  1. Chinese children can learn English as early as possible or to say the earlier,the better to learn the second language.( )

  2. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  3. One of the ways in teaching writing is that we should focus on the product, not the writing process. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
    答案:A: 错
  5. Poor pronunciation may cause problems for the learning of other skills. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. An inadequate knowledge of grammar would severely constrain one’s capacity for effective communication. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. In primary school English course, especially at the lower-grade level, learners must be given opportunities to develop both their fluency and accuracy.( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. Words must be learned in language contexts. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  13. 乔姆斯基的所有观点都是正确的。( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Primary school English teaching should integrate formative assessment in the course and give feedback in time.( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. Knowing grammar is not enough for real communication. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. Students need to be able to write International Phonetic Alphabets. ( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. Perception practice is aimed at developing the students’ ability to identify and distinguish between different sounds. ( )

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. Language consist of “words” with equivalents from one language to another. ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. A vocabulary item can be more than one word. ( )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. 儿童习得外语的能力总体上高于成人。( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. The 4Ps teaching process refers to( )

  30. A:presentation, B:preparation, C:problem-solving, D:practice E:production.
  31. The Triangle model includes:( )

  32. A:teaching content and activities, B:questioning C:assessment and feedback. D:the teaching goal,
  33. When we as teachers develop reading or listening activities, we are developing skills such as ( )

  34. A:Producing a new text, reviewing previous material or studies B:Do the activity for general understanding and for specific purposes, getting detailed information. C:Identifying the topic, predicting, interpreting the text.
  35. Krashen’s Five hypotheses include: ( )

  36. A:the input hypothesis, B:the monitoring hypothesis C:the acquisition verse learning, D:the natural order hypothesis, E:the affective filter hypothesis.
  37. Questions used for summarizing include:( )

  38. A:What happened first? B:What is it mostly about? C:What is the most important part of this text? D:How did it end or how was the conflict resolved? E:What happened next?
  39. Meaning can be studied through( ).

  40. A:phoneme, B:semantics, C:Pragmatics , D:Syntax
  41. ADDIE Model includes: ____________,____________,development,___________and evaluation.( )

  42. A:design, B:comparing C:Analysis, D:implement
  43. Below are some examples of perception practice of English sounds. ( )

  44. A:Using minimal pairs B:Use meaningful context C:Listen and repeat D:Completion
  45. Corpus is a language database based on large collections of "real life" language use stored in corpora—computerized database for ( )

  46. A:application, B:research , C:shopping D:teaching,
  47. The principles of ID include:( )

  48. A:systematic, B:feedback and improvement. C:progressive, D:relevance,
  49. Guaranteed Learning instructional design model includes the components:( )

  50. A:Develop criterion tests and performance measures B:Design a task analysis C:Create simulations or performance activities D:Develop interactive instructional materials E:Validate the interactive instructional materials
  51. Significance of picture-books for pupils includes:( )

  52. A:grasping grammar B:improve pronunciation and vocabulary C:help pupils construct meaning D:to stimulate children's imagination and positive emotion
  53. Which activity cannot be considered as a bottom up activity for listening? ( )

  54. A:prediction B:identify grammatical forms and functions C:listen for intonation patterns in utterances D:recognize linking words
  55. 最早提出习得与学习存在区别的是语言学家( )

  56. A:乔姆斯基 B:克拉申 C:斯韦恩 D:洪堡特
  57. Which of these options is not a speaking activity? ( )

  58. A:Debates B:Listening to a video C:Describing pictures, dialogues D:Things in common, role paly, picture difference
  59. The progression of content and concepts will ensure the input is _________ and can accelerate progress. Inspire pupils to be happy and successful individuals.( )

  60. A:easy, B:successful , C:comprehensible , D:complicated
  61. A reading lesson follows the stages ( )

  62. A:pre- post- while B:while-pre-post C:pre-while-post D:post-pre-while
  63. Pre-reading activities necessarily do not ______. ( )

  64. A:increase students’ motivation B:help learners summarize their learning C:help learners anticipate the topic of reading D:help students be more prepared for what they are about to read
  65. _____ is known as S-R (Stimulus-Response) or classical conditioning theory.A small part of the foreign language, such as a structural pattern, is presented as a stimulus, to which the learners responds by repetition or substitution. This is followed by reinforcement.( )

  66. A:Social constructivism B:Cognitivism , C:Constructivism, D:Behaviorism ,
  67. What is this method called? Students sing a song, “Head and shoulders, knees and toes.” They touch the correct part of their body as they sing the song. ( )

  68. A:Communicative Language Teaching B:Reading Approach C:Audio Lingual D:Total Physical Response
  69. 彼得·胡滕洛克研究认为,人( )时候大脑突触接连多。

  70. A:成年 B:婴儿 C:老年 D:青少年
  71. The curriculum standards set an exciting challenge for us; We are able to provide the pupils with a curriculum that is tailored to the particular needs of primary school students with the _______ woven through it. ( )

  72. A:core literacy , B:learning ability. C:language ability, D:particular needs ,
  73. Reading a short story from the book to find answer to specific questions is an _______ reading behavior. ( )

  74. A:Intensive B:Extensive
  75. The knowledge that students have already is called ____. It’s what the student brings to their reading. ( )

  76. A:Summarizing B:Inferring C:Determining Importance D:Prior knowledge
  77. 行为主义心理学派认为,孩子的说话能力来自( )。

  78. A:先天 B:独创 C:后天 D:遗传
  79. Reading instructions for an exam is an _____ reading behavior.( )

  80. A:Extensive B:Intensive
  81. _____ tries to explain how readers utilize prior knowledge to understand and get new information from the text. ( )

  82. A:top down B:bottom up C:interactive model
  83. Which of these activities are suitable for a specific info task? ( )

  84. A:Gap-filling B:Open-ended questions C:Choosing topics D:Sentence correction
  85. Reading "Harry Potter" for pleasure is an _______ reading behavior. ( )

  86. A:Extensive B:Intensive
  87. When you looking at newspapers in a shop when deciding to buy, which reading skill will you use? ( )

  88. A:Skimming B:Scanning

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