

  1. Foreign trade (  ).

  2. A:increases the scarcity of resources B:allows a country to have a greater variety of products at a lower cos C:allows a country to avoid trade-offs D:makes the members of a country more equal
    答案:allows a country to have a greater variety of products at a lower cost than if it tried to produce everything at home
  3. Who is hurt most by inflation? ( )

  4. A:People who buy precious metals such as gold. B:Homeowners with fixed-rate mortgage. C:People who own real estate. D:Homeowners with adjustable-rate mortgage.
    AI参考:B:Homeowners with fixed-rate mortgage. 通胀最受伤害的是拥有固定利率房贷的房主。通胀导致货币贬值,从而提高了贷款的利息,这对于固定利率房贷的房主来说是一种负担和压力。而对于购买贵重金属(如黄金)的人、拥有房地产的人以及拥有可调整利率房贷的房主来说,虽然也受到一定程度的影响,但相对于固定利率房贷的房主来说,受到的伤害程度较小。因此,正确答案是B:拥有固定利率房贷的房主。'
  5. A rational person does not act unless (  ).

  6. A:the action makes money for the person B:the action is ethical C:the action produces marginal benefits that exceed marginal costs D:the action produces marginal costs that exceed marginal benefits
    答案:subjective toneAI参考:正确答案是C:the action produces marginal benefits that exceed marginal costs。这是一个关于理性决策的问题。理性的人不会采取行动,除非行动带来的边际收益大于边际成本。其他选项都与这个条件不符。A选项指的是行动能为个人带来经济利益,但不一定大于成本;B选项指的是行动是合乎道德的,这也不是唯一的要求;D选项表示行动的成本大于收益,那么肯定不会采取这个行动。因此,正确答案是C,即只有当行动带来的边际收益大于边际成本时,人才会采取这个行动。'
  7. Trade-offs are required because wants are unlimited and resources are (  ).

  8. A:economical B:scarce C:unlimited D:efficient
  9. Our marginal utility for getting one more diamond is much higher than getting one more bottle of water because ( ).

  10. A:diamond is hard to carve B:diamond means eternal C:diamond is more expansive D:diamond is scarce
    答案:easingAI参考:正确答案是D:diamond is scarce。钻石比水更稀缺,因此我们对多得到一颗钻石的边际效用会比多得到一瓶水的边际效用高得多。选项A和B与问题无关,选项C虽然正确,但并不是题目中需要解释的原因。因此,正确答案是D。'
  11. Before you go shopping, if you go around doing a lot of comparison, this is called ( ).

  12. A:comparison shopping B:window shopping C:comparison pricing D:comparison decision
    AI参考:答案为A:comparison shopping。在购物前进行比较,这种行为被称为“比较购物”,即选项A。B选项“窗口购物”通常指的是在商店里看商品但并不购买的行为,C选项“比较定价”指的是比较不同商店或产品的价格,而D选项“比较决策”指的是在多个选项中进行决策的过程。因此,根据题目的描述,正确答案应该是A。'
  13. Which is NOT the difference between the rich and the poor? ( )

  14. A:The rich pay themselves first while the poor pay themselves last. B:The rich sell value and the poor sell time. C:The rich never stop learning. D:The rich are more intelligent.
    答案:记得AI参考:【单选题】以下哪个选项不是富人与穷人之间的区别?_____C:The rich never stop learning。富人与穷人之间的主要区别不在于是否停止学习。富人通常会不断学习,提升自己的技能和知识,以保持他们的财富和成功。相反,有些人可能会停止学习,这可能会导致他们陷入贫困。因此,选项C不是富人与穷人之间的主要区别。答案是C:The rich never stop learning。'
  15. Which of the following statements about credit card is NOT TRUE? ( )

  16. A:It deducts money directly from your savings. B:It provides a loan or extend credit. C:It gives you access to a line of credit. D:It allows you to make purchases without paying cash.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  17. You have spent ¥10,000 building a milk tea stand based on estimates of sales of ¥20,000. The milk tea stand is nearly completed, but now you estimate total sales to be only ¥8,000. You can complete the milk tea stand for another ¥3,000. Should you complete the milk tea stand? (Assume that the milk tea cost you nothing.) ( )

  18. A:No. B:Not enough information. C:Yes. D:It depends.
  19. The importance of compound interest lies in that ( ).

  20. A:it is paid both on the original amount of money saved and on the interest that has been added to it B:it automatically saves your money C:it gives twice the interest back D:it offers high interest rate
    AI参考:正确答案是A:it is paid both on the original amount of money saved and on the interest that has been added to it。复合利息的重要性在于它不仅对原始储蓄金额进行利息支付,而且对已经添加的利息进行利息支付。B选项自动储蓄金钱不是复合利息的特点;C选项返还双倍利息也不符合复合利息的定义;D选项高利率也不是复合利息的特点。因此,正确答案是A。'
  21. Recently, Jack has quitted his job to look for better pay. Which kind of unemployment is Jack undergoing? ( )

