

  1. What is the meaning of “blind” in “The Blind Man”? ( )

  2. A:All of the above. B:Being metaphorically and intellectually blind. C:The loss of direction of individuals in the society. D:Being physically blind.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Being metaphorically and intellectually blind. 根据上下文可以得知,“The Blind Man”是一篇诗歌,作者在诗中使用了“blind”这个词语,表示指精神上的盲目的、无知的。因此,正确答案是B:指在精神上和知识上都是盲目的。其他选项都与诗歌中的“blind”意思不符。'
  3. Which of the following do we know about the narrator of “The Fall of the House of Usher”? ( )

  4. A:Age. B:Gender. C:Where he is travelling from. D:Physical features.
  5. What does Daisy not symbolize in the novel The Great Gatsby? ( )

  6. A:American Dream for Gatsby. B:Innocent existence in a chaotic society. C:Aristocratic nobility. D:Shallow consumerism.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Innocent existence in a chaotic society.。在小说《了不起的盖茨比》中,Daisy象征着混乱社会中的无辜存在,而其他选项中A、C、D均与Daisy有某种关联,但都不是小说中Daisy所代表的含义。因此,答案是B。'
  7. Which of the following is not an implied meaning of the quotation “Then the beautiful eyes of the fair women open and look love, and the voluptuous mouth present to a kiss - and man is weak.”? ( )

  8. A:Men are sexually impotent. B:It is an expression of male anxieties. C:A woman will have her own sexual appetite. D:Males in Victorian society were frightened of the evolution of the women.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Men are sexually impotent。原文中描述男人因为女性眼神的美丽、嘴的诱惑而变得脆弱,根据这种表述方式可以推测出选项B、C和D的正确性,即男性对于女性的吸引力感到不安,同时女性的欲望可能会与男性竞争。但是A选项描述男性在性方面很虚弱,与原文描述不符,因此A选项是正确答案。解释:原文中并没有明确指出男性在性方面有任何问题或障碍,只是通过描述女性的美丽和诱惑来表达男性对女性的吸引力感到脆弱。因此,选项A是最不恰当的答案。'
  9. What was the name of the poem sung by Roderick? ( )

  10. A:None of these. B:The Fall of the House of Usher. C:The Haunted Palace. D:The Mad Trist.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The Haunted Palace。根据题目中的描述,罗德里克所唱的诗的名字是“The Haunted Palace”,因此选项C是正确答案。其他选项与题目描述不符。'
  11. What is Basil Hallward’s occupation? ( )

  12. A:Painter. B:Sculptor. C:Chef. D:Writer.
    AI参考:正确答案是A: Painter。在原文中,Basil Hallward被描述为一位画家,因此他的职业是画家。其他选项中,Sculptor是雕塑家,Chef是厨师,D选项中的Writer则是作家,但这些选项都与原文不符。因此,正确答案是A。'
  13. Which of the following can be the Gothic elements in the story? ( )

  14. A:Gloomy weather. B:Death and family curse. C:Haunted house. D:All of the above.
    答案:The Lady of the Lake
  15. Bram Stoker creates the supernatural atmosphere in Dracula using all the following elements except( ).

  16. A:Dracula having no reflection and shadow B:Dracula being a vampire that can take the form of air and slip under doors C:the existence of werewolf D:blood sucking rituals
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Dracula having no reflection and shadow】。在吸血鬼传说中,吸血鬼通常会在镜子和阴影中消失,这是因为他们与生俱来的特质。而选项B、C、D都提到了吸血鬼的超自然特性和吸血鬼仪式,这些都是Bram Stoker在《德古拉》中用来营造超自然氛围的元素。然而选项A提到了吸血鬼没有反射和阴影,这在吸血鬼传说中并没有得到普遍认可,因此不属于Bram Stoker在《德古拉》中创造超自然氛围的元素。'
  17. Which of the following is not an in-depth interpretation of “mentally blind” in “The Blind Man”? ( )

