

  1. ____is a disorder that affects a person's  ability to eat,sleep,feel pleasure,and function in everyday.    


  2. 答案:正确AI参考:选项A:Anorexia nervosa解释:这道题考察的是对病症的描述,而选项A,即“Anorexia nervosa”(神经性厌食症),是一种影响人的进食、睡眠、感受快乐以及日常功能的能力的疾病。其他选项如抑郁症、焦虑症等虽然也影响人的日常生活,但并不直接影响到进食、睡眠等基本生理需求。因此,A是正确答案。'
  3. Which is/are NOT the component of the cardiovascular system?

  4. A:Veins. B:Arteries. C:Lungs. D:Heart.
  5. Anesthesia awareness is ______ during a surgery.

  6. A:normal B:a complication C:very common D:always visible
    答案:general anesthesia
  7. How many chambers does the heart have?

  8. A:One. B:Three. C:Four. D:Two.
  9. If you want your face look younger, one of the easiest ways is by highlighting the apples of your________.

  10. A:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}chin B:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}noses C:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}cheeks D:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}eyes
  11. If the hospital wants to obtain consent to remove the the deceased person’s organ , who will be the first to be approached?

  12. A:Adult sibling. B:Parent. C:Spouse. D:Adult child.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Adult sibling.】原文中提到医院想要获得同意切除死者器官,因此需要与谁进行接触。选项A中的成年兄弟符合题目要求,因为他们有权利决定是否捐赠器官给亲人。而选项B、C、D中的父母、配偶和成年子女没有器官捐赠的义务,因此不能作为医院的首要接触对象。'
  13. What are he concepts in TCM  based on ?    

  14. A:deep understanding of natural law B:rational thinking C:scientific thinking D:scientific experiments
    AI参考:正确答案是A:deep understanding of natural law。中医学理论体系的形成和发展都离不开对自然规律的深刻理解,因此,中医学理论体系的基础是“天人合一”的整体观和“阴阳五行”学说。故选A。'
  15. What is empathy?

  16. 答案:同情AI参考:当前问题的正确答案是“同理心”。“Empathy”在心理学中指的是一种设身处地的理解他人感受的能力,意味着能体会到他人的情绪,感知他人的观察角度,并将自己的情感反应传达给对方的能力。'
  17. The function of sympathetic nervous system is for    

  18. A:moving B:rest C:sudden stress D:working

  19. W.X. is a 67 year old woman. Which of the following does not indicate that she suffers from diabetes mellitus?

  20. A:Her vision has been somewhat blurry. B:Her random blood sugar is 22.0 millimole per liter. C:She has been feeling tired. D:A lump in her breast.
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:A lump in her breast.W.X.是一个67岁的女性,下面哪项不表明她患有糖尿病:D选项是她的乳房上有一个肿块,这是一个乳腺方面的疾病,而其他选项(A选项:视力有些模糊;B选项:随机血糖为22.0毫摩尔/升;C选项:感到疲劳)都可能表明她患有糖尿病。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  21. By the age of 70, what percentage of men have an enlarged prostate?  

  22. A:20% B:80% C:10% D:30%    
  23. What can keep the body of patients paralyzed during general anesthesia?

  24. A:sedatives B:muscle relexant C:analgesic D:pain killers

  25. Each bronchiole terminates in a small group of air sacs, called ______  .

  26. A:bronchi B:hilum C:alveoli  D:respiratory membrane

  27. The wall of the heart is composed of ________ layers.

  28. A:three B:two C:one D:four

  29. If your friend's Granpa passed away, which is the empathetic response to comfort her?

  30. The structural classification of neurons are based on the number of     

  31. A:dendrite     B:synapses     C:extensions     D:axon    

  32. How much time does a doctor usually spend on eye contact when he is speaking  with the patient?

  33. A:50% of the time. B:60% of the time. C:80% of the time. D:70% of the time.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:60% of the time。根据题目描述,医生在和病人交谈时通常花费多少时间进行眼神交流。根据常识和经验,医生通常会和病人保持眼神交流,以示关注和理解,但并不会花大部分时间。因此,选项B“60%的时间”是正确答案。选项A、C、D都不合适,因为选项A过于高,选项C则太低了。'
  34. Which of the following means the layer above the dermis?

