeability and skin factor, with decline-type-curve analysis techniques.

  97. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:判断题【判断题】We can not estimate the individual well flowing characteristics, such as formation permeability and skin factor, with decline-type-curve analysis techniques.的正确答案是B:错。根据上下文,句子中提到了“不能用下降曲线分析技术来估计单个井的流动特性,例如地层渗透率和表皮因子”,因此可以得出结论,下降曲线分析技术不能用来估计单个井的流动特性。因此,答案为B:错。'
  98. The flow regime is identified as a unsteady-state flow if the pressure at every location in the reservoir remains constant

  99. A:对 B:错
  100. Based on the material-balance equation, the remaining hydrocarbon mass = original hydrocarbon mass - produced hydrocarbon mass.

  101. A:错 B:对

  102. To define the altered zone of the wellbore, we define a factor named skin factor.

  103. A:错 B:对
  104. Gas wells are produced at conditions approximating constant well-head pressure or variable bottom hole rates, rather than at constant bottom hole rates, in most gas field operations.

  105. A:错 B:对

  106. Radius of investigation is the distance that a pressure transient has moved into a formation flowing a ratio change in a well.

  107. A:错 B:对
  108. The Carter type curve is based on finite-difference solutions to the radial gas flow equations for production at constant BHP.

  109. A:对 B:错

  110. When using adjusted pressure and adjusted time, the Horner time ratio is calculated using the pseudotime.

  111. A:错 B:对

  112. Pseudo-critical pressure:P/Z

  113. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:判断题答案为B:错。Pseudo-critical pressure通常是指循环中接近临界压力的状态,而并非P/Z比值。因此,该判断题表述错误。'
  114. Cg is defined as the rate of change in volume per unit volume of gas under isothermal conditions.

  115. A:错 B:对
  116. The total pressure drop at any point in a reservoir is the sum of the pressure drops at that point caused by flow in each well in the reservoir. 

  117. A:错 B:对

  118. In the assumptions of infinite cylindrical reservoir with line-source well, the well only needs to have zero radius.

  119. A:对 B:错

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