  18. A:All of the above. B:There are some problems in the characters’ communication and mutual understanding. C:Maurice suffers from poor eyesight. D:People lose direction in society.
    答案:There are a few boys swimming in the stream._There are a few boys who are swimming in the stream.
  19. Which one of the following works was not written by Joseph Conrad? ( )

  20. A:“An Outpost of Progress”. B:Almayer’s Folly. C:Heart of Darkness. D:Animal Farm.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  21. Which of the following comments might Lawrence not agree with? ( )

  22. A:People give too much importance to their natural physical beauty. B:The body and the life of the body are more important than the life of the intellect. C:The intellectual life is vastly superior to the emotional life. D:People put too much emphasis on the visual sense.
    AI参考:根据题目中给出的选项,我们可以看到选项A是劳伦斯可能不同意的话,因为这句话表明人们过于重视自然的外貌之美。选项B和D只是提到身体和视觉的重要性,而选项C则是认为精神生活优于情感生活,这三个选项在表述上与题目中给出的四个选项的意思大致相符。然而,选项B的表述明显是受到宗教影响的人士对身体健康、健康与智慧关系等方面的理解,而这些与现代观点可能会有出入。所以选项A可能会不被劳伦斯认同。因此,正确答案是选项A:People give too much importance to their natural physical beauty.。'
  23. Who said the following sentence in Dracula: “We women have something of the mother in us that makes us rise above the smaller matters when the mother-spirit is invoked.”? ( )

  24. A:Lucy Westenra. B:A peasant woman that lives on Count Dracula’s estate. C:Mina Murray. D:Mrs. Westenra.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Mrs. Westenra。在《德拉库拉》中,这句话是由德拉库拉的妻子Mrs. Westenra说的。这句话的意思是“我们女人身上有一种母性特质,当我们被母亲精神召唤时,我们会超越小事情”。因此,答案为D。'
  25. Which of the following statements is correct about “Two Gallants”? ( )

  26. A:All of the above B:Its plot is less complete than “A Painful Case” C:It describes the paralysis of Dubliners D:It is a story about two young men in Dublin.
    AI参考:D. "Two Gallants" is a story about two young men in Dublin.选项A表示以上都正确,但根据题目描述,需要选择一个正确的陈述,所以A不正确。选项B表示其情节不如"A Painful Case"完整,但题目没有给出这两部作品之间的比较,所以B也不正确。选项C表示它描述了都柏林人的瘫痪,但题目中并未提及,所以C也不正确。唯一正确的陈述是D,它说明"Two Gallants"是一个关于都柏林两个年轻人的故事。'
  27. The complexity of the language in Heart of Darkness poses many problems to foreign speakers of English. Which one of the following is the most plausible explanation? ( )

  28. A:As a non-native speaker, Joseph Conrad’s poor grasp of English creates ambiguity. B:Conrad intentionally makes his language complicated in order to confuse the reader and make his work obscure. C:The complex language in the novel is used to display the narrator’s status and personality. D:Language as a barrier created by Conrad leads the reader to understand the difficulty and complexity the author is trying to convey in the novel.
  29. If we consider the scope of The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness, they can be classified as( ).

  30. A:novellas B:short stories C:novels D:epics
  31. According to the lecture, who is Elizabeth’s ultimate master in “Odour of Chrysanthemums”? ( )

  32. A:Her husband. B:Death. C:Herself. D:Life.

  33. Who sings “I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls”? ( )

  34. A:Kathleen Kearney. B:Susan Boyle. C:Maria. D:The narrator of “Araby”.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The narrator of “Araby”。该诗是由作者作为故事中的叙述者(narrator)所唱的,故选D。其他选项中的歌手都没有在诗歌中唱过这首歌。'
  35. Who is the “tall old man, clean shaven, save for a long white mustache and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of color about him anywhere?” ( )

  36. A:Count Dracula. B:R.M. Renfield. C:Dr. John Seward. D:Dr. Abraham Van Helsing.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Dr. Abraham Van Helsing。题目描述的是一个穿着黑衣,留着白胡子的老人,从头到脚一身黑,没有任何色彩。这种形象通常与吸血鬼形象相关,所以最有可能的是Dracula的医生Abraham Van Helsing。因此,答案为D。'
  37. The two protagonists, Gatsby in The Great Gatsby and Kurtz in Heart of Darknes, share the following features except( ).

