1. A NAND gate can be considered as an AND gate followed by a NOT gate.

  2. 答案:对
  3. Aliasing is a desired factor in sampling.

  4. 答案:错
  5. Two cascaded decade counters divide the clock frequency by 10.

  6. 答案:错
  7. MIPS stands for memory instructions per second.

  8. 答案:错
  9. Delta modulation is based on the difference of two successive samples.

  10. 答案:对
  11. To achieve a modulus of 100, ten decade counters are required.

  12. 答案:错
  13. A serial shift register accepts one bit at a time on a single line.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Two types of SPLDs are

  16. 答案:PAL and GAL
  17. If the present state is 1000, the next state of a 4-bit up/down counter in the DOWN mode is 0111.

  18. 答案:对
  19. A 5-bit binary counter has a maximum modulus of

  20. 答案:32
  21. A counter with four stages has a maximum modulus of sixteen.

  22. 答案:对
  23. Which one of the following is an example of a counter with a truncated modulus?
  24. The flip-flop used in a CPLD macrocell can be programmed as a
  25. A digital signal processing system usually operates in
  26. The maximum cumulative delay of an asynchronous counter must be
  27. A BCD counter is an example of
  28. In a computer, the BIOS programs are stored in the
  29. A register’s functions include
  30. Optical storage devices employ
  31. Aliasing results in
  32. A 3-bit binary counter has a maximum modulus of
  33. According to the sampling theorem, the sampling frequency should be
  34. An op-amp is a linear amplifier which has
  35. DSPs are typically programmed in
  36. The output of an exclusive-OR is 0 if the inputs are opposite.
  37. A ring counter uses one flip-flop for each state in its sequence.
  38. Once programmed, PLD logic can be changed.
  39. In Verilog HDL, ~(1010) is (0101), and !(1010) is 0.
  40. Address multiplexing can reduce the number of pins in the IC package.
  41. The process of converting an analog value to a code is called quantization.
  42. Fan-out is the number of similar gates that a given gate can drive.
  43. One of the major applications of SRAMs is in cache memories in computers.
  44. To achieve a maximum modulus of 32, sixteen stages are required.
  45. For transmission, data from a UART is sent in synchronous parallel form.
  46. A counter with a truncated sequence has less than its maximum number of states.
  47. A shift register cannot be used to store data.
  48. Logic simplification is still useful in nowadays FPGA designs.
  49. Successful approximation is an analog-to-digital conversion method.
  50. An addition overflows if the addends’ signs are the same but the sum’s sign is different from the addends’.
  51. A shift register with four stages can store a maximum count of fifteen.
  52. RAM is used in a computer to store the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System
  53. Shift registers consist of an arrangement of flip-flops.
  54. An ADC is an analog data component.
  55. An analog signal can be converted to a digital signal using sampling.
  56. The initial statement executes only once, starting from simulation time 0, and may continue with any operations that are delayed by a given number of time units.
  57. A shift register cannot be used as a time delay device.
  58. To enter a byte of data serially into an 8-bit shift register, there must be
  59. The overflow does NOT occur when adding the following 8-bit two’s complement number: 10111111+11011111
  60. Memory expansion is accomplished by adding an appropriate number of memory chips to the address, data, and control buses.
  61. With a 1 MHz clock frequency, eight bits can be parallel entered into a shift register
  62. With a 100 kHz clock frequency, eight bits can be serially entered into a shift register in
  63. The Johnson counter is a special type of shift register.
  64. The bit capacity of a memory that has 512 addresses and can store 8 bits at each address is
  65. Data are stored in a random-access memory (RAM) during the
  66. The output of a Mealy machine depends on its
  67. The initial count of a modulus-13 binary counter is
  68. SRAM, DRAM, flash, and EEPROM are all
  69. In a functional simulation, the user must specify the
  70. A 16-bit word consists of
  71. A digital voltmeter uses a
  72. A 4-bit ripple counter consists of flip-flops that each have a propagation delay from clock to Q output of 12 ns. For the counter to recycle from 1111 to 0000, it takes a total of
  73. The quantization process
  74. A byte-organized memory has
  75. The basic elements of an FPGA are
  76. Nonvolatile FPGAs are generally based on
  77. A memory with 512 addresses has
  78. The factor that determines the adequacy of a GAL for a logic design is
  79. A 10 MHz clock frequency is applied to a cascaded counter consisting of a modulus-5 counter, a modulus-8 counter, and two modulus-10 counters. The lowest output frequency possible is
  80. A modulus-12 counter must have
  81. The modulus of a counter is
  82. Generally, an analog signal can be reconstructed more accurately with
  83. A ROM is a
  84. Three cascaded modulus-10 counters have an overall modulus of
  85. The group of bits 10110101 is serially shifted (right-most bit first) into an 8-bit parallel output shift register with an initial state of 11100100. After two clock pulses, the register contains
  86. The (     ) of the A/D converter determines how close the actual digital output is to the theoretically expected digital output for a given analog input.
  87. A reconstruction filter (      ).
  88. A higher sampling rate is more accurate than a lower sampling rate for a given analog signal.
  89. If an anti-aliasing filter is not used in digitizing a signal the recovery process (     )
  90. Two types of DAC are the binary-weighted input and the R/2R ladder.
  91. An ADC is an analog data component
