  1. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。

    Liu’s work contributed significantly to the improvement of dynamic control of traffic system, but it did not take sufficient account of the complexity of real traffic network and the uncertainty during the evacuation procedure.

  2. A:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored B:To state the topic or field being examined C:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
    答案:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
  3. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。


    During the 1990 scientific fraud was disclosed on numerous occasions(Lock, 1996). In fact, it was recently suggested that fraud now is “endemic in many scientific discipline and in most countries” (Fulford, 1998) and may undermine the credibility of scientific research.


  4. A:To state the topic or field being examined B:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored C:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
  5. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。


    Chabini (1999) extended the A* methodology to the shortest route problems in dynamic networks, in which arc travel times are time dependent. Fu et al (2007) introduced a new route planning algorithm in dynamic network and restricted areas.

  6. A:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
    B:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored C:To state the topic or field being examined
  7. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。


    The public awareness of scientific fraud has increased remarkably since the late 1980s when a controversy made front-page news, a controversy about a paper investigated for fraud which had as coauthor a Nobel laureate.


  8. A:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored B:To state the topic or field being examined C:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
  9. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。

    Barret et al. (2001) reported that their study of evacuation management was based on real-time dynamic features, but the solutions and model they proposed are actually based on strategies and technologies which cannot sufficiently satisfy the demand of real dynamic system.

  10. A:To state the topic or field being examined B:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored C:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
  11. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。


    Evacuation is a common strategy in emergencies management, where the key issue is the proper way to organize the different aid agencies and relocate those who are in danger or affected by these disasters.

  12. A:To state the topic or field being examined B:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored C:To evaluate information and determine the contribution
  13. Read the sentences from literature reviews and identify the role they play. 指出文献写作例句的功能。

    In the realm of transportation, existing evacuation research has been mostly focused on the planning stage, such as research on traffic management polices (Theodoulou and Wolshon, 2004) and origin-destination estimation ( Murray-Turite and Mahmassani, 2003; Fu and Wilmot, 2004).


  14. A:To evaluate information and determine the contribution B:To state the topic or field being examined C:To search materials relevant to the subject being explored
  15. Read the following paragraphs developed by examples that have been underlined. Delete the inappropriate examples that can’t help illustrate the topic sentence. 阅读以下用例证展开的段落,删除与主题句毫无关系的例证。

    It is exciting to visit different places. Today people are so fond of travelling. The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. (A)Traveling can improve relationship with others such as your family members who travel with you. (B)For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. (C)For another example, spending a holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.


  16. A:(C) B:(B) C:(A)
  17. Read the following paragraphs developed by examples that have been underlined. Delete the inappropriate examples that can’t help illustrate the topic sentence. 阅读以下用例证展开的段落,删除与主题句毫无关系的例证。



    The computer is widely used in all fields of society. Today, wherever you go, you will find computers being used. (A) For example,computers are used in universities, large corporations, and small offices, etc. It has even entered the homes of ordinary people. As it is able to store and process a large amount of information, the computer bring about great convenience and high efficiency to people of all walks of life. Computers can help people in different ways. (B) Take science work as an example. Computers help scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation.  (C)Computers, for another example, haven’t taken the place of teachers even though they are very useful in multi-media class. (D)Besides, computers may also play a great role in helping children with their lesson. Whatever you are doing, you may find computer a useful aid.


  18. A:(A) B:(C) C:(D) D:(B)
  19. 阅读下文,为各空选择合适的词,排出所选词的顺序

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter  (1)  of temporary dancing instructor in the want ad you posted last Friday.

    I am pleased (2) that your company is looking for a person to offer professional dancing training to your staff at weekends. I began to learn dancing when I was seven years old. And I had even been a dance trainer for about one year as I was in the university. So I  (3)  in this field and will be a qualified instructor.

    I know this is an unpaid job, but I’m still  (4) . First of all, I like to be an instructor and dancing is my favorite. Secondly, working in a famous international company will be  (5)  for me. I will have many opportunities to communicate with people from different countries and get acquainted with advanced enterprise culture. The job can enrich my life and  (6) .