  38. A:both of them are alone and isolated from the world B:they both have a lust for wealth C:they are heroic D:they both died tragically in the end
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:they are heroic。在《了不起的盖茨比》中的主角盖茨比和《黑暗之心》中的主角科茨,两者都是孤独的,都渴望财富,结局都是悲剧性的死亡,只有C选项不是他们共同的特点,因此选C。其他选项分析:A选项:两者都是孤独的,与世界隔离。B选项:两者都渴望财富。D选项:两者在故事结束时都以悲剧性的方式死去。综上所述,根据文章内容和题目描述,选项C是不符合这两个主人公的共同特点的,因此正确答案为C。'
  39. Which of the following is not one of the major themes of Lawrence’s work? ( )

  40. A:The spirit of place. B:The Oedipus complex and the death of the father. C:Promiscuity and pornography. D:The dehumanization of human beings caused by industrialization and modernity.

  41. Which of the following statements about the narrator Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby is incorrect? ( )

  42. A:He is Gatsby’s neighbour in West Egg. B:At the beginning of the story, his father told him not to criticize people. C:He is a peripheral narrator who observes the protagonist closely. D:He is Tom Buchanan’s cousin.
  43. Why does Lawrence urge us to be spontaneous? ( )

  44. A:Because society is too dark and there are too few good people. B:Because Lawrence is full of expectations and fantasies about society. C:Because what we have lost in modern civilization is the capacity to be spontaneous. D:Because people don’t have spontaneous good habits.
    AI参考:正确答案是C: Because what we have lost in modern civilization is the capacity to be spontaneous.劳伦斯敦促我们自发的原因是因为在现代文明中我们失去了自发的能力。选项C准确地表达了这个观点,而其他选项都没有准确地回答问题。选项A和D都与问题无关,选项B则过于主观和片面。'
  45. Which of the following best describes the characters in Dubliners? ( )

  46. A:They are alcoholics and story-tellers. B:They are hypocrites, deceivers, betrayers, drunkards and violent brutes. C:Some characters are bad and some are good. D:They are tender and sensitive.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Some characters are bad and some are good.在《都柏林人》中,人物性格各异,有好的一面也有坏的一面,没有单一的描述。选项A和B的描述过于负面,而选项D则过于理想化,与实际情况不符。因此,选项C“有些人物是坏的,有些人物是好的”是最准确的描述。'
  47. When the dead body of Billy was poured into the sea, the crowds were astonished by( )?

  48. A:thunderstorm weather B:Claggart’s words C:surrounding doves D:Captain Vere’s suicide
    AI参考:答案为D:Captain Vere’s suicide(弗雷泽的自杀)。当比利利的尸体被倒入大海时,人群被队长弗雷泽的自杀所震惊。根据上下文可以推断出,这里是在描述现场的情景,而选项D中的“Captain Vere’s suicide”与上下文中的描述相符,因此是正确答案。选项A的“thunderstorm weather”(雷暴雨天气)与上下文无关;选项B的“Claggart’s words”(克拉格尔的话)虽然可能引起人们的注意,但不足以让人们感到震惊;选项C的“surrounding doves”(周围的鸽子)同样与上下文无关。因此,正确答案是D。'
  49. Which of the following is a feature of “The Fall of the House of Usher”? ( )

  50. A:Fantasy. B:Dreary landscape. C:Gloomy atmosphere. D:All of the above.

  51. Who said the following sentence: “When the nurse told me I had a girl, I turned my head away and wept. ‘All right,’ I said ‘I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool — that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”? ( )