  92. The ( ) of ADC is determined by the number of bits it uses to digitize an input signal.
  93. The Integral Nonlinearity of an ADC defines the maximum deviation of the ADC transfer function from the best-fit line.
  94. An anti-aliasing filter should have (     )
  95. The number of comparators required in a 10-bit flash ADC is (     ).
  96. Memory expansion is accomplished by adding an appropriate number of memory chips to the address, data, and control buses.
  97. A 4-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register will store data for (     ).
  98. Static RAM is (     ).
  99. When data is read from RAM, the memory location is (     ).
  100. RAM is used in a computer to store the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System.
  101. The advantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is that (     ).
  102. The first step in a read or write operation for a random access memory is to (     ).
  103. A nonvolatile memory is one that (     )
  104. An advantage of a ring counter over a Johnson counter is that the ring counter (     ).
  105. Assume the clock for a 4-bit binary counter is 80 kHz. The output frequency of the fourth stage (Q3) is (     ).
  106. A possible sequence for a 4-bit ring counter is (     ).
  107. A 4-bit binary counter has a terminal count of (     ).
  108. The maximum modulus of a counter is , where n is the number of stages (flip-flops) in the counter.
  109. For transmission, data from a UART is sent in synchronous parallel form.
  110. For counters with unused states, it is necessary to ensure that the circuit eventually goes into one of the valid states so that it can resume normal operation.
  111. To cause a D flip-flop to toggle, connect the (     ).
  112. A divide‐by‐N-counter is a counter that goes through a repeated sequence of N states, and it is also known as a modulo‐N counter.
  113. The output of a D latch will not change if (     ).
  114. For the J-K flip-flop shown, the number of inputs that are asynchronous is (     ).
  115. In a Moore model, the outputs of the sequential circuit are not synchronized with the clock.
  116. The D flip-flop shown will ( ).
  117. The time interval illustrated is called (     ).
  118. Assume the output is initially HIGH on a leading edge triggered J-K flip flop. For the inputs shown, the output will go from HIGH to LOW on which clock pulse?
  119. The advantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is that (  ).
  120. The output of the Mealy machine is the value that is present immediately before the active edge of the clock.
  121. In Verilog HDL, an initial behavioral statement executes only once.
  122. An asynchronous reset signal will override the clock on a FF.
  123. The continuous assignmentassign OUT = select ? A : B;specifies the condition that OUT = ( ) if select = 1, else OUT = ( ) if select = 0.
  124. To expand a 2-bit parallel adder to a 4-bit parallel adder, you must (     ).
  125. The initial statement executes only once, starting from simulation time 0, and may continue with any operations that are delayed by a given number of time units.
  126. If an hex-to-binary priority encoder has its 0, 3, 6, and 14 inputs at the active level, the active-HIGH binary output is (     ).
  127. The 74138 decoder can also be used as (     ).
  128. Assume you want to decode the binary number 0011 with an active-LOW decoder. The missing gate should be (     ).
  129. Consider the initial block in the following:initialbeginA = 0; B = 0;#10 A = 1;#20 A = 0; B = 1;EndThen at t = 30, A is changed to (     ) and B to (     ).
  130. In Verilog HDL, the definitions of modules are allowed to be nested.
  131. The value z represents an unknown logic value in Verilog HDL.
  132. SOP standard form is useful for constructing truth tables or for implementing logic in PLDs.
  133. Adjacent cells on a Karnaugh map differ from each other by
  134. In synthesis, a netlist will be generated to describe the circuit completely.
  135. The Boolean equation AB + AC = A(B+ C) illustrates (     )
  136. The Boolean expression A + 1 is equal to (     ).
  137. The Boolean expression A . 1 is equal to (     ).
  138. The associative law for addition is normally written as (     )
  139. In FPGA design, the step that “maps” the design from the netlist to fit it to a target device is known as "programming".
  140. A Boolean expression that is in standard SOP form is (     )
  141. The fractional binary number 0.11 has a decimal value of (     )
  142. The overflow does NOT occur when adding the following 8-bit two’s complement number:10111111+11011111
  143. The overflow occurs when adding the following 8-bit two’s complement number: 01011101+00110001
  144. An example of an alphanumeric code is (     )
  145. In general, we need at most bits to express the product when multiplying an n-bit number by an m-bit number.
  146. An example of an unweighted code is (     )
  147. The number 1100 in BCD is (     )
  148. The 2’s complement of 1000 is (     )
  149. For the binary number 10000, the weight of the column with the 1 is (     )
  150. Two broad types of digital integrated circuits are fixed-function and programmble.
  151. A category of digital integrated circuits having functions that can be altered is known as fixed-function logic.
  152. A quantity has continuous value is (     )
  153. Compared to analog systems, digital systems (     )
  154. Data are information only in numeric.
  155. There is an “invalid” region between the input ranges for logic 0 and logic 1
  156. Verilog HDL is a (     )
  157. The number of values that can be assigned to a bit are (     )
  158. The nonrecurring engineering (NRE) cost for an ASIC design is normally low.
  159. The term bit means (     )
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