    I hope you will  (7)  and am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

                                                                                                                                            Yours faithfully



    a) eager to take it

    b) have enough work experience

    c) give me a chance

    d) a valuable experience

    e) to get the information

    f) to apply for the position

    g) broaden my horizon

  20. A:adfecgb B:febadgc C:adfebcg D:bgacdfe
  21. 阅读下文,为各空选择合适的词,排出所选词的顺序

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing  (1)  for your hotel’s considerate service when I held my grandfather’s 90th birthday party.

    All of the guests were  (2)  the party. As they stepped into the hotel,  (3)  was given by waitresses and waiters. The dishes were pretty delicious, and suited everyone’s taste. Besides, the staff  (4)  the elderly guests. More importantly, many interesting activities were arranged after dinner, making everyone joyful. It is  (5)  that leads to the success of the party. Words fail to express my gratitude.

    Yours faithfully,


    a) were friendly to

    b) to express my heartfelt gratitude

    c) your perfect service and excellent efforts

    d) really impressed by

    e) a warm welcome

  22. A:acebd B:bacde C:acbde D:bdeac
  23. 阅读下文,为各空选择合适的词,排出所选词的顺序


    When computing technology is making an ever-increasing impact on many aspects of the production and life of mankind, computers have been widely          in almost every field. However, the question of whether there are more benefits than drawbacks for young children using a computer everyday has triggered a wide debate. As far as I am concerned, I tend to believe that the advantages              disadvantages for the following reasons.

    For one thing, in modern society, computer is used in many different fields such as health, education and business. It has become an           part in our life. And Internet is the key to all knowledge and information. So young children can make full use of computers to         the information and knowledge they need.

    For another thing, some computer knowledge is           for the job, so great importance should be attached to it. Some people consider that it is not good for children to use computer everyday, because sitting in front of a screen for too long can            both the eyes and the physical posture of young children. But we can cope with this problem by limiting the time of using computers and giving proper            for them. As a matter of fact, as long as parents pay attention to them and avoid the disadvantages, computers will play an            role in youth.

    In conclusion, I strongly believe that using computer everyday brings more benefits than              to young children. The most important aspect depends on that the young children need         guidance.



    a)indispensable             b) applied             c) required            d) addicted

    e)acquire                      f) drawbacks         g) supervision        h) active

    i) outweigh                   j) proper                 k) lacking               l) damage    


  24. A:aecbilghfj B:biaeclghfj C:eclghfjbia D:clgbiaehfj
  25. 阅读下文,为各空选择合适的词,排出所选词的顺序

    The development of modern society is closely related to the advanced technology. Although the technology brings us so many benefits, some people believe that it has (1) the gap between the rich and the poor, while others hold the (2) opinion.

    The pros believe that technological development enables the wealthy people to grasp more (3) to be richer. As we know, the advanced technology products are usually so expensive that only the (4) can afford them. With the aid of these products, a rich man can easily get an instant commercial information and make a valuable investment, which will probably bring a  rapid wealth growth to the rich, meanwhile, (5) the chance of the poor to obtain wealth.

    (6), the objectors claim that hi-tech provides a chance for the poor to catch up with the rich. The advanced technology makes some electronic products such as mobile phone, TV, radio, even the Internet (7) to the poor, so they can get more opportunities to communicate with others and gain abundant knowledge, with which they could ultimately (8) their economic conditions.

    In my opinion, the gap between the poor and the rich is not (9) widened or narrowed by technology. It, to a large extent, depends on the policies of the government. If the government increases its (10) aid to the poor, the gap will be narrowed on some level.

    a) opportunities            b) Nevertheless             c) increased           d) reduce

    e) opposite                   f) available                   g) negotiate           h) merely

    iI)  minority                    j) financial                       k) improve            l) acquire


  26. A:ceaidbfkhj B:dbfkhjceai C:eckhjaidbf D:fkhjaidbce

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