1. 答案:
  2. In the KT condition,  ( )

  3. 答案:the Lagrange multipliers for equality constraints can be any real numbers .###the Lagrange multipliers for inequality constraints should be non-negative.###the Lagrange multiplier is unique whenever the linear independence constraint qualification holds true.###the Lagrange multipliers for inactive inequality constraints should be zeros.
  4. What are the basic function of the abstract ? ( )

  5. 答案:Summarize the whole text in miniature.###Media to expand circulation.###The basis for deciding which to choose.
  6. In the following assertions for the relationship between strictly local optimal solution and strictly globally optimal solution, which ones are correct ? ( )

  7. 答案:The strictly local optimal solution might not be unique but the strictly global optimal solution is unique(if it exists).###The strictly global optimal solution is also a strictly local optimal solution.
  8. The three equivalent forms of LP problems are( )

  9. 答案:the canonical form.###the general form.###the standard form.

  10. 答案:the sub-problem is unsolvable .###the sub-problem has integer optimal solution.

  11. 答案:
  12. In the following assertions for descent direction, which ones are correct ? ( )

  13. 答案:The value of the cost function will decrease along a descent direction.###For a unconstrained optimization problem, an descent direction is also a feasible direction.###If the angle between a vector and the gradient direction is greater than 90º,then this vector is a descent direction.

  14. 答案:
  15. The three elements of a mathematical model are ( )

  16. 答案:Objective###Decision variables###Constraints

  17. 答案:The locally optimal solution is also a globally optimal solution.
  18. The purpose of solving the auxiliary problem of an LP problem is ( )
  19. The slack variable is ( )
  20. If the optimal value of auxiliary problem is equal to zero, then( )
  21. The regular solution of an LP problem is ( )
  22. In the following sentences, which is best to appear in the abstracts?  ( )
  23. The linearly independent constraint qualification ( )
  24. When we use the dual simplex method to solve an LP problem, in each iteration, we need( )
  25. Which one of the follow cases might happen?( )
  26. In the nonlinear programming problem, the negative gradient direction is a ( )
  27. What is the last step in a scientific presentation? ( )
  28. When we use the exterior penalty function method to solve the nonlinear programming problem, the penalty parameter should converge to infinity.( )
  29. Basic function of the title of an article mainly includes: (1) Summarize the full text, (2) Attract the readers, (3) Easy to retrieve.( )
  30. In a standard form LP problem, a basic feasible solution might have more than one basis.( )
  31. A linear programming problem is infeasible if( )
  32. A regular solution of an LP problem is a basic solution but not a feasible solution.( )
  33. For an unconstrained convex optimization problem, the iteration sequence obtained by steepest descent method is globally convergent to a minimizer.( )
  34. When we describe the experiment, imperative sentences are mostly used because an important criterion for experiments is reproducible, no matter who does the same, and therefore there is no need to specify the subject.( )
  35. The convex function has convex level sets.( )
  36. The Newton's method is valid only when the first and second derivatives of the cost function exist and the second order derivative is not null.( )
  37. For an LP problem, if it is bounded, then it has an optimal basic feasible solution.( )
  38. Usually, the value of an ILP problem would never be greater than the related relaxed LP problem.( )
  39. For a standard form LP problem, if a basic solution do not have negative components, then it is a basic feasible solution.( )
  40. If the initial iteration point is close enough to the solution, the sequence obtained by Newton's method converges to the local minimizer .( )
  41. The convex combination of finitely many convex functions is convex.( )
  42. If the Hessian matrix of a function is a null(or zero) matrix, then this function is convex.( )
  43. In the KT condition, the Lagrange multipliers for equality constraints should be non-negative.( )
  44. When we write scientific papers, what kind of words are often used ?
  45. We need to read carefully the entire content for any paper.
  46. Basic function of author's name is only to raise author's prestige.
  47. In the following strategies, which can help us improve reading efficiency?
  48. If some results has been found in the past and they still have an impact on the present, what kind of tense we need to use in the writing ?
  49. In the steepest descent algorithm, any two adjacent search directions are orthogonal to each other
  50. In the following assertions, which ones are incorrect?
  51. In a convex programming problem, the equality constraint functions should be linear functions
  52. Which of the following assertions for the descent direction is incorrect?
  53. Which of the following assertions for the convex function are incorrect?
  54. Which of the following assertions for the branch-and-bound method are correct?
  55. After adding the cutting plane, the new simplex table corresponds to a regular solution to the new LP problem
  56. Which of the following assertions for the cutting plane method are correct?
  57. In the branch-and-bound method, the bound is the value of cost function on a integer optimal solution to some relaxed sub-problem
  58. If the relaxed LP problem has feasible solution, then the related ILP problem has nonempty feasible region
  59. If the LP problem is solvable, then
  60. If the primal LP problem has optimal solutions, then
  61. Which of the following assertions for the feasible region of a standard LP problem is incorrect?
  62. A basic feasible solution of an LP problem have one and only one related feasible basis.
  63. If the primal LP problem is unbounded, then the feasible region of dual problem must be empty.
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