  52. A:Jay Gatsby. B:Myrtle Wilson. C:Daisy Buchanan. D:Jordan Baker.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Myrtle Wilson.。这是《了不起的盖茨比》中的一个句子,说的是“护士告诉我我是个女孩,我扭过头去哭了起来,我说‘好吧,我很高兴是个女孩。我希望她是个傻瓜——这是世界上女孩能成为最好的东西,一个美丽的小傻瓜。”这个句子是Myrtle Wilson说的。因此,答案是B。'
  53. Which of the following is not a criticism of Joyce’s works? ( )

  54. A:Joyce’s works weren’t popular at his time in Dublin. B:Joyce can be prone to stereotyping. C:Joyce targets the Irish as his scathing portrayals of human beings. D:His works regard the Anglo-Saxon world as the centre of the universe.
    AI参考:正确答案是B: Joyce can be prone to stereotyping. 这并不是对乔伊斯作品的批评。根据上下文语境和选项内容可知,四个选项都涉及到乔伊斯的著作,A项批评乔伊斯的作品在都柏林当时并不受欢迎,C项批评乔伊斯作品中充满了对人类的抨击描写,D项批评乔伊斯的作品认为盎格鲁-撒克逊世界是宇宙的中心,这均是对于乔伊斯作品的批判,B项说的是乔伊斯有时倾向于陈规定型描写人物,这种写法有过于简单的描述人物的缺点,因此不被认为是批判,而是优点之一,不是答案。故选B。'
  55. What is the attitude of Joseph Conrad toward human’s greed and cruelty? ( )

  56. A:Critical. B:Indifferent. C:Neutral. D:Supportive.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Indifferent. 。约瑟夫·康拉德对人类的贪婪和残忍的态度是漠不关心的。他没有对这种行为进行批评或支持,只是简单地描述了它们。因此,答案为B。'
  57. The girl who Corley meets wears clothing that symbolizes ( )

  58. A:Her desire to escape from Dublin. B:Her failure to make a fine match. C:Her socio-economic class and her character. D:Her happiness and excitement about the date.
  59. Where do the old moneyed people live in The Great Gatsby? ( )

  60. A:Southeast Egg. B:East Egg. C:The valley of ashes. D:West Egg.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:West Egg.。在《了不起的盖茨比》中,老富人住在西卵(West Egg),所以答案是D。'
  61. The artistic idea of “art for art’s sake” sometimes means the sacrifice of life for art or art is more important than life and reality. Which of the following reflects this idea? ( )

  62. A:Des Esseintes, in K. Huysmans’ famous novel À Rebours, refuses to go to London even though he has the ticket, because he considers his imagination about London as more essential rather than the actual experience he would get if he went there. B:The Fisherman in Oscar Wilde’s short story “The Fisherman and His Soul” falls in love with the Little Mermaid because of her beauty. C:Dorian remains young and beautiful even though he does lots of evil things after he makes the deal with the devil. D:The sacrifice of Sibyl: When she falls in love with Dorian she loses the capacity to act, and then she fails to attract Dorian any longer.  
    AI参考:通过对选项的分析,可以看出A选项和原文表述的“艺术至上”思想相符合。在A选项中,主人公因为想象中对于伦敦的设想更为重要,所以选择不去伦敦,这体现了对于艺术高于生活的态度。其他选项B、C、D并没有直接体现牺牲生命或生活现实来追求艺术,或者艺术高于生活的情况。因此,正确答案是A:Des Esseintes, in K. Huysmans’ famous novel À Rebours, refuses to go to London even though he has the ticket, because he considers his imagination about London as more essential rather than the actual experience he would get if he went there.(D.H. Lawrence在他的著名小说《远离尘嚣》中的德斯·艾辛斯)尽管他手里有去伦敦的票,但他宁愿不去,因为他认为自己对伦敦的想象比如果去了可能会得到的实际体验更为重要。)'
  63. Which statement about Lawrence’s writing is correct? ( )

