第一章 Your College Years:本单元重点讲解文章整体结构、段落结构、语言点及重难点、学生身份危机以及平行结构。1.1Analysis of Text Structure:本节课主要对课文的结构进行分析,辅助学生深刻理解文章内容和主题。
1.2Paragraph Structure:本节课通过具体分析课文第七段的主题句、支持句以及结论句讲解段落结构组成要素。
1.3Explanation of Key and Difficult Expressions:本节课主要对课文中比较重要和难以理解的词、词组、句子进行解释和分析。
1.4Identity Crisis:本节课主要针对第一单元课文中的主要名词概念和文章内容进行讲解。
[单选题]A formal article usually consists of three parts. What are they? 
thesis statement, the body and the conclusion
the introduction, the supporting details and the conclusion

the introduction, the body and the conclusion
the introduction, the body and the linking devices
答案:the introduction, the body and the conclusion
[单选题]The three components of a paragraph are the topic sentence, the supporting sentences, and _______.
the concluding sentence
the controlling idea
the examples
the general facts
答案:the concluding sentence
[单选题]Our identity is determined by the following factors EXCEPT______.
chance events
genetic endowment
[单选题]In terms of writing device, which of the following sentence does not employ parallelism?
Clear writing should be a major concern both of writers and readers.
The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and who are dedicated.
that small group of villainous men who plan, organize, and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind.
She was up in court a couple of times — drunk and disorderly.
答案:The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and who are dedicated.
[单选题]During their college year, students don’t grow in the aspect of ______.
becoming more self-centered
establishing their sexual identity
learning to relate to family and friends in a new way
developing new ways of grasping knowledge
答案:becoming more self-centered

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