
Rock Strata Control Simulation Technology

  1. The similarity criterion can be determined by using π theorem through dimensional analysis.( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. In order to meet the need of studying inclined strata simulation experiment, the plane rotating model frame should be used.( )

  4. A:对 B:错
    答案:Ask for client’s input about the treatment planAI参考:判断题答案为:对。为了满足研究倾斜岩层模拟实验的需求,应使用平面旋转模型框架。因此,这个说法是正确的。'
  5. UDEC is well suited for studying potential failure modes that are directly related to discontinuous characteristics.( )

  6. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。UDEC(Unified Digital Engine)是一个用于模拟和测试电子系统的软件平台,它主要用于研究连续系统及其相关的问题,而不是直接与间断特性相关的潜在故障模式。因此,它并不适合用于研究与间断特性直接相关的潜在故障模式。'
  7. If the simulation is located in the deep underground space, the model height is not enough to simulate the full buried depth, so it needs to be loaded at the top of the model.( )

  8. A:对 B:错
    答案:3.Printing zoneAI参考:正确答案是B:错。如果模拟位于深地下空间,模型的高度不足以模拟完全埋藏深度,因此需要在模型顶部加载。所以选项B是错误的。'
  9. According to the third theorem of similitude, we can point out the rules that must be obeyed in doing model experiments.( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. For the actual geological structure, the joints are virtual and their existence should not affect the calculation results of the model.( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. If the simulated prototype is composed of multiple layers of rock, the strength index of the simulated rock should be calculated layer by layer.( )

  14. A:对 B:错
    答案:multimetersACpower;ACsupplyinductorsinterconnectionvoltagestest instrumentmeasureelectricityAI参考:答案:B:错。根据题目描述,如果模拟原型由多层的岩石组成,那么强度指标应该逐层计算。但实际上,对于模拟岩体的强度指标计算,通常需要考虑整个岩体的完整性、应力状态等因素,不能只按照层进行计算。因此,该说法是不正确的。所以,最终答案为B。'
  15. The measurement accuracy of the dial indicator method is not high, more time and manpower are needed when the multi-point measurement is arranged.( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. The mining process of the model in the test can be understood as the process of moving the powered support at the working face and the process of coal caving.( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. For deformed blocks, the maximum fillet length should not exceed 1% of the average edge length of the block.( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. A simple model can reveal some problems so that they can be amended before in-depth analysis.( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. Mica powder can increase the thermoconductivity of the materials.( )

  24. A:对 B:错
    答案:正确AI参考:Mica powder can increase the thermoconductivity of the materials.(对)解释:Mica粉末可以增加材料的热导率。这是因为Mica具有高导热性,可以有效地传递热量,从而增加材料的热导率。因此,这个判断题是正确的。'
  25. When the physical similarity model does not need to be laid to the surface, an external load is applied to the model to replace the dead weight of the upper strata.( )

  26. A:对 B:错
    答案:Obtain the physical and mechanical properties of rock are through experiments;Analysis of geological conditions, obtain the comprehensive histogram of coal and rock strata;Get a geological overview, identify the goals and problems of the simulationAI参考:答案是B:错。根据题目描述,当物理相似模型不需要被放置到表面时,需要向模型施加外部载荷来代替上层死重。这并不意味着模型本身不需要承受任何重量,因此选项B是错误的。'
  27. Numerical analysis methods mainly include analysis of certainty methods and analysis of uncertainty methods.( )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. Numerical simulation is carried out in computer software without the need for real simulation materials, so there is no need to determine density similarity ratio, stress similarity ratio.( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Which of the following is not a feature of similar simulation ( ).

  32. A:Take a long time B:Experimental simulation can obtain the research results quickly C:According to the results of model experiment,the stability and safety degree of mining engineering can be inferred D:Intuition
  33. The engineering structure shape is formed by cutting the UDEC block, which needs to be carried out before the excavation of the project. ( ) commands are typically used to generate shapes.

