
Chinese Farming Civilization

  1. In the view of _________, the natural law was also our social and human law.( )

  2. A:Mengzi B:Taoists C:Confucius D:Zhuangzi
  3. After the sun begins its slow return to the north, Winter Solstice usually falls on December_________.( )。

  4. A:21st or 22nd B: 20th or 21st C:22nd or 23rd D:23rd or 24th
  5. People also invented all kinds of entertainment to help pass the time during the long cold days, when the earth asleep and there was no work to be done in the fields. One is _______to dispel the cold.( )。

  6. A:singing B:dancing C:paper cutting D:painting
    答案:It was used to decode Nazi’s messages during the wars.AI参考:答案为 B:dancing。选项分析: 在描述期间,人们发明了很多娱乐来打发时间,帮助人们度过漫长而寒冷的冬天,根据语境可以知道应该是跳舞,因此答案为B。跳舞能够给人们带来愉悦,振奋精神,抵御寒冷。同时注意在回答这类问题时,我们需要考虑到整个语境,而不仅仅是选项本身。所以对于这种类型的问题,选项分析也是非常重要的。通过仔细阅读问题中的语境,可以帮助我们更准确地选择正确答案。翻译: 在大地沉睡,田野里没有工作的时候,人们也发明了各种各样的娱乐来打发时间。其中一项活动是为了驱寒而进行的跳舞。简析: 根据问题中的语境可以得知,描述的是在冬季的田野沉睡时,人们发明各种娱乐活动来打发时间,其中一项是为了驱寒而进行的跳舞。因此,正确答案是B:跳舞。其他选项与语境不符。'
  7. The Chinese calendar integrates as well the revolution of the _____around the Sun as the movement of the _______around the Earth.( )。

  8. A:Earth, Moon B:Stars, Earth C:Stars, Moon D:Moon, Earth
  9. On Qingming Festival the Emperor would grant a colored leather ball to his _________and let them play with it in the field surrounded by a large audience watching while eating snacks.( )。

  10. A:Soldiers B:Ministers C:Servants D:farmers
  11. It is ______ who, first and foremost, instructed people how to plant thus being revered as the farming forefather.( )。

  12. A:Fuxi B:Shennong C:Leizu D:Houji
  13. The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly one with the start of the lunar year based on the cycles of the______.( )。

  14. A:earth B:Star C:Sun D:Moon
  15. The “24 solar terms” originated and was firstly used in_______.( )。

  16. A:Egypt B:India C:China D:France
  17. Saving Chinese people from flood and teaching them how to control the flood, _______ is held in high reverence as the forefather of water conservancy.( )。

  18. A:Leizu B:Houji C:Fuxi D:Dayu
  19. Among these 6 different types of Chinese tea, ________ is semi-fermented, which has the fresh fragrance of green tea and mellow taste of black tea.( )。

  20. A:yellow tea B:dark tea C:white tea D:oolong tea
    AI参考:答案为 D:oolong tea本句说的是:“在六种不同种类的中国茶中,____是半发酵的,具有绿茶的清新香气和红茶的醇厚口感”,选项中只有D项“乌龙茶”是半发酵茶,因此D为正确答案。所以答案选D。'
  21. To celebrate Winter Solstice, during the Western Jin Dynasty about 1, 700 years ago, _______________were very popular presents among both royalty and the common folk.( )。

  22. A:books B:pens and inks C:shoes and socks D:paintings
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:paintings。从“to celebrate Winter Solstice”(为了庆祝冬至)可知答案应是与绘画相关的礼物,所以选D。其他选项中,书(books)是读书的礼物;笔和墨水(pens and inks)通常作为书法礼物的代表;鞋子和袜子(shoes and socks)不是冬至礼物,故选D。'
  23. It wasn’t until the _______Dynasty, which ruled from 1644 to 1911, that peasants were allowed to wear silk clothing.( )。