  22. A:Seasonal unemployment B:Cyclical unemployment C:Frictional unemployment D:Structural unemployment

  23. The competitive firm maximizes profit when it produces output to the point where ( ).

  24. A:marginal revenue equals average revenue B:marginal cost equals marginal revenue C:marginal cost equals total revenue D:price equals average variable cost
  25. Which one of the following provinces does NOT belong to the Belt and Road? ( )

  26. A:Henan B:Xinjiang C:Chongqing D:Shanxi
  27. Saving is important for the economy because ( ).

  28. A:it keeps the economy safe by encouraging people to consume B:it keeps the economy safe by preventing inflation C:it lends the government money for infrastructure D:it makes it possible for banks to have more money to give out loans

  29. Which of the following is NOT the disadvantage of big cities? ( )

  30. A:fierce competition B:competitive salary C:high work pressure D:high living cost

  31. Which of the following statements about tariffs is NOT TRUE? ( )

  32. A:Protective tariff is one designed to raise the cost of imported goods and thereby protect domestic producers. B:Tariffs are bad for domestic consumers. C:Higher tariffs, better economic status. D:Because of tariffs, the price of a certain good increases. Thus, the demand decreases, resulting in the decrease of the import of that certain good.
  33. ( ) is considered the father of macroeconomics.

  34. A:Paul B:Samuelson C:N. Gregory Mankiw D:Ronald Harry Coase E:John Maynard Keynes
    AI参考:正确答案是E:John Maynard Keynes。约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯被认为是宏观经济学的奠基人,因此E选项是正确答案。其他选项中,Paul(保罗)、Samuelson(萨缪尔森)、N. Gregory Mankiw(N.格雷戈里·曼昆)和Ronald Harry Coase(罗纳德·哈里·科斯)都是经济学领域的知名学者,但他们在宏观经济学的贡献上不如凯恩斯。'
  35. The balance of trade is the difference between the value of a nation’s exports and the value of its imports. A nation has a negative balance of trade ( ).

  36. A:if the profits it makes is positive B:if the profits it makes is negative C:if the value of its imports is greater than the value of its exports D:if the value of its exports is greater than the value of its imports
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:if the value of its exports is greater than the value of its imports】。根据题目中给出的信息:“贸易平衡是一个国家的出口价值和进口价值的差额。一个国家有贸易逆差(...),当该国出口价值大于进口价值时。”因此,正确答案是D,即如果该国的出口价值大于进口价值,则贸易逆差,选项D描述了这个条件。选项A、B、C都与题目中的信息不符。'
  37. John has just paid off the full balance of his credit card. What happens to the debt? ( )

  38. A:It remains a debt. B:His credit limit will be increased. C:John will be paid an interest. D:It is added back to his credit limit to be used again.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:It is added back to his credit limit to be used again.John已经偿清了信用卡的全部余额,债务会被添加回信用额度中再次使用,所以选项D“它会被添加回信用额度中再次使用”是正确的。其他选项A、B、C都与题意不符。'
  39. The secret of the specialty stores lies in the fact that ( ).

  40. A:they show extreme respect to their customers B:they have impressive models C:they set higher prices D:they use customers’ belief in price-quality relationship
    AI参考:正确答案是D:they use customers’ belief in price-quality relationship。该特价商店的秘密在于利用顾客对价格与质量关系的信任。因此,选项D“他们利用顾客对价格与质量关系的信任”是正确的答案。选项A、B、C都与特价商店的秘密无关。'
  41. Economics studies ( ).

  42. A:how much people work, what they buy, how much they save and how they invest their savings B:how people make decisions C:the forces and trends that affect the economy as a whole D:how people interact with one another

  43. International Trade is a crucial channel for global economic integration, and it is influenced by ( ).

  44. Which of the following are features of perfect competition? ( )

  45. A:Identical products. B:Easy entry and exit. C:Barriers to entry. D:Full information.
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Identical products.完全竞争市场的特征包括:市场上有大量的买者和卖者,产品同质,即不存在任何差异,信息完全透明,进入和退出市场非常容易。因此,选项A中的“同质的产品”是符合完全竞争市场的特征的。选项B、C、D虽然也涉及市场进入和退出、信息透明度等方面,但并不完全符合完全竞争市场的特征。'
  46. How does Starbucks design the menu to persuade users to pay more? ( )

  47. A:Leave the price of the Tall and the Grande, but lower the Venti price a little. B:Drop the price of the Grande and the Venti a little. C:Make the distance between the Tall and the Grande much greater than the distance between the Grande and the Venti. D:Decide how much coffer customers would want to drink.
    AI参考:正确选项为C:Make the distance between the Tall and the Grande much greater than the distance between the Grande and the Venti.。根据问题描述,星巴克设计菜单的目的是说服用户支付更多,选项C的做法是通过加大Tall和Grande之间的价格差距,使Grande和Venti之间的价格差距相对较小,从而让用户觉得Grande和Venti之间的价格差距不大,进而选择支付更多的费用。其他选项A、B、D都没有直接涉及到价格设计,D选项还涉及到对顾客消费意愿的判断,与问题描述不符。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  48. How to build a creative monopoly? ( )

  49. A:Dominate the market by producing commodity goods. B:Start from the smallest market you can find. C:Innovation is the key. D:Set a smart distribution strategy.

