第七章 Verbal Communication - Norms of Social Interaction:Verbal Communication - Norms of Social Interaction7.1Goodbye:This micro-lecture tells about the formal, informal and internationally-accepted ways of saying goodbyes in foreign countries. Besides, the lecturer uses a video to explain the body language that can be applied in saying goodbyes such as waving ,handshaking and hugging. In the end, a quiz about goodbyes is given.
7.2Greeting:This micro-lecture tells about the customs and rituals involved in greeting people. The lecturer mentions some greeting styles in North American countries, Asian countries and some European countries. Moreover, different situations are given to show that greeting can be different accordingly.
7.3Addressing:This micro-lecture serves as a guide to addressing people in English language culture. The lecturer elaborates on the best ways to address people in different situations.
7.4Gratitude:This micro-lecture tells about the importance of expressing gratitude in English Language cultures. Saying thanks is especially important in situations involving strangers and in work situations. Otherwise, you are supposed to have bad manners, The lecturer gives a lot of examples to demonstrate when and how to show gratitude.
7.5Gift-giving Etiquette in Spain:Gift-giving in Spain
7.6Gift-giving Etiquette in South Korea:Gift-giving in South Korea
7.7Gift-giving Etiquette in America:This micro-lecture talks about gift-giving etiquette in America.
7.8Gift-giving Etiquette in Russia:This micro-lecture talks about gift-giving etiquette in Russia.
7.1Goodbye:This micro-lecture tells about the formal, informal and internationally-accepted ways of saying goodbyes in foreign countries. Besides, the lecturer uses a video to explain the body language that can be applied in saying goodbyes such as waving ,handshaking and hugging. In the end, a quiz about goodbyes is given.
7.2Greeting:This micro-lecture tells about the customs and rituals involved in greeting people. The lecturer mentions some greeting styles in North American countries, Asian countries and some European countries. Moreover, different situations are given to show that greeting can be different accordingly.
7.3Addressing:This micro-lecture serves as a guide to addressing people in English language culture. The lecturer elaborates on the best ways to address people in different situations.
7.4Gratitude:This micro-lecture tells about the importance of expressing gratitude in English Language cultures. Saying thanks is especially important in situations involving strangers and in work situations. Otherwise, you are supposed to have bad manners, The lecturer gives a lot of examples to demonstrate when and how to show gratitude.
7.5Gift-giving Etiquette in Spain:Gift-giving in Spain
7.6Gift-giving Etiquette in South Korea:Gift-giving in South Korea
7.7Gift-giving Etiquette in America:This micro-lecture talks about gift-giving etiquette in America.
7.8Gift-giving Etiquette in Russia:This micro-lecture talks about gift-giving etiquette in Russia.
[判断题]“Catch you later”is an informal way to say goodbye.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Oftentimes English speakers will use foreign words to express their goodbyes.选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]In many cultures there is a difference when it comes to how much physical contact is appropriate between men and women.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]In France, it is customary for people to kiss each other on the cheeks upon meetings as a formal way of greeting.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]In Western Countries, while conducting business, the first thing we do when we meet someone is wave the hand to say “Hello” or “Goodbye”.选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]In Canada, what do we usually say when greeting someone we are familiar with (someone we know well)?选项:[Dear (Name), Hey, what’s up (Name) ?, Pleasure to meet you (Name), Good Morning, Good Afternoon (Name)]
[单选题]When talking to the police, which title is best to use to address them?选项:[Officer, Mate, Sweetheart, Buddy]
[单选题]Which name is acceptable to call a friend of the opposite sex if your friend doesn't mind?

选项:[All of the other three choices are correct.

, Sweetheart

, Darling

, Babe

[单选题]What should you do at a party if you don’t know a woman’s name?选项:[Ask her name, Call her ‘Miss’, Call her ‘Sweetheart’, Don’t speak to her]
[判断题]You should always try to make eye contact when thanking somebody.选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]It is not necessary to thank people in shops and restaurants in Western countries because they are just doing their jobs.选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]If somebody holds a door open for you, you should thank them.选项:[对, 错]

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