  24. A:Qing B:Song C:Ming D:Tang
  25. In many parts of China, people observe the custom of “biting spring” on the first day of Beginning of Spring. They eat ___________.( )。

  26. A:carrots B:all of the three C:spring rolls D:spring pancakes
    AI参考:答案为D:spring pancakes在中国的许多地方,人们会在立春的第一天“咬春”,吃春饼,即春卷,吃萝卜,吃生菜,吃香椿等。而根据问题中的描述“在立春的第一天吃某物”,因此可以推断出答案是春饼,即spring pancakes。所以正确选项为D:spring pancakes。'
  27. Astronomically, the 24 solar terms are set according to the position of the _____on the ecliptic.( )。

  28. A:Sun B:sun and moon C:star D:Moon
  29. On the day of the beginning of Spring, Farmers vie in sprinkling clay oxen with sesame, _________.( )。

  30. A:Barley B:Rice C:all of the three D:Bean
  31. The domesticated animals in Chinese, fell into two classes. Among those, three animals were included in the positive class, they are__________.( )。

  32. A:Sheep B:Rooster C:Horse D:Buffalo E:pig F:Dog

  33. Cold Dew falls on October ______, indicating it is getting colder and the dew on the ground is much colder that it is about to freeze into frost.( )。

  34. A:7th B:9th C:8th D:6th
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:8th。原文中提到“Cold Dew falls on October 8th”,意为“在十月的八号下起了冷露,表明天气越来越冷,地上的露水比即将结冰的霜还要冷。”所以选项C“8th”是正确答案。其他选项都不符合上下文。'
  35. In general Spring Equinox is on, __________.( )。

  36. A:March 22nd B:March 23rd C:March 20th D:March 21st

  37. Hemudu people once walked out of the backward state of “slash and burn” and developed into the use of complete sets of rice-cultivating tools. Later the stone shovel was gradually _______, _______, ______ and ________, more suitable for loosening and overturning of the soil.( )。

  38. A:flattened B:Thinned C:Prolonged D:Enlarged
    AI参考:正确答案是:A: flattened。根据题干中的“石铲逐渐被________,________,________和________,更适于松土和翻土”可知,选项中只有“flattened”符合题意,表示石铲被压平了,更适于松土和翻土。因此,答案为A。其他选项的含义:B选项“Thinned”表示变薄或减少,与题干意思不符。C选项“Prolonged”表示延长,与题干意思不符。D选项“Enlarged”表示扩大,与题干意思不符。'
  39. This changed during the Han dynasties when the sickle underwent changes and developed into zhi and ai. Archaeological findings indicated that the iron sickle was in existence during the Warring States Period.( )

  40. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。 根据题目中的信息,在汉朝时期,镰刀发生了变化并发展成了执和刈。考古发现表明,铁镰在战国时期就已经存在了。因此,答案为A,即“对”。"
  41. According to the lunar calendar, the dates of the solar terms is relatively fixed, with variation not exceeding three days, while the date on the solar calendar varies according to the years.( )

  42. A:错 B:对

  43. Statistically, during 86 years of Wu and Yue history, the country was struck by only four floods and one drought with an average of once every 17 years.( )

  44. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据题目中的信息,统计数据表明在吴越历史86年中,国家只经历了四次洪水一次干旱,平均每17年发生一次,因此题目表述是正确的。"
  45. If the second day of lunar February is on Waking of Insects, people will cut hair, shave and take shower.( )

  46. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A:对。 根据题目中的描述,如果农历二月的第二天是“醒虫日”,人们会剪头发、刮胡子、洗澡。因此,该说法是正确的。"
  47. In second five-day period of Waking of Insects, eagles are replaced by turtledove.( )

  48. A:错 B:对

  49. People in China began holding a special ceremony to welcome spring on the first day of Spring Equinox about 3,000 years ago.( )

  50. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。 解释:根据题目中的描述,大约3,000年前中国人们就开始在春分节气的第一天举行特殊仪式来迎接春天,所以答案为A,即“对”。"
  51. In the second five-day period of Rain Water, wild geese pass the winter in north, and return south in summer.( )

