1.Here are some practical tips that may help people communicate well with people of other generations except ________.
A:suspension B:obedience C:acceptance D:compromise
2.It ________ me that he didn't tell the truth.
A:happened to B:dawned on C:occurred on D:came to
答案:dawned on
3.If you can't express in a sentence or two what you intend to _______, then your speech is not focused well enough.
A:get through B:get to C:get on D:get across
答案:get across
4.The figure of speech used in the sentence “The bag weighs a ton.” is ______.    
A:simile B:hyperbole C:metaphor D:oxymoron
5.Identity crisis is the failure to achieve ego identity during _______; a time of intensive analysis and exploration of different ways of looking at oneself.
A:youth B:adolescence C:childhood D:adulthood
6.I am still just as ignorant for all your telling me.
A:without considering B:because of C:in spite of
答案:in spite of
7.Aristotle was a student of ______ who in turn studied under ______.
A:Homer, Plato B:Socrates, Plato C:Homer, Alexander D:Plato, Socrates
答案:Plato, Socrates
8.It was a (an) _______ to her teaching methods that so many children passed the test. 
A:compliment B:praise C:honor D:tribute
9.In the ______ of rain, the party will be held indoors.
A:possible B:event C:case D:likely
10.Which of the following is NOT true when it comes to the Absolute Construction?
A:There is a relatively complete and independent “subject-predicate structure” in an absolute construction. B:An absolute construction functions as an adverbial in a sentence. C:The word “absolute” derives from Latin, meaning “sentence fragment”. D:An absolute construction stands apart from a normal or usual syntactical relation with other words or sentence elements.
答案:The word “absolute” derives from Latin, meaning “sentence fragment”.
11.Little _______ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.
A:he cared B:did he care C:does he care D:he cares

12.“Call me Ishmael.” comes from the novel ________.
A:Sorrows of Young Werther B:Moby Dick C:The Pearl D:Great Expectations 13.Which of the following is NOT one of the factors to cause America’s entry into World War I?
A:the interception and publication of the Zimmermann Note B:Germany’s sinking of seven US merchant ships by submarines C:Britain urged America to take measures against Germany for its very survival being threatened. D:the inauguration of US President Woodrow Wilson 14.All of the following sentences can be used as good topic sentences except ______.
A:The faculty of London University is qualified. B:Some of the students of London University are very hardworking. C:The campus of London University is beautiful. D:The facilities of London University are new. 15.What is the basic pattern of the sentence describing Alexander: “With his handsome face, his fiery glance, his strong body, his purple and gold cloak, and his air of destiny, he moved through the parting crowd toward the Dog’s kennel.”? 
A:SVOO B:SVO C:SV D:SVP 16.Based on reflections on how to get on with his mother and with his own children, the author concludes that we all have our past and our roots, so it is necessary to make children aware of the following aspects except ________.
A:the vitality of our past B:the greater interest in the future C:the preciousness of our past D:the importance of our past 17.From this lecture, we can see the author gradually began to understand how he should get along with his ageing senile mother, that is, being _______, patient, loving, respectful and understanding.
A:serious B:strict C:generous D:tolerant 18.When the Point-by-Point Pattern is used, which of the following should be taken into consideration so as to make sure that the reader is clear about the natural development of the writing?
A:the concluding sentence B:the thesis statement C:the topic sentence D:the transition 19.Before writing a comparison/contrast essay, the first thing that the writer should think about is ______.
A:the aspects between the two subjects B:the transition devices C:all of the details D:the theme 20.Which part is NOT a specific detail in the sentence: “He had opened his eyes with the sun, scratched, done his business like a dog at the roadside, washed at the public fountain, begged a piece of breakfast and a few olives, eaten them squatting on the ground, and washed them down with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring.”?
A:squatting on the ground B:He had opened his eyes C:scooped from the spring D:like a dog 21.Our identity is determined by three things: genes, environment and ______.
A:opportunities B:society C:family D:education 22.______ is the main hero in the novel “Wuthering Heights”.
A:Rochester B:Heathcliff C:Martin D:Manette 23.“Then that’s settled.” And smiling he took up the orange again.
A:decided B:accustomed C:not moving about 24.To make a clear and vivid person description, which of the following aspects is the most important one?
A:the specific details B:the outer appearance C:the social status D:the personality 25.Don't be afraid. You can express your disagreement without any ______.
A:delight B:inhibition C:doubt D:anger 26.________ is the most studied and written about episode in U.S. history.
A:The Vietnam War B:The entry into World War I C:The Civil War D:The Independence War 27.The author believes that learning is a tedious process without any fun.
A:错 B:对 28.Paragraphs 10-14 are analysis about the other psychological needs.
A:对 B:错 29.When Rainsford is out in the jungle, he has not experienced any real panic.
A:错 B:对 30.Diogenes believes that human beings by nature are good and virtuous but corrupted by artificial rules and social conventions.      
A:对 B:错 31.“How Reading Changed My Life” is an autobiographical essay with three traditional parts.
A:错 B:对 32.Exposition is the beginning section of a story in which the author provides the necessary background information of the story, describes the setting, and introduces characters.
A:错 B:对 33.Modern globalization is a direct result of the Industrial Revolution and is under the guidance of GATT and EU successively.
A:错 B:对 34.The craze and popularity of foreign forms of Entertaining TV Programmes in China like "The Voice of China", or "The Running Men" is a good example of both cultural and economic globalization.
A:对 B:错 35.It is always a good thing when your own culture is replaced by a dominant one.
A:对 B:错 36.It is fair to say the author’s warning of the danger has become reality when the subprime debt crisis broke out in 2006 in the U.S.
A:错 B:对 37.Alexander the Great had a long life span.       
A:错 B:对 38.An argumentative essay makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence.
A:错 B:对 39.Paragraph 10 and 11 tell the readers that the historians think of the facts in three different ways.
A:错 B:对 40.Alexander the Great was a pupil of Plato.    
A:错 B:对 41.Flashbacks are interruptions that writers use to insert future events in order to provide background or context to the current events of a narrative.
A:错 B:对 42.

Which does NOT match the timeline of Rainsford’s past life?

A:He fought in the Second World War, where he dug trenches. B:Rainsford is merrily sailing to Rio to kill himself some Amazonian jaguars, when he falls overboard while trying to save his pipe. C:He swims off to “Ship Trap” island, where he meets Zaroff, a sinister hunter who has strange ideas of a good time. D:Rainsford does some fine dining with Zaroff, but then finds out he is about to become the prey to this aristocratic whack job. 43.In his novel Robinson Crusoe, Defoe eulogizes the hero of the _______.
A:hard-working people B:enterprising landlords C:aristocratic class D:rising bourgeoisie 44.

Which of the following is NOT a manifestation of the Mother-Son generation gap?

A:his childish faith in the eternal strength of parents B:the author’s ignorance about his sons’ real mind C:his inability to understand his mother’s customarily fierce and frank way of speaking her mind D:his threatening letter to urge his mother to try to be more cheerful during his visits 45.

What does the phrase “a double-edged sword” mean?

A:It means particular effects of an item. B:It means a sword with two holders. C:It means problems resulted from one cause. D:It means an action or decision that appears to help is also likely to harm the sword holder.

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