  1. Explain the concept of “horizon of expectations” and how it is determined by genre and by individual experience.

  2. 答案:The "horizon of expectations" refers to the set of assumptions, knowledge, and cultural background that a reader or audience brings to a text or performance, influencing their understanding and interpretation of it. This framework is shaped by the genre's conventions and the individual's personal experiences.
  3. What is gender identity and how is it different from sexual identity?

  4. 答案:Gender identity refers to an individual's personal sense of being male, female, a combination of both, or neither, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. It involves the internal perception of one's own gender and how they perceive themselves in relation to the social categories of masculinity and femininity. Sexual identity, on the other hand, pertains to an individual's sexual attraction towards others, encompassing their sexual orientation (such as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc.) and their self-identification within the spectrum of sexual orientations. In summary, gender identity is about one's inner sense of being male, female, or non-binary, while sexual identity relates to whom one is attracted sexually and romantically.
  5. Burke Ratcliffe has demonstrated three forms of rhetorical listening: metonymical; eavesdropping; pedagogical. Choose one and explain what it means.

  6. 答案:Metonymical listening.
  7. What does “intentional fallacy” mean?

  8. 答案:The "intentional fallacy" refers to a critical approach that argues that interpreting a work of art or literature based on the author's intentions or biography is misguided, and that the work should be judged solely on its own merits and how it is perceived by readers or viewers.
  9. The second wave of feminism (1960s-1980s) was shaped in the aftermaths of WW II. What were the demands of women in this era?

  10. 答案:The demands of women during the second wave of feminism (1960s-1980s) included but were not limited to: 1. Equal employment opportunities and pay. 2. Reproductive rights, including access to birth control and safe abortion. 3. An end to gender discrimination in education and the workplace. 4. Legal protection against sexual harassment and violence. 5. Challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes. 6. Recognition of the value of women's unpaid labor, such as housework and childcare. 7. The right to a voice in political decision-making processes, leading to more women running for office. 8. Reforms in family law, particularly regarding divorce, custody, and property rights.
  11. How do theories change and develop?

  12. 答案:Theories change and develop through a process of observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, refinement, and sometimes replacement when new data or perspectives emerge.
  13. Wordsworth’s “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility” marks a transition from mimetic literary theory to expressive theory. Explain how this transition is captured in the quoted sentence.

  14. 答案:The transition from mimetic (imitative) literary theory to expressive theory is captured in Wordsworth's phrase "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility" by shifting the focus from literature as a reflection of external reality (mimesis) to an emphasis on the expression of the author's internal emotions and experiences.
  15. “Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life.” How is this important in Marxist literary criticism?

  16. 答案:This statement is important in Marxist literary criticism because it reflects the Marxist concept that social being determines social consciousness. It suggests that literature and art are products of the material conditions of society rather than just reflections of individual consciousness. Therefore, when analyzing a text through a Marxist lens, critics examine how the economic and social structures influence the characters, themes, and messages within the work.
  17. In the third wave of feminism the concept of “intersectionality” was developed. What does intersectionality signify?

  18. 答案:Intersectionality signifies the recognition that individuals can experience overlapping and interconnected forms of discrimination or disadvantage based on multiple aspects of their identity, such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, ability, and more. This concept emphasizes that these different social identities and systems of oppression do not exist independently but interact and compound upon each other, shaping unique experiences of privilege and marginalization for each person.
  19. What is the definition of rhetoric and who is a rhetorician?

  20. How far can New Criticism banish history from textual analysis? Explain this with reference to the short story “The Story of an Hour.”

  21. What does Anthropocene mean?

  22. The new historicist object of study is literature in history or history in literature. How does this blur the boundary between history and literature?

  23. Name and explain 2 factors that constitutes poetic language for Wordsworth.

  24. Eco argues that reading texts involves an “interpretive cooperation” between the author and the reader. What does he mean?

  25. What does “catharsis” mean and what are its functions according to Aristotle?

  26. What does Saussure mean when he argues that the relationship between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary?

  27. What qualities of literary texts prevent us from directly linking a story to an author’s psyche or psychological status?

  28. What does enlightenment connote in the Western sense?

  29. Why did Ngugi wa Thiong’o advocate for abolishing the English Department?

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