第七章 点火系统:点火系统是汽油机所特有的系统,汽油机燃烧室里的混合气体是是通过点火系统产生的高压电火花来点燃的。7.1点火系统的作用:点火系统的作用是产生火花,将发动机气缸内的空气-燃油混合气点燃。在本专题,将从两个方面给大家讲述点火系统要完成的任务。
[单选题]1.For an engine to make the best use of the fuel, the spark should occur before the piston reaches the top of( )。

选项:[the exhaust stroke
, the compress stroke
, the compression stroke
, the intake stroke
[单选题]The piston speed increases as the engine speed increases. This means that the faster the engine goes, the spark has to occur( )。

, earlier
, no change is necessary
, later
[单选题]According to your understanding, retarding the timing may also eliminate( )。

, ignition
, knocking
, combustion
[单选题]The primary role of the distributor is to distribute high voltage from the( )to the correct cylinder.

选项:[spark plug
, coil
, rotor
, piston
[多选题]Functions of ignition system are ( )

选项:[control the timing of spark
, send spark to correct cylinder
, ignite the mixture piston
, create a spark

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