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. The approach of flooding the fields while, or after, setting the young seedlings seems good because it requires sound planning and servicing of the water damming and channeling.( )

  54. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A:对。 根据题目中的描述,在移植幼苗之后或期间进行水田淹没的方法似乎是好的,因为它需要良好的水坝和水渠的规划和维修。因此,该方法被认为是一个合理的选项。所以答案为A,即“对”。"
  55. When the oxen that were expected to help to plough the fields were still in deep winter sleep and refused to get busy, Goumang agreed the idea to whip them to wake them up.( )

  56. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题目中的描述,牛在冬季还在冬眠,拒绝工作,而Goumang同意用鞭子来唤醒它们。这种做法是不正确的,因为使用鞭子来驱使动物工作是不人道的,也不符合道德和法律标准。因此,这个选项是错误的。"
  57. Great Heat is also the period when the eastern part of South China witnesses the most frequent occurrence of high temperature which is more than 35℃.( )

  58. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 题目中提到南方地区东部的高温天气频率比其他地区高,且超过35℃,所以答案是B:对。题目中没有分析的必要,只需要根据所给的信息进行判断即可。"
  59. Up to the present, Chinese people still follow the habit of “eating noodles” at the Winter Solstice and “eating dumplings” at the Beginning of Summer.( )

  60. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。 解析:根据题目中的描述,中国人仍然保持着在冬至吃面条和立夏吃饺子的习惯。因此,答案是肯定的,即“对”。"
  61. The plant’s higher base in the earth protects the crop from lodging and saves fertilizer during ridge tillage.( )

  62. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B:对。 根据题目描述,植物在土壤中较高的基础可以保护农作物免受倒伏的影响,并且在垄作过程中可以节省肥料。因此,选项B“对”是正确的。"
  63. In primitive society about 3,000 to 4,000 years ago, when humans were still living a savage life, farming tools were not yet specialized.( )

  64. A:错 B:对

  65. A tool named the seedling horse used to pull and plant seedlings was created in the Song Dynasty, which saved farmers from bending their backs and waists.( )

  66. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据题干描述,这个名为“苗木马”的工具在宋朝被创造出来,用于耕种和移植苗木,这使得农民不再需要弯腰和挺直腰板,从而节省了体力。因此,答案为B,即这个工具在宋朝被创造出来,为农民节省了体力。"
  67. The schedule for distributing water is may by an annual calendar.( )

  68. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 根据问题中的描述,水分配的时间表应该是一个年度计划,而不是一个年度日历。因此,该句描述是错误的。所以答案是B。"
  69. China emphasized the harmony between man and nature, which was one of the most prominent features of ancient Chinese farming civilization.( )

  70. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。 中国强调人与自然的和谐,这是中国古代农业文明最显著的特征之一。因此,该题正确选项为B,即对。"
  71. It is said that the Houji is featured with a human face but a snake body.( )

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. These machines were manifestations of great achievements in science and technology during the Song and Yuan dynasties, creating favorable conditions for agricultural development.( )

  74. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案选B:对。 这些机器是宋朝和元朝时期科技重大成就的体现,为农业发展创造了有利条件。因此,这个说法是正确的。"
  75. During the early years of Eastern Han Dynasty, the complete twenty four solar terms came into being.( )

  76. A:对 B:错

  77. In the Qin Dynasty, bronze was a precious metal, mainly used by nobles as tableware, ceremonial vessels and weapons with only a tiny part used for production tools.( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:这个问题的答案为“对”。 在秦朝时期,铜是一种珍贵的金属,主要用于贵族使用的餐具、礼仪用器和武器,只有极少部分用于生产工具。因此,这个说法是正确的。"
  79. In a number of northern sites of Qin and Yuan dynasties, where shovels are often unearthed, the shape and size are quite similar to current iron spades.( )

