

  1. The guaranty on a negotiable instrument shall be ( )

  2. A:conditional B:unconditional C:void
  3. All creditors are members of ( ).

  4. 答案:错
  5. Suppose shares of a company are issued at face value, 1 RMB, then the issue price of one share would be?(    )

  6. A:2 RMB B:0.9 RMB C:10 RMB D:1 RMB
  7. ( )is the easiest type of business to keep business confidential

  8. A:A partnership B:A sole proprietor C:A company
    答案:Asole proprietor
  9. In case of a limited liability company,it may have ( )in place of Board of Directors

  10. A:one executive directors B:four executive directors C:two executive directors D:three executive directors
    答案:one executive directors
  11. Under Chinese Civil Code,the risk of loss shifts along with ( )

  12. A:the tender of object of sale B:none C:the transfer of ownership D:the contract is concluded
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:the transfer of ownership】。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,在中国的民法典中,风险的转移与所有权的转移是同步的,即当所有权转移时,风险也随之转移。因此,选项C“所有权的转移”是正确答案。选项A“销售物的交付”、选项B“无”、选项D“合同的成立”都不符合法律规定。'
  13. In a JSC, BOD meetings must be held at least ( ) a year

  14. A:four times B:twice C:once D:three times
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:twice】。在JSC(Joint Stock Company,股份公司)中,BOD(Board of Directors,董事会)会议必须每年至少举行两次。选项中B选项twice符合题意。其他选项次数过少或过多。'
  15. The Jurisdiction of Bankruptcy cases shall be at the people's courts in( )

  16. A:in the domicile of the debtor B:both C:in the domicile of the creditor. D:none

  17. In a general partnership enterprise, each partner shall bear ( )for the debts of the partnership enterprise.

  18. A:unlimited joint and several liabilites B:unlimited liabilities C:limited liabilities

  19. Which of the following are essential requirements of making a contract?

  20. A:Consideration B:Offer and acceptance C:Oral contractual terms D:Written contractual terms
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Offer and acceptance。在合同订立过程中,要约和承诺是必不可少的环节。A选项中的“考虑”并不是合同订立的必要条件,C选项中的“口头合同条款”也不适用于书面形式之外的合同订立,D选项中的“书面合同条款”也不是必备条件。因此,B选项中的“要约和接受”是订立合同的必要条件,故正确答案为B。'
  21. The rivival procedural may be put forward by ( )

  22. A:none B:a debtor C:a creditor D:both
  23. Which of the following is an offer?

  24. A:An advertisement B:An invitation to tender C:A Prospectus D:An exhibition of goods for sale
    AI参考:正确答案是C:A Prospectus。这是一道简单的词汇题,根据题意,需要找出哪个选项是“offer”。在给出的选项中,只有Prospectus符合“offer”的含义,即提供信息或建议的书面材料。而广告、招标邀请和商品展览都不是“offer”的典型形式。因此,答案为C。'
  25. In criminal cases,which of following may initiate a case

  26. A:The accused B:A private party C:The defendant D:State

  27. During their terms, the shares transferred by Directors,Supervisors or Managers each year shall not exceed ( )of total shares of the company he holds

  28. A:15% B:10% C:5% D:25%
  29. Similar to a draft, a ( ) is three party instrument.

  30. A:promissory note B:check C:draft
    AI参考:正确选项是C:draft。根据题目描述,“类似于草稿的三方文书”,draft意为“草稿”或“预览稿”,因此最符合的是三方文书中的草稿或预览稿,也就是三方合同。因此,答案为C选项。而promissory note意为“期票”,check意为“支票”,均不符合题意。'
  31. The civil law aims to ( )

  32. A:punish the offender B:regulate the behavior in society C:deter future crime D:compensate injured parties

  33. In a JSC, shareholder's meeting should be convened by ( )

  34. A:supervisoryboard B:A general manager C:A shareholder D:board of directors

  35. The risk of loss to goods sold in transit passes from the buyer to the seller when ( )

  36. A:the contract is concluded B:none C:the tender of object of sale D:the transfer of ownership

  37. Suppose there are 3 shareholders of a company,then how much shareholders is (are)more than half of the other shareholders

  38. A:0 B:1 C:2 D:3
  39. In a criminal case,what is the normal burden of proof placed upon the prosecution?

  40. A:Beyond any doubt B:Balance of probabilities C:Beyond reasonable doubt D:Beyond every reasonable doubt

  41. The criminal law aims to

  42. A:recover property which has been taken from the true owner B:Enforce legal obligations C:Punish the offender D:compensate injured parties

  43. If the date of payment is not specified on a draft, the draft is ().

  44. A:payable at sight B:payable at a fixed period C:not valid D:payable at a fixed date

  45. Suppose there are 3 shareholders of a company,then how much shareholders is (are)half or more of the other shareholders

  46. A:5 B:1 C:3 D:0
  47. In a limited liability partnership enterprise, the general partners shall bear ( )for the debts of the partnership enterprise.