  50. According to the mode of transportation, international trade can be classified into ( ).

  51. A:trade by roadway B:trade by mail order C:airborne trade D:seaborne trade

  52. Which of the following are the examples of seasonal unemployment in Chongqing? ( )

  53. A:A downhill ski instructor unemployed in July. B:An ice cream scooper out of work in December. C:A part-time holiday sales clerk laid off in March. D:An economics professor fired in August.

  54. The forms of foreign direct investment can be ( ).

  55. A:establishing joint ventures with domestic investors through investment of capital or technology B:through the purchase of shares of domestic enterprises, to obtain a certain degree of control C:setting up new enterprises or wholly-owned subsidiaries D:acquisition or merger of domestic enterprises

  56. Which of the following will hurt your credit rating? ( )

  57. A:You have been unemployed recently. B:You have once forgot to pay the credit card. C:You like to shop by credit card. D:You already has a mortgage loan.
    AI参考:正确选项为B:You have once forgot to pay the credit card.。根据题目中的选项,选项A表示最近失业,这不会直接影响信用评分;选项C表示喜欢使用信用卡购物,虽然会增加消费金额,但通常不会对信用评分产生负面影响;选项D表示已经有了抵押贷款,这也不会对信用评分产生直接影响。然而,选项B表示曾经忘记偿还信用卡,这是违反信用卡还款规定的行为,会直接影响到信用评分。因此,只有选项B会伤害信用评分。'
  58. Which of the following statements about the rich and the poor are TRUE? ( )

  59. A:The rich don’t want to make friends with the poor. B:The poor never stop learning C:The rich often delay their pleasure and joy. D:The rich sell value.

  60. Which of the following are examples of creating scarcity? ( )

  61. A:Limited sale B:A first-class seat on the plane. C:VIP service in online games. D:Disney FASTPASS Service.

  62. Some specialty stores set higher prices and still find a niche with shoppers. What factors do you think make them successful? ( )

  63. A:Price B:Quality C:Function D:Self image

  64. Which of the following involve a trade-off? (   )

  65. A:Taking a nap. B:Playing PC game. C:Buying a new car. D:Going to college.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Buying a new car.】在选择C选项时,需要考虑到该选项所描述的行为涉及到一种权衡,即消费者在购买新车时需要考虑到一些财务上的权衡,例如购买新车可能会增加一定的开支,而与此同时也可能获得了一些其他的收益,如出行更加便利等。因此,选择C选项最符合题干中的“trade-off”的含义。其他选项A、B、D并没有涉及到权衡和取舍。A选项描述了一个短暂的休息行为,B选项描述了一个娱乐行为,D选项描述了一个接受教育的机会,这些选项都不涉及权衡和取舍的问题。'
  66. If interest rates on loans or mortgages fall, we might be tempted to take out a loan to buy the new car we've always wanted. ( )

  67. A:对 B:错
  68. When the government redistributes income with taxes and welfare, the economy becomes more efficient. ( )

  69. A:对 B:错

  70. Quota is superior to tariffs because it can increase more revenue. ( )

  71. A:错 B:对

  72. Rich people can have unlimited resources because they have enough money to buy anything. ( )

  73. A:错 B:对

  74. Scarcity is the condition that a society does not have enough resources to produce all the things people would like to have. ( )

  75. A:对 B:错

  76. Average capital plus interest suits people whose income may decrease as time goes by. ( )

  77. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。Average capital plus interest(按揭贷款)适合那些收入随着时间流逝而减少的人。根据上下文语境,这道题目给出的判断题应该是错误的。'
  78. When government tries to cut the economic pie into more equal slices, the pie becomes smaller. ( )

  79. A:对 B:错
  80. When the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the good increases. ( )

  81. A:对 B:错

  82. If your major is IT related subjects, the best choice is to go to the first-tier cities. ( )

  83. A:错 B:对
  84. The third classic cause of inflation is people spending too much money. ( )

  85. A:错 B:对
  86. It is information asymmetry that causes the dilemma between two prisoners. ( )

  87. A:对 B:错

  88. Companies make huge profits with “luxury” products because some customers are a bit dumb and buy these products. ( )

  89. A:对 B:错
  90. Unemployment rate is the percentage of the total population that is unemployed but is actively looking for jobs.

  91. A:错 B:对

  92. If you save the interest and let the interest work for you, that is called compound interest. ( )

  93. A:对 B:错

  94. A monopoly built upon the fastest car will never exist, but a monopoly built upon the first flying car may very well become reality. ( )

  95. A:错 B:对

  96. Prices decrease for domestic consumers because of import quota. ( )

  97. A:对 B:错

  98. China will benefit economically if we eliminate trade with the U.S. because we will be forced to produce more of our own appliances and textiles. ( )

  99. A:对 B:错

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