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. The Kitchen God

    The worship of the Kitchen God dates back over 2, 000 years. The Rites of Zhou, a book of the Confucian school that records the decrees and regulations of both Western Zhou Dynasty (1066-770 B.C.) and the Warring States period (476-221B.C.) states: Zhu Rong, the son of Zhuan Xu and grandson of the Yellow Emperor, had been in charge of fire in life and was ordained the God of Kitchen after death. During the Zhou period, wealthy families placed oblations for him on their hearths. The philosophical book of Taoism Huai Nan Zi which was completed in the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-25 A.D.) contains the following passage: “The Yellow Emperor invented the hearth and was worshipped as the Kitchen God after his death.” The Kitchen God is thus placed on the same footing as the Yellow Emperor who is considered as the common ancestor of the Chinese people. The actual identity of the Kitchen God has been the subject of numerous interpretations over the course of time. Owing perhaps to the fact that older woman did most of the cooking, people at one time believed that the Kitchen God was an old lady. Later on the belief that the god was a young lady became prevalent. Finally the most widely accepted version came to the conclusion that it was a young man named Zhang Sheng, about whom there is a widely circulated tale. Zhang Sheng had a large estate and much livestock. His wife Guo Dingxiang was virtuous and beautiful. The two got along extremely well until he married a lazy and malicious concubine named Li Haitang. Before much time had passed Li succeeded in persuading Zhang to divorce his wife. Without her supervision, Zhang and Li squandered his wealth away within two years. Then the concubine walked out on him and remarried, while Zhang was reduced to begging. Weak from hunger, he passed out at the gate of a household one bitter cold winter day. A maid from the house discovered him and helped him into their kitchen where she gave him something to eat. On asking about the mistress, Zhang learned that not only was she a virtuous lady who took pleasure in helping others, especially the aged and the poor, but that she was also single. This aroused in him a feeling of deep admiration. When he saw the good lady coming toward him through the window, however, he realized that she was none other than his first wife Guo Dingxiang. Overcome with shame, he dared not face her. But where to hide? The hearth was the only possible place, so he crawled into the hearth and was burned to death. Discovering that her ex-husband had been burned to ashes, Guo was filled with feeling both of pity and sadness. She died not long after this tragedy occurred. When the Jade Emperor (King of the Heaven) learned of the story, he praised Zhang Sheng for his courage in admitting his mistakes and declared him to be the Kitchen God.

    The worship of the Kitchen God has a very long history. The great Han Dynasty emperor Wu Di personally officiated at ceremonies the god’s honor. China’s Kitchen God functioned as a judge of the Family s morality, just as did the Fire God of the Hindu religion. Both of the Hindu Fire God and the Chinese Kitchen God mediated between the human world and that of the gods. The Kitchen God’s manner of coming and going (the burning of his portrait sends him to the heaven) may have originated from the natural phenomena of lightning, which was superstitiously believed to be the means by which God sent fire to earth.

    The Kitchen God was so deeply rooted in the heart of the Chinese people that both Taoism and Buddhism adopted the concept so as to facilitate their own expansion. Thus Taoist mythology evolved a Kitchen with a number of different titles fitting into their own rather complex pantheon. The Buddhists argued that their Kitchen God was fundamentally different from the Taoists in that theirs was a celesta being men who became a Buddhist monk during the Tang dynasty who then, after his death, was chosen to preside over the vegetarian diet of the monks. This is of course an obvious rationalization of the Buddhist accommodation to Chinese popular beliefs.