  48. A:limited liabilities B:unlimited liabilities C:unlimited joint and several liabilites

  49. ( ) means the rights lapse unless exercised within the time limits.

  50. A:The statute of limitations B:Recourse C:Guaranty

  51. Stockrights of shareholders of a LLC may transferred among shareholders.

  52. A:Not sure B:False C:True
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:True】。根据问题中的描述,LLC(有限责任公司)的股东的股份权益可以在股东之间进行转让,因此选项C“True”是正确的。选项A“Not sure”表示不确定,选项B“False”表示错误,因此都不符合题意。'
  53. Which of following country has a typical example of two-tier board system

  54. A:None B:the U.S. C:Germany D:Both
    AI参考:B:the U.S.美国是一个典型的双重董事会制度的国家,即在上市公司中,大股东可以派代表进入董事会,负责监督公司运营。这种制度有利于保护中小投资者的利益,促进公司的稳定发展。因此,选项B是美国一个典型的双重董事会制度。选项C、D显然都不正确,因为德国并不是双重董事会制度的典型代表,选项A更是不正确的选择,因为没有哪个国家只有一个双重董事会制度的例子。'
  55. The seller is obligated to transfer the( ) of the object of sale to the buyer.

  56. A:goods B:services C:ownership D:goods and services

  57. Issue of shares below face value prohibited in China

  58. Suppose shares of a company are issued below face value, 1 RMB, then the issue price of one share would be( )

  59. A:0.9 RMB B:1 RMB C:2 RMB D:10 RMB

  60. As for the 2020 national negative list a the number of prohibited or restricted items have fallen 33.

  61. A:错 B:对

  62. A kid can be act as a shareholder of a company

  63. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 正确。根据常识和法律规定,孩子可以成为公司的股东。在某些情况下,孩子可能作为继承人继承父母在公司中的股份,或者孩子自己也可以成为公司的股东。因此,答案是A。'
  64. Reorganization is available to the bankruptcy proceeding and may be applied by the supervisory of its bankruptcy administrator.

  65. A:对 B:错
  66. Generally speaking, a negotiable instrument relationship is independent of underlying relationship。

  67. A:错 B:对

  68. Purchasing its holding from a JSC is prohibited

  69. A:对 B:错

  70. words expressing it to be a draft is absolutely necessary item for a draft.

  71. A:错 B:对

  72. Chinese law regards a company as an articial person.

  73. A:错 B:对
  74. A public share offering is the sale of shares to the public to raise capital.

  75. A:对 B:错

  76. The Frech civil code and the Japan civil code are regarded as the very basis of modern civil law.

  77. A:错 B:对
  78. The case of Salomon v. Salomon Ltd. laid down a principle of unlimite liablity of a company

  79. A:对 B:错

  80. In a civil case, standard of proof is balance of probabilities.

  81. A:对 B:错

  82. Chinese company law recognizes unlimited liability company.

  83. A:错 B:对

  84. As for the 2020 Free trade zone negative list,the prohibited or restricted items were reduced to 30.

  85. A:错 B:对

  86. Nowadays Chinese public share offering adopt the quota system.

  87. A:对 B:错
  88. In a criminal case, standard of proof is beyond reasonable doubt.

  89. A:错 B:对

  90. Promissory note is one type of negotiable instruments.

  91. A:错 B:对

  92. Company only refers to two types of enterprise legal persons in China.

  93. A:错 B:对

  94. “Denial of corporate legal personality”is a substituted term for piercing the corporate veil.

  95. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B.错。"Denial of corporate legal personality" is not a substitute term for piercing the corporate veil. Piercing the corporate veil refers to the legal action of exposing the identity of the owner or controller of a corporation, rather than denying its legal personality.'
  96. The articles of association is important to a company as a constitution is important to a Country.

  97. A:错 B:对

  98. China’s pilot free trade zones emphasize new reform methods.

  99. A:对 B:错

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