  64. A:He was one of the most prolific writers in the English language. B:His works were initially unpopular and suppressed. C:He rarely wrote because he was suppressed. D:He didn’t revise his works.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:He was one of the most prolific writers in the English language.】根据文章内容可知,Lawrence是一位多产的作家,选项A表达了这一点。而选项B、C、D都与文章内容不符。选项B说他的一些作品最初不受欢迎并被压制,但文章中并没有提到这一点;选项C说他很少写作是因为被压制,但文章中也没有提到这一点;选项D说他没有修订他的作品,但这也不是文章中提到的内容。因此,选项A是正确的陈述。'
  65. Which of the following is the characteristic of Edgar Allen Poe’s writings? ( )

  66. A:His writings are full of imagination. B:His writings are realistic. C:There are many Gothic features in his writings. D:There are usually characters with unstable duality in his writings.

  67. Which of the following is a similarity between Heart of Darkness and The Great Gatsby? ( )

  68. A:Satire of colonialism. B:Disillusionment of American Dream. C:Use of American prosperous economy as background. D:Use of the third person view as a narrative method.
    AI参考:【答案】B.Disillusionment of American Dream.《黑暗之心》和《了不起的盖茨比》之间的相似之处是它们都表达了对美国梦的幻灭感。这两部作品都反映了当时的社会背景和人们对于物质财富的追求,但最终都未能实现自己的梦想,从而产生了对美国梦的失望和幻灭感。其他选项中,A选项是对殖民主义的讽刺,C选项是利用美国繁荣的经济作为背景,D选项是采用第三人称叙述方法,这些都是两部作品的不同特点,不是它们的相似之处。因此,正确答案是B。'
  69. Which statement about Lawrence’s poems is correct? ( )

  70. A:In his later poems he mainly expresses his views on death and rebirth. B:Most of his early poems are autobiographical. C:He expresses his love for birds, animals and flowers in vivid language. D:He always expresses his love for life and expectations for society in his poems.
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:He always expresses his love for life and expectations for society in his poems.。根据文中的信息,可以得出答案D正确,即他的诗中总是表达了他对生命的热爱和对社会的期望。文中没有提到他表达对死亡和重生、自传性的诗歌或者用生动的语言表达对鸟、动物和花卉的喜爱。'
  71. What are the similarities between the protagonists in “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and Billy Budd? ( )

  72. A:Distinctive personality. B:Tragic ending. C:Lack of self-awareness. D:Inarticulateness.

  73. Which of the following is a symbol used by Conrad in Heart of Darkness? ( )

  74. A:Congo River. B:Darkness. C:Heart. D:Ivory.

  75. What’s the historical background of Heart of darkness? ( )

  76. A:Age of colonization and imperialism. B:Victorian Era. C:Age of Discovery. D:Conrad’s experiences.

  77. Which of the following is written by Edgar Allen Poe? ( )

  78. A:“Annabel Lee”. B:“The Pit and the Pendulum”. C:“The Murders in the Rue Morgue”. D:“The Raven”.
    AI参考:正确选项是【ABD】这些选项都是Edgar Allen Poe所写的短篇小说。A选项“Annabel Lee”是他的一首著名的诗,讲述了一个对已故妻子的怀念。B选项“The Pit and the Pendulum”是他的一部恐怖小说,描述了一个恶魔的传说。D选项“The Raven”是他的一首著名诗作,描述了一只乌鸦的哀鸣和诗人的孤独。C选项“The Murders in the Rue Morgue”虽然也是一部小说,但它是由Edgar Allen Poe与他的朋友共同创作的。因此,正确选项为“Annabel Lee”,“The Pit and the Pendulum”,“The Raven”。'
  79. Which of the following statements about the narrators in Heart of Darkness is correct? ( )

  80. A:Marlow, one of the narrators, begins his life with a very starry vision of the earth conquest but only ends up in acknowledging the atrocity of what has been done. B:There is a tension set up between them and it works itself out through Marlow’s story of horror until we reach the very final destination. C:Marlow, one of the narrators, changes in the story. D:There are two narrators, one being anonymous and the other being Marlow himself.

