

  1. The number of tourists increases, and the relationship between tourists and residents becomes formalized. Residents and guests begin to take each other for granted, and there’s a need for greater stakeholder collaboration, foresight, and planning. According to the Irridex, which stage does it happen?( )

  2. A:Irritation B:Euphoria C:Antagonism D:Apathy
  3. which of the following is not one of the three fundamental components of sustainable development highlighted in the report?( )

  4. A:Poverty alleviation B:Environmental protection C:Economic growth D:Social equity
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Economic growth。根据报告中的内容,可持续发展的三个基本组成部分是:减贫、环境保护和社会公平。经济增长虽然也是可持续发展的重要组成部分,但它并不是报告中强调的三个基本组成部分之一。因此,正确答案是C。'
  5. ( )prefer all decisions to be made for you, and travel should provide comforts familiar to you.

  6. A:The organized Mass Tourist B:The drifter C:The explorer D:The individual mass tourist
    AI参考:答案为B:The drifter。原文中提到“不喜欢所有决定都由别人做出,旅行应该提供让你感到熟悉和舒适的设施”,这句话暗示了一个漫无目的的旅行者,也就是漂泊者。漂泊者通常是独自旅行的人,他们不需要预先计划好的行程,也不需要太多人陪伴,只希望能够享受到自由和无拘无束的旅行。其他选项与这句话的含义不符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  7. The local communities access to productive resources in an area now target by ecotourism,and it belongs to( ).

  8. A:political empowerment B:economic empowerment C:Social empowerment D:psychological empowerment
  9. From the theory raised by Bourdieu, he suggests that there are three states of cultural capital, which specifically are embodied state, objectified state and institutionalized state. Which of these states is the final state of cultural capital?( )

  10. A:Embodied state B:Institutionalized state C:Objectified state
  11. In( ), we would like to learn the impacts and function of tourism activities to the environment, government management and marketing.

  12. A:Zhangjiajie observatory B:Xidi &Hongcun observatory C:Yangshuo observatory D:Huangshan secnic area
    答案:√AI参考:正确答案是D:Huangshan secnic area(黄山风景区)。在黄山市,我们想了解旅游业活动对环境、政府管理和市场营销的影响和功能。选项D是黄山风景区,符合题意。选项A是张家界天文台,选项B是西递宏村天文台,选项C是阳朔天文台,这些地方都不是旅游目的地,因此不符合题意。因此,正确答案是D。'
  13. For the tourism industry, which one of the following is not in line with the principles for sustainable?( )

  14. A:Using resource immoderately B:Supporting local economies C:Reducing over-consumption and waste D:Undertaking research
    答案:对AI参考:正确答案是A:Using resource immoderately(过度使用资源)。旅游业的可持续发展原则包括支持当地经济、减少过度消费和浪费、进行科学研究等,而选项A中的过度使用资源与可持续发展原则不符。因此,答案为A。'
  15. China joined the UNWTO in( ),and now is playing a key part in the organization and of course in the world tourism industry.

  16. A:1993 B:1983 C:1969 D:1975

  17. The nine core issue areas relating to the three dimensions of sustainable tourism development :( ).

  18. A:social B:economic C:envoironmental. D:cultural

  19. In economic terms, developing more sustainable forms of tourism will include ( ).

  20. A:reducing leakages from the local economy B:making sure that the tourist pays a fair price for their holiday experience. C:protecting larger externally owned enterprises D:maximizing tourism economic benefits
  21. For the tourism industry, which of the following are sustainable development principles?( )

  22. A:Developing tourism resources comprehensively B:Consulting stakeholders and the public C:Involving local communities D:Maintaining biodiversity
    AI参考:对于旅游业来说,以下哪些是可持续发展的原则?( ):A: 综合开发旅游资源 B: 咨询利益相关者和公众 C: 涉及当地社区 D: 维护生物多样性答案是:ABCD。这些都是可持续发展的原则,因为它们都涉及到旅游业的可持续发展,包括综合开发旅游资源、咨询利益相关者和公众、涉及当地社区以及维护生物多样性等方面。'
  23. Previous research in the country has found that after being awarded UNESCO heritage status, local communities are often ignored in the establishment of the heritage site, who take the leading roles?( )

  24. A:Tourism operators B:Community residents C:Political officials D:Management companies

  25. Which of the following statements is true about the development model of project of Azheke?( )

  26. A:Benefit-share regulation and mechanism B:Run and mangaged by the goverment C:Organization and governance D:Benefit goes to the whole community

  27. What factors influence gender equality in tourism?( )

  28. A:Economic resources B:Gender equality consciousness C:Time consciousness D:Social status

  29. Community developers may include ( ), they can be either funded by the state or by independent organizations.

  30. A:non-governmental organizations B:governmental organizations C:public authorities D:volunteer individual E:social workers
    AI参考:正确答案是 A, non-governmental organizations 。社区开发者可以包括非政府组织,它们可以是国家资助或独立组织资助的。其他选项中,governmental organizations(政府组织)、public authorities(公共当局)、volunteer individual(志愿者个人)和social workers(社会工作者)与社区开发者这一职位描述不符。因此,只有A选项非政府组织符合要求。'
  31. Which of the following groups belong to the voluntary sectors?( )