  34. A:four B:One C:two D:three
  35. With the enhancement of the consciousness of environmental protection and the concept of sustainable economic development, the green mining technology of coal mine is proposed, which does not include ( ).

  36. A:Advanced support technology B:Water conservation mining technology formed by water resources protection C:Co-mining technology of coal and gas formed by gas drainage D:Coal seam roadway support and coal seam mining technology
    答案:增强AI参考:正确答案是:C:Co-mining technology of coal and gas formed by gas drainage.(由排水形成的煤与瓦斯共采技术)。煤层绿色开采技术应包括三部分:减少资源破坏和环境污染的开采方法;实现煤与瓦斯共采的开采方法;节约水资源、减少水灾的开采方法。因此,本题答案为C选项。煤与瓦斯共采是指在进行采煤的同时,通过科学管理和利用瓦斯技术措施,开采、抽放煤层瓦斯或进行矿井瓦斯发电,最大限度地开发利用瓦斯资源,同时降低煤矿开采的危害和风险,保证煤炭生产和煤矿安全的一种煤矿安全生产新技术。本题选项中的C选项是瓦斯抽放技术和抽放瓦斯发电技术,不属于绿色开采技术。因此,正确答案是C选项。此外,选项A的“先进支护技术”、选项B的“水保开采技术”、选项D的“煤层巷道支护和煤层开采技术”都是属于绿色开采技术的一部分,但并非题干所求的全部内容。因此,这三个选项不是正确答案。综上所述,本题的正确答案是C选项:Co-mining technology of coal and gas formed by gas drainage.(由排水形成的煤与瓦斯共采技术)。'
  37. The clay material diameter of ( ) is suitable.

  38. A:0.35 mm B:0.39mm C:0.37mm D:0.32mm
  39. The necessary and sufficient condition for phenomenon similarity is ( ).

  40. A:The Third Similarity Theorem B:the second similarity theorem C:Dimensional analysis D:The First Theorem of Similarity
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The First Theorem of Similarity。现象相似的必要充分条件是第一相似定理。因此,正确答案是D。'
  41. Cons=( ) means that the model block material is removed or excavated.

  42. A:1 B:2 C:3 D:0
  43. Which of the following is wrong about UDEC? ( )

  44. A:Blocks in UDEC can be deformable B:UDEC can be used in military activities C:Blocks in UDEC can be rigid D:The UDEC calculation preparation process is complex
    答案:Only human being can be an actor in a use case diagram.
  45. There is no constraint before and after the model, and lateral deformation is allowed.( )

  46. A:swivel model frame B:three-dimensional model frame Plane C:stress model frame D:Plane strain model frame
    答案:约束AI参考:答案:D:Plane strain model frame解释:在模型前后没有约束,允许侧向变形,所以是平面应变模型(Plane strain model frame)。选项A的“swivel model frame”指的是可旋转模型框架,选项B的“three-dimensional model frame”指的是三维模型框架,选项C的“stress model frame”指的是应力模型框架,它们都不符合题意。'
  47. Which of the following is not a feature of discrete element method? ( )

  48. A:The explicit integral iterative algorithm allows large displacement and rotation B:The discrete element method can use various nonlinear models to describe the contact between blocks or particles C:The interaction of the boundary between blocks can reflect the characteristics of discontinuity and joint D:Not much in the field of application
  49. ( ), designed and developed by institute of Mining Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, can be used for solid-flow coupling simulation experiment.

  50. A:Three-dimensional model frame Plane B:Stress model frame C:Swivel model frame D:Plane strain model frame
    AI参考:正确答案是【D:Plane strain model frame 】。这个选项表明“平面应变模型框架”被太原科技学院矿业技术研究所设计开发,可用来进行固体流耦合模拟实验。'
  51. Its v value defines the ( ) of the triangular element, namely, the smaller the v value is, the smaller the element in the block is.