  81. The narrator in the story is Roderick Usher’s closest friend, so he has no hesitation or question about Usher’s invitation when he receives the letter. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对

  83. Oscar Wilde is a poet, a dramatist and a short story writer. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:Oscar Wilde is a poet, a dramatist and a short story writer.这句话的意思是:奥斯卡·王尔德是一位诗人、剧作家和短篇故事作家。因此,答案是A:对。"
  85. Roderick’s painting presents “an immensely long and rectangular vault or tunnel”, which is a sign of coffin. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B 推理过程:根据题目描述,Roderick的画中呈现的是一个“非常长且矩形的拱顶或隧道”,这明显是一个坟墓的标志。因此,这个选项是错误的。"
  87. The falling of the main character symbolizes the falling of the whole family in James Joyce’s writing. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对

  89. Joseph Conrad used satire to criticize inhumanity of the white colonists in Heart of Darkness. ( )

  90. A:对 B:错

  91. “The Fall of the House of the Usher” can be seen as a journey to the author’s psyche, which reveals his mental obsessions. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. The narrator knows his friend Roderick very well. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. Lord Henry is in favor of the marriage between Dorian and Sibyl Vane. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 根据题目中的描述,Lord Henry支持Dorian和Sibyl Vane之间的婚姻,所以答案是B,即正确选项。A选项“错”是不正确的答案。"
  97. Nick is the only character who remains sober throughout the book. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. For years, the lifestyle of Dorian has been greatly affected by the book Lord Henry recommended to him. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 句子中明确提到“多年以来,多里安的生活方式深受亨利勋爵推荐给他的那本书的影响”,因此可以判断该句是正确的。"
  101. Edgar Allen Poe loved his wife but she died at a young age. This is why there are many ghost-like figures of young and beautiful women in his literary works. ( )

  102. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 题干中提到Edgar Allen Poe爱他的妻子,但是她在他年轻的时候去世了,因此他文学作品中有很多年轻漂亮的女性的幽灵形象。根据这个描述,可以判断答案为B,即“对”。A选项“错”与题干中的描述不符。"
  103. Billy’s last words before his death, “God bless Captain Vere”, seem like a kind of mockery of the fact that Captain Vere died in a naval battle a little later. ( )

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:Billys last words before his death, God bless Captain Vere, seem like a kind of mockery of the fact that Captain Vere died in a naval battle a little later.这句话表明Billy在死前的最后一句话是“上帝保佑弗莱彻船长”,这似乎是对弗莱彻船长稍后在一场海军战斗中去世这一事实的一种讽刺。因此,答案是B:对。"
  105. Roderick Usher is so hypersensitive that he cannot bear any food, light, smell or sound, including the sounds of instruments. ( )

  106. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B 推理过程:根据题干中给出的描述,Roderick Usher非常敏感,无法忍受任何食物、光线、气味或声音,包括乐器发出的声音。因此,选项B“错”是正确的答案。选项A“对”与题干描述不符。"
  107. Using the third person view in the narration of Heart of Darkness makes the story more convincing. ( )

  108. A:对 B:错
  109. The reader has no clear idea of the identity of Bartleby. ( )

  110. A:对 B:错
  111. Edgar Allen Poe is famous for writing novels. ( )

  112. A:对 B:错

  113. The house itself symbolizes the grave for the Usher family. ( )

  114. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题干描述,房子本身象征着Usher家族的坟墓,这是一个消极的象征意义,因此判断该句是错误的。"
  115. The first and last paragraphs of “The Fall of the House of Usher” are mirror images of each other, creating symmetry. ( )

  116. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据问题描述,首段和尾段形成对称,因此选项B“对”是正确的。而选项A“错”则不符合题意。"
  117. James Joyce finished Dubliners in a period of political turmoil in England. ( )

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. Madeline is place in a coffin after her death. ( )

  120. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据常识和题目描述,Madeline死后不应该被放置在棺材里。因此,该题是错误的。"

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