第一章 Education is life itself:(1)教育的意义(2)大学生活的正确打开方式(3)关于考试的那些事1.1Education remains in you:本节从电影片段《修女也疯狂》说起,探讨教育的意义所在。
1.2Start college on the right foot:本节将会告诉你如何正确打开你大学新生活。
1.3To test or not to test:本节围绕标准化考试,介绍了它的历史起源以及各国标准化考试的那些事。
[单选题]Who said that Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school?
Barack Obama
Steve Jobs
Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin
答案:Albert Einstein
[单选题]What does the phrase catch Z’s mean?
get rewarded
get some sleep
catch the letter Z
catch a criminal
答案:get some sleep
[单选题]Which of the following is not an onomatopoeia?
[判断题]Attending classes consistently may not always seem entirely necessary, but doing so will benefit you in the long run.

[判断题]Joining clubs and societies will help you meet new people and will also look good on your current or future resume.

[单选题]What does the phrase "by the skin of my teeth"mean?
break the skin
narrowly or barely win
narrowly or barely escape something bad
break the teeth to smallow
答案:narrowly or barely escape something bad
[单选题]How did Greece philosophy assess students?
give a test
assessed essays written by students
give a oral report
assessed one's personality
答案:assessed essays written by students
[单选题]What principle of assessment is Finnish education famous for ?
Tests tell all.
One test means everything.
Let it be.
Less is more.
答案:Less is more.

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