

  1. What’s the purpose of the contract in the movie Coach Carter? ( )

  2. A:To embarrass those athletes’ parents. B:To practice those athletes’ skill. C:To teach the students to obey the rule and regulation. D:To establish the reputation of Coach.
    答案:To teach the students to obey the rule and regulation.
  3. Who is the first global promoter of Chinese Kungfu? ( )

  4. A:Jackie Chen B:Bruce Lee C:Jet Li D:Donny Yen
    答案:Bruce Lee
  5. Elizabeth’s feelings toward Darcy begin to change when he ____________.( )

  6. A:fights a duel with Wickham B:sends money to Jane C:marries Miss Bingley D:sends her a letter explaining his actions
    答案:Sends her a letter explaining his actions
  7. What’s the focus of Blade Runner? ( )

  8. A:The origin of Apes. B:Flying object. C:Technological innovation. D:The problem of alien intrusion.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The problem of alien intrusion. 《银翼杀手》这部电影的主题聚焦在“外星人入侵问题”上。这是根据影片情节得出的答案。而选项A“猩猩的起源”、B“飞行物体”、C“技术创新”等均与影片主题不符。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  9. Who is Simon in True Lies? ? ( )

  10. A:A used car-salesman posing as a spy. B:A real spy. C:Helen’s ex-boyfriend. D:Helen’s colleague.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Helen’s ex-boyfriend。电影《真实谎言》中,Simon是Helen的前男友。他是一名虚构的电影制造商,冒充特工出现。选项A说他是冒充汽车销售员的身份伪装成特工;选项B说他是一个真正的间谍;选项D说他是Helen的同事。这三位都不可能是Simon的真实身份,只有C选项是与剧情相符合的,所以选C。'
  11. What would Classical Hollywood Cinema get called? ( )

  12. A:a cinema of attractions B:a cinema of melody C:a cinema of technology D:a cinema of narrative
    答案:错AI参考:正确答案是D:a cinema of narrative。本题考查的是对电影类型名称的辨析。选项A是“吸引人的电影”,选项B是“旋律电影”,选项C是“技术电影”,这些都不是对Classical Hollywood Cinema的准确描述。而选项D中的“叙事电影”是对Classical Hollywood Cinema最准确的描述,因为它强调了Classical Hollywood Cinema的主要特点,即以叙事为主,通过故事情节吸引观众。因此,正确答案是D。'
  13. How do you define the “holy fool”? ( )

  14. A:One picks up the attention for its weakness. B:One is blessed by his simplicity to spread love and work wonders. C:One can tell the philosophy of life. D:One sees that in an insane world all but the fools are insane.
    答案:t the fools are insane.
  15. What’s the meaning of “running”? ( )

  16. A:He has the talent of running. B:It is an ability to help Forrest far away from those naughty boys. C:It is a kind of leisure lifestyle for modern people to follow. D:It is the firm faith that gives the strength and courage to strive for his life.

  17. How does the lovers in When Harry Met Sally stake out their respective territories and establish through the resolution of disagreement? ( )

  18. A:They come to reach the agreement by suffering the same miserable experience. B:They charts the new territory in which the single-parent father and his potential lover find themselves. C:They are groping and fumbling their way towards a new kind of love based not on passion but on affectionate amiability. D:They combines contemporary approval of a women right to choose her own partner with a nostalgic perspective on the self-sacrificing chivalry of the traditional male.

  19. What is the different respective on alien in E.T.? ( )

  20. A:It pictures a brutal tyranny. B:It deliver the message of horrible alien. C:It declare the incompatible relations between human and alien. D:It shapes a kind, delicate and touching alien from the perspective of children.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:It shapes a kind,delicate and touching alien from the perspective of children.在电影《E.T》中,外星人的形象是善良、细腻而感人的,从孩子的视角塑造出来的。选项A描绘了一个残酷的暴政,与电影内容不符;选项B传达了可怕的异形信息,也不符合;选项C揭示了人类与外星人之间的不兼容关系,但电影中并没有明确表达这种关系;只有选项D符合题意,是从孩子的视角描绘出外星人的形象。因此,正确答案是D。'
  21. What is the athlete parents’ attitude towards the Coach’s contract? ( )

  22. A:strong oppositive B:neutral C:hateful D:supportive

  23. What’s the image of the black monolith? ( )

  24. A:It’s about our experienced radical changes and unprecedented challenges. B:It’s an animal bone. C:It’s a magic substance. D:It’s an powerful weapon.

  25.  Which film is the beginning of China’s import of Hollywood blockbusters? 

  26. A:Jurassic Park. B:True Lies. C:Star Wars. D: E.T.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Star Wars。《星球大战》是中国引进好莱坞大片的一个开端。因此,本题答案为C。'
  27. What is the attraction of Charlie Chaplin’s acting? ( )

  28. A:highly energetic exaggerated body language and facial expression in a ridiculous style B:dry humor with less reaction C:peculiar indifference D:grim humor

  29. Which sub-genre of war films is the most critical? ( )

  30. A:First World War Film. B:Second World War Film. C:Vietnam War Film. D:Iraq War Film.

  31. Which one is correct-matched? ( )

  32. A:The Godfather--- Clark Gable B:Gone with the Wind--- Vivien Leigh C:Casablanca--- Elizabeth Taylor D:Cleopatra--- Audrey Hepburn

