1.Which of the following assertions for the descent direction is incorrect?
A:For an unconstrained optimization problem,there is no descent direction on the local minimizer of the cost function B:When one uses the descent direction to construct a iteration algorithm, the step size should be sufficiently large. C:The value of the cost function will decrease along the descent direction D:In an optimization problem, the descent direction might not be a feasible direction.
2.Which of the following assertions for the convex function are incorrect?
A:If the Hessian matrix of a function is positive semi-definite, then this function is a convex function B:The Hessian matrix of strictly convex function is positive definite C:If any level set of a function is convex then this function is a convex function D:The sum of finitely many convex function is still a convex function
3.In a convex programming problem, the equality constraint functions should be linear functions
A:错 B:对
4.In the following assertions, which ones are incorrect?
A:In an unconstrained optimization problem,if the Hessian matrix on a stationary point of the cost function is positive semi-definite then, the stationary point is a local minimizer B:In an unconstrained optimization problem, the stationary points of the convex cost function are global minimizers C:If the inner product of a vector p and the gradient vector is negative, then p is a descent direction D:To solve a constrained convex programming problem, we only need to find the KKT points of this convex programming problem
5.In the steepest descent algorithm, any two adjacent search directions are orthogonal to each other
A:对 B:错

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