  32. A:Public Pressure Groups B:Prefessional Bodies C:Voluntary trusts citizens D:Industry Pressure Groups
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Prefessional Bodies】。根据问题中的选项,需要选择属于自愿部门的群体。选项A中的“公共压力团体”可能属于政治或社会团体,选项C中的“公民自愿信托”可能指的是某种慈善机构或志愿者组织,选项D中的“工业压力团体”则可能涉及到劳工权益或工业政策等话题。而选项B中的“专业团体”则更符合自愿部门的定义,因为它指的是一些专业领域的协会、组织或机构,这些组织通常是由行业内的人员自愿组成的,旨在促进行业发展、维护成员权益等。因此,选项B是唯一符合题意的选项。'
  33. With the growth of multi-national enterprises, the host economy may be concerned about ( ).

  34. A:price obtained for host economy tourism products B:controlling over the structure and development of the tourism industry C:local and demonstration effects D:destination and input payment
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:controlling over the structure and development of the tourism industry。多国企业增长,东道国可能会关注对旅游业的产业结构和发展的控制。这体现了东道国对于旅游业发展的战略考虑,而非仅仅关注价格、本地示范效应或目的地和投入支付等问题。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  35. Take Xinhua village for illustrating in details, what impact does the specialized market introduced by tourism have on the rural social structure?( )

  36. A:Loose the market system from administrative system B:Formulates new market system C:Break down binary structure: central-urban vs. periphery-rural D:Give born to basic level market community
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Give born to basic level market community。根据题干中的描述,旅游专业市场对农村社会结构的影响,其中提到Xinhua村进行了详细的介绍,因此选项D中的“给出生存的基本层次市场社区”是最符合题意的答案。其他选项A、B、C都没有正确地描述旅游专业市场对农村社会结构的影响。因此,正确答案是D。'
  37. Sustainale principles in tourism are include using resource sustainably, supporting local economies, maintaining biodiversity, integrating tourism into planning and so on.( )

  38. A:错 B:对

  39. While tourism can help preserve cultures, it can also water them down via commercialization approaches. And It destroys a truly authentic travel experience can produce.( )

  40. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。 原文中提到旅游业可以通过商业化方式削弱文化,破坏真正真实的旅行体验,因此可以判断该题为对题。"
  41. The cultural and political rights of indigenous peoples have been increasingly recognized both legally and in the public consciousness.( )

  42. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 根据题目描述,土著人民的文化和政治权利在法律上和公众意识中得到了越来越多的认可,因此选项B“对”是正确的。选项A“错”与题目描述不符。"
  43. The first generation and the new generation of the rural labor force have the same motivations for migration.( )

  44. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B:对。 根据题目中的信息,第一代和新一代农村劳动力有相同的迁移动机。因此,可以得出结论,答案是B,即对。题目没有要求分析,只需要给出正确的选项。"
  45. Sustainable tourism should also ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders that are fairly distributed, including stable employment and income-earning opportunities and social services to host communities, and contributing to poverty alleviation.( )

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. Practice (1993) suggests that with community involvement in tourism planning,’ there is guarantee that differences in opinions can be resolved without dissension between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.( )

  48. A:错 B:对

  49. It is widely suggested that, local communities perceive the cost of tourism outweigh the benefits, then they will withdraw their support for tourism, so that threatening the future success and development of tourism.( )

  50. A:对 B:错

  51. Public Sector refers to those bodies which are intended to represent the whole community and public interest, and which are supposed to act on behalf of the total population. And they are commercial organizations trying to make profit.( )

  52. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。 根据题目中的描述,公共部门是指那些代表整个社区和公共利益,并代表全体人口行事的机构,而它们应该是非商业组织,而不是商业组织。因此,题目中的描述是错误的,商业组织不应该被认为是公共部门。因此,答案是A:“对”。"
  53. In many cases, however, the development of tourism may only serve to highlight existing inequalities and differences in the community.( )

  54. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 句子中提到,在很多情况下,旅游业的发展可能只会导致社区中现有的不平等和差异更加突出。因此,答案为B:对。"
  55. Entrepreneurs are instruments for transforming and improving the economy and society. Following this definition, entrepreneurs can thrive in the most state intervention.(Clapham 1985)( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. In September 2016, heads of states and government and high representatives took a bold and transformative step to adopt the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, with the aim to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.( )

  58. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据问题中的信息,国家元首和政府首脑以及高级代表在2016年9月采取了大胆和变革性的步骤,通过了2030年可持续发展议程,旨在将世界带入可持续和有弹性的道路。因此,答案是B,即正确选项。"
  59. As one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world, tourism is well-positioned to foster economic growth and development at all levels and provide income through job creation.( )