  35. A: subcutaneous B:epidermis C:subdermis D:hypodermis
  36.  Which of the following contents does not appear on the  History of Present Illness part?

  37. A:Factors that aggravate or ameliorate the symptoms B:Result of blood test C:Duration of the illness D:Onset of the illness
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:Result of blood test。在《病史部分》中不包括的内容是B选项,即血液检查的结果。其他选项A、C、D都出现在《病史部分》中,A选项是描述病情加重或缓解症状的因素,C选项是描述疾病持续的时间,D选项是描述疾病发作的时间。因此,B选项是不符合《病史部分》的内容。'
  38. Which type of  anesthesia is mainly for many surgeries of the abdomen, pelvis, and lower extremities.

  39. A:intraspinal anesthesia B:suferficial anesthesia  C:general anesthesia D:local anesthesia
    AI参考:正确答案是C:一般麻醉(general anesthesia)。选项中,A是脊髓麻醉,B是局部麻醉,D是局部浸润麻醉,这三者都不太可能适用于腹部、盆部、下肢等多部位的手术,因为手术的进行会涉及不同的区域和组织。而选项C是一般麻醉,是指麻醉医师将药物注射到患者的静脉中,使患者进入睡眠状态,适用于大多数手术。因此,正确答案是C。'
  40. The forebrain is the largest and most complex part of the brain.It consists of the following parts     

  41. A:pituitary gland     B:cerebrum     C:hypothalamus     D:thalamus    

  42. Which of the followings may be included in the body of a cover letter? 

  43. A:The title of the manuscript B:The introduction of the manuscript C:The target journal D:The contact person

  44.  What must be taken into consideration in order to get the organ donation?

  45. A:The blood type.  B:The organ type and size. C:Contribution to the society. D:Distance from the donor organ to the patient.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:The organ type and size.】原文中提到“What must be taken into consideration in order to get the organ donation?”需要考虑到哪些因素才能获得器官捐赠,根据选项可知,只有B选项“器官类型和大小”是符合逻辑的,因为器官捐赠需要考虑捐赠器官的类型、大小、功能等,以确保捐赠器官能够适应患者的需要。其他选项A、C、D与问题无关或不符合逻辑。'
  46. What are the involuntary muscles?

  47. A:leg B:stomach C:arm D:heart

  48. How to overline lips?

  49. A:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}Overline the area like the Cupid’s bow. B:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}Apply matte lipstick not only to your lips, but onto the overlined area, too. C:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}Apply a neutral-colored, matte lip liner all over your lips. D:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}Overline the  entire rim.

  50. Which of the followings may be included in the qualities required to become a board certified cosmetic surgeon?

  51. A:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}knowledge B:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}habit C:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}experience D:p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri; color: #000000}training

  52. What are the main types of intraspinal anesthesia?

  53. A:spinal anaesthesia B:CSEA(combined spinal-epidural anesthesia)  C:epidural anaesthesia D:peripheral nerve block

  54. For results papers, the necessary information in titles is ________, ________ and ________.

  55. A:dependent variables B:methods C:subjects D:independent variables

  56. Which of the followings may be included in the third paragraph of the body of a cover letter?

  57. A:Provide the corresponding author’s full Email address. B:Explain that each coauthor has been seen and approved the final draft of the manuscript. C:Provide the corresponding author’s full name. D:Reassure the editor that the information in your paper has not been published before.

