第一章 Introduction to strategic management accounting:Introduction to strategic MA1.1Strategic management:Evaluate strategic management and performance management with balanced scorecards and performance pyramids
1.2Strategic Control:Formal and informal control of strategic control
1.3Goal congruence:Concept and characteristics of Goal congruence
1.4Swot and five forces:The meaning and importance of SWOT analysis and Porter's five-force model
1.5BCG portfolio matrix:Application and evaluation of BCG matrix
1.6Benchmarking:The types and Levels of Benchmarking
[单选题] Benchmarking is more useful for innovating rather than helping firms 'catch up'.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题] Which is belong to ‘What gets measured, get done’?

选项:[ Mission statement,  Control,  Decision making,  Planning]
[单选题] Which is not the guidelines to optimum number of milestones and degree of formality?

选项:[ Criticality,  Diversity,  Linkages,  Control]
[单选题] An organisation should compare its sales from a product or service in a specified market to the sales earned by the entity with the largest market share, not the total sales in the market as a whole.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题] Which is not belong to tactical management?

选项:[ control,  production,  profit,  reducing cost]

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