  82. AI参考:题目:阅读理解(选择) 以下哪个选项最符合文章的意思? A. 中国厨房神的真实身份被认为是一个青年男子,他是为了解决财产纠纷而被选为神的。 B. 早期的人们认为厨房神是一个老年妇女,而后来则认为是一个年轻女子。 C. 中国厨房神与印度火神在功能上相似,都是家庭道德的裁判者,并且都有神与人类之间的中介作用。 D. 佛教和道教都采用了中国厨房神的信仰,是为了迎合自己的教义和理念。 解析: 文章中提到,中国厨房神最初被认为是一个名叫张盛的年轻人,他在离婚后破产并失去了财产,但他的前妻是一位贤良淑德的女子。在他快饿死的时候,她将他救下并照顾他。而他从家庭门前晕倒进屋,醒来时前妻正在向他施粥。作者接着讲述了这个事件对厨房神形象的塑造和提升,最终这个事件被天帝称赞为英勇承认错误,并被封为厨房神。 因此,正确答案是D. 佛教和道教都采用了中国厨房神的信仰,是为了迎合自己的教义和理念。佛教和道教都认为他们的厨房神与道教的有所不同,但都是为了迎合自己的教义和理念而采用了中国厨房神的信仰。这与文章中提到的“道教和佛教都采用了中国厨房神的信仰,以方便自己的扩张”相符。其他选项与文章内容不符。"
  83. Dragon Boat Festival

    In the Chinese language and culture Duan Wu refers to 5th of 5th lunar month and this festival is also called “Double Fifth Festival”, but its English translation is Dragon Boat Festival.

    In ancient times Duan Wu was a festival to worship the Dragon. The people in the south-east parts of China believed they were the descendants of the Dragon and the Dragon was their totem. On 5th of 5th lunar month they would hold grand sacrificial ceremonies. They rowed dragon boats throwing offerings into the water as they rowed along. Traditionally, they held dragon boat races and ate zongzi (a kind of dumpling wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves). The patriotic poet Qu Yuan of the State of Chu during the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.), feeling that he was incapable of saving his state from falling, committed suicide by drowning in water on 5th of 5th lunar month. People loved Qu Yuan and made this day a festival to the memory of the great poet.

    As for the origin of Duan Wu Festival there have been some arguments, but the one accepted by the people in general is related with Qu Yuan and so are the Duan Wu customs that have come down through history.

    When Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, people who had learned of it rushed their boats over, trying to save him, but his body was engulfed by the waves on the vast expanse the river and he was nowhere to be found. The dragon boat races held on Duan Wu Festival today demonstrate how the flustered boatmen in their desperate efforts tried to save him from being drowned.

    Dragon boat race is a magnificent ceremony held on Duan Wu. The Miluo River is a tributary of Xiangjiang River in the northeast of Hunan Province. Every year the Dragon boat races held on this river attract hundreds of thousands of people to watch. On the morning of Duan Wu, the local people, dressed in their best clothes, will carry the movable dragon heads and swarm to Qu Yuan Temple for the ritual of a sacrifice to him and then stand along the river while dragon boats are pushed into the river one by one. The boats are hollowed out of single tree trunks of 25 or so meters in length and one meter in diameter. When the race is about to begin, the dragon head is fixed to the boat, projected high over the water. The head is delicately carved and the mouth can open and close with the tongue moving up and down inside. The head has a horn on each side with auspicious words written on them like “good weather brings good crops” etc. The dragon boats are in different colors black, yellow and white with the colors of the flag, oars and boatmen’s clothes to match.

    There are 36 oarsmen in 18 pairs in a racing-boat’s crew. Each oarsman wears a bamboo hat with ornaments like birds and flowers, a Chinese-style shirt, a pair of trousers and a silk belt tied around the lower part of the shirt, rowing with a six-foot oar and the oarsmen are directed by the director standing at the head of the oat. Usually the director is an elderly person in a long gown with a short vest over it. He has by his side a boy wearing a girl’s cloth and make-up, beating a gong.

    When a firecracker goes off the race begins. The boats set off like arrows shot off the bows. Audiences on both banks burst into thunder-like applauses with firecrackers adding to the atmosphere. The folks, carrying chickens, ducks and rice wine and waving colorful silk strips in their hands, follow the boats and cheer them up. Girls, keeping in step with the rhythm of the racing boats, will sing dragon boat folk songs. It is a riot of festive excitement.

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