  52. A:The minimum area B:The minimum length C:The most widespread D:The largest length
    AI参考:正确答案是A:The minimum area。三角形元素的最小面积由其v值定义,即v值越小,三角形元素在块中越小。因此,选项A“最小面积”是正确答案。选项B“最小长度”、选项C“最普遍”和选项D“最大长度”都不符合题意。'
  53. The ( ) code for horizontal and vertical stress curves is as follows.

  54. A:lae B:log C:lug D:lag
  55. Which of the following does not belong to physical similarity ( ).

  56. A:Bulk density B:length C:time D:speed
  57. Similar simulation is in the indoor use of some artificial materials, according to the similarity principle to make a similar model, the model is based on the ( ) to shape.

  58. A:Existing material B:The simulated prototype C:Conditions of the test site D:The role of models
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Existing material。\r根据相似原理制作相似模型,模型是依据现有的材料来塑造的。因此,答案为A。B、C、D选项都与模型制作没有直接关系。'
  59. In order to meet the needs of studying inclined strata simulation experiment, ( ) should be used.

  60. A:Plane strain model frame B:three-dimensional model frame Plane C:stress model frame D:swivel model frame
    AI参考:正确答案是【Plane strain model frame】选项。选项A的意思是平面应变模型框架,可以用于模拟倾向层流剪切层分层的流动机理。模拟实验是利用该框架满足对特定倾斜层的需要,即对斜层流进行剪切流动实验时需要平面应变模型框架来满足其要求。选项B和C不准确,而选项D则是倾转模型框架,不能满足对倾斜层流模拟实验的需求。因此,正确答案是平面应变模型框架。'
  61. Which of the following is not the advantages of the finite element method?( )

  62. A:It can be meshed directly on the mechanical model B:Good at handling rigid and flexible contact problems C:has good adaptability D:the physical concept is clear and easy to understand
    AI参考:选项D:the physical concept is clear and easy to understand is not an advantage of the finite element method。这是因为有限元方法是一种数学方法,主要应用于工程分析中,其主要优点是可以直接在机械模型上划分网格,并且对于处理刚性和柔性接触问题、适应性问题等具有很好的效果,但是物理概念并不清晰易懂。因此选项D是有限元方法的一个缺点。'
  63. Other keywords ( ) relative to the JSET command can also be used to restrict blocks from being cut.

  64. A:crack B:block C:delete D:range
  65. The element composition of PFC model (2D) contact property does not include .( )

  66. A:Bond type B:Linear springs C:Displacement increment D:Coulomb slider
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:Linear springs】。PFC模型(2D)接触属性不包括线性弹簧(B选项)。PFC模型是一种用于模拟固体接触的有限元方法,它可以模拟两个物体之间的摩擦、弹性和塑性变形等。在PFC模型中,元素组成包括元素类型、质量、密度等,而接触属性包括摩擦系数、恢复力、接触刚度等,不包括线性弹簧。因此,选项B是正确答案。选项A、C、D都与PFC模型的接触属性有关,但不是选项B所描述的内容。'
  67. Model layers can be simulated by spreading a layer ( ) between layers.

  68. A:asphalt B:Lime powder C:Sand D:mica powder
  69. print plin 1 ydisp;In the y direction( ).

  70. A:pressure B:speed C:displacement D:stress
  71. UDEC/3DEC Application Field ( )

  72. A:The geotechnical engineering B:Agriculture, forestry and engineering C:Earthquake engineering D:Military engineering
    AI参考:正确选项为B:Agriculture, forestry and engineering。 根据问题中的信息,UDEC/3DEC应用领域包括农业、林业和工程,选项A中的“地质工程”并不是一个常见的应用领域,选项C中的“地震工程”可能涉及,但也不是唯一的重点,选项D中的“军事工程”与问题中的信息无关。因此,选项B“农业、林业和工程”是最符合问题中提到的UDEC/3DEC应用领域的选项。
  73. Which of the following is aggregate ( )

  74. A:cement B:Sand C:Broken sawdust D:Lime
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Broken sawdust】。 根据问题中的选项,它们都是建筑材料,其中A选项是水泥,B选项是沙子,D选项是石灰。但是只有C选项是碎木屑或锯末等混合物,符合建筑材料的定义。因此,C选项是正确的答案。
  75. In the simulation study of rock layer control, the simulation experiment can play the following roles:( ).