  33. What is the blocking character in Romeo and Juliet? ( )

  34. A:their husbands and wives B:their parents C:the social stereotype D:their children

  35. What excellence does Dwayne Johnson have? ( )

  36. A:Taekwondo. B:Boxing. C:Chinese Kungfu. D:Wrestling.

  37. How many Oscar Awards did Titanic obtain? ( )

  38. A:nine. B:ten. C:thirteen. D:eleven.
  39. What kind of disaster film does 10.5 belong to? ( )

  40. A:Man-made accidental disaster film. B:Natural disaster film. C:Fantastic disaster film. D:Epidemic disaster film.

  41. What genres are classified on the basis of subject matter? ( )

  42. A:Musical Film. B:Action Film. C:Romance Film. D:Science Fiction.
    AI参考:根据题干中的描述,我们需要选择一个电影类型,该类型是基于主题内容进行分类的。选项中,只有选项D“科幻电影”是按照主题内容进行分类的。因此,答案是D:Science Fiction。'
  43. What films would the history of action film be traced back to? ( )

  44. A:Star Wars. B:The Towering Inferno. C:Close Encounters of the Third Kind. D:Impossible Mission.

  45. What sophisticated narrative-based methods of cinema storytelling emerged in the second period? ( )

  46. A:Motivated action. B:Causality. C:Temporal logic. D:Plot resolution.

  47. What insights can we get from disaster films? ( )

  48. A:The right direction of science advancement. B:Harmonious relationships among individuals. C:Fear and panic caused by disastrous scenes. D:Balanced relationship between nature and human.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Balanced relationship between nature and human.】灾难电影可以让我们从中学到自然与人类之间的平衡关系,这是灾难片的核心主题之一。其他选项中,A选项是关于科技进步的方向,B选项是关于个体之间的和谐关系,C选项是关于灾难场景带来的恐惧和恐慌,这些都不是灾难电影的主要启示。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  49. What are the generic conventions of war film? ( )

  50. What image of young people culture does The Fast and The Furious represent? ( )

  51. A:stirring speed stunt B:tight-fitting skirt-spicy beauty C:cool car racing D:eye-catching muscular physique

  52. What famous roles are achieved by Stallone? ( )

  53. A:Rambo B:James Bond C:Rocky D:Mr. Bean
    AI参考:正确选项为【C:Rocky】Stallone在许多电影中都有著名的角色,如《洛奇》中的主角Rocky,这是一个受到广大观众喜爱的角色,而且已经被公认为是电影史上的经典角色之一。其他选项如《兰博》(A选项)和《憨豆先生》(D选项)也都很出名,但是相比于Rocky来说,并不是他的代表角色。B选项的James Bond也有很多经典角色,但并不局限于Stallone。因此,正确答案是C:Rocky。'
  54. In early films, what are the specific fictional scenarios? ( )

  55. A:gags B:gymnastics C:vaudeville performance D:re-enactments of real events

  56. Which one is the theme of policeman and criminals? ( )

  57. A:Face Off. B:Matrix. C:Rush Hour. D:Die Hard.

  58. What types can disasters be divided into? ( )

  59. A:Geographical disasters. B:Environmental pollutions. C:Meteorological disasters. D:Biological disasters.

  60. What are Biological disasters concerning about? ( )

  61. A:bacteria. B:animal. C:virus. D:insect.
  62. Who did receive the honor of Oscar Achievement Award? ( )

  63. A:Stallone B:Jet Li C:Jackie Chen D:Bruce lee

  64. What is the interpretation of Titanic? ( )

  65. A:Elopement(私奔) is the only road for lovers to go if meeting with the opposition from the parents. B:Love can surpass the different social status. C:Love brought Rose inexhaustible power to survive and never go off, no matter what happed and how hopeless. D:Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to Jack.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to Jack.。原文中提到了“赢得那张票是杰克遇到最好的事情”,因此选项D是正确的解释。其他选项与原文不符或没有直接关联。选项A涉及私奔,但原文并未明确提到私奔;选项B涉及爱情超越社会地位,但原文并未明确提到这一点;选项C涉及爱情带给罗丝无尽的力量,但原文并未明确提到这一点。因此,选项D是正确的解释。'
  66. What scenarios of True Lies represent the essence of action film— the breathtaking impressive scenes? ( )

  67. A:Harry ran through a snow-covered field with a tuxedo on while being chased by men on skis carrying Uzis. B:The thrilling chase on horseback. C:An escape by motorcycle flying across the skyscraper. D:The furious shootout in rest room.

  68. What are the essence of romance? ( )

  69. A:To teach us how to walk in love and stay in love. B:To set a good example for us to follow. C:To show us how our beliefs are often in conflict with our sense of self. D:To face up to the burgeoning undercurrents of our wishes and sexual desires.

  70. The conveniences and enjoyments brought by the science technology would be cancelled out by the disadvantages of it, as a whole. ( )

  71. A:对 B:错

  72. The implied meaning of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets " is that environment is ahead of economic development. ( )

  73. A:对 B:错

  74. Social dramas are films whose central narrative concern or conflict is a contemporary social problem—poverty, inequality, discrimination, racism, or exclusion, to name just a few possibilities.
    ( )

  75. A:错 B:对

  76. The value of Science Fiction lies in the great horror towards the radical technological innovation.
    ( )

  77. A:对 B:错

  78. The interest in “unlikely couple” scenario comes from the conflict of two perspectives that have been called the “romantic” and the “social”. ( )

  79. A:对 B:错

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