  60. A:对 B:错
  61. There are a lot of relative issues in social and cultural impacts of tourism on community, such as host-guest relationship, the demonstration effect, relative deprivation, negative social consequence such as sex tourism, drug and violence issues.( )

  62. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 原文中提到旅游对社区的社会和文化影响存在许多相关问题,如主人与客人之间的关系、示范效应、相对剥夺、性旅游、毒品和暴力等负面社会后果等问题,但并没有明确表示所有问题都是正确的或错误的,因此这句话本身不能作为判断题。因此,答案是B,即“错”。"
  63. Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and an important source of foreign exchange and employment, while being closely linked to the social, economic, and environmental well-being of many countries, especially developing countries. ( )

  64. A:错 B:对

  65. Cost-benefit analysis can still a valuable tool in helping make decisions on tourism development project proposals. And it is easy to quantify social costs and benefits which arise from tourism developments.( )

  66. A:对 B:错

  67. In the rapid urbanization and industrialization, there is continuing migrating labor from rural area to urban area, and also returning mobile phenomenon.( )

  68. A:对 B:错
  69. China joined the UNWTO in 1983, and now is playing a key part in the organization and of course in the world tourism industry.( )

  70. A:对 B:错
  71. Community member not only financially benefit from their cultural performing, they are earning cultural confidence in the process, which strengthen their cultural identity, and make clearer boundary between their ethnicity with others.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。 根据题目中的描述,社区成员不仅从文化表演中获得经济利益,而且在过程中赢得了文化自信,这增强了他们的文化认同感,并使他们更加明确自己与他人的文化界限。因此,答案是B,即正确选项。"
  73. Sustainable tourism development, and its impact at community level, can be linked with national poverty reduction goals, those related to promoting entrepreneurship and small businesses, and empowering less favored groups, particularly youth and women.( )

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. New forms of tourism are required that consists of larger scaled cocentrated and high-density tourism development located in an organized by communitiesWhere it is hoped they will foster more meaningful interaction between tourists and local residents. (Brohman,1996)( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 原文中提到需要新的旅游形式,这些形式需要更大规模、更集中的高密度旅游开发,并希望这些开发能够促进游客和当地居民之间的更有意义的互动。但是,题目中表达的结论是正确的,因此答案为B,即“错”。可能存在其他误解或误解的表达方式。"
  77. Lash and Urry argue from a postmodernist perspective, the place-based notion of community has actually re-emerges as a vehicle for rooting individuals and societies in a climate of economic restructuring and growing social, cultural and political uncertainty.( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据问题中的描述,Lash和Urry从后现代主义的视角出发,地方为基础的社区概念实际上重新出现,成为将个人和社会根植于经济结构调整以及日益增长的社会、文化和政治不确定性的气候的工具。这个描述与题目中的判断题选项“对”相反,因此答案是B:错。"
  79. Tourism is a powerful tool for community development and reducing inequalities when it engages local populations and all key stakeholders in its development.( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. Community development is an academic discipline that is aimed at promoting participative democracy, stable development, human rights, equal opportunities, and social justice, through the organizing, educating and empowering people within the communities.( )

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. The world “community” implies a common interest, possession or enjoyment. As a result, the interests of those living in local community always coincide.( )

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. Empowerment concepts arises as an effort to give local community or marginal people to quit from voicelessness and powerlessness condition.( )

  86. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 题目中提到赋权概念是为了让当地社区或边缘人群摆脱无声无权力的状态,因此选项B“对”是正确的。"
  87. In Chinese rural context, there are two categories for describing community elite: Being influential in public affairs and have resources.( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. The four sustainable tourism planning approaches are labeled as tourism imperative, product-led, environment-led, and neotenous tourism.( )

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. In 1973, the term “backpacker” began to be used by the tourism industry, marked by the opening of an Australian hostel that was named “Backpacker Inn”.( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。 根据题目中的描述,1973年旅游行业开始使用“背包客”这个词,这通常指的是独自旅行或结伴旅行的人,他们通常背着一个背包,进行长途旅行。而题目中的描述也提到了一个名为“Backpacker Inn”的澳大利亚旅馆的开业,因此可以推断出这个旅馆的名字就是“背包客旅馆”,进一步证明了这个词汇的出现是和旅游业相关的。因此,答案为B.对。"
  93. Tourism is a product that does not totally rely on simultaneous production and consumption.( )

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. Three sets of issues are highlighted, these being the scope of the participation by the community, the intensity of their participation, and the degree to which consensus emerge among community participants.( )

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B。原文中提到Three sets of issues are highlighted,即强调了三组问题,即社区参与的范围、参与的强度以及社区参与者之间达成共识的程度。因此,选项B“对”是正确的答案。而选项A“错”则与原文意思不符。"

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