  76. A:To provide reference data for the industrial test of new technology, new technology and construction technology B:It can solve all the design and construction problems in mining engineering C:It helps to solve some rock mass pressure problems which cannot be solved by theoretical methods at present D:Assist the study of in-situ rock mass stress measurement
    答案:Accurate and complete simulation of ore pressure activity
  77. Which of the following are boundary conditions ( ).

  78. A:stress B:Poisson’s ratio C:displacement D:geometric dimension
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:displacement】。 边界条件是指物体在特定约束条件下所受到的力和力矩,这些条件决定了物体的运动和变形。选项A中的应力(stress)和选项D中的几何尺寸(geometric dimension)都是物体受到的外力或外力矩,属于物体受力方面的边界条件。选项B中的泊松比(Poisson’s ratio)是材料在受到应力时的变形性质,不属于边界条件。选项C中的位移(displacement)是指物体在受到外力作用后发生的相对位置变化,是物体运动方面的边界条件之一。因此,选项C是正确的边界条件答案。
  79. Which of the following are correct ( )

  80. A:The finite difference method is an approximate numerical solution which directly transforms the differential problem into an algebraic problem. B:The boundary element method is better than the finite element method for stress concentration problems C:The boundary element method originated in the early 19th century D:Finite element method can simulate the solution domain of complex geometry
    答案:Today, more Western cuisines are accepted by Chinese people._Today, more Chinese cuisines are accepted by foreigners._Globalization is helpful for people to choose style of their gatherings.
  81. Artificial boundary classification includes:( )

  82. A:coordinate B:intercepted boundary line C:symmetry axis D:hyperbolic
    答案:正确AI参考:多选题:Artificial boundary classification includes:(BCD)。 选项A:coordinate 是指坐标系,与边界分类无关。因此选项A被排除。 选项B:intercepted boundary line 是指被截边界线,是人工边界的一种,它描述了物体之间的空间关系。 选项C:symmetry axis 是指对称轴,也是人工边界的一种,用于描述物体形状的特征。 选项D:hyperbolic 是指双曲边界,也是人工边界的一种,用于描述物体形状的特殊形式。 因此,正确选项为B、C、D。
  83. The most commonly used models for deformed blocks in UDEC are as follows:( )

  84. A:cons=3;jtension model B:cons=3 ; Mohr-coulomb model C:cons=1 ; elastic model change D:change cons=0; null model change change
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:cons=3 ; Mohr-coulomb model】。 在UDEC中,用于处理变形块的最常用模型如下:cons=3; Mohr-coulomb model(B选项)。该模型考虑了岩石的强度条件和破坏准则,适用于处理复杂的岩土工程问题。其他选项中,A选项是con=3时的拉伸模型,C选项是弹性模型变化,D选项是改变cons=0时的空模型变化,它们都不是用于处理变形块的最常用模型。
  85. The chemical composition of groundwater is generally( )

  86. A:radioactive elements B:major ions C:biological products D:dissolved gases
  87. Physical similarity simulation determines the principles that similar materials need to follow( )

  88. A:When the similar materials are selected, the main physical and mechanical properties of the corresponding parts of the model and prototype should be similar B:When the ratio of mixed materials is changed, its mechanical properties can be greatly changed C:The mechanical properties of the material are stable and not easily affected by environmental changes D:Materials should be easy to obtain, easy to manufacture, easy to lay
    答案:Obtain the physical and mechanical properties of rock are through experiments;Analysis of geological conditions, obtain the comprehensive histogram of coal and rock strata;Get a geological overview, identify the goals and problems of the simulation
  89. Which of the following are the basic units of quality system dimension ( )

