1. Which of the following are disadvantage of financial prediction model?

  2. 答案:Takes no account of current and future situations###The underlying financial information may not be reliable.###The use of creative and fraudulent in accounting.
  3. Using financial information to predict takes no account of current and future situations.

  4. 答案:对
  5. The one disadvantage of financial prediction model is that significant events can take place between the end of the financial year and the publication of the accounts.

  6. 答案:对
  7. Very large increase in intangible non-current assets is not an indicator of financial diffitity.

  8. 答案:错
  9. Symptom of trouble can be divided into financial aspects and non-financial aspects.

  10. 答案:对
  11. In Z-score,the lower a firm’s score, the greater likelihood there is of it going bankrupt.

  12. 答案:对
  13. Transfer prices may be based on market price (or an adjusted market price) where there is an external market for the item being transferred.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Full cost (including fixed overheads absorbed) incurred by the supplying division in making the'intermediate' product is charged tothe receiving division.

  16. 答案:对
  17. ransfer prices should include opportunity costs of transfer.

  18. 答案:对
  19. Disadvantages of transfer prices?

  20. 答案:Disincentive to use up spare capacity###Not have an equivalent market price###External market may be perfect, have to reduce price to sell externally.###Market price may be temporary.
  21. Advantages of Balanced scorecard?

  22. 答案:links to long-term objectives as well as short-term ones.###It looks at both internal and external matters.###Financial and non-financial measures
  23. How are Kaizen goals met?
  24. Implications of JIT for performance management?
  25. The IRR is the discount rate when the NPV = 0.
  26. An increase in ROCE could be achieved by Increasing operating profit and capital employed.
  27. Developments in IT systems have made it far easier for users to instantly access data via:
  28. Key factors to consider when evaluating the suitability of a report include:
  29. Big data  is 'high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective,innovative forms of information processes for enhanced insight and decision making.'
  30. Globalisation and competition require external, forward-looking focus, with greater facilities for modelling.
  31. Management information from internal is cheap.
  32. What is Specific purpose of MA information?
  33. Which is correct about the following statements?
  34. profit centers focus on both revenue and cost .
  35. Lean production  is a philosophy of production that aims tominimise the amount of resources (including time) used in allactivities of an enterprise.
  36. (  )  involves the provision of information for managers to use to assist in their decision-making and to help ensure the smooth running of theirorganisations.
  37. How to eliminate risks and uncertainties
  38. economies of scale will infulence the threat of new entrants to the industry
  39. The PEST analysis mainly discuss macro environment.
  40. Which of the following affects the bargaining power of customers?
  41. (  ) is the amount of risk an organisation is willing totake on or is prepared to accept in pursuing its strategicobjectives.
  42. Most organisations connect their computers together in Wide area networks (WANs), enabling them to share data (e.g. via email) and to share devices such as printers.
  43. Data mining results may NOT include
  44. Decision support system gives senior executives access to internal and external information. Information is presented in a userfriendly, summarised form with the option to ‘drill down’ to a greater level of detail.
  45. Management accounting information may be used to
  46. The costs of internal information include direct data capture costs , processing costs and indirect costs.
  47. In Business integration which aspect is not linked
  48. Characteristics of services include intangibility, heterogeneity, simultaneity, perishability and no transfer of ownership
  49. Complex business structures may include:
  50. A network organisation occurs when an organisation outsources many of itsfunctions to other organisations and simply exists as a network of contracts,with very few, if any, functions being kept in-house.
  51. Lower costs since roles are not duplicated is an advantage of a divisional structure for performance management
  52. Rolling budgets can save cost and time.
  53. Zero based budgets may emphasise short-term benefits to the detriment of longterm benefits.
  54. Zero based budgets can be used in such situation
  55. A fixed budget is a budget prepared at a single level of activity.
  56. Which is the advantage of bottom-up budgeting?
  57. A vision is oriented towards the future, to give a sense of direction to the organisation.
  58. What indicates responsiveness of the business operating system as a whole?
  59. What are the ‘measures’ of whether or not those CSFs are being achieved?
  60. Which is not the type of corporate objectives?
  61. Which is not the element of mission?
  62. Benchmarking is more useful for innovating rather than helping firms 'catch up'.
  63. An organisation should compare its sales from a product or service in a specified market to the sales earned by the entity with the largest market share, not the total sales in the market as a whole.
  64. Which is belong to ‘What gets measured, get done’?
  65. Which is not the guidelines to optimum number of milestones and degree of formality?
  66. Which is not belong to tactical management?
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