  58. What are the bones composed of? 

  59. A:water B:carbon dioxide C:minerals D:organic matter

  60. Our brain has left and right halves,and scientists think that some people are more    

  61. A:left-brained     B:both-brained     C:right-brained     D:whole-brained    

  62. What are the Ways of Diagnostics in TCM?

  63. A:wen (listening and smelling) B:wen (inquiry) C: qie (taking pulse and palpation) D:Wang (inspection)

  64. what should a doctor do when meeting a patient?

  65. AI参考:正确选项为:A. 问候患者B. 仔细检查病情C. 听取患者的主诉D. 告诉患者需要做什么检查E. 告知患者诊断结果医生在接诊患者时,首先需要与患者进行交流,通过询问患者的主诉,了解患者的症状、病史等基本信息,然后再对患者进行详细的体格检查和必要的辅助检查,最后得出诊断结果并告知患者。因此,选项A、C、E都是正确的。而选项B、D则是需要在诊断结果出来后进行的工作。'
  66. The pituitary gland is actually two endocrine glands. They are:  

  67. A:the anterior pituitary gland B:parathyroids C:pineal body D:the posterior pituitary gland

  68. What are the strategies to increase cadaveric organ donations?

  69. A:Mandated choice. B:Education. C:Presumed consent. D:Incentives.

  70. Personal History usually covers the following aspects:

  71. A:Travelling B:Menstruation for women. C:Life Style and Habit   D:Marriage and Childbearing  E:Occupation and Working Conditions
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:Travelling B:Menstruation for women. C:Life Style and Habit D:Marriage and Childbearing  E:Occupation and Working Conditions中除了E选项以外的所有选项都涉及到了个人经历中的一些方面,比如旅行、生活方式和习惯、婚姻和生育等。因此,这些选项都符合个人经历的涵盖范围。需要注意的是,题目中要求选择的是“通常涵盖以下方面的个人经历”,因此选项E中的“职业和工作环境”并不符合题目要求,因此不选。'
  72. Family history refers to families and the tracing of their lineages and history. What do families refer to?  

  73. A:Parents  B:Siblings C:Children  D:Spouse

  74. What are the treatments of TCM?

  75. A:Herbal Medicaine B:Qigong C: massage D:Acupuncture

  76. Which of the followings may be included in the second paragraph of the body of a cover letter?

  77. A:Findings B:What to report C:Implications D:Methods

  78. What can anesthesia awareness be refered to as? 

  79. A:anesthesia arousal B:unintended intraoperative awareness C:accidental awareness D:accidental awarenesl
    AI参考:正确选项是【B】unintended intraoperative awareness。原文中提到“anesthesia awareness”,意为麻醉意识,是指手术过程中意外出现的意识清醒状态。因此,选项B“unintended intraoperative awareness”符合题意。其他选项A、C、D都与原文意思不符。'
  80. The suffix"-pathy"means disease.

  81. A:错 B:对

  82. The “Four Frees and One Care” policy guarantees that all HIV-infected people receive free ARV treatment.

  83. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确选项为B:对。 根据原文中的表述,“Four Frees and One Care”政策保证所有艾滋病毒感染者都能免费获得抗逆转录病毒治疗。因此,该政策确实保证了所有艾滋病毒感染者能够免费获得ARV治疗。所以答案为B。"
  84. Plato held that there is nothing in the mind that does not first come in from the external world through the senses.

  85. A:错 B:对

  86. We should use specific words in titles.

  87. A:错 B:对

  88. Diabetes Mellitus(DM), is a group of metabolic diseases which is closely related to the pancreas  and the hormone it secretes insulin.

  89. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 Diabetes Mellitus(DM)是一种与胰腺及其分泌的胰岛素密切相关的代谢性疾病群体。所以该表述是正确的。"
  90. Compulsions are rituals the person feels compelled to perform, often to ease the distress brought on by obsessions.