  90. A:[L] B:[M] C:[T] D:[F]
    AI参考:正确选项为:B: [M] C: [T] 选项B和C是质量体系要素的基本单元,分别是《质量管理体系基础》中描述的七个质量体系要素(即[M]单位)和四个质量体系过程(即[T]单位)。这些要素和过程是建立和维护质量管理体系的基础。而选项A、D与质量体系要素无关,因此不是正确选项。
  91. Numerical simulation technology commonly used numerical calculation methods are mainly:( )

  92. A:Finite difference method B:The rigid body element method C:The boundary element method D:The finite element method
    AI参考:正确答案是【ABD】:有限差分法、刚体元素法和有限元法。 这三个选项都是数值模拟技术常用的数值计算方法,其中有限差分法是用于求解偏微分方程的数值方法,刚体元素法主要用于刚体动力学的研究,有限元法是解决复杂形状和结构的力学问题最常用的方法之一。因此,正确答案为ABD。C选项的边界元素法通常用于电磁场、热传导等领域的研究,但并非数值模拟技术常用的数值计算方法之一。
  93. Parameters required for joint properties are:( )

  94. A:Cohesive force B:Tensile strength C:Friction Angle D:dilatancy angle
    AI参考:对联结件属性所需要的参数有: * **粘聚力**(Cohesive force)。这是指联结件之间的内聚力,它能够保持联结件的稳定性。 * **抗拉强度**(Tensile strength)。这是指联结件在拉伸时的强度,用于衡量其承受拉伸载荷的能力。 * **摩擦角**(Friction Angle)。这是指联结件在滑动摩擦时所需的摩擦力,用于衡量联结件的耐磨性。 因此,选项A和B是正确的。选项D是关于膨胀角的描述,与联结件的属性无关。所以,正确选项是【A:Cohesive force B:Tensile strength】。
  95. Functions of numerical simulation research:( )

  96. A:After analysis and calculation, the optimized design scheme is adopted to reduce the cost of engineering and products B:Determine the design scheme of engineering problem as soon as possible, accelerate product development C:Identify potential problems during the engineering and product design phases D:The simulated physical test programme reduced the number of tests, thereby reducing the cost of tests
    AI参考:对于数值模拟研究的各项功能,正确选项为: A:After analysis and calculation, the optimized design scheme is adopted to reduce the cost of engineering and products 以及 D:The simulated physical test programme reduced the number of tests, thereby reducing the cost of tests。 这是因为数值模拟研究的主要功能包括: 1. 分析计算后,采用优化设计方案以降低工程和产品的成本(A选项正确); 2. 尽可能快地确定工程问题的设计方案,加速产品开发(B选项正确); 3. 在工程和产品设计阶段识别潜在问题(C选项正确); 4. 通过模拟物理测试方案减少测试次数,从而降低测试成本(D选项正确)。 没有一项功能涉及到减少试验次数并同时降低试验成本。所以没有D选项的答案与整体一致性最高。 总的来说,对于正确答案选择是ABCD的表述并不完全准确,应该修改为"通过模拟物理测试方案减少测试次数,从而降低试验成本"。这是数值模拟研究的几种主要功能之一。因此,根据提供的信息,正确的答案是:A: After analysis and calculation, the optimized design scheme is adopted to reduce the cost of engineering and products 以及 D: The simulated physical test programme reduced the number of tests, thereby reducing the cost of tests。
  97. The following similarity theory is ( ).

  98. A:Geometric similarity theorem B:the second similarity theorem C:Physical similarity theorem D:The First Theorem of Similarity
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:The First Theorem of Similarity】。 相似论是数学中一个重要的理论,用于描述两个几何形状在某种变换下保持相似性的性质。根据题目描述,以下相似理论,因此选项A和B不符合。而选项C的物理相似定理通常用于描述物理量之间的相似关系,与题目中的几何形状相似理论不符。因此,选项D的第一个相似定理是最符合题意的。这个定理主要研究的是两个几何形状在某种变换下保持相似性的性质,这是相似论的核心思想。
  99. Which of the following are drawbacks of dioramas ( )

  100. A:Process trival B:Dry hard C:heavy workload D:Observation is not intuitive

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