  91. A:错 B:对

  92. The human body is remarkably complex and efficient system.

  93. A:对 B:错

  94. Although age is the strongest known risk factor for dementia, it is a normal part of ageing.    

  95. A:错 B:对

  96. The suffix"-plasty"means surgical repair.

  97. A:对 B:错

  98. At the top of the vertebral column is sthe pelvis. 

  99. A:对 B:错

  100. Chief Complaints is a concise statement describing the symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, physician recommended return, or other factor that is the reason for a medical encounter.

  101. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。 Chief Complaints 并不是一个陈述,而是一个描述性的术语,用于描述病人就诊的原因或症状,通常用于医疗记录中。因此,选项A是错误的,而选项B是正确的。"
  102. Board certified plastic surgeon indicates a certain level of training and experience with respect to plastic surgery.

  103. A:对 B:错

  104. When the balance of Yin and Yang is broken, disease will not occur.

  105. A:对 B:错
  106. Most patients who experience anaesthesia awareness have fleeting memories of conversation among the staff or the sound of machines in the OR.

  107. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 对。 根据问题中的描述,大多数经历麻醉意识的患者会有短暂的记忆,如医护人员的对话或手术室中的机器声音。因此,答案是A,即对。"
  108. Tissue and organs are connected through a network of channels and blood vessels inside human body. 

  109. A:错 B:对

  110. Child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-long consequences. There are no reliable global estimates for the prevalence of child maltreatment. Data for many countries, especially low-and-middle-income countries, are lacking.

    Child maltreatment is complex and difficult to study. Current estimates vary widely depending on the country and the method of research used. Nonetheless, international studies reveal that approximately 20% of women and 5-10% of men report being sexually abused as children, while 25-50% of all children report being physically abused. Additionally, many children are subject to emotional abuse (sometimes referred to as psychological abuse). Every year, there are an estimated 31,000 homicide deaths in children under 15. This number underestimates the true extent of the problem, as a significant proportion of deaths due to child maltreatment are incorrectly attributed to falls, burns and drowning.

    Child maltreatment causes suffering to children and families and can have long-term consequences. Maltreatment causes stress that is associated with disruption in early brain development. Extreme stress can impair the development of the nervous and immune systems. Consequently, as adults, maltreated children are at increased risk for behavioral, physical and mental health problems. Via the behavioral and mental health consequences, maltreatment can contribute to heart disease, cancer, suicide and sexually transmitted infections.

    Beyond the health consequences of child maltreatment, there is an economic impact, including costs of hospitalization, mental health treatment, child welfare, and longer-term health costs.

    A number of risk factors for child maltreatment have been identified. These risk factors are not present in all social and cultural contexts, but provide an overview when attempting to understand the causes of child maltreatment.

    It is important to emphasize that children are the victims and are never to blame for maltreatment. A number of characteristics of an individual child may increase the likelihood of being maltreated, such as being either under four years old or an adolescent, being unwanted, or failing to fulfill the exceptions of parents and having special needs, crying persistently or having abnormal physical features.

  111. AI参考:整体理解: 根据原文描述,儿童虐待是一个全球性的问题,具有长期的影响,每年有31,000名儿童被杀害。许多儿童遭受身体、情感和性虐待,导致心理和身体健康问题。除了健康问题外,儿童虐待还对经济产生影响,包括住院、精神治疗、儿童福利和长期健康费用等。目前有许多导致儿童虐待的风险因素已被发现。作者强调,儿童是无辜的受害者,不应承担虐待的责任。儿童的某些特点会增加他们成为受害者的可能性。 正确选项: B 解释: 文章中提到,儿童虐待是一个全球性的问题,每年有31,000名儿童被杀害,而许多儿童遭受身体、情感和性虐待。因此,选项B“B”与文章内容相符,即儿童虐待是一个严重的问题。同时,文章还强调了儿童是无辜的受害者,不应承担责任,与选项B所表达的含义相符。另外,选项B的词汇表述简